Could Trump be any more BASED? He arms terrorists who kill Muslims (mostly), that's pretty based
If you don't understand that then you're a shill
It's pretty disrespectful not to wear a hijab. She was in THEIR country. Even in a Muslim neighborhood in London or NYC you should be wearing a hijab.
People who want to wear hijabs should never emigrate from their muslim nations. Melania is smarter than you or any of them.
It's pretty disrespectful to force your wife to cover up to appease some sand monkey. Trump told her do what she wants and she chose to have some self respect, wish we could say the same for you.
nobody owns a neighborhood you fuck wit
Hate to break it to you, but...
Honestly, I want to worship Melania's body. No other woman makes me feel that way.
>they have to respect our culture
>but we dont have to respect theirs
yeah that makes sense. Fuck, even the refugees that moved in next door respect the german tradition of waste separation and mowing your lawn on saturdays.
You gonna finish your sentence?
Michelle Obama didn't wear a scarf to Saudi Arabia. People complained about it.
She still wore the submissive belt and chains of a christian servant in the islamic world
Learn the difference.
Best bait/10
delet this
Forcing a guest to adhere to your culture is disrespectful you moron. In any civilized country your aim is to make your guest comfortable, not force them to follow the rules of a culture they very rarely experience. If the Saudis came to the USA you don't see us forcing them into business suits, they still wear their weird dessert robes and head scarves. Literally kill yourself.
they live on OUR planet
Stefan could've stayed down there since he likes muslim dick so much.
>I want to worship Melania's body.
go nuts
I really like how those same women took a stand for women's rights and openly mocked Trump, it was brave of them as well as being quite pleasant parody!
lol stupid fucking cunts
Wow. Take things out of context much?
Despite your strawman, the fact stands that they were respectful to other cultures, like normal people normally are.
Hehe. J/k guys. Fuck these Stone Age sandniggers.
On an unrelated note, Ivanka was looking fine as hell. I would eat her farts all day.
There is a difference between being respectful of other cultures and adhering to muslim religious law as a non-muslim.
You've seen what Mike Obama looks like right? That's what Trump was referring to. Unleashing something that hideous on an unsuspecting Saudi populace is reckless and tantamount to a declaration of war.
>respectful to cultures
Slavery is a culture now. Wew! How progressive.
these arent even hijabs you can still see their hair
Nobody cares about the opinions of roaches. If you think the free world has to bow to degeneracy think again.
This is America, not Sweden.
xD dood. 10/10 rebuttal
True, but at least they made an attempt. You are literally a bigoted asshole if you do not make an attempt to submit yourself to cultural norms. If you know you're going to be around Muslims, then wear a fucking hijab. If you're a Christian, then tuck your cross necklace into your shirt. Melania is being purposefully offensive here. Fucking rednecks.
Go back to sweden or canada
Can i get some dessert robes?
So again, why do Saudis look like this when visiting America? I'm not seeing a whole lot of an attempt to "submit themselves to cultural norms"
good goy
You're not allowed to make fun of my typo when I fixed it
>dear diary, today a leaf was not A FUCKING LEAF
why not?
Are you seriously suggesting they should remove their ISLAMIC attire? Just wow. Islamophobia much?
I like how he wore his cheap watch. Probably was afraid that ape would steal a good one
>löfven's face
fucking lol
damn i'd feel like i could win the presidency too if i was banging that every night
Half covering of hair is more or less the standard in Iran, at least in the urban areas. Much like skirts kept sneaking up inch by inch over the years, head scarfs in Iran have been slipping down the back of women's heads.
>Obama's face when he realizes he can't steal someone's watch
are only muslim women know how to wrap up properly. obama looks like she threw a kitchen towel around her head
Wearing a hijab is demeaning, but even then it should be a choice they make, not if it is forced down their throats by a murderous religion.
Melania and Le Pen did more for women than any feminist ever could.
>If you're a Christian, then tuck your cross necklace into your shirt
Shill detected
Kill you are shelf.
Melania gets some respect points in my book.
This. I am cool with it as a choice. She chose not to wear it and she made the right choice.
he was obviously being sarcastic
people are not that dumb
no way hes that dumb
why don't you feel the same about our country, cunt?
Sweden’s self-declared “first feminist government in the world” visit Iran
What is wrong with the Trump family? Learn some goddamn respect!
Stop trolling. You know it's disrespectful what Trump let Melania do. You know it.
>Telling the ruler of the most powerful country to cover up his model wife
Good joke m8
Do one comparing the trump versions to this. I.e. melania not wearing the scarf