what the fuck is his endgame?
Okay seriously now
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those shoops are getting quite hilarious i gotta be honest
I like this new meme
wtf I love Zionism now
lel thats a good shoop
they say milk is racist
No shilling or memeing but i think he is a Russian asset. Has a very patriotic russian waifu (ole KGB honeytrap trick), is very pro-Russian and is exploiting racial tensions by pushing for a separatist movement
I unironically think the same
To make you all look ridiculous.
Its quite obvious after the torch march that hes controlled opposition planted by the government
jesus christ, are those tits real?
To hurt Trump.
To discredit national socialism, like all (((white nationalists))).
That's a rocking set of pencil eraser nips
based Jensen
>when the jews put oestrogen in your water
What's wrong with separatism?
That's the only way we can ever have a white ethnostate in N.A
Nah he isn't US gov, he isn't typical of a FBI plant. His MO and background suggest outside influence. I assure you the CIA and FBI are watching him closely though and probably already have an agent in the movement.
>muh richard spencey
real richard spencer content
Why does he look like a massive faggot?
And why did he get so fucking fat?
Do people actually respect and follow him?
no self-control
no discipline.
Russia is a lot better than (((America)))
What exactly about the Faustian spirit of pan-European man is a joke to you, Sup Forums?
He didn't organize that. He just came along. Also, he didn't decide on torches, it was going to be candles but some eager youngster said effectively, 'fuck moderation and optics' and went with torches. Sorry.
Why do you Jews care so much about his hair? Are you trying to fuck him or something?
he's a handsome lad desu
he wasn't organizing the event tho just attended
i still think he's a russian puppet to sow division in the us
Opening up discourse.
I watched the interview he had with the two black dudes.
It was by far the most exaggerated comical version of the white supremacist, purposefully using the worst kind of words to seem as racist and evil as possible.
I was always against pol's delusional obsession with labeling everything as "controlled opposition".
I'm calling Richard 100% fake.
Just watch the damn interview and cringe.
Hold up hold up, i thought it was obvious that he was controlled opposition... wtf?
To discredit the right. He's doing a good job.
He's the Lena Dunham of the right.
That's wrong. He has manboobs too.
This is also an interesting point. Heard that shit about his wife before.
A good haircut
No, its true. His Russian wife runs Russia Insider - a RT type shill site, and does translations for Dugin.
I've listened to Spencers podcasts since 2012, and although I agree with a lot of what he says, he sometimes goes into there anti-NATO and anti-Eastern European independence rants + he has had many self proclaimed Russian shills on as guests.
probably his lowest point was the Crimea referendum podcast where he had that German blogger on, who shills for Putin constantly, who was an """independent observer""" in the so called referendum there.
You're actually posting the shops.
Spencer is ugly. Ugly soul = ugly outside.
She isn't even Russian. Look at her. She's some kind of Armenian half-breed.
he is 2bh. hes also a kike zionist and a homo
man steveo is a shoe in for gold medal in degenerate olympics, look at those tattoos.
dicks, bestiality, satan worship
I'd totally steal his look if I could first lose my body fat. I feel that hair would look weird on me since I'm a bit chubby.
so what's the significance of that which is circled in red?
Spencer is at the very least as bad as Mike Enoch. He needs to be held accountable for his disingenuous LARPing, just like the TRS Jews.
Go and actually read the article, it was very interesting.
>inb4 shill/shlomo
Reading the source is better than autistic irony that derails an intellectual conversation
keep eating.
this guy gets it
But Spencer is anti-balkanization, he wants a pan-European/American White Imperium. I don't see how that helps Russia, quite the opposite. It's LARPy, but not really a pro-Putin position.
They're real and they're spectacular