Russian hackers at it again


>Russia strikes again, targeting thousands of U.S. defense employees through Twitter

>A Time Magazine report details how Russia’s post-Cold War strategy against the U.S. thrives on social media.

>Russian hackers upped their game in March, graduating from political email hacks to targeted Twitter attacks. But this isn’t about trolling—it’s evidence that Russia is seizing on technological platforms with a political end goal.

>The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics to manipulate public opinion.

>Russia’s tampering in U.S. politics has dominated news coverage for the last year. Russian bots were linked to spreading disinformation in the U.S. and French elections, favoring candidates like President Donald Trump and France’s nationalist contender Marine Le Pen, whose policies were most Russia-friendly. Le Pen lost the election to the centrist President Emmanuel Macron despite the increasing prevalence of fake news ahead of the election.

>Facebook, which shut down more than 30,000 russian controlled accounts that were spreading fake news before the French election, has vowed to crack down on misuse of the platform by individuals and governments. But in its report announcing the policy shift, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said there was only so much tech companies could do to stop disinformation campaigns.

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Russian faggot cunts stop destroying our western democracy, because your controlled by a fascist doesn't mean we want to be CUNTS

Russia hacked reality?
god this narrative is so tired already.

I guess pic related is the Russians too...

This article links to other articles that link to other articles that eventually you find out their original sources are dubious at best.

>gets proven that Russia manipulated western democracy by leaking government emails and spreading fake news
>if u ackknowledgggee this u r stooooopid
FUCK of cunt
Could be paid by Russia to spread disinformation to delegitimise western governments
Revisionists can fuck off too

>Could be paid by Russia to spread disinformation
Never go full shill.

Everyone thinks they are a journalist these days because they can write.


Not shill at all you Russian cunt, putin has funded pro Russian movements and people all over Europe

>Russians use google statistics

>2 pro Russian posts in a row by the same proxy
>posted by an actual Russian
And people still deny Russian presence on western political internet

Haha you way overestimate Russia and under-estimate Western Propaganda.

>pro Russian post by polish IP

People STILL deny Russian presence and manipulation

What are you saying Pussy?

>gets proven that Russia manipulated western democracy by leaking government emails and spreading fake news
I'm yet to see a single prove of that.

You are more paranoid than Kim Jung Uhn. Get a hold of yourself haha. They right these articles to discredit pro-Russian arguments as Russian shills.

>free press
>western propaganda

>fake news
>not Russian manipulation


>Russian hackers
There's a boogieman under your bed.

Russia carries a massive propaganda and disinformation campaign in the states and not only. They do it here too, on a smaller scale.
Hundreds of pro-Russian trolls suddenly appeared in the comment sections of our most popular news sites, just after the Ukraine crisis.

>Russians are posting things on twitter

This is what the left has been reduced to.

I know its harder for you to accept these things im telling you and easier for you to believe im a Russian. Why do you hate Russia so much?

Getting on my nerve

Russia is manipulating western democracy through hacking political figures and fake news
>laalalaaalalalalalalallalaaalaaaa Russia be perfect lalaklalalalaa
live IN ignorance idiot
>0.001 ruble deposit in your account


Holy shit...

The Democrats area private corporation, not government, for one, and they aren't legitimate, for two. Subservient Crown-gobblers BTFO.

Oh, you got no proves neither do you?

Exactly, at least you haven't been brainwashed by Russia fake news and manipulation yet, stay woke friend
It's true you brainwashed idiot
I hate no one, I oppose Russia and putins fake news manipulation and hacking of western democracy
Truth is annoying but doesn't make it any less true

The Left, which has for decades been appologists for Communism, has been reduced to Red Baiting.
This is the chaos that kek has brought forth.

>we are supposed to believe Russia is the only superpower working hard to influence public opinion/behavior

What a load of bs. Are they? Probably, but if so, then guaranteed so is every other intelligence group. So it's more about who do you prefer shaping public opinion: Russians? Jews? Muslims? Pedos? Nut Job left?

They are all part of the same problem: a centralized figure trying to control the masses and tell them what to think and what is allowed and not allowed. Hate all those racist and homophobes? Too bad, big brother says it's against the law now. Opposite, hate all those fags and trannies? Too bad, the nanny state says that's not allowed now.

Do you not see how both are fucked? Both are taking away basic rights. If your not killing or physically harming or going out of your way to harass another human bean, than why the fuck should their be a law stopping you from feeling/thinking _____.

Yeah except for seth rich was responsible for the Clinton emails and fake news is spread by both sides.

Yeah Im a fucking shill you got me. I sell my sole for money. Im actually working for a Russian agency called Фиpмa "1C", they send us out in droves. You cant stop this Russian propaganda unless you speed up you're own. See you later western Democracies.

>It's true you brainwashed idiot

Of course it is. The fact that you are shocked by this or think it's a massive scandal is what's shocking.


You'll be annexed by China and ethnic Russians will be BTFO, replaced by the superior Chinese worker bee. It won't be easy for China to fix your shit either; so much neglect and poor maintainence of resources/industrial machines, it would be a surprise if it doesn't end China for good trying to fix it.

All i can see in that is that Russia is "allegedly" involved in a cyber attack to Georgia. where is the prove that they made the fake news? Where is the prove that they released the emails?

On a western political board, conveniently ignore that
Russian embassy has been proven behind kekistan so fuck off

>Gets proven that Russ-
Whoa back up there fuck face. Where is the proofs? Link me solid proof that Russia "hacked" the election, and I do mean actual verifiable proof not just CNN supposition.

Seth rich fake news has been proven to be spread by Russia, stop spamming

Thats still not evidence that they hacked the 2016 election.

>canada unironically telling other countries they're being taken over by china

I've got some bad news for you leaf....

>On a western political board, conveniently ignore that
We see flags of all countries all the time, why do you only hate russians..

>get shown proof
>I doooobt believe it rreeeeeeee waaaaacwaaaaa waaa

Proven where? You keep using the word proven but I'm not sure you know what it means. You make the claim, provide the proof and I mean actual proof not a CNN article. Otherwise kindly fuck off.

how many pence per a post?

Once again, what proof?

It is the CIA doing the hacking leaving fake trails


>links a Guardian article
>links a Guardian article under legal review.

Man, at least try to be convincing.


just make a mockery of him, he's in every thread like this pushing the same tired rhetoric (like he's paid or something) and he never, EVER backs up his bullshit claims..... I've made a hobby of making fun of him because he so bad at his job

>Doesn't read the article because its under "legal review"

>I don't believe you, post proofs
>posts proof
>I don't like your proofs!
I cringe at you cunt

The shit i posted isn't a proof for your bullshit blame-ruskies argument, is for Canada's and Sweden argument

So your fundamental concern is that foreigners are allowed to use American websites?

Dat's raciss bro.

so you're saying that hillary won the election?

>putin has funded pro Russian movements and people all over Europe
Thanks comrade for helping spread fear of allmighty Putin; Idea that Putin is strong man who can do all is best propaganda master Putin could wish for. Let's keep spreading that meme so that uncritical retards keep spreading thaat idea so great Putin can stay in power. Russiaphobes are best ally

If you believe this propaganda then we don't deserve a democracy.

China, US, India...hell we're fair game for everyone. But that goes hand in hand with being an immigrant nation with "multicultural" being pushed down everyones throat since birth.

Canada is at least civilized and not a corrupt shit hole like most of Russia. Look up anytime big Oil has tried to get a foot hold in Russia and you'll understand just how bad it is over there. They demand more than Africans from the corps, and they've fucked their own oil fields so badly in most cases, that none of the corps want to invest for even half of the demand because it will cost so much to fix.

A spurious news article is not proof you flaming retard. Post me links to results of law enforcement investigations or intelligence documents that prove that Russia is engaged in election tampering. The DNC itself said that the US elections "can't be hacked", before they lost, then they were all "muh Russia".

You are actually really recognizable dude.

>calls everyone who doesn't believe the ''lel russian haxorz'' a paid shill and a facsist.
>op has a gay flag

You are a shill and a bad one. Not sure if UC Irvine or Shariablue, but fuck off in either case. This board likes Russia because it stands up to degenerates like you.

You are a traitor to Western Europe for supporting pro-immigration policies and degenerate sexual practices. We have zero interest in a mutually destructive war against other whites.

In the worst case scenario it'd come to that, we won't fight the Russians. The only whites that deserve to die are cucks like you. Now fuck off and go back to where you came from.

>A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum.

It's all in wikileaks documents released about 2 months back. Search yourself. CIA has the capacity to do hacks and leave trails making it seem like other nations did it.

Unionically believes the guardian isn't a pure propaganda outlet.

Will you cunts think a little. The US intelligence agencies budget is larger than the Russian MILITARY and the US military budget is many many times bigger.

No one comes close to US information warfare, yet you morons believe Russia is masterminding these operations and are controlling who wins US elections?

You're all so fucking dumb it's embarrasing.

Somehow ''western'' because valuable when it comes to Russia? Not when it comes to flooding our countries with Muslims?

You fucking traitor.


Russians are manipulating American websites
If not for Russians manipulation, yes
>point out Russia manipulation
>this hat we want comrade
How many rubles you paid then?
>le share blue
This shit is a Russian diversion tactic
>don't focus on our manipulation! Blame your own governments!!!!!!

you are so dumb its funny, you run your mouth for all those reddit-speced lines without reading first

The conclusions he makes is unfounded and mostly speaks about his own ideology, but it is true the company exists, sells its services to small governments, and has ties with trump, bannon, google, silicon valley, and brexit

the main point im trying to make is this is a private contractor

Caught it.

Do you think we don't have logs of Shariablue chatrooms?

Again, there's nothing a cuck like you can do to subvert this place. We know what we want.

Less migration, less faggotry, less Islam, less degeneracy. Russia is not a threat but an ally in any of those. No matter how many fake shit you post.

You are a cuck and I hope a Mudslime runs over you.

Yeah, sure, shill.
Spew your propaganda somewhere else.
You should do some reading about how CIA operates. What you think you know is just information meant to warp your mind, constructed by persuasion experts at the CIA and handed out to newspapers such as the guardian.

my point is that you have no idea whatsoever about the actual state of the world.
Fact is that Putin wants to appear as a strong man and your Russianfearmongering thinking that they manipulate everything is playing in that hand.
Western media AND Putin both want Russia to appear as an allmighty force both for their own reasons.
That's what I tried to express with my satirical post.

But sure, I'm just a Russian bot and you are wisdom in person and you can see through everything

more dumbfuckery


Let me also be clear, I'd rather give my country to Putin himself that to Soros or any mainstream politician that promotes open borders, diversity aka elimination of whites and degeneracy.

You forsaken us, you betrayed us, you chose globalism over your own countries and now invoke the Russian boogeyman to rally against, while at the same time promote our own self destruction? Fuck you you worthless shill.

>Russians are manipulating American websites
By posting stuff on them. The horror.

>the main point im trying to make is this is a private contractor
>private contractors taking money to spread bullshit to influence elections.

This is literally what campaigns are. 99% of the money raised during elections is used to spread bullshit to influence the outcome, with probably 80% of that coming from organizations legally unaffiliated with the actual campaign.

I see no reason to be more outraged that russians would be a part of this than any particular corporation or super pac. I'm more comfortable with russian influence over our government than corporate influence.

Russia has more migration and Islam than any western country so fuck off
>n-no you don't understanD! PUTING WANTS TO BE EXPOSED!!
You fuck off too
>Russia should get a say on western democracies
Are all Russian shills this obvious?

>Russia has more migration
Yeah from Ukraine, the horror.

> Islam than any western country so fuck off
which have been there for centuries, they aren't importing niggers and mudslimes for ''muh diversity''.

Try harder or fuck off.

Ridiculous claims do not equal exposing.
Stick to stuff which you can proof and not just CNN hearsay

>Government should control who can say what over the internet
Get fucked

>>Russia should get a say on western democracies

What happened to "fuck borders"? Why do the left suddenly want to go full-North Korea on the internet and isolate America from the rest of the world?

So what you're saying op is that there are spam ads tracking users that happen to be in Russia. But with some nefarious language thrown on it.

Liberals have always been against free speech when it offends the ruling class or ((good taste)). Quit blaming the left for liberals' problems. Also your breath smells like (((benis))).

>the left
I consider myself center left; and I oppose both; a better term might be worldwide neoliberalism/corporatism

And Central Asia idiot
U stick to Russia today then, Russia is working against America, the European Union, Germany, Britain and all of the west
Russian fake news/manipulation should be removed, that's not North Korean censorship you idiot
We want an open society in America and the west, Russia are promoting ideas against this for for there own benefit

No russian shills arent this obvious but stupid Shareblue faggots like you are. Zero proof of any influence on the election. I didn't need russian propaganda to tell me that HRC was a piece of shit

America has meddled in some 80+ elections and actually spied on other "allys" that are world leaders and you're worried about click bait bullshit on Facebook. Are you really this fucking stupid? Don't answer, its a rhetorical question. Go away shill

It was Russian propaganda that gave you the idea that HIllary is a piece of shit in the first place

>actual Russian employed proxy using shill calling me a shill
Getting tired of this shit, just fuck off

my original point was that pushing the Russian hackz everything narrative without proof actually helps Putin. You did nothing to refute that.
Have fun living in your crazy bubble

Only one living in a bubble here is you

No it couldn't have been the 30 prior years of shady bullshit that the Clinton crime family pulled off prior to the AL Gore invented internet. Or that she was a horrible candidate (you probably couldn't name 1 campaign promise). Fuck off shill. The left fucked up by treating the election as a coronation instead of an actual contest. They would have won in a landslide with Michelle or Biden or maybe even Bernie but ran with this 2 bit cunt. Now get back to sucking Soro's dick as David Brock fucks you from behind.

>sudden ID change

> implying oldfags didn't see her for the evil lesbian whore she was throughout the 90s

Yeah, nah fuckoff.

>Russia forced Hillary to support the missile strike Trump did
>wanting to start WW3 is not piece-of-shit tier
>I do not consume news just narratives

>HILLARY is corrupt!
>trump is the good guy though! How dare you question his Russian connections!
This is why no one takes you seriously
So fucking what, it doesn't change a thing I said you kremlin cunt
Trump has done all those things, pic related sums you up

No this would be why no one takes the MSM seriously dipshit. You are one of the worst fucking shills



probably took his phone to the shitter.
He was literally shitposting

>Hacking election
Russia is not hacking our elections

>fake news
CIA & KGB both give US taxpayers counter-intel and lies of all sorts.