Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins, or vague accusations about the mainstream media being allegedly owned by communists? Well these Marxist youtubers have debunked the myth:
"Cultural Marxism" doesn't exist
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, I used the image for irony.
>they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School
The Authoritarian Personality.
Now fuck off and stop posting your shitty content here you limp wristed commie faggot.
Adorno had very little to do with that work.
>The Authoritarian Personality "invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the 'F scale' (F for fascist)."[1] The personality type Adorno et al. identified can be defined by nine traits that were believed to cluster together as the result of childhood experiences. These traits include conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intellectualism, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypy, power and "toughness", destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.
Nice proofs you pseudo-intellectual dishonest fuckhead.
Sage your shit thread.
The real irony is that the Frankfurt school ended up doing far more harm to the radical left than to anyone else, as the real historical "cultural Marxism" ended up being a stepping stone towards the solipsism and defeatest navel gazing of the post-modernist left.
By extension, the authoritarian swine that inhabit this board should cheer "cultural Marxism" as it was instrumental in the creation of the modern self-defeating left.
The Authoritarian Personality was mostly written by Levison, a Berkeley psychologist. Adorno was only responsible for two essays out of the entire 900-page book.
>as the real historical "cultural Marxism" ended up being a stepping stone towards the solipsism and defeatest navel gazing of the post-modernist left.
Postmodernism is a completely different trend than the modernist critical theory of the Franks. The only place where the two have any overlap is in Walter Benjamin's early writings on language. PoMo's real guru is Martin Heidegger, whom most of the Franks despised.
Oh look, it's this thread again.
Fortunately later psychological studies into the authoritarian personality and its implications corrected the plethora of methodological flaws present in the original work.
Altemeyer's work on the subject should be required reading for those that oppose the rise of right wing authoritarianism in politics.
So? Sup Forums needs to hear this.
>cultural marxism doesn't exist
Whoa, you're right. I'm just imaging all the fag marriage and trannies and social constructivism.
So what? He devised a personality scale to measure how fascist you are and was blatantly trying to shape American consciousness. How can you chalk all that up to LE TIN FOIL MEME HURRR? You're a fucking liar. I've already seen your video and it's bullshit. You also conveniently neglect to mention that the American Jewish Committee was pushing this shit in the 1950's prior to the cultural revolution in the 1960's (((pure coincidence))).
>I'm just imaging all the fag marriage and trannies and social constructivism.
This has nothing to do with Marxism, or anything concerning the thought or works of the Frankfurt School. If you want a philosopher to blame for modern gender politics, blame Judith Butler, whose methodology is entirely different from anything close to Marxism.
>b-but it's not "real" marxism!
Never heard that one before
Funny how so much of their material was bullshit, you know, the guys who based so much of their works on Freud, the guy who practically ripped off Nietzsche without giving credit and saw himself as a fighter against traditional Western values. And a Jew. But that's just tinfoil insanity.
Again, postmodernism originates from the philosophy of Heidegger, not Marx. Marx may have been an influence to some "postmodernists" (Baudrillard, for instance) but most PoMo is heavily critical of Marx as it considers Historical Materialism to be an eevul metanarrative.
Okay, so I take based on your response that you would contest the idea that the Frankfurt School's focus on critical theory and on cultural analysis formed an intellectual stepping stone towards social analysis entirely divorced from historical materialist underpinings, then?
No, it isn't. Identity politics of the kind you are probably thinking of is much more a product of postmodernist thought than Marxist, and Marxists and postmodernists disagree on virtually everything.
Well, critical theory did play a role in transforming Marxism from a revolutionary science to a critique of society, but the Franks themselves weren't all that influential. Most of what academia spews out isn't Marxist in the slightest, but postmodernist.
We proved it many times it is a real thing, ignoring facts does not make them false or inexistant fucking asshole
>We proved it many times it is a real thing,
It just hit me, he's bitching about terms being misused, dude. Somehow he debunks mass cultural changes with semantics. . . The most pedantic and reductionist garbage ever.
Constant degeneracy of our population, promotion of race mixing and degenerate life styles, demonization of the nuclear family, making weirdos portrayed as "victims" just to name a few. Normalization of pedophilia (LGBTQP), bestiality, fag marriage, fag adoption, transgenderism. Don't be blind to facts through ages
>Surely ignoring the thing that is designed to be a slow sneaky destruction of one's culture would be wise
>Constant degeneracy of our population, promotion of race mixing and degenerate life styles, demonization of the nuclear family, making weirdos portrayed as "victims" just to name a few. Normalization of pedophilia (LGBTQP), bestiality, fag marriage, fag adoption, transgenderism.
All of these things (most of which aren't even destructive or damaging) have nothing whatsoever to do with Marxism (as a school of thought), socialism (as a system), or anything close to what the Frankfurt School was writing about. If you bothered to watch the two videos I linked in my OP, you'd realize the Franks were very pro-culture in that they believed western culture contained aspects of utopianism which could serve as a glimpse to what a future communist society would be.
I'm already aware of that, I've just often seen the Franks focus on critiquing ideology regarded as a stepping stone to abandoning any focus on the economic structure at all.
Then again, I wouldn't level that accusation at Gramsci's work, so why would it be fair to accuse Franks of the same thing?
Let's go for a ride, scum.
If you bothered to watch the video of a kgb defector speaking on this in great detail you would realize it's not a form of communism so much as it's weapon.
But you're just here to get paid, right?
>le helicopter maymay
Try again next year.
Anyone who know more about Marx that "he was against hierarchy and stuff'" know this is bullshit.
Marxism isn't anarchism.
Not that I agree with your anger at those things, but you should be blaming postmodernism rather than Marxism.
The ideology of everyone being a special snowflake entitled to have their self-view accommodated by everyone else is quintessentially postmodern in origin.
Or rather, he should be blaming the current mode of production for the move away from "tradition".
The Franks were AGAINST most of the things Sup Forums labels as "degeneracy". For fuck's sake, read Adorno.
>the anti-fascist Jews actually believe in everything the National Socialists did!
Again, try reading them for once.
I'm a Nietzschean. I'd rather not. The entire basis for your argument is mostly semantics covered by a veneer of pseudo-intellectual garbage, anyway.
Adorno's dialectics are not Marx's.
>that fucking youtube channel
Literally, nothing but classcucked spooks.
No, son. In Nietzschean tradition, dialectics themselves are shit. It is the tool of the Jew.
>With Socrates, Greek taste changes in favor of logical argument. What really happened there? Above all, a noble taste is vanquished; with dialectics the plebs come to the top.
>One chooses logical argument only when one has no other means. One knows that one arouses mistrust with it, that it is not very persuasive. Nothing is easier to nullify than a logical argument: the tedium of long speeches proves this. It is a kind of self-defense for those who no longer have other weapons. Unless one has to insist on what is already one's right, there is no use for it. The Jews were argumentative for that reason; Reynard the Fox also — and Socrates too?
The channel does not matter. It is the reading of a text on POST-MODERNISM that for some strange reason mentions Marcuse and the Frankfurt School.
Kek. Nietzsche wasn't even anti-Jewish.
When did I say he was?
>dialectics themselves are shit. It is the tool of the Jew.
You really expect me to take that weak bait? I never said nor implied Nietzsche was anti-Jewish. You crypto kikes can't help yourselves being devious little worms, can you?
So tell me again: why do you believe there was a plot by the Franks to infiltrate western culture for the purpose of communist revolution?
>So tell me again: why do you believe there was a plot by the Franks to infiltrate western culture for the purpose of communist revolution?
I never said that either you scheming sack of shit.
So the Finnkike got a proxy.
lol I'm not the Finn from the communism threads.
>Sup Forums needs to be shilled by people hostile to whites
Your suffering will be unimaginable, and marxist kikery wont be able to get you out of it.
Did I indicate I was "hostile to whites" at all in this thread?
how do you from this
to this.
in two generations?
Youre shilling against cultural marxism, for kikes. Youre also a marxist, which is white genocide in several ways, just one of which being that refusing to acknowledge the importance of individual races in a climate where whites are having their countries stripped from them, with a whole series of negative (((freedom))) related factors impacting their birth rate detrimentally until its below 2.0 in every white country is complicity and even promotion of genocide. Races are important, they are inherently different, the white race is native to Europe and the stripping of their control from their own land, for the benefit of non-whites is nothing short of international crimes against humanity, punishable by death.
The idea that all the world needs to have equality and even equity, that whites need to have their land taken from them and given to non-whites, and their money etc as we see in South Africa and the former Rhodesia/Zimbabwe is also extremely anti-white. Communism is anti-white. Its also extremely Jewish, and for example theres pic related, just one of an endless series of examples that could make up a university level course. One day, we will take back out institutions and it will be everyone else who are told about how you tried to destroy our society, and how the good whites banned marxism as genocidal, and executed all its proponents for genocide crimes.
Canada for example interned communists in WW2, and we can throw you fucks in camps again with the stroke of a pen, or say, out of a helicopter. You guys also got caught being the ones who posted nigger dicks and cuck porn until the real political minded people left. Youre not interested in the truth, youre interested in making whites mix with blacks.
Your time is coming, white children under 5 are the minority in America as of 2014. Canada will be 20% white by 2060. It will never get that far, because the right will kill you first.
Capitalism, consumerism, liberal democracy, corporate mass media, mundane existence.
You know, all the things the Franks critiqued.
I forget what my original pic related was going to be, but it wasnt that.
This post turned me into a crruuzeee missile !!!!
It was this.
sage all posts
>Youre also a marxist, which is white genocide in several ways, just one of which being that refusing to acknowledge the importance of individual races in a climate where whites are having their countries stripped from them,
Mass migration is a product of capitalism. Capital flows freely across borders, destroys African and Asian nations by robbing them of their natural resources and traditional ways of life, and forces their indigenous populations to migrate to the West for a better quality of life and to regain what was stolen from them.
>Communism is anti-white. Its also extremely Jewish,
How is communism "Jewish", and if it is, how is that a bad thing?
The only thing I care to hear out of you is "gargle gargle". The lines are drawn, white genocide exists and cultural marxism is merely an umbrella term for the whole mess. Kikes are behind it all, and youre with kikes. Death awaits people like you.
Globalism preaches open borders and no nations. Marxism and communism are globalistic. More genocide. You cant lie your way out of this. You wont even mention white genocide, or propose the "marxist alternative" for stopping it, because there is none, because you think getting rid of whites gets rid of racism. Thats you. You LOVE white genocide.
>white genocide exists
It doesn't. Again, white people have less children because their standards of living are higher and they have more important things to do in their lives besides have 30 fucking kids.
>white people have less children because their standards of living are higher and they have more important things to do
What is the demographics cycle? What is population type D?
I'm having fun picking apart all your bullshit.
>population type D
Never heard of this. Care to elaborate?
Also, what does this have to do with Marxism?
>We content ourselves with two examples. 505/ iS a generally high-scoring man, one of a few Boy Scout leaders. He has strong, though unconscious, fascist leanings. Although anti-Semitic, he tries to mitigate his bias by certain semirational qualifications. Here, the following statement occurs:
>"Sometimes we hear that the average Jew is smarter in business than the average white man. I do not believe this. I would hate to believe it. What the Jews should learn is to educate their bad individuals to be more cooperative and agreeable. Actually there is more underhandedness amongst Armenians than there is amongst Jews, but the Armenians aren't nearly as conspicuous and noisy. Mind you, I have known some Jews whom I consider my equal in every way and I like very much."
>This is somewhat reminiscent of Poe's famous story about the double murder in the Rue Morgue where the savage cries of an orangutan are mistaken by bystanders as words of all kinds of different foreign languages, to wit, languages particularly strange to each of the listeners who happen to be foreigners themselves. The primary hostile reaction is directed against f oreigners per se, who are perceived as "uncanny." This infantile fear of the strange is only subsequently "filled up" with the imagery of a specific group, stereotyped and handy for this purpose. The Jews are favorite stand-ins for the child's "bad man." The transference of unconscious fear to the particular object, however, the latter being of a secondary nature only, always maintains an aspect of accidentalness
How could anyone think Jewish psychoanalysis is a bunch of made-up bullshit? Thanks, Adorno!
Did Adorno write this essay?
No! Haha. Adorno is a Nazi tinfoil meme XD
I'm actually totally unfamiliar with the Frankfurt school.
I've never bothered to look at any of their work. I just go off of YouTube conspiracy videos.
How many fucking times do you intend to make this exact thread?