
How do we fix it?



Cut all food aid

Why fix whats not broken?


Huge scholarization project.

1) Occupy and put down every shade of government they have.
2) Deport them all in camps
3) Scholarize them
4) Kill the AIDS carriers

Also treat them like second class citizen until the study process is complete.
Done. They at least are domesticated in 30/40 years.

You cannot fix what was never working in the first place


Damn after 11 years I finally got to post this image again.

>4) Kill the AIDS carriers
Pasta you want to kill them all

To improve the developmental state of Africa, the its population needs higher intelligence.
This requires eugenic approaches.
One could e.g. import Chinese to live in Africa, trying to replace native Africans, similar to what Francis Galton proposed.
Alternatively, one could import Chinese men to mix with the native population, so as to increase the intelligence of the mixed race offspring.

An third option would be selective breeding of comparatively intelligent Africans; this would require longer time to work.

These first two options would have heavy effects rather fast; say like in 50 to 100 years. The last approach would probably take somewhat longer to have a significant impact.

Conquer it and create a massive agricultural based society in the rich soils of sub-saharan Africa by introducing good farming techniques and suggesting the local populations work on those farms.

>work when not forced by the threat of death

What do you think I meant by suggesting? Ask politely?

Why should we? People who WERE KANGZ will do a better job at Making Africa Great Again.

One word:

Removing afri

eugenics doesn't work and the reason why people are "unintelligent" is because of poverty and lack of education. Now the brains being smaller thing can be explained from starvation. People who do not eat as much I.E. leading to a smaller brain. Even if then brain size is smaller that doesn't mean anything as what matters is connections and neurons in the brain. For example a whale has a bigger brain then us but obviously they are not as intelligent as us.

scholarisation. what's that.


Nuclear fire. It will also cool the rest of the world fixing the planetary heating that we are still undergoing since the ice age.

Then perhaps throw the niggers back there and tell them they can colonize it now and become kangz and shiet.


Imagine how glorious that would be.

I feel like this map is out of date, Lybia can't possibly be alright anymore

Stop trying to impose freedom and democracy and let the Chinese build infrastructure.


It will "fix" itself, and the rest of humanity in the process.

By restoring Rhodesia and minority rule in countries in the Southern half, and just nuke the northern parts.

Bless their rain

We tried during the scramble for africa

Serious answer?

Stop giving them food and weapons, give them farming supplies and birth control.

Africa controls to have 8-9 kids on AVERAGE and those children then get abandoned to cucked charities that throw money to keep those kids alive long enough so they can have 8-9 kids. The supply of free food and aids means that people aren't going to spend what little money they have on buying their own food and medicine. So local farmers and doctors can't stay in business, go bankrupt, and then depend on food aid.




>Kill the AIDS carriers

rip Africa

This would actually help a lot. Only the strong smart ones would survive