Are Italians Europeans?

Are Italians Europeans?

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Better question is are Italians human?

If your country is in Europe you are European Anglo.

Should Italy annex Slovenia?

you can stop shitposting now dimitru


In the North? Yes.

In the south? No. Their women have historically been coal burners, hummus lickers and norman nommers

Considering they're still crying when we genocided them (2 mil people vs 80 mil people), I think Italy doesn't have the guts to do anything about it.

Just like you, you shitskins are useless fucking subhumans.

>Their women have historically been coal burners,
>lives in the country that makes all the BLACKED videos for internal market

Shit, not you too, Italy.

They put you in concentration camps to be fair.

Ho studiato a Padova per un anno. Li, i negri sono veri e propri animali animali.

Only the north.

Wow look at all those poor women and children refugees from Syria. We need to help them as much as possible!

This, lefty italians defend them too.

>calling other coutries shitskins when they were turks till the XVII century

>Only the north.
That photo was taken in Milano.

Brit in Italy here. No, Italians are not white. They might be European, and shouldn't be swamped with Africans, but they aren't White.

Milano is in the north of Italy, what is your point pastanigger?

Why don't you get an appointment with a good dentist while you are in Italy?

also irrelevant as fuck historically speaking

Too many non whites.

>Brit says Italians aren't white
>When brits go abroad they usually get drunk and destroy property
>Their females can't keep their legs shut for ten minutes
>Men proceed jumping off the cliffs or doing stupid things in attempt to show superiority
>One of them usually gets injured or dies
>Incredibly rude and loud people

I wonder who is the nigger here...

well, Italian women also have a reputation abroad amico...

is your name mario?

>only women

Italians aren't white they have poo coloured eyes


Sicilian food is good shit. Yes, they are Europeans as much as the Dutch.

>Yes, they are Europeans as much as the Dutch.

>its a another kike division thread

>Unironically living off our poor people coming to get wasted and destroy your towns and cities.

Why is everything always late? All that eggplant DNA?

At least they do not embarrass themselves or look like a deformed boar.
I've been countless times in england and I have always had trouble in getting passable puss, terrible women.
Not really

European does not mean white.

it will be split between us and greater serbia

No they don't. Nowhere near as much as British women have a reputation for being easy, drunken whores.

Yeah, no.

It's a me, Mario!!

sure, sure....
They look what they are, whiteeuropeans


Never happened.

Slovenia was not under Ottoman empire never ever, not even for a single week.

But then again, you're a subhuman brown manlet, those nigger genes prevent you from having an IQ above a squirrel.

Italians are less white than most syrian rapefugees

But the people in the picture aren't north italians


Yes. Lets stop fighting each other and let us concentrate on the real enemies: the Russians and the Yanks.

You should import more Syrian refugees, maybe your demographic stats would improve.

Actually they are, they live at the Stazione Centrale and milanesi want them to feel part of the North. That is what today's march was all about.

>moor education

kek abdullah, you probably never left your caliphate otherwise you'd know better

btw you re the epitome of shitskin rapebabys

The region of Prekmurje was occupied by Ottomans during the Siege of Szigetvar.

Dumb fucking mountain serb nigger

Old ally please stop being tsundere

Ofcourse they are everyone can be european. multiculturalism is our strength uh.. hail mutti merkel. she ll make europe great again for sure!

Reminder that this is the most famous British man in the world today

He's an amazing actor

Prekmurje was basically a constant battle, it was never truly a part of it. And even then, it was just a fraction of prekmurje. You can look it up.

Yeah, no, but keep up with autistic screeching brown manlet.

who is this nigger?

>1593 The Battle of Sisak restores the balance of power and brings the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into the Slovene Lands to a halt
just figure.

Stringer Bell?

Do you live in Milan? I'm studying there at the university. Pretty shitty place if you don't live nearby the central area, the richer neighborhoods are pretty nice.


a shitskin italian over a untermensch inselaffe anytime

>jeder tritt ein brit (every kick ... a brit)

Reminder that this the most famous British sportsman in the world today

>he hasn't watched The Wire



>Do you live in Milan?
Thank God no.

Actually Buffon and Totti are the most famous Italian sportsman.


I can think of 3 ways you're wrong.

Greatest British chef.

> The only world famous Italians.

even the most famous Brit model looks like a non white south Euro shitskin, can't make this shit up

an irrelevant gypso country that no one knows for absol nothing, calling 'brown' to other europids that had the glory we all know, LMAO, what's gonna be next?

Are you this stupid, that you don't even understand what you copy? This proves my point.

Jesus the paco / nigger mutt hellspawn sure does do nasty things to IQ.

Mama mia...italianos are not white

>Thank God no.

Top kek

Oh look, yet another nigger country. Fuck off, Moor.

ITT the usual (((divide and conquer))) shit, that one butthurt slovenian (while all others are best-bro tier), and the usual idiotic shills, shitlibs progressives, as well as the morons falling for it.

Have some patriotic Italy.

>1 post by this id

Here we see a young Negro claiming yet another white girl he will impregnate

More like inbetween white and middle eastern, like Ashkenazis or Armenians.

based mario knows

Fuck off with your unity. Meds to the niggers, slavs to slavs, and rest of europe to muslim caliphate.

We want nothing to do with you, brown subhuman manlets



How can Italians drink so much coffee and yet do so little?

Slavs are not pure white. Very mongoloid in many cases


yea retard, both Spain and Portugal were born against the moors in the reconquista battles, and then conquered almost all the planet, lel.ridiculous shepperd really want debate whitness with us.

>Yougoslabia was never controlled by the turks
you are an hillarius non country


kek nigga you've been our servant not ally, as were those untermensch slovenes and they re becoming it again

Drinking coffee takes time, after having the first one is about the time for having an other one.
It's basically a never ending cycle.

once a coalburner has been documented, it is your public duty to spam any future italian or white boyfriend/fiance she may have with photographic evidence.

I didn't say that you fucking retarded half nigger half spic.


Same question

You're Andalusian Caliphate sex doll don't pretend to be white you Moroccan step child


>austrian without a drop of notion

Americans, everyone.

Spain had 800 years of Arab dick inside her

I will say though, that I once met a blonde haired blue eyed Italian girl from the Northern part that looked the same as an Austrian.
There are some very beautiful Germanic looking Italians in the north.

What is the reputation? I guess it's kinda ironic that I'm asking that but it's a genuine question.

Well it's kinda true
>Habsburgs cuck the Trastámara dynasty
>Ruin the Spanish Empire with knowing little to shit about financial issues
>Drag Spain to gorillion wars in Europe to save Habsburg ass
At least Habsburgs were 100x better than Bourbon.

They're not the same race as the blacked italians

Didn't even say whether Italians were white or not, all I said was that non-europeans are inhuman, but I guess you're just assuming that's what I mean because you yourself believe that meme?