Whole Russia narrative about to sink and Seth Rich to be avenged.

Other urls found in this thread:

"The internet is now investigating"

LOL you lose any credibility the moment you start with this. My prediction, the Seth Rich story goes nowhere but you guys keep peddling it anyway

Seth Rich Day will be a national holiday. God bless the American patriot who did the right thing.

big kim is a good lad

Doesn't this guy always make silly grandiose claims and never follow through? I remember at least 3 from the election.

if i ever find you in real life i will fucking destroy you

I'm on your guys side, and believe that the Seth Rich story is extremely fishy.

But, why does everyone keep getting wet over Kim Dotcom? The guy has never done a fuckin thing for the cause. I remember before the election he literally said he had all of Hillary's deleted emails and he was gonna release them, and then he didn't do shit except shill his new service.

Seriously, the dude is an attention whore and other than hating Hillary he hasn't ever done a fuckin thing for the cause. I wouldn't get that excited.

Keep digging though, I'm just saying Kim is a liar. Every time there is media attention on something all of a sudden he was a part of it, but up until the media attention he didn't have anything to say about it? Yeah ok.

> save trump

stop presupposing that he's in any danger

the whole russia thing is nonsense

Yes. Finally someone else can remember more than fucking 72 hours ago.

Kim Schmitz is a backstabbing asshole.

Hillary has 98% chance to win
Looks like an early night for Trump
Faithless electors!

Fail again, dumbfag.

God bless that fat kiwi.

>if i ever find you in real life i will fucking destroy you

Well you're stupid enough to believe the Seth Rich conspiracy, why would I have any worry whatsoever about you finding me?

Fuck liberals, no one would even know about this shit without Hannity (you guys and the dumb TD fags make up .00001% of the worlds population). Liberal faggots already have labor day I won't give them another, we should do Sean Hannity day instead

chief of DC police. what do you guys make of this:




He's a big conduit for information, and that takes the heat off others. And by big I mean obese.

I agree with this
He had a lot of big talk about Hillary's emails but nothing followed through


i know. but it would finally destroy the narrative.

>Hillary has 98% chance to win

I never thought she had a chance to win but I did predict Pizzagate story would go nowhere too.

It's pretty bad when Seth's own family hates you right now. You claim to be doing good things, but will be dragging the family's name through the dirty to do it.

Can't wait until cease and desist letters has Sean Hannity issuing an apology on national television.


youre a kike and will die a virgin

Just let it okay out guise. If Kimdotcom is a liar it will show.
But if he has the real evidence to btfo the dems and anti Trump media, then FUCKING awesome.
Give him a chance. .

Kim Fat Com is a faggot. If he had this info, he would have come out with it day one. Why wait this long? To save Trump? PLease, this isn't about trump to him. This is about Kim Fat Cuck


He said that if Congress agrees to add Seth Rich death investigation into Russia probe then he will release proof that Seth stole the emails not Russia

Why not do that a year ago?

Says the retard who believes in the Russian collusion bullshit, LMAO.

Yeah, make sure you do a huge thread about that once Donald Trump gets impeached, bro, we're all going to be sucking your dick then.

By the way, you're a fucking loser and the entire site is laughing at you you fucking hoe.

He isn't gonna give it up for free, he wants them to investigate Seth Rich's murder. He knew Seth Rich personally and wants him avenged.

Exactly. He seems to only care about things once people are talking about it most likely to promote his own agenda...poor character.


timing... this all is coming together. I mean Trump been doing some batshit crazy stuff? Heres been losing everyone in to watch what happens next. Damm if this is true.. Shit Maybe Trump had to do some things like get Comey fired? Maybe there guys gave him some list of things to do? Switzerland drops the JA case? I don't believe in coincidences. Go watch the joint press conference with the Colombian President . Im off line here sorry to make you youtube the vid. Go to the 20 minute mark where trump is asked about wether he interfered with Comey... He answers NO! Look at Kushner in the upper left hand corner of the screen. He is smiling.. Like a school boy in a prank. These people should be nervous and thinking about the possible impeachment? No kushner is smirking! Unbelievable if this has been one big play to draw everyone in!


It's a meme with an end. The end justifies the meme. Do you even 4D?

It is a tactical nuke that honors a liberal for destroying the deep state with his lone act of heroism. Liberalism dies just the same.

if kim doesn't deliver this time, i really hope you all hold his feet to the fire this time. he's done way too many publicity stunts.

This one has gone too far, I think he knows he needs to deliver or he will forever be a faggot.

Idk... that fat fuck has left us high and dry a few times.

Kim really hates liberals
Clinton and Obama tried to ruin and jail him

This is why I'm hesitant to jump on this. If Hillary & Co. get arrested, I would never need porn again. But, Kimdotcom is always doing shit like this to the point where I just want his fat ass to shut up from time to time.

If it is real, I hope he realizes that he's lost a lot of credibility from previous stunts and it would be a real fucking tragedy if it doesn't get the traction it needs to because of this.

fat fuck

what did he mean by this?

Well now that Sean Hannity, one of the highest rated and most watched media personalities in the country is paying attention, it might actually go somewhere.

tay would look smoking there with black hair. black nails. black clothes. yet pure aryan. oh yeah.

If Kim is pulling his usual shit he's going to destroy any hopes for a legitimate look at this investigation. After Wheeler's fuckup the worst possible thing right now is for him to go on TV and peddle more bullshit. It will ensure Seth Rich remains a cold case forever.

It cant get any colder.

I'm an associate at Pittman (we've rep'd Sean and a few other conservatives in the past). Last night, two of our partners had a screaming match with people at fox. For my sake Sean, don't fuck this up. Please. I do NOT want to be briefing until I can't feel my fingers. Please?

He is not going say what he said and then go in line with hannity who has millions of followere on radio and TV unless it was major. If it isn't he will be ruined forever. I doubt even he is that dumb


Hannity! Yes!





Hannity is bout to get trolled on air.

Why do we listen to this asshole? He kept hyping up he had shit on Hillary during the primaries and did nothing. He's an attention whore!

Why is it the tolerant left always goes for the "HA FAG!" approach to describe Trumps allegiance to Russia. Imagine the OC of hilary blowing oil shieks for her pay to play bullshit.


Something better happen

Nothing will happen.
>Tuesday comes around
>"Ah geez guys, my legal advisors told me I cannot give any disclosure about Seth Rich. I swear tho he was a good friend!"


Kim Dotcom is literally "wow it's fucking nothing" the human being. He has never delivered even once. Even that fake investigative journalist guy sort of influenced things. Dotcom has never done anything.

we are the future. you are a dead man walking. you signed a deal with the devil and she will collect her due.

He claimed to have had Hillary Clitnton saying Nigger on tape. Again, why do the cucks in this thread believe a word coming from him? I want this to blow up in hillary's face more than anyone, but faggots like Kim will ruin this.

>It's pretty bad when Seth's own family hates you right now. You claim to be doing good things, but will be dragging the family's name through the dirty to do it.
He was a Bernie supporter. Of course his super liberal family hates us.

Why didn't any wealthy democrats put up a big reward to find the killer?
Because he he never had any contact with wikileaks.
It was the Russians, right?


He is a fat german/fin


Bump for Seth.