Why is Sup Forums so much smarter during euro hours vs burger hours?
I can't even...
Why is Sup Forums so much smarter during euro hours vs burger hours?
I can't even...
We're drunk and/or on drugs.
because us burgers understand how BASED it is to be funding Saudi Arabian wahhabi terrorists
fuck off cunts
>complains that Saudi Arabia doesn't do enough to fight ISIS
>Trump makes arms deal giving them money to help fight ISIS
>still autistically screeches
Nothing makes you guys happy huh?
A lot of dumb Americans. Some of them are shitposting on purpose though
But Obama made a 115 b$ deal just as trump made a 110 b$ deal with them over a period of 10 years
based Obama based Trump assad must go, gadafy must go, sadam must go
Israel and Saudi #1
It's almost like burgers are snow niggers or something.
ok then,... but you know Libya and Syria were 2 of the 5 nations which witheld africa and the middle east from escaping poverty thus flooding europe right?
t-thanks obama
You don't understand. Saudi Arabia is stimulating AMERICA
Trump is so fucking based
it's not
Hmmm yeah I've noticed also. A lot of the retarded posts are American specific
Because Australian hours are the same as American hours
t. pommie immigrant
Whatcha upto today lad? Literally doing nothing in this gorgeous weather
It's cloudy and grey as fuck where live
Because shill blue starts at 12pm est
Because posts by Americans don't confirm your bias and the way you cope with that is through the baseless presupposition that you're somehow smarter or more well-informed.
Because during burger hours, you have $40 million+ worth of shills fucking up the board, whereas that is not the case during Euro hours (it's why I come on during Euro hours)
I miss being in Hawaii. I got to participate in real euro hours every night.