Civil War 2

So, what? Are we going to Civil War now? How long will that last? The extreme leftists can only supply themselves for so long. If they want to actually overthrow the government, they'll need funding and additional support. After all, they'll be taking on the FUCKING UNITED STATES MILITARY which isn't exactly an easy task. Even if they get a few successful shots at the Donald, what's their plan afterwards? Make Hillary president?

A message to Sup Forums: If a second civil war does happen, we need to form our own resistance group to end it quickly. There's always a chance of it turning to Syria. and we don't need lots of people dying in the streets. Either commence cyber-operations or support the police. We can't have these babies threatening democracy and freedom of speech.

Other urls found in this thread:

In NYC. Will be more than happy to disrupt, spread disinformation, destroy supplies while you all lay siege.

After seeing how they treated Trump's kids in this very city, and watching libcucks attempt to impeach him based solely on their own delusions, I care not how many leftists die.


Here is some fashwave to play for this madness

Also, there is a tactic.

Probably freelance crypto/linguistics/sociology to whatever faction embodies what this country stands for.

NYCfag also reporting in.
Would also happily participate

i've been waiting for this for a decade. it's up to them if they want to start it or not. antifa should be purged as a terrorist organization at least.

I only way I can see an actual civil war start up is if California secedes, forms it's own military, and gets funding from leftist politicians and celebrities. Otherwise, any rebellion would be squashed in an hour.

Blue group should be up front - skirmishers.

Smaller = more difficult target, probably better stamina. Antifa will become exhausted fighting them. Send red to crush them.

They wouldn't stand a chance. And we're great at blending in with them (we have to be).

checked. But sorry bro the other dude has it right. Keep the skirmishers in reserve and use them to push round the flanks and envelop the enemy while they are engaged to the front to cause maximum terror and confusion.
hannibal's tactics at Cannae showed that being surrounded is a surefire way to lose, even if you have numerical superiority. It's the panic that does it


but then they can see my tummy, user.



diversionary tactic


South-fag here.

If the cops don't shoot them the gangs will.

How will we break their morale?

These fags are weak, brittle bones (since milk is racist) and have no combat experience.

Their vigor is what keeps them up, how will we intimidate them?

Personally you can't go wrong with banging on shields, the pure sound from wood on wood (add in some chanting) and you can break their spirit and thus their resolve.

about 3 days straight of trying to fight off a superior besieging force should do it

Can't deny that.

It's literally impossible for niggers to get over slavery and white people to stop feeling guilty, so yes, we will have another war.



not gonna happen for another few decades at least

a few decades and the west will be too brown to win
It's happening between now and 2025


i don't think you get it, whites being a minority and the future multiracial makeup of the us will be the catalyst for the war, the less homogeneous a nation is the more divided and unstable it becomes. america will be much weaker in the future

>It's better to let more enemies into your borders to outnumber you so that the war can be more destructive and harder to win/rebuild and establish a line of common defense with what little survivors are left
>it's better to destroy your weakened nation than try to salvage it's power/purge corruption and project your power on to the enemies invading you
>it's much better to let all of the west fall first lol
>cause then the little bit of us left would be way angrier even though all the institutions we used to control and survive on are being used against us
>the technology will be much deadlier and now completely in the hands of the enemy that is completely brainwashed due to our lack of action

That's some pretty strategic thinking there Trudeau

A couple more years is all we will have until the task becomes truly apocalyptic

did i say it was what i wanted? it's what's going to happen whether we like it or not

Sounds like something someone living in an unarmed rape-gang hellhole filled with depression fueled thoughts would say
It's happening much sooner than you think

Yah shii guhn tuh blik dill muk til buug troo mix tape hahna bix nood

why would it kick off now? the police and military are too homogeneous and america is still a superpower


because there's a coup going on here with multiple communist revolutionary groups being prepared for this summer
Europe is about to get an even larger wave of "migrants" this summer
The EU is becoming more and more hostile to you and Poland/Hungary
South Africa is about to erupt into a race war
China wants to snatch as many REMs as possible from the largest deposit ever found in NK
Russia is on the edge
south america is about to go through some revolutions
India and pakis are heating up again
and on top of it all a huge movement to expose the ones behind it all is becoming very,very large

The chain of events is going to start this summer and will likely pop off completely before the end of Trumps first turn
The movement will only grow and snowball in the next few months/years

Civil War Strategy Larp: (thought experiment only: plz no bully FBI-kun)

With the possibility of the Jewish globalist deep state lizard people making a move on Trump, I think it's time that we get our shit in order in case the unthinkable happens.

>Likely Situation:
Trump will be removed from power; this can take many forms. Most likely would be impeachment or forced resignation. Given the nature of our enemies, it is unlikely that obvious extra-legal means will be used, such as assassination, as doing so would delegitimize their attempt; this is key as performing the coup in an at least seemingly constitutional manner will gain them needed support in the military; many who would otherwise oppose them will fight for them in a tragically ironic attempt to defend the Constitution. Whatever remains of the Trump administration will likely then retreat to the Southern Whitehouse, Mar-a-Lago.

>Opening Moves:
Time will be critical. Opening plays should involve meeting up with fellow rebels for a fast attack on key targets. Should their ploy to gain military support fail, things will be over rather quick. More likely though, it will be necessary to launch a multitude of coordinated attacks to destroy domestic air resources. Gather in the town square, and steamroll the nearest air national guard base. While a sizeable portion of the military will likely side with the rebels, air power requires immense logistical backing to operate, which will be unavailable to rebel groups, barring the unlikely situations of a mass defection of an entire squadron or the secession of a state. But the complex nature of modern geopolitics makes such an event unlikely, therefore making the denial of air resources the most generally effective option.

It is obvious that a civil war would more resemble the conflict in Syria than the War Between the States, but some level of organization will be necessary nonetheless. It will be important to leverage the large number of military veterans and reservists available to the right, both for tactical leadership as well as training. Just disseminating basic information such as small unit tactics and triage would make a large difference in overall combat effectiveness.

>Foreign Influence
Another strong threat to the rebels would by the possibility of foreign action; either nations taking the chance to make a move in their region while America World Police is out, or supplying leftist forces. It is not impossible for the socialist governments in Europe, usually quite pacifist, to recognize the leftists as the "true" American government, and to attempt to fulfill their NATO obligations by landing troops on American soil. This is a threat that should be countered to an extreme; it would not be a stretch to threaten even nuclear reprisals to discourage such action. Covert supply shipments and special forces trainers would still likely be sent though, but poses less of an existential threat and rebel forces would likely receive similar aid from Russia or even an independent UK. The strongest counter to this would be to have all active duty US troops and the US Navy remain neutral throughout the war, as well as those involved in the nuclear program, serving as a "referee" of sorts.

Modern wars are fought in the media as well as in the field. See Vietnam if that statement is not patently obvious. Greentexts exist for how to disable electrical and internet for urban areas. This must be accomplished to cut off cities from the outside world and put more pressure on them. Than rebel propagandists will need to fill the void with their own media, forming public opinion.

>Operation Snek
As the geopolitical divide in current year tends to run more rural/urban than along state borders, it is likely that fighting will be centered around contests over major cities, similar to the fighting in Syria. To end the war in the quickest and most humane way, as well as to limit material damage, it is proposed that a blockade be placed around key cities; blocking food shipments and forcing inhabitants to remain in the city. Evacuation of civilians would not be an option; while this can easily be seen as inhumane, the only other option would be to contest the city through direct assault, a possibility which would pose a much greater threat to innocent lives than hunger. However, for the plan to work, population cannot be allowed to leave the city en masse, as doing so would reduce the supply burden, allowing the defenders of the city to hold out longer. Ideally, rebel elements still in the city would link up with the rural-based force comprising the blockade, allowing those connected to the right-wing militias to receive supplies and to evacuate family members. This would be necessary for morale purposes, the benefits of which would outweigh the previously mentioned concerns. Primary actions would be disablement of roadways leading to the city as well as landing strips. Insurgent forces in the city would be needed as well, to harry any organized leftists in the city and to disrupt them from launching a concentrated attack on the blockading force. NOTE: Encirclements are easily broken by concentrated attacks; intelligence from inside the city would be needed to predict and counter any attempted breakouts.

>Right Wing Death Squads
Most Sup Forumsacks think that the upcoming civil war will be their chance to impose racial hegemony through means of extermination or expulsion. I tell you now that doing so will doom the rebel cause. The resources needed to accomplish such a task cannot be spared. The invitation it opens to foreign meddling during the critical period of unrest before a new, stable government can be established is untenable. And most importantly, the results would be negligible in the long term as the time spent hunting down random civilians would allow for the people most responsible for CAUSING THIS WAR TO BEGIN WITH to ESCAPE. Sup Forums is a small fraction of the overall population, but is the most redpilled on what needs to be done to secure our future. The old Jewish guy down the street is probably not controlling the government. The Jewish college student who just came back from Israel probably didn't receive secret training from the IDF. Any threat they or similar persons pose is insignificant compared to that posed by the minds controlling the global order. Soros is a puppet - find his master. "Le Jews" isn't good enough. The ones in charge of this need to be found and made to pay for their crimes. Failure to do so will only give them a mild setback in their schemes. If the revolution is to succeed in the long run, you must find the globalists and name them. If not, then the only future we have secured for our children is eternal war.

Bump for hopefully some decent input

>Based operation snek poster from yesterday coming in hot
Couple flaws I see here
>hitting military targets first instead of the big wigs still on US soil
You don't want to make enemies with the military right off the bat before they chose a side-we should be finding the big targets in each region and dealing with them first thing
>hitting the grid
No way. A couple failures will bring the whole thing down. Those fucking towers are made in china and they take years to be build/ship overseas/replace. You don't just "shut off power to the cities" without doing irreparable damage to ourselves. intercepting supplies should be enough.
damn you must have been typing that for a while . Good job though

>because there's a coup going on here with multiple communist revolutionary groups being prepared for this summer
literally a bunch of kids larping with daddy's rifle, they're nothing compared to the police let alone the military
>Europe is about to get an even larger wave of "migrants" this summer
>The EU is becoming more and more hostile to you and Poland/Hungary
South Africa is about to erupt into a race war
>China wants to snatch as many REMs as possible from the largest deposit ever found in NK >Russia is on the edge
>south america is about to go through some revolutions
>India and pakis are heating up again
nothing to do with america
>and on top of it all a huge movement to expose the ones behind it all is becoming very,very large
they're very good at hiding these things, even if they were exposed like you say i can't see how it could trigger a civil war

people have been saying things like this for years on Sup Forums and then get disappointed when nothing happens, don't hold your breath


lel this guy is actually serious.

enjoy the FBI party van





who are we supposed to be fighting exactly?

lurk in the redpill generals for a few months before posting newfaggot

>Most Sup Forumsacks think that the upcoming civil war will be their chance to impose racial hegemony through means of extermination or expulsion.
Which is why we learn from Hitler's mistake and purge the non whites and leftists after the hypothetical revolution not that's there's going to be many left after we cut off supplies to the cities

no. this thread is about fighting in a civil war. so Im asking: who are the people I should personally go fight? feminists?

a bunch of corrupt pedophile bankers and their lobotomized minions you fucking newfaggot
Get back to that redpill general you little fucking bitch before I use my elite hacking skills I learned from the FSB on you

>a bunch of corrupt pedophile bankers and their lobotomized minions
why aren't you naming the Jews?
why are you calling Jews "pedophile bankers?"
why are you calling Zionists "lobotomized minions?"

is it because ur /nupol/?

because that's what they are, and some of them aren't jews

You came in here not knowing the battle lines and are now trying to break down my comment into some "nupol" D&C horseshit

you sound like a shill buddy

>the leftists can supply themselves
On day one food distributions to major cities goes to zero.

they're Jews and Zionists..right?
so why not name the Jew and Zionist?
is it because youre /nupol/?

>implying the right will totally mobilize in one day

Eh even with the right morale boosting event it would take a while to create effective blockades
this is you last (You) shillfaggot
Use it wisely

in the event of a civil war most niggers in the cities would die of starvation and disease, they'd probably kill each other over resources, too

that's the best way to exterminate blacks, you don't even have to fire a single bullet and technically you aren't even responsible
our side is whoever fights for the interests of whites

we name the Jews on this board.
we dont call them bankers..or a "cabal" or anything else. they're Jews.

non-jews who support Jews and Israel..well..they're called Zionists. They're just as evil as Jews.

agreed. but who is our actual enemy? youre a person, not a government. who is YOUR enemy..on your individual level? Its not the (((bankers))) because you cant touch them. so who is it?

communists, hispanic separatists, black nationalists, racial egalitarians and so on

basically anyone who gets in the way of returning america to a majority white population

can you stop any of those groups?

what do you mean by stop them?

the most effective way of committing genocide is committing it before the genocide even starts lmao
don't feed it (you)s man go back and look at what it's doing
It came in confused and immediately tried accusing me of being "nupol" like we caught the shills organizing to do on their forums
It's basically asking for your intent of violence as a person
remember that they have scripts too

theyre your enemy.
how do you propose to stop them?

i wasnt confused because i asked a question.
i engaged you in discussion.
lurk moar.

for the same reason yelling bomb in an airport will get your detained and waterboarded

but them viral video views tho

civic nationalist hate is not shilling
stop them from doing what?

stop them from ruining the world? or doing whatever theyre doing which causes you to view them as your enemy. how do you stop them?

He keeps asking you the same thing.
Your intent of personal violence

Come on dude don't be blind

user hasnt said anything about violence.
im simply asking the following:

>who is our enemy
>how do we stop them

you cant answer either of those.
move on?

read a list of bildebuger attendees

ok hold on, why would intent of violence matter on an anonymous image board? you're right though he is acting strange
this whole thread is about civil war, do the math

>south america is about to go through some revolutions
Not really. The only real issue is Venezuela.
Brazil will pretty much have elections in a few months and things will continue to move forward as they were since Dilma was taken down.

im asking you personally. look. if we agree feminists, black nationalists and liberals are our enemy, how do we stop them? im asking what the plan is. there IS a plan, r-right..?

Idk man you could be talking to a federal agent or something. I could be paranoid but his entrance was mad fucking weird. If I see a few weird comments I highlight his ID and go read what he's been posting.
gay. I'll pretend I didn't hear that

also someone cap these for anons effort

>i dont really know who my enemies are and have even less of an idea how to stop them
>Shadilay and praise kek tho!

user i..


We know who they are buddy
It sounds like you don't because you don't come here often enough to know anything more than what gets under our skin

There wont be a civil war. However people will go after Republican politicians instead.

Its going to be years of lead America edition.

jesus christ...

okay, you're either retarded or something weird is going on, i can tell you're not from around here
everything posted here is public anyway, Sup Forums isn't some secret club

I tell you the Truth:

whether Right or Left, you have been deceived.
Your enemies are many and diverse, but they are all controlled by the same few people. Not only this, but these same few people have deceived your very enemies into thinking the way they do. They have convinced otherwise fine people to become degenerate and to loathe even their own existence. How much more hatred do they have for you then!?

All opposition, therefore, is controlled opposition.
And all support is also controlled by the very same Jews and Zionists who direct the opposition.

The leaders of the Alt-Right, that is, the many CIA assets and Pied Pipers, would all have you face-off with the feminists, the blacks, the ANTIFA and so forth. They want a Civil War to occur, because they know neither side will win because both sides are controlled. The Richard Spencer, the Lauren Southern, the Based Stickman..all have you attacking the pawns.

But I would have you take the Queen.

Your enemy is not the People but the Jew who brainwashes them.
Wake up the People, educate them as to the Jew, and you will form a most Perfect army.

yeah but it's better to be safe than sorry since we know those fuckers do come here
He very well may just be anonMcsketchyfuck But I'd still enjoy fucking with him nonetheless

The FBI can't even put a bitch ass thot like Hillary in jail, and I've done some pretty illegal shit with custom malware and social engineering, to pivot into private networks, they haven't caught me or people like me, and they won't catch us. You can't stop us, you're just a bunch of normie shills. Kys you're not Sup Forums.

Is someone capping this?

>same name I've seen everywhere
>namefagging in general
>same "everything is controlled opposition" copy paste post with just enough substance to be considered possibly legit
>wants to dumb dialogue down into only "jews" and hush anything like "cabal" or "banker" even though some of our enemies are not jews
>accuse me of being "nu/pol/" but again is a fucking namefaggot
wtf reported to the cunuck mounted police

are you trying to talk behind my back..on Sup Forums? come discuss with me or dont nip at my heels, bitch.

>on my Sup Forums

lol u mad little bitch boi
ah do wut ah want my nigguh

I accept your defeat.

No I accept your defeat first


it's up to you bruther

In the South there will be no war, simply cities burning.

what do rural black communities look like dixiebro

Well, if there is enough violence a state of emergency will be declared, continuity of government takes over, the army takes to the streets, and all that shit Alex Jones was talking about comes true.

They only thing to stop it is the willingness of soldiers to fire on their own people. To this end Obama fired all the officers who thought they were there to protect the constitution.

You figure it out.


stop following, start leading.

this is why we need Trump to man up and purge the government of traitors beforehand
If it still happens after COG will not be implemented in their favor against Trump