Richard Spencer banned from his gym for being a Neo-Nazis
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Did he sleep in those clothes?
>more photoshopped shit
Fuck off kike
is this photoshopped
Captain Bitchtits is too scared to even admit his identity in front of a woman:
>Fair wrote that she approached Spencer at the gym and "loudly identified him as a neo-Nazi." She said she anticipated that the gym would kick her out for confronting Spencer.
>"First, I want to note that this man is a supreme coward," Fair wrote. "When I approached this flaccid, sorry excuse of a man and asked ‘Are you Richard Spencer,' this pendulous poltroon said 'No. I am not.'"
fake news.
he refused to wear a sports bra and lactated all over the equipment
>pendulous poltroon
look at the fear on his face TOP KEK
The woman is such a shitlibby jew its almost comical.
Poor Dicky Spencer, just tryna get swole for the race war.
>l-leave my fashy aryan boyfriend alone
Well what's be supposed to do? Beat the shit out of her? He's controlling himself and being civil so the next headline isn't "NEO NAZI INSULTS THEN ASSAULTS INNOCENT WOMAN AT GYM"
Is editing pics of Spencer some kind of Antifa tactic now? Attempt at trolling?
>things she never even said
helo r u retardered
he could at least man up and admit who he is. do you think Hitler would've tried to hide his identity like that?
Is he supposed to represent the Aryan master race? Because he looks like a pathetic weakling. Looks like a typical American mongrel.
post more unshopped pics
Hitler had power, bodyguards, and could use violence..
He's just looking out for himself, I'd do the same thing
...She's a coalburner.
>Attempt at trolling?
On a korean decorative fire forum? Nah.
Actually he looks white as fuck
damn he's built like hillary
He's 100% European according to his 23andme results.
>m-m-muh ancestry
Ancestry makes no fucking difference when you're a degenerate.
25% British
40% Irish
5% German
30% McDonalds
Spencer himself confirmed the story, cuck.
Ok I laughed.
Archive that shit.
>posting the shopped one
And who cares.
You commies are literally the worst.
But you can't be banned for political beliefs in America.... r-r-right goys?
Both those fatties need to take that argument to the treadmill
Wow, Randy cleans up nice
You've got to pick your battles. At least he's listening to someone and going to the gym.
I'll be honest, I kind of want Spencer to give me babies...
I'm not even that right wing...
time to hire a jew lawyer and sue.
Take this (((alt-right))) faggotry back to whatever reddit page this belongs on
Do you think Spencer knows the definition of insanity?
Technically he could sue if he wants to. They're discriminating against him for his political beliefs on top of being harassed.
I'd use white taqqiya in his position too, to be honest. Last thing you want in your downtime is some coalburning thot screeching at you
Look at this fat Jewess. Where's Nathan Damingo when you need him?
forgot pic.
>fear in his face
Get a gun and shoot yourself in the head immediately since you clearly do not have any value in your lifewhatsoever, you slimy little fuck.
Some loud bitch walks into your gym, walks up to you, and screams "you believe in [things you openly believe in] " and expects you to feel shame. You're there to work out and you ask employees for help. These employees kick you out instead.
You need to kill yourself. It's that simple. You made it okay for anyone to come to your place of work, declare you a racist, and get YOU kicked out despite you being the victim of harassment. Just kill yourself. You really should. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't. Someone who thinks like this surely should shoot themselves in the head.
serious question, is Richard gay?
No, but some people in this thread are. Particularly those like who think it's "cowardly" to ask employees to kick out a woman harassing you for your own beliefs.
Aparently it's frowned upon to say "kill yourself" or to think that someone should kill themselves if they think it's okay to live in a world where you go to a gym, some woman tracks you down and harasses you, and YOU end up getting kicked out instead.
Calm down there you fat kike. I don't think he really cared. She's getting fat shamed now for her effort.
you seem like a weirdo who has taken on richard as some sort of "big brother" type of figure, which is really gay
Reading through the comments section of the article.
Is it common for stormfags to use leftist strawmen facebook accounts?
>5 friends
Might be something worth considering on a larger scale
Hitler was shot trying to overthrow the government and then went to jail.
Hitler would have manned up, that's how he became Chancellor. Spencer is controlled opposition and a pussy.
Meanwhile, you just seem really gay.
you alt-right faggots got some fucking balls. You always say "never punch right!" and "unite together!" yet you faggots ALWAYS attack everyone who is even slightly different than your world view. Scumbags.
sue. discrimination is illegal. he can get some bucco bux from this
Does anyone really like richard spencer? Most likely he is controlled opposition.
>America belongs to everyone
This same cunt will wonder why it all went so wrong when the country collapses and she's living in a shit shack.
>directly linking to cuckfeed
The last one is the most pathetic.
>I have an opinion, but before you disagree with me I don't have an opinion!
Why bother existing at that point.
>fake quote
>so many spelling mistakes
Yeah, so much for "some races are more intelligent as as others" Kek
Does this cunt not know how to pick a jacket that fuckin' fits him ffs?
He looks more like the michelin man than an actual human being ffs
Oh are you (((right))) like Paul Ryan? Get lost faggot.
>Clam down there you fat kike
Fuck you, I am looking at the big picture here. There is still a gym that will kick a man out if a woman stalks him, walks up to him, and berates him for his personal beliefs that he hasn't expressed in the gym. I'm trying to find that gym's info, I'm trying to find their phone number and email so I can send them nasty e-mails and leave angry voicemails. I don't know what else I can do honestly.
I don't give a fuck about "customer service" I just care about the precedent this sets. This shouldn't have happened. Sure, he can go to another gym where true bros welcome him in open arms, but a gym where you can get kicked out depending on whether a woman harasses you or not is STILL OUT THERE. STILL IN BUSINESS. STILL MISLEADING PEOPLE INTO THINKING YOU'RE SAFE FROM HARASSMENT.
I only recently started seeing alt-right picking fights with people, before that it was just antifa-tards starting shit with people who didn't really want to start shit. Both groups of said retards are showing up for a fight, let them kill each other. It'll raise the average I.Q. on this planet if they die.
You see what I mean though? Its such a typical argument of leftists, a particularly weak one at that.
The five friends and faceless profile pic mean it has to be a strawman for the alt-right to argue against in comment sections.
Crazy leftist bitches don't really have any self-control and do all sorts of violent shit because they rarely have to face consequences or retaliation for them. Leftists bitches will fucking clock you then cry that you assaulted them and unless you luck out and don't get cuck cops, you're dicked.
Sure you are kike. You're trying to kill White people i know. Ripping the bitches head off wouldn't be good PR and unfortunately Nathan the prophet of White Sharia wasn't there.
>whiteknighting for a man
both groups suspiciously absent when t*rk dogs kicked the shit outta people in DC
Top level kek
That Taylor bitch is insufferable, I can feel her smugness permeating through the post
The fact that anti Spencer shit is being shilled so hard Sup Forums tells me that he must be doing something right.
If Hitler was in 2017 in Americunt and was being harassed by a leftist bitch and knew the score in this cuntry vis-a-vis feminism, white knighting and the legal system, then he probably would pretend he was Charlie Chaplin.
>Sup Forums always talks about smashking lefty skulls and not acting like a little beta bitch
>Sup Forums defends Spencer acting like a little bitch and not standing up for himself in front of a lone hambeast
Wtf happened????
drop kicking her in the face and then screaming heil hitler probably would have legitimized him more than acting like a complete beta
Leftpol's poisoning of the well only backfires
>Top level kek dude le
Now GTFO faggot. You don't belong here.
Everyday I am reminded of why I hate these people
Yeah he did good. They don't like that he's forming lynch mobs haha.
Yeah I see what you're talking about.
>smash irrelevant lefty's skull
>spend rest of your days in jail
Like you? Fag. Spencer has done more in a few years than most of you fucks will do in your lifetime.
So what you're saying is that Sup Forums is full of internet tough talk? But they told me they couldn't wait until they got to mag dump some antifa.
>You're trying to kill White people i know. Ripping the bitches head off wouldn't be good PR and unfortunately Nathan the prophet of White Sharia wasn't there.
What the fuck did i just read
Yeah, I get it, you want me to classify white men as "uncool" so that I could further separate myself from the rest of my nation. It's not gong to work.
lol your narrative failed
Im saying that people like Spencer are worth more than having an irrelevant lefty cunt removed. Tbh even an average nobody nationalist should hold themselves to the same standard as we're so heavily outnumbered.
Ryan makes a good princess for daddy
Pretty sure your only victory was sucker punching a guy giving an interview than running away. Been all downhill since haha.
white supremacist scum getting what he deserves
These spencer threads are entertaining as hell and full of keks. Keep em coming
Oh you don't know about this you filthy fucking kike?
>uhh the native amewicans were here first u bigut
Oh my fucking God. They were a weak, inferior collection of tribes locked in a perpetual state of war with one another. The white man arrived, outsmarted them with superior technology and intellect and took the land. In short, it was war and the white man won and created the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen in a matter of decades.
Force all racists to wear pink swastika badges on them. Make them known to the public so we can punish them on sight haha!
>>classify white men
>implying one man = an entire race
that's a sweet way of saying you only have eyes for him
loving every laugh