>a literal backwater colony we sacrificed to keep Jamaica is a trillion time more powerful than us now
>americans don't rub this in
Why are yanks so nice?
>a literal backwater colony we sacrificed to keep Jamaica is a trillion time more powerful than us now
>americans don't rub this in
Why are yanks so nice?
We learned it by watching you, Dad.
>is a trillion time more powerful than us now
citation needed
You don't even have carriers without ramps. That alone proves we are at least a trillion times more powerful.
Do you fuck with your dad after you had a huge family fight and resolve it?
Fuck no. Where would we be without you all?
Our founding fathers simply wanted to "Reclaim their rights as Englishmen." You all defined what that meant
>Magna Carta
>English Common Law
It's in the past. We have common history and roots and now we also have a new fight on our hands.
>bong Navy
>american Navy
feels good man
>Muh Teutonic Common Law
We based Anglos share modesty and humility in common...
... or maybe we're the most arrogant people on the planet, but have a soft spot for you.
Aw, thanks!
Its an update from our last carrier
>yes fix fixed the rusty deck
>bong navy
>yank navy
Well, at least the ramp's bigger...
We love you, dad.
Because FREEDOM, you god damn commies.
Thanks dad.
Why can't you keep up?
Notice me dad
Give us time son we have only just left the 4th reich
i only rub that in your face for one day a year
No, over here Dad!
I've noticed you
That's what July 4th is for. Besides, Anglos have stick together.
They keep the rubbing it in to one day a year. Which is appreciated very much.
>Post your favorite things about America if you're British.
>Post your favorite things about Britain if you're American.
You cunts made the greatest music.
I envy how much land there is in America, you really can just go off the beat and track and get lost in the wilderness, i guess you can do that in Scotland but Scotland is full of haggis munchers
I'm from Northern Idaho. You can literally walk 20 minutes in any direction and be lost in a forest the size of your island. I love it.
I like how you treat Brits like demi gods when they show up in a random holiday in Virginia
We rally are enamored with your accents.
We also consider you guys the only good Europeans.
Three piece suits. Thank England for that.
The Brits know how to put Jerry in his place every couple years. They've gotten quite good at it.
It's because your accent makes you sound intelligent and noble.
God damn, how is it that the IX century brit uniform was so AESTHETIC?
>We also consider you guys the only good Europeans.
This too. You guys are the only westerners who still seem to understand the concept of rights and freedom.
It's because we're the edgy prodigal son of the empire who actually ended up successful and now has a healthy familial relationship (if the analogy fits).
On top of that, you limeys are top lads.
There's also the fact that other than a few choice areas, most of this country descends in one way or another from the Brittish Isles.
Tfw you live in an area where 95% of the population is descended from English, Scottish, and Ulster Scots settlers. Yfw your favorite local bar/restaurant is owned by a family from Liverpool. Tfw the owner always brings the bants whenever there are young lads in the pub. Tfw you get to see your best friend get roasted every time you go for being a fat piece of shit who can't help ordering two kidney pies every time.
This photo is too real pls delet
>implying brits are european
>implying we aren't are own continent
While we were busy paying germans, russians and iberians to defeat france for us we perfected the beauty of the military uniform.
Beyond the standard responses, we don't rub it in because you bongs aren't butthurt over it and don't resent us for it.
You don't make it a big deal, so we don't either.
>Americans don't rub this in
Have you been on Sup Forums? The majority of them will turn any discussion on how awesome they think they are, even in threads they don't belong (britpol, white only threads, etc)
America realised after WW2 the thing holding back Britain was the continent. Throughout British history, wars with France or Germany were big parts of our national record.
Britain stands today as fallen Primarchs do in 40k, a reminder of true greatness fell by greed, sloth, lust and rage. They have taken on the torch and they will endure. We, their gene-sires may return someday, but our path is filled with mystery, deceit, heroism and sacrifice.
Much like the Primarchs, we have entrusted out Imperium to our Legion of capable, hard wrought Space Marines. They will do us proud, as only in death does duty end. We salute you, adn give you the burden of our torch, to carry until we return. Pnly then can we reclaim the earth as father and sons.
The arrogant pith helmet, the quintessential 'stache and, above all, the red; a fine colour until the commies ruined it.
You think those are Americans.
You're really dealing with Nogs/Spics.
How the fuck do you even dock a carrier like that so perfectly?
Videogames lied to me
I respect the fact that Americans are inherently suspicious of government and authority. The first and second amendments in particular are among the most important statements in the modern world. As long as they are adhered to, government will be kept in check. I wish the UK had them.
I want to try your fish and chips, and your beer. I could show you a good burger or two ;)
I respect you Brits because I see you lot as our brothers across the pond desu. No point rubbing it in since we learned from you lads. Our countries also consistently train together in military exercises are at a constant state of cooperation since ww2.
Guilliman and Magnus are back, baby.
guilliman's a cuck and magnus is a traitor
>watches Niall Ferguson once
Kek just noticed the Spanish uniform was the sane but either blue or white.
You still were pretty based during those times, what happened?
Because you're our gateway into Europe should we ever need to fuck shit up again (don't need the mainland kikepuppets getting any more ideas)
Despite the constant shitposting between bongs and burgers it's all in good fun, a Mongolian basket weaving forum doesn't represent real life. Yanks and Brits get along just fine IRL, as seen by the history of cooperation we have with you guys.
t. 56%
our mates
ridiculously nice people
freedom of arms and freedom of speech
can legally drive at 15
Some locals took me to Masters Superfish for the fish and chips.
191 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UX, England
Beer isn't radically different. Of course it's not as cold, but other than that it's same as in the States.
I loved the tranquility of the highlands, really felt like home desu.
desu i do resent it. i think it was shortshighted.
the founding fathers did an ulfric stormcloak and jewry took a hold of europe
I liked the Imperial war museum
Where abouts where you?
>thurso ubermensch
I'm not even an Anglo and I love the Anglos
t. Norsk from Bergen
>don't rub it in
We do, but we still have a lot of respect for Great Britain. Sure we like to make fun of the teeth, Cockney accents, and tea, but for the most part it's in jest.
Regardless of past differences, we're in this together. As father and son.
We were born into this country, for all of our lives we have lived in this super power.
We don't see the US as an ex English colony, we see it as the US. So that irony just doesn't occur to us, but when we think about it we point out how we're more powerful than the country that founded us every damn time.
>Not Anglo
>Be America,so I feel Anglo
Is this bad?
I think the uniform is both cute and very aesthetically pleasing at the same time
America will end up annexing Great Britain, Mexico & Canada at some point
Anyone who doesn't think this hasn't really thought about the future
A real anglo union would start with UK and US.
I want to exchange Canada for UK, just swap people. Imagine how awesome North America would become.
>we don't rub it in because you bongs aren't butthurt over it
>muh independence
Well yeah because we have nothing to get butthurt over really we let you have it, like all of our colonies, you were the first to demand it so you are our favourite because of it, but it's also true you didn't really win, we said fuck it and went to look after our other kids and left you to your own devices, it'd be like grounding your son out of spite for being better at football than you are
>Hey lets go to war with our brother canada
>daddddd america is bullying us againnnnnnn
>pic related
We should have let you bully canada more in hindsight, he's become a soft lad
I'm proud of you both.
I'm from Norway but we moved here when I was 11 and we lived in lower Appalachia.
If you ever come here, you will immediately understand why the Scotts and Scotch-Irish settled in the Ridgelands
What are you?
Individualism, self-reliance, willingness to help your neighbour, lead churning whizz-bang stick, entrepreneurship and general cheerfulness.
Morrissey and David Bowie.
National Front Disco should absolutely be the Sup Forums theme song.
The U.K. Is almost as cucked as Canada. Brexit didn't really change that. The US is the least cucked western nation as far as culture and policy goes, but also the most cucked as far as demographics go.
You're family.
a mason and a OTO cultist.
nice being brainwashed eh?
But America was your brass ring, and you're telling me Great British Empire just shrugged it off and called it a loss?
No. This historical revision that is silly and wrong. You tried to rule from too far away and it got away from you.
Oh noez, I have to stop enjoying music I like because user is telling me it's subvertly influencing my politics as a part of a masonic conspiracy to subliminally message me.
But I thought global multi-nationals and organized Jewry run things? Now it's the masons again? It's like 2005 all over again.
They're aware of their long and glorious history, but aren't braggarts about it.
You lads ruled the world and should be proud of it. We wouldn't exist without you.
>aren't braggarts about it
You what?
Because we tend not to see you as foreigners in the same way that say Germans and other Middle Easterners are.
Almost every Britbong I've spoken to seems pretty understated about their colonial past, almost like they're ashamed of it.
>Cockney accents
>tfw cockneys are all but extinct replaced by pakis
You ruled the world for a good bit of time, and your influence is not lost on anybody who knows even a modicum of history.
We don't really care. Most people I know either shrug it off or beat their chest about it. I've never met a single man or woman who has been ashamed of it.
Even a lot of lefties like it.
Britain took about a 3rd of its forces from america to defend Jamaica when France joined because they deemed it more valuable than all 13 colonies combined.
I'm sure Iran really felt like they were in the danger zone when they captured your fearless sailors.
who did the anglos nuke?
Good to hear.
Sweden if you don't shut your fucking face
>english best europeans
please, you would be doing us a favor
>brown hair
>brown eyes
Fucking hell, Sweden, stop hating yourself.
this guys doesn't get that english are germans with brown hair and brown eyes that conquered the south end of britannia
and thereby making americans germans too
Doing a big think eh lad?
Yeah, I like doing those sort of things - big thinks that is.
Did a big think about my shitter, you know. It's got some problems with the hinges, so I just did a big think about pissing on the hinges and lubin' them up that way. Good think, I think that was.
Pissed on those hinges for a couple of day and now they look like a nigger's bare foot: rust got to it in the end I guess. Don't know if my piss rusted it away, but I guess that's for another big think.