How to undeniably prove to a muslim that islam is bad?
Everytime I try, they say "out of context", "diffrent times" and if I point for example jihad, they say it's not mandatory like christians don't follow everything in bible. Always some excuse.
How to undeniably prove to a muslim that islam is bad?
Everytime I try, they say "out of context", "diffrent times" and if I point for example jihad, they say it's not mandatory like christians don't follow everything in bible. Always some excuse.
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you can't convince people their worldview is wrong
you either agree not to associate and stay in your own damn countries or people start killing each other eventually
they're my friends and I don't want them to waste their lives by following this book of idiocy
Islam is the shittiest religion, observable by looking at the real world. It doesn't matter that Jihad is mandatory or not. By being a muslim, and believing and admiting to that, it just means you won't do it, but won't do anything to hinder it, becasue you don't believe in to be wrong, just option. Not only do you not believe it to be wrong, you admit it to be something morally correct by muslim standards, if someone sees it as such.
if the world were worshipping the religion of ripping beating hearts from living people to make the sun rise, there would only be 365 people dying due to religion every year, which makes it a better religion to dominate the world in comparison to Islam.
Just think about that. It would be better for mankind to be dominated by Aztecs than muslims.
Islam, comparable to any modern religion, is the most destructible. This is undeniable. It's the shittiest religion of modern times.
they are not your friends
if they see Jihad as something optional, not wrong, and justifiable by their religion, it means they wouldn't do anything to a jihadist that would try to kill you.
honestly, you shouldn't hang around those people anymore in the first place.
their little quran is filled with passages that entice muslims to deceive non-muslims and not make friends with non-muslims.
stay away from those people. nothing good will come of it. they are not your friends.
what if they say that those are just extremists and real muslims just want peace? no killing, no hurting, no treating women worse etc like in non islamic countries? (they still somehow agree to laws like cutting hands of thieves) when i point out that it's all in koran they just deny it
i know about takija thing, but i don't think they are using it. they just didnt bother to read about their religion and believe what others say - religion of peace
they are not extremists
it's your friends that are bad muslims
The example of the perfect Christian is Jesus.
The example of the perfect Muslim is Mohammed.
Jesus was a carpenter that at age 30 decided to wander the middle east to heal the sick, feed the people and resurrect the dead. Ask them to name one bad thing Jesus did.
Mohammed was a warlord that once killed a slave for putting his hands in the spoils of war before the spoils of war had been divided.
War, slavery and taking spoils of war is not "different times", it exists today, which means that if Mohammed, the perfect muslim, was alive today, he would wage war and have slaves. He would literally act like a Somalian.
Christians that don't follow everything in the bible, aka Christians that don't act like Jesus are bad christians.
Muslims that don't kill in the name of their religion are bad muslims.
Says a lot about each religion.
Also, they don't have authority to say who are real muslims or not since to be considered a muslim you just have to say a few phrases, hence anyone that says those phrases are muslims.
ok, thanks
I am not christian, I don't know bible more than from school and I often notice people defend muslims by saying that bible has teachings aganist women, ones that say to kill or similar barbaric things. is that true? how would i answer to this?
"If Islam is the religion of peace, shouldn't Islamic extremists be the most peaceful people on Earth?"
This youtuber is a former muslim who has gonne atheist.
1. He knows the Quran. They can't tell him he doesn't know the context.
2. He knows Arabic (he posts the videos in arabic and english) so they can't claim that to really know the context of the Quran you have to learn Arabic.
3. He did a video explaining how imams are slimy rats and the various schools and sources of interpretation of the Quran and how none is good.
If you don't know your bible then don't use the bible as argument.
Just don't answer. You don't know the bible. You do know christian communities and muslim communities and overall which ones are better to live in. Stick to what you know, admit what you don't know.
There are 9 majority muslim countries that execute homosexuals. There are 13 that have blasphemy laws protecting Islam from criticism and any negative depictions or discussions of Mohammad. Maybe your friends don't carry about these specific things, but you can find any number of muslim majority countries that enact policies they disagree with, so pick those. Ask them if those hundreds of millions of Muslims are true muslims or not. They might say, "Well we don't believe that", but here's the reality.
All of the things you would condemn in Islam, whether it's against women, homosexuals, freedom of speech/religion, etc., are practiced in Muslim countries because there are verses supporting them within the Quran. These ideas are inextricable from the Quran because it is the literal world of God translated by the angel Gabriel and put into practice by the holiest man to ever walk the earth. Whether your friends like it or not, the horrible practices they disagree with are enacted in Muslim countries because they are valid interpretations from the unchangeable Quran. There are at least two possibilities in regards to your friends. They either do not believe in these practices, or they understand how little power they wield demographically and so they keep their approval hidden.
The problem, of course, is that as the number of Muslims in a country rises, so too does the potential for radical (read, accurate) interpretations of the Quran. The ones who believe this so fervently are the ones who proselytize, who run for office, who protest and push for more power to enact those beliefs. It is unlikely that even your moderate Muslim friends will do much to stop the advancement of radicalism, because there are too many examples of these beliefs being practiced across the Arab and African world. If the majority of Muslims are truly peaceful, then they are passive bystanders to the atrocious policies enacted by their governments. You should remind them that the Muslims who preach the loudest for reform don't live in Muslim majority countries because they would be executed for blasphemy. The argument against Islam then, is that by propagating the belief in it, they are creating a cover for the radicals to hide behind. The ‘peaceful’ Muslims, whether they know it or not, cast a shadow in which the fundamentalists can subvert western liberal policies. You could also try getting them to read Paul Johnson’s book on Socrates. Find out if they would rather follow his example or Mohammad’s. Obviously Socrates did not sell women and children into slavery, he didn’t wage war, he was an unwavering secular moral absolutist who didn’t call for violence and sought to live the most truly ‘good’ life possible. If they end up choosing Mohammad and citing religious reasons, you’ve won. When they choose a religious extremist over a secular humanitarian, this is a predilection for what will happen in Muslim majority Western countries. Muslims abide by our laws until the breaking point arrives, and then reveal their true goal. It is not goodness, liberty, or justice, or peace, it is Islam and only Islam.
Ok, thanks for answers everyone
That german poster above me is most probably a troll, but i wouldn't be suprised if he wasn't
especially after calling you a christcuck after you said you're not even christian.
>"diffrent times"
Does not apply. The Qur'an is perfect for all ages and just has to be applied to new contexts. The Bible is a very different kind of book (collection of books in many different genres) from the Qur'an. When the Hebrew Bible describes Moses' wars and how the Jews took slaves and killed tribes it's not a set of instructions for Jews today, never mind Christians. The Qur'an's instructions however are applicable today. Of course not by individuals but governed by religious authority. Nevertheless those instructions remain in place. So for example wherever there is Islamic law, Muslims must strive to make shariah the rule of the land where they exist in significant numbers. Under Islamic law it is mandatory for Muslims to subjugate non-Muslims under Muslim rule by force to uphold the Islamic fact that non-Muslims are inferior and hence this reality of Islamic supremacy has to be manifest and made manifest in society, and this is not optional.
They probably don't understand Islam as a whole. If they were born Muslim, they only really know the individual obligations like prayer etc. They're very unlikely to understand much of the bigger picture and how it all ties together.
Mohammad either did or did not dry-fuck a nine year old in the desert.
The correct answer is:
Mohammad did, in fact, dry fuck a nine year old in the desert.
Pedophiles are criminals and treated as what they are - human filth.
No context needed.
German poster is roach.
Pay its clicking no mind.
>So for example wherever there is Islamic law, Muslims must strive to make shariah the rule of the land where they exist in significant numbers.
obviously should've been
>So for example wherever Muslims exist in significant numbers they must strive to make shariah the rule of the land
They literally worship a guy who married a 6 year old. I mean sure its a different time, life expectency is 30, so maybe you marry a 12 year old an no one bats an eye; but 6? That's fucked up no matter what century you're living in.
The whole, "say a few phrases and you're muslim" thing was made easy on purpose to quickly convert a whole conquered nation's population to Islam, it is literally like a virus that infects and kills rather than a religion where great masses were brought to it through preaching, self exploration and love.
Different times :^)
This is one of the most common complaints but it's actually worse than that.
Yes, she was married at age 6 and they consummated at age 9, but in the years prior to this Mohammad practiced 'thighing'. He apparently did not penetrate her until 9 but he absolutely experimented with her sexually before that. You don't have to spend too long thinking what else he likely did to her in lieu of penetration.
A bit strange God didn't tell Mohammad to quit that shit no?
it's seems allah changes his mind
sometimes it's just a prank, kaffir
Who cares what they say.
You are right.
We will win in the end anyway.
Ave Maria