Throughout history there are numerous examples that lead to an incontrovertible conclusion: when a society reaches and remains in it peak of prosperity, it slowly begins its downward spiral into decadence!
Primary example: Rome!
When the Roman empire was near its end, because it's populance became soft and complacent and subsequently more degenerate... they faced a similar problem modern day Western society faces today, low birthrates and an ageing population. They too foolishly thought mass immigration would be their salvation! And so the ancient Roman people were slowly wiped off the face of the earth, nothing remains of them but tiny pieces of genome in some people, mostly in those of Italian descent. Mass immigration also caused the ancient Egyptians to become subjects in their own country at the hands of the Libyans.
We are now following our ancestors footsteps into destruction. The west will fall, and the Caucasian race will face extinction, over the next century!
Of course the Mongoloids, or more precisely the Chinese will take the helm of humanity. Well-deserved in my opinion! They have their flaws for certain, but they accept no immigration, they remain committed to their traditions etc. In regards to Japan recently the Japanese prime minister rejected the acceptance of any refugees citing they have to deal with their low birthrates and ageing workforce domestically. This is a man with his head firmly within reality, and wants to preserve his people and doesn't allow empathy or emotion to overweigh logic!
Many of the blacks, Muslims etc. will consider this a great victory, until the inevitable reality settles in. The Mongoloids will provide almost no humanitarian effort, and certainly will accept no immigration. Most of them will die, those that survive will live in squalor.
Sadly I don't even think we will put up a fight worth recognition. At best a small futile resistance that will be unrecognized by history in the future.
You don't have to look hard for historical examples of how mass immigration completely destroyed or led to the takeover of civilizations and/or the eradication of entire ethnicities.
Anthony Smith
>low birthrates caused the fall this is bullshit >mass immigration caused the fall this is bullshit >they faced a similar problem modern day Western society faces today this is bullshit >China will take the helm of humanity so much fucking bullshit
Jacob Reed
>The_History_of_the_Decline_and_Fall_of_the_Roman_Empire That's next on my list after I finish the CofC trilogy(I'm on #1, "Separation and its Discontents")
>they accept no immigration, they remain committed to their traditions etc They've done well assimilating the people of what is now Southern China into Han-ness. But they have tolerated the Hui and not forced them to choose between being part of China and being muslim. So they are more "cucked" than you think.
Daniel Murphy
And that is despite the fact that history has been very much "whitewashed"! Why do you think majority of people believe the crusades were just some ruthless unprovoked war perpetrated by Christians in order to spread Christianity through war and conquest?
Eli Carter
The Meshwesh were small-time. Native Egyptian rule returned swiftly.
ah, The standard frantically eclectic deflections. I did not say that any of those caused the fall of Rome! What I did say is ancient Rome is a primary example of a society where prosperity eventually brings complacency, makes the population soft and weak and subsequently leads to more degeneracy, all of this is well documented in the fall of Rome and we can see this today happening in Western society.
I stated that after the Roman empire was near its end, as in it was basically on it's last legs eventually split into two was when low birthrates became an issue and they tried to solve this problem the same way we are mass immigration! This influx of immigration did not lead to the fall of Rome, that had already pretty much taken place but it led to the extinction of the remaining ancient Roman people. This is a fact.
I'm curious, when the west falls and the Caucasian race is extinct or near extinction who do you think will be the next superpower? Saudi Arabia, Israel don't be absurd! China is well on its way to become the new superpower, many leading experts in the field's of International politics as well as economics see this as the inevitable outcome of the future.
Asher Jenkins
yeah but dude you can look at any period in the history of the america and say the population is softer than it was the generation before, its not something you can measure subjectively, or point to as causation. its your brains pattern matching mechanism justifying something you already decided was true
Connor Stewart
*measure except subjectively
Jacob Gray
>when a society reaches and remains in it peak of prosperity, it slowly begins its downward spiral into decadence Weak logic. It's implied in the statement that something is at its peak that what follows is a downward slope. It's a non-statement.
Hudson Bailey
Are you trying to be sarcastic, this is a very accredited book on the fall of Rome? Like anything it has its critics, but it's critics hardly provide A real rebuttal however Gibbons does provide a very extensive rebuttal to his critics of his work with the 1779 publication of, A Vindication ... of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Not to mention every reason he lays out we can see correlations with what is happening throughout Western society!
Jordan Brooks
Yes you could do that, and as the generations get weaker and weaker with the prosperity of the country and facing no real hardship, you can see the decadence of America very plainly.
All of you are cherry picking and grasping at straws's, rather than daring to address the main statement the west wall fall because we let go of our heritage and traditions that were the very fabric of Western society. Leading to mass immigration, rather than handling The low birthrates and ageing population like the Japanese.
If you look at the native white birth rates compared to the immigrant birth rates as well as the amount of arriving immigrants it is a mathematical certainty the countries like Germany will not be predominately German midway through the end of the 21st-century The same applies to America and a few other European countries within the 22nd century we will see this throughout most of the west which will inevitably lead to its destruction.
Henry White
I am not making a statement is based off my own logic, I am making an observation of historical documentation and plainly evident realities throughout the west.
When the West Falls it will stand as yet another example that multiculturalism and mass immigration are both a very distractive force!
When China takes the mantle of the next superpower it will stand as an example of the success of a homogenous society. Especially considering how much they overcame through their turbulent past!
Juan Mitchell
China is in a worse situation demographically than the US. they have no replacement generation for the 20 years of 1 child policy. There is a huge gap. Perhaps this demographics is the real determinant of world dominance and not something that cannot really be measured like 'decadence as defined by a canadian on Sup Forums'.
Point is nobody knows
Leo Sullivan
prosperity brings complacency and degeneracy? what kinda lousy-
Regardless, the late Rome was raided by barbs and run by a hollow shell that was the State. I don't see how that relates to modern day US.
Sure, you keep bouting off about low-birth rates. The most ironic part? Your alleged "taker of the helm of humanity" China has the lowest birthrates in the world...wanna guess why? nationalism! huh, isn't that the opposite of mass immigration, though?
White people will keep breeding with other white people, so you're in for a real wait for the extinction of the Caucasian race.White is the most sought after race in the world.
It's arguable if China or the USA or any current world power will be around by that time, so what is your fuckin point?
2/10 you got me to reply to a slide thread
Jose Williams
If you honestly Believe modern day America is no less to General then America 100 years ago you are delusional. Pharmaceuticals for every little innocuous issue you want to make up, far more drugs within the country and far more drug users, pornography, the glorification of mental disorders like gender dysphoria etc
Jacob Ortiz
Is no less degenerate than*
Zachary Lewis
Well then I think the grammar seems to be lacking. Is the West just like all previous civilizations that fell though? Things like the internet make me wonder if it's different this time.
Xavier Morris
You must be joking, first of all they want a massive reduction in their population, One of their biggest issues is over population which is why they had to enact such a law. they have more than enough young people coming up to fill the next generation workforce.
There are people also live much more structured lives, degeneracy is very frowned upon not glorified. Children that play too many video games is treated as a mental condition, and the kids can actually be taken and placed in a sort of rehabilitation basically a military camp consisting of education programs as well as exercise programs. This is a widely recognized claim that China will be the next superpower!
Benjamin Reed
You are very correct I have numerous grammatical errors, however the reality is I'm forced to used voice dictation and I have to operate within its parameters of capability! as I do not have hand function.
> oh look a crippled leaf, that makes everything he says irrelevant.
Damage to the spinal cord has no affect on cognitive function... I collect no welfare, and I have a lot of time to read and research while most of you guys are out living life I would hope.
Brody Phillips
Are you chink, muslim or poo?
Ian Hernandez
>Mass immigration also caused the ancient Egyptians to become subjects in their own country at the hands of the Libyans. do most egyptians descend mostly from lybians?
Jayden Jackson
>They too foolishly thought mass immigration would be their salvation! And so the ancient Roman people were slowly wiped off the face of the earth, nothing remains of them but tiny pieces of genome in some people, mostly in those of Italian descent most migrants to rome came from other parts of italy?
Michael Sanders
The main reason was in all likelihood the increasing necessity of Roman Emperors to have the support of the military. Anarchy swept through the Roman Empire as it was attacked from all sides. Those generals that had the unwavering support of the military were able to dominate Roman society.
Though the Roman Empire was already suffering severely in the late 3rd century A.D., with the appointment of Commodus as Caesar the path was paved for the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D.
Kayden Moore
but their population is decreasing in the most useful part of their economy, young people. They have a huge number of old people supported by a small population of young people. That causes a huge amount of capital drain.
If their population decreased uniformly that would be one thing. But with a lopsidedly old population, they'll struggle. With an excess population of males due to people killing their 1 baby if its female, there will be a revolution. China's not going to rule the world.
William Young
Shhh that doesnt fit his worldview
Ian Jenkins
Sorry to hear that. I've been having problems with my eye. Really hope I don't become blind.
It seems to me to be a trend towards more and more homogenization, unity. Fewer and fewer countries, languages etc. Maybe the rise and fall of civilizations isn't just going on and on, but has some kind of direction. Maybe a one world government?
Easton Brown
Well you have to recognize the difference between modern day and ancient history contact. Yes you are correct they were under constant attack, as in literal sieges.
However with contemporary America or should I say the west we are under siege in the form of mass unmanageable immigration, well our native birth rates remain below 2.1 sustainability. Keep in mind for example Muslim immigrants their culture is completely antithetical to Western society. Also many of these immigrants, minorities hate; literally hate The native white population.
> a broken shell of a state.
I don't understand how you could not see the correlation with modern day America or frankly the west as a whole. The Romans became pacified, complacent, soft, weak disregarded their traditions and even religion which was the glue that held their society together, this was a huge factor in their downfall. Even in the last decade there is a noticeable difference in the amount of patriotism within America, it's not as strong. Throughout the west people are openly calling for the extinction of "white people" their government release statistical data that their country Will no longer be the same country it was and will continue to shrink and almost nobody bats an eye.
The only difference is our history has been riddled with subterfuge, and the young and manipulable have been indoctrinated with idiologies and falsities... from which sadly I believe most of them will never recover from.
Sebastian Cooper
Third-generation Irish and Scottish, basically a white Canadian mut.
Jeremiah Wright
Yes at what point did I say otherwise? You didn't like what I stated, so you instantly made assumptions… A clear sign of defensive.
However wrong in it's decadence was far from homogenous many immigrants came from other parts of the world.