Standard chimpout
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Before i start i have to say the sheboo is fucking retarded. But the problem the white skater is having is that he doesn't know when to back down, i don't think i can really say it without Sup Forums freaking out but there's a sort of arrogant elitism, When she was walking away the skater already won, but he just had to keep antagonizing the sheboo, pushing her over the edge to the point where she goes from chimping out to calling her boyfriend and telling him to shoot some racist ass cracker. She's unreasonable, the skater knows this but at the same time he doesn't truly understand it. This is the shit that gets white people jumped, robbed and shot and makes them come off as oppressors to niggers. Just a thought.
I agree. Wild animals should be treated with respect.
He's a (somewhat young) male skater at a skate park. Of course he's not going to back down. I don't claim to know everything about skate culture, but I know enough to say that this (whole video) is unsurprising.
No, its lack of instinct, its the same lack of instinct that causes white people to quote laws and rules with full confidence until confrontation to which they then shake or verbally yield when fighting someone because they've never been in a physical fight in their life and its the same thing smug.liberals do when they mock you for not wanting to destroy your country by letting in refugees in, i'm not taking about respect i'm talking about being smugged.
True, and well said.
This is how racists are created.
And I have zero sympathy for that woman.
He is an idiot for even engaging with that uncaged animal
whats he thinking, pol?
>holy fuck i hate niggers
Is the chimpout mode a genetic thing? it seems that all niggers have this mode where they become irrational and aggressive for no good reason
It's known as a "nigger moment".
>not just calling her a nigger and leaving.
This. You can't reason with a monkey, don't try.
white people at heart are autistic. Its related to the lack of melanin
Why should he, ask yourself this. If the black cunt wasn't such a black cunt, would this have happened in the first place? Now ask yourself this, should someone else be punished for the appalling behaviour of this rock ape or her rock ape partner?
This is the same cucked mentality regarding assault which ends in people being shot and killed, if the piece of shit was not committing an offence to begin with, there would have been no intervention from a firearm.
It's like encountering a mountain lion and then chasing after it if you're lucky enough for it to decide to leave you alone. I don't know why he kept talking to her after she started to leave. Did he expect her to apologize?
thats a dope skatespot
Please see above before departing for Reddit.
ah a good old liberal gets to experience the true nature of the Americanus concrete apus
As far as I have seen, yes.
The pacing back and forth, the screaming, and then coming back to scream more. Even when stoning someone to death they do this thing where they pretend the y aren;t even interested in the person they are stoning, and walk away a few steps, and then rush back forward. My only hypothesis is that re-engagement is another rush of adrenaline, like they can fool their own bodies into doling out more free drugs.
I have seen this at all walks of life. I will say I have adopted their argumentation tactics but with better wit and more concise barbs, and have developed the ability to make 9/10 people physically attack me in an argument, black or white. What I am saying is, if you actually yell at white people repetitively and speak over them and laugh while you do it, you can turn a white man into a nigger real quick.
>you being racist?
Newfag from the_donald here. I had no problem with black people until I saw this thread, now I hate niggers! Thanks swarmfront!
Fuck off, I agree with him, but unless he was actually going to throw down (he wasn't) there's no reason to get shot by the head gorilla of her troop. Besides you have the worst subspecies of blacks in your prison island. Do something about that before you criticize.
Can somebody send this to Tommy Sotomayor?
He'll rip this woman up, he has the funniest shit to say about black women. He calls them "Hair-Hatted Hooligans" and shit.
>Sheboon cries out in pain as she strikes you
Interesting observation, I've noticed this too. I had a coworker who was a self-identified "MMA fighter). He was constantly pacing around and whenever we were under stress he'd walk out of the room and walk right back in even more pissed off.
I've seen thousands of juvenile arguments. Blacks literally ALWAYS do this. They even do this thing where they quiet down for 10-20 seconds and then start screaming louder than before. But again, the leaving the situation and coming back is inherently black, it is not taught by TV, movies or rap videos.
>Is the chimpout mode a genetic thing?
yes the chimp strikes out at things it doesn't understand
>20 seconds in
>you RACIST?
Implying that I'm Australian, fuck yourself Redditor.
'Throw down' edgy little hipster you are.
Besides you have the worst subspecies of blacks in your prison island. Hmmm, our population of blacks is deteriorating for starters, we've also kept them quite stupid and this sort of behaviour is only evident from those that 'snap' and decide to whinge a little bit. The problem's in your country burgerbro.
You're a chink obviously so you wouldn't understand western culture anyway
Don't worry so much, everyone thinks you're tough.
They fucked up when they reacted to being called racist. It shifted the balance of power into the niggers domain.
If they'd just told her to fuck off it would have been better than playing into the race card.
You can't argue with these things. They're like children, you need to treat them with a firm hand and harsh discipline.
The minute they think they're in charge, you're fucked.
Now that you mention it, I have observed this peculiar behaviour as well. Also present in other social animals (have seen pigeons doing this. Dont ask)
Skaters are usually libtard cuckolds. Hopefully after getting culturally enriched they change their ways.
do you ever watch the show cops?
Is The_Donald up and running yet?
Even publicly arguing with blacks if you are white is seen as taboo at this moment in time
Is living around niggers the ultimate redpill?
Why are you obsessed with reddit? I'm trying to analyze baboon habits.
>Wait a minute I'm white
>Walk away calmly
Honestly this is the best response to a chimp out. No point in escalating shit just let the nigger rant and yell and call you a racist.
you can watch chimpouts live on A&E with LivePD
Could you imagine your mother freaking out this much? Those are her kids. You're just watching her expose her breasts to complete strangers as if it's some kind of argumentative insult.
wait, what is this new shit?!? i dont have cable anymore
Watch his videos. He always gets racist at white men when the topic is about dating black women.
Especially when you're outnumbered. Imagine going to jail over some dumb altercation with a crazed fat black bitch who won't quit barking at you. Hiring a lawyer, court dates, etc. It's because they don't think about consequences AT ALL when in these situations that always gives them the "advantage".
I remember meeting my first black person.
>Is living around niggers the ultimate redpill?
yes, you have no idea how many liberal idiots I've seen change their views after direct confrontation of what the average American black is like in behavior and demeanor. Those that don't wake up end up even worse like they are perma cucked
it very well may be. but you only really need a few years to ingest it
livepd is awesome. i dont got cable but i torrent it and there are indeed quite a bit of chimpouts shown
Can anyone tell me what happened? In work atm so can't really watch it.
Because, the depths of which you've emerged, is known as Reddit/The_Donald. This is where your cucked standing belongs, not on Sup Forums the expression of National Socialism.
Holy fuck, I would have sworn this was a zoo and not a city park.
Actually nothing happened. A fat black woman was about to chimp out then they parted ways. She was very oddly shaped and bald which made it funnier.
>nig spawn sits on skateboard ramp
>skater says "please get off the ramp"
>few minutes later, niggress comes up, "YOU DISRESPEKTIN MAH KEED?"
>no ma'am them's the rules
>chimps out
We're just better.
>he doesn't know when to back down
id you stick up for yourself they win
Back off nigger. People like you are why they have attitude problems
white nu-male skater getting put in his place by a strong woman of color.
Why is he even trying to reason with it?
Thought it would be a bit more exciting considering its a liveleak vid.
He was in the right. Never back down when you're right. I wouldn't want that creature waddling away thinking she'd gotten some kind of victory.
Of course, his perspective about the male-female issues is interesting, but his overall perspective is colored by his skin color. That's to be expected, he's not a prophet or gifted by god or anything.
Yeah, there are much better examples out there, but hey it's a slow night.
her body proportions are all fucked up. guess eating only greasy food and shitting out little niglets would do that to a female.
Probably his first encounter with an Africanus Chimpus Negrus.
Next time he'll bring an elephant gun along with him.
>expecting niggers to follow rules
>expecting niggers to read
>expecting niggers not to get in the way of humans
You can't fix stupid. So trying to warn niggers is just going to end badly. Niggers are ungrateful and filled with anger and rage. They hate everyone.
So fuck it. Let those nigger kids get hurt. Who cares, they are niggers and niggers do dumb things.
Do you realize that white people conscious of themselves could exterminate those animals in a whip, right?
He was right, except for when he freaked out over being called racist.
He should never have treated her as an equal.
You're a huge coward and a faggot. Stand up for yourself you fucking pussy
On a whim* I think he meant suddenly, like the crack of a whip.
is it just like cops?
I'm not the guy in the video. How many blacks have you killed?
None, I have had no reason to. But I have stood up for myself when stupid niggers get confrontational, unlike you who proposes being a little bitch and backing down.
Yet you probably wonder why niggers act this way
I think he was trying to make it so it doesn't happen again. He ketp telling her to read the rules hoping that he could continue to skate at his skate park without incident.
He was resilient but by the end of the video he was defeated. He says you win and then also that he has to leave the park because she approached him.
>But the problem the white skater is having is that he doesn't know when to back down,
you clearly have no experience with niggers, if you back down they will absolutely destroy you
The Redditor will not stand up for himself, this is the reason he does not belong here.
He is referring to our argument, more truthfully my dominance over you. You're an embarrassment to the United States and should migrate to France at once.
What the hell is a troop of niggers doing at a skatepark anyway? what year am i in
>realizing he hates niggers for the first time
fuck nigger chimps like this bitch. obese and disgusting, acting like that in front of her kids.
What's the appeal of skateboarding? If you want to do something physically active why don't they hit the gym which will actually benefit them in the long run?
Yeah they embarrass themselves on a regular basis its hilarious
i havent seen cops in years but i think theyre similar. livepd sometimes even shows raids. but it isnt as action packed as i remember cops being, a lot of routine shit gets shown that isnt all too exciting
he shouldn't of said anything. if one of her niglets get hit in the head would a skateboard that's on her. she's gonna bitch one way or another. might as well teach the niglet a lesson.
It was one of those multicultural centres that you hear about, they were most likely the for the basketball. Or just trying to poach a free meal or something. You guys really need to get these fuckers on a leash, or educate them about 'conquest'.
T. Nigger
I never miss an episode. Its on a two week break, but is usually on friday and saturday nights 9pm-midnight eastern
>some faggot yuppie trying to reason with a sheboon
I live in Utah, I wouldn't know how they act in person. I also have a lot to lose, so I wouldn't get in stupid fights for no reason in the first place. Niggers act that way because of genetics, it has nothing to do with how you treat them. I wouldn't get in a fight with a pitbull just to feel proud afterwards.
This image is art.
this seems to be his first experience with a nigger
I stopped skating when blacks started showing up everywhere trying to larp as white dudes.
>pic related
because gyms are filled with pussies who want muscles for cosmetic purposes, and fags who like to watch.
>I live in Utah, I wouldn't know how they act in person
Kinda jealous user. But they immediately back down and retreat once you call them out, especially if they are alone. They act that way partly because of genetics yes, but like the sheboon in the video, they try calling you racist and they are used to limp-wristed whites backing down then. They aren't used to whites sticking up for themselves
Power lifting then, build your true Aryan strength.
oh. fuck. in california now skateparks are like half nblack and mexicants
Could've been a bit nicer to the little nigger kid.
>This is the shit that gets white people jumped, robbed and shot and makes them come off as oppressors to niggers
blaming the victim, sympathizing with the perpetrator.
All leafs should be killed. Every single one.
Yeah its a really weird paradox type situation. Ultimately being the bigger man and not getting emotional into it is the answer.