Are they a valuable asset to our cause, or do they just invite the normies to fuck it up?
How does Sup Forums feel about Redpilled Female Youtubers?
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How does Sup Forums feel about this same bread every fucking day?
these girls look like they belong on a casting couch. especially the one on the left
Not this thread again...
Attention whores but in this day and age anyone that is redpilled is good
>still a proud boy if you fap to lauren
post full pic of shoe
shut the fuck up, neo-pol
>cockmongling whores on the internet
Okay, lad.
Do you mean "youtubers who agree with me"?
AGAIN with this thread?!
They're whores who make a living calling other women whores.
They're nobodies, who gives a shit what they're doing.
Those women aren't redpilled lmao, they literally say generic shit and then get all the views like they are redpilled. All women know how to do is to stay safe and parrot.
Lauren Southern did the most with the Sexual Revolution, I'll give her that.
they have tapped into a gusher of cheap attention
are you one of those attention whores in the thumbnail, OP?
who gives a fuck about a talking head, either. especially literal who's with vaginas, and their "ability" to read the day's trending topics.
why don't you just listen to porn, when you go looking for, instead?
i'd bonk the lez jew and the coal burner but lauren sort of annoys me for some reason. i know this is wrong.
Only good one is Lauren. She tends to use the phrase "secure our existence" or some form of it so I'm assuming she's open to the 14 words in private. Other two are annoying, obnoxiously unoriginal, and unthoughtful in general. Anti-SJW 'youtubers' just act as a gateway for normie s to right wing politics in my opinion
What's the name of the girl with glasses. I've been seeing her here alot
They're attention whores, but they will bring their beta male orbiters to our side and be useful idiots.
They are fucking annoying, trying to corner the market on the lack of females in our lane.
Too many women are trying to become the next /ourgirl/ because it is very profitable...
Rageafterstorm. She's a cutie.
Have to agree with the leaf.
They aren't redpill, they simply know the wind is changing direction.
Most but not all are. Tree is alright and she's got big titties.
it's RageAfterStorm
girls r hot
>you mean to tell me there's a bunch of fat neckbearded basement-dwellers meeting willing to jack off to me saying "pepe" and "kek" everyday? MAGA SUPP ME ON PATREON
And a monkey face.SHAME!
two of those women have dated black dudes
Yes. Of course its a good thing. Who the hell cares if most of their viewers are horny adoloscents? Who cares if theyre not intellectual giants with a deep insightful understanding of the world? No, really. Why do some of you fucks give a damn? I don't really watch them, but they get plenty of views and they talk about redpilled material while remaining "safe" for normies that otherwise would feel that the jewish question, re-evaluation of nazi germany, race realism etc. is a step too far. People can't be tossed into those waters, the must be eased into it. Attractive young women are perfect for it. Girls like these are gateways for the uninitiated.
I can't take women seriously period, let alone attention whores like these.
These girls are helping us, they don't want to ruin their careers yet by going full 1488. But they are pushing young people our way.
there're still degenerate.
>pic unrelated
>the jew in the bottom right
I'm 90% sure she's reading scripts written by a boyfriend.
also this post is completely the correct attitude
they only help us for now
She looks like a Oblivion character model
they just invite normies to fuck it up, it's a current "cool" trend they're following. it's masturbatory and self-serving.
Yes, they are valuable, for several reasons.
We do need more redpilled women. Not only for reproduction, but it is easir for women to redpill more women (just as it is easier for men to redpill men).
Not to mention a lot of people subscribe to their channel just because they are women. Usually the message spreads faster if it's a woman.
Why do we have this thread, twice every day?
All YouTube commentators are worthless shit bags that contribute nothing to society, except to confirm to weak sheeple that they are correct in their thoughts. Following any one of them is a complete waste of time, because they only pander to your ideas for $. It's just a step up from twitch or chatterbate.
Since society only cares about women and their problems, it's good to have some of them on our side.
I'm a blackpill though I tried starching myself with Trump. Didn't really succeed.