Why are young men increasingly dropping out of society and falling for stupid movements like MGTOW?
>inb4 le mouse study financed by (((Rockefeller)))
Humans are not mice.
Why are young men increasingly dropping out of society and falling for stupid movements like MGTOW?
>inb4 le mouse study financed by (((Rockefeller)))
Humans are not mice.
>Why are young men...falling for stupid movements like MGTOW?
We're not. We've just realised being gay has way more benefits than dealing with women.
>Better blowjobs
>Better sex
>More frequent sex
>Gays are better cooks
>Gay couples earn more than hetero couples
>You can go to your favourite game/show without your partner being a total sook
>You can spend all day gayming and drinking beers
>Gays are cleaner/tidier
>Gays don't have a 4-5 day window each month where they're an insufferable cunt
>plus much, much more
So the real question is: Why haven't you gone gay, yet?
I actually have gone semi-gay to sate my longing for human touch.
The game is rigged against men, so I guess some are choosing not to play.
If you've ever dated an American woman you'd totally understand why American men prefer gaming. Now stop talking about that which you do not know.
What is the mouse study? The one about SCALE?
Why is it okay for women to blame us for this but then they can completely get away with acting cute by claiming to be a nerd for watching the latest Capeshit or GOT
actually it's the other way around
childish women are to blame for men having kids late in life
if bitches wanted to get their shit together and start families instead of riding the cock carousel until they're used up pieces of roastie trash, more men would be fathers
I had a rather sabotaging adolescence, after which I was no longer allowed to do what I was meant to do.
Because these days even men are better at being women than real women.Also sage desu.
How do you go gay.
I've started fapping to traps, and I'm able to find feminine penis attractive, but I can't make that leap over to men, even effeminate ones.
What's the missing link?
Stop posting this thread again and again and again and again
>Get women pregnant and they drop out of the workforce and feminists moan about the pay gap.
>Don't get them pregnant and they blame men
You're almost there
Start drinking tap water, take birth control, eat lots of soy and use laundry dryer sheets
>childish men
just a shot in the dark here, but could it possibly be that men arent seeing value in settling down compared to past generations?
>Why are young men increasingly dropping out of society and falling for stupid movements like MGTOW?
Because marriage is a terrible deal which provides us no benefits, no power but all of the responsibility.
Take women's rights away then mgtow will go away.
found a gem
>women out-earning men
These days most women in my area and my age group (mid-20s) have shit-all to offer as mothers and homemakers. I actually live in the southern US and most young women here don't even have the excuse of working for a living. They don't work, they're shitty mothers, and have no skills that I'd be willing to purchase for approximately half of my income for the rest of my life (or marriage). They're alcoholic whores content to hop from one Chad to the next liking the idea of a committed relationship in theory, but never able to commit. They're not even marriage material let alone anyone I'd trust to properly raise a child with.
I blame feminism and the female "liberation" movement. They're within their rights. By all means go out and become whatever your definition of a "strong independent womyn" is. Don't blame me if I find it horribly unattractive.
Already on the tap water, soy, and laundry dryer sheets, but as a man I should take birth control?
I haven't heard of that one.
Also does chicken count as a gay food?
I do get to say I am eating cock.
>Also does chicken count as a gay food?
Birds are kinda gay desu
this song represents my feelings
I think it's universe 25 or something of a similar name. It's very interesting but I wouldn't say the test actually accurately simulated modern society. It never intended to either. People just refer to it a lot when talking about the future of our society.
Oh no, it's totally not the fact that modern women are insufferable..
>Take women's rights away then mgtow will go away.
Yes. This is THE solution to this entire problem, as much as Sup Forums doesn't want to admit it.
In a languid society everyone commits passive suicide instead of furthering their species. "beautiful ones" are given cart blanche passes for everything. All the mice die out instead of doing even the easiest stuff like feeding themselves or fucking.
Every women that has entered my life has treated me like shit. Why wouldn't I disregard them now that I'm older?
This is the natural course of the developed world. Stop saying saying that it is a problem and men are to blame. Women feel that their carriers are more important than having children before 30. Maybe consider that abortions account for millions of unborn children every year. Fucking cuck.
marriage is a faster way to lose half your money than vegas
again, where are the perks for a male to settle down?
this is the mouse utopia experiment:
Oh, it's you again.
Why do you care that much about what other men are doing? that means there are more women for you.
The lkast gf i had was nearly 2 years ago. We were together for 4 months and then i stopped speaking to her for all of september because i was playing phantom pain non-stop for the whole month. She sent me a bunch of text messages and missed calls and fb messages but my
Jewish economy and hypergamy. Also anxiety
Strong women who don't need no man :^)
Yeah, right!
I am married to a great woman but when I look at the selection of cunts out there today.... fuck me I will stay with the porn.
A marriage is more than love. There is a very practical aspect to it. Today's woman offer nothing practical anymore. They watch cooking shows but don't cook. They read porn but don't fuck. They just don't fucking clean anything.
When I hear other man (younger) talk about woman their age I just get disgusted. What's the point.
>Yes. This is THE solution to this entire problem, as much as Sup Forums doesn't want to admit it.
It goes against the nice guy narrative which the goy have been taught from their single mothers and mangina fathers.
Taking women's rights away means they do not have the choice to divorce rape men. domestic violence is legal, marital rape is legal (all of which is considered nigger behavior) etc.
It is the only solution that will save society yet they will not take it.
>and I'm able to find feminine penis attractive
Why are white men so degenerate?
Because of feminism and SJW bullshit blaming them for everything. Might as well just play video games and fuck a Fleshlight because at least then you'd be happy.
Not really. Chicken breast are some of the best food you can eat while getting /fit/. Ever thought of going vegan? Might help you
oh look this thread again
>video games
I can't play them anymore, I get bored even thinking about them.
>Inb4 good evidence
If you have to filter things you don't like then there really isn't any point engaging you. And I don't think it takes a scientist to see that population density correlates with increased social breakdown. It's why NYC is full of assholes meme exists. Evidence is all around you, but you won't see it with your head up your ass.
feminists and pro-choicers are blaming guys for women have kids late in their lives.
I really don't give a fuck
>feminine penis
Jacking to dicks is totally gay
Gotta get yourself a new hobby then, user.
>inb4 le mouse study
Shut the fuck up OP, you ignorant chink. Anyone who has't watched it is a fool.
Like what? I never even considered video games a "hobby".
Because they are childish. Now if you were to ask how? that would be a more interesting question.
>not liking the men
>not fucking the men
>blaming the men for not having kids
Shit like this is why I go crazy when liberals don't treat bringing jobs back the US as a priority. Functionally what is happening is that my generation (millennials) don't have a defined place in this world. Most of us are unemployed, don't have shit going on, and yet society continues mostly as normal without us. When you don't feel you have a defined role in society you don't have confidence that your life has a purpose and when you don't have that you don't reproduce. Socially we're not significantly more sophisticated than mice or rats on a macro level. This is existential shit and they want to make it about bootstraps and the romance of the American blue collar worker.
Com pairing rats to people
you dumb nigger
i fuck around with music and synthesizers its pretty fun
The more ridiculous our civilization gets. The more men are throwing up their hands and saying "no thanks"
BUT WHAT ABOUT MUH WAGE GAP?! Next time a woman brings this bullshit up I will giver fuve across the eyes.
>Started getting intimate with a trap because she was willing to get intimate with me.
Lonliness is a disease that twists the convictions.
>7 billion+ people in the world
>planet with finite resources
>decreasing returns of worker/productivity
life is meaningless so kys
That's for you to decide. I play guitar, I collect records, volunteer at animal rescues, and stuff like that.
I mean it's pretty obvious that they're just cowards or incels who shouldn't be breeding anyways.
I've taken up BBQing and smoking meats. A good offset smoker isn't expensive and it's a fun way to spend a day, plus you get to eat the results.
The short answer is because white women are not worth the having, anymore.
They're entitled, obnoxious, power-hungry, and you spend far more time arguing with them than you do having good moments.
They're just not worth the hassle, and it scares them because they know it.
>most women in their teens fuck left right centre, men must compete for the settlers
>most women in their early twenties fuck left right centre, though most men will have accomplished starting a family some must still compete for settlers
>most women in their late twenties start wanting to settle down but must now compete with younger women who are much, much more fertile for the few men who're left
>these roasties start blaming all men for all sorts of reasons instead of taking responsibility their own bad decisions
>the few men who haven't succeeded yet, the men who foresee their own failure in securing a family and the men who've been taught to lose all hope entirely go MGTOW
My quick rundown, probably half-correct.
This is basically a shill thread at this point. Even all of you who give decent responses aren't helping. Stop replying to this thread. We ALL know marriage isn't worth it. Can we move on?
Marriage sucks, yeah.
Women are cool as fuck tho
>mfw married
>mfw 2 kids
>mfw life is awesome
>First Post West Post
>the few men who haven't succeeded yet, the men who foresee their own failure in securing a family and the men who've been taught to lose all hope entirely go MGTOW
I thought MGTOW was a faggy movement for /r9k/ pretending to be alpha, not just giving up and jacking to anime girls until the end of your life.
Most of them are guys who're thinking
>can't be bothered anymore, stuff 'em
If you're a women who can't find a sexual partner you must have some serious issues.
>see girl
>talk to her
>sneered at until I go away
>go online
>message girl
>no reply
Oh but """I'm"""" the one dropping out of society. Right.
>mfw no qt Aryan wife
It's a huge struggle.
Sup Forums has this very autistic habit of applying "MGTOW" to guys who for whatever reason aren't married or dating.
are you chad?
this fucking thread again
why are men dropping out of society
>be men
>want wife
>want bear many children
>team up with other men
>create civilization
>fight hard for your religion
>fight hard for your culture
>fight hard for your people
>conquer many enemies
>hard wars fought
>many men die
>women and children finally safe
>men defend society while women bear children
>women always protected
>beautiful traditional culture develops
>society becomes advanced
>government becomes larger
>eventually women forget what it is like to not be protected by man>
>women become cocky
>long nose merchants come to participate in booming markets
>men notice decline in social order
>"it's ok, we won the wars we are safe now"
>women become increasingly spoiled
>long nose tribe says women are stronk and independent
>women begin chimping out
>men: do not fear women, we are here to protect you
>women: aborts child
>jews: women are equal to men
>men: jew why u do dis
>jews: women should enter the work force
>men: women you need to go back to the kitchen and raise the children
>women: aborts child
>men: ok maybe we can make this work. It's the law now after all
>women: aborts child
>jews: good progressive goys. tolerance is out strength
>women: turns 40 and gets saggy tits
>men: why haven't you has children yet?
>women: kills self
>jews: oy vey, your culture and race is dying for some reason and our shekel profits are down
>jews: we need to bring in more diverse multicultural peoples
>men: what about the nation and culture we have built with the blood of our ancestors?
>jews: *rubs hands*
It's fucking hilarious that we're living in an age where men are using traps to dip their toes in the water before becoming a full fledged fudge packer.
The current year + 2 sure is a glorious time to be alive.
Do you actually have people called Chad in America? It sounds like something you only hear in US highschool sitcoms
It's important at the very least that every man has "I can go gay" in his mind, even if this escape is never used. Having an out (pun intented) makes you a stronger person and lets you negotiate your space better in your relationships with women.
We already know why this is happening
It's both men and women. Women for being terrible and awful, and men for allowing the women to be terrible and awful.
Married too.
My wife is 40 so I guess she is from a different era.
Online dating didn't really exist when she was in her early 20s.
I'm very grateful she is low maintenance by female standards (as you know, that's still higher maintenance than any male friendship).
I see some acquaintances our age with shitty wives who use their husbands as an ATM and it sickens me. In our age demographic that is fairly uncommon though.
>men kicked out of work force to make room for women
>women forced into work force
>income no longer going towards family units because it can't exist with both parent working
>goyim spend money on goy feed and cheap products instead of raising healthy family
>goy children grow up into uncultured mongrels
>most goy women get abortions or adopt niggers
>everything going as planned
Women are on average more whorish these days, they fuck niggers a lot more often, and marriage laws have been designed to destroy men over time; like alimony and child support and visitation times, etc.
pretty much this
The truth is that the only thing women have to offer nowadays is sex... that's it.
Before women had value to nurture the hearthfire of a family and be the supporting embrace of loved ones. They just all seem superficial now and honestly women are becoming less attractive in my eyes.
I suppose this is what happens when a civilization reaches 7.5 BILLION people, the need to keep reproducing rapidly diminishes.
Wait, isn't it HER body HER choice ?
Just wait until VR sex becomes better than the real thing. It's only a matter of time before VR headsets tap into our brainwaves and allow us to simulate dream-like simulations of pleasure.
Men will further reside deeper into the simulations, women will feel even further detached and disconnected. Robotic automation will force us out of work and a basic universal income will initiate across the globe.
The Matrix is inevitable.
Strange game indeed
It comes back to the Jew.
This. Bisexual masterrace.