Other urls found in this thread:
>Giving a shit about what whores think
>Implying that any woman who thinks this way is worth your attention anyway
>>Implying that any woman who thinks this way is worth your attention anyway
don't care anymore honestly
why the fuck do you think the beta uprising is currently happening dumb nigger? When its hard for beta's to get pussy they revolt and kill everyone and redistribute the pussy.
Bitch face on every one but the Asian
White women were a mistake
but niggers are just fine being dead beat dads
Look at all the happiness and goodness these wymen wear on their faces. Makes you really want one of those.
I never plan on getting married.
I can my own house, SUV DD, mad max miata, and might get a lexus next year, and bad ass doggo.
Why complicate it with a woman. If i really want a family, I'll adopt some chiltrens.
Modern marriage is a scam
>Recently released data shows that Millennials are getting married later and, in growing numbers, may not get married at all, according to a statistical study by Olin College Professor of Computer Science Allen Downey.
>Downey used data from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), administered by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), to analyze the age at first marriage for women and men in the U.S., broken down by decade of birth. He then ran projections for Millennials as they age. The results suggest that women born in the 1980s and 1990s are not just getting married later; they are on pace to stay unmarried at rates substantially higher than previous generations.
But....but.........when it's time to settle down she will let you know.................
Show me a modern white woman who is worth marrying and maybe I'll consider putting in the effort.
Maybe video games are a waste of time but at least vidya wont steal half my shit while simultaneously blaming me for every problem in her shitty self destructive life.
>western women
Yeah, no.
idk but women seems more desperate to be married than men do.
That's the nurse caring for those psychos, oh and fucking leaf or whatever
To be honest I am too big a pussy to even talk to girls, I don't think I need to worry about getting married
i think thats a good idea and also bitches need to be reminded they need us more than we need them, fellow murican. but then again as euro cuck i'm expected to hate and mock you so go back to burgers you cuck
I enjoy watching women age like milk and then get depressed because of this
We experience the same problems, really. The west's women don't want families
>marriage rates plummeting due to ridiculous prerequisites imposed by women
>demand even more ridiculous prerequisites in response
Solid logic there, bravo women.
So let me get this right, the angle (((they))) are pushing now is that "women" only want a man who has a price of paper saying that the state approves of their way of thinking? Is that their new end goal? State control of marriage?
seems like you are just bitter otherwise you would not be overthinking this. who honestly cares
They suddenly do then they turn 30
Desu. every "high standards" women I've ever seen is ugly as hell, but they always have some bluepilled chad bf.
>that feel
You should. Families are the center of society. I am not bitter about it.
I thought from last week no good men were found because were too busy playing video games to marry some dried out career bitch.
What are their ridiculous prerequisites?
>that pic
natural selection
It's not just the prerequisites, it's also the unfair divorce laws. Since women try to marry up, they mostly hit men.
I think the feminists that pushed through these laws intended this.
I don't want my money going towards woman who are basically married to the state.
>I'll adopt some chiltrens
Good luck. Shit is expensive. My boss adopted his kids and said it cost over $10,000 dollars.
Remember, we live in a gynocracy.
Beautiful stories
Justice served
>writing anything in perl
Nigga y?
>roastie criminal.png
~30k for a kid from overseas
~10k-15k for a kid here.
Not much more than what you'd pay for getting someone pregnant,
but chicks are way more expensive in the long run.
That's all? Fuck sake, I might as well just adopt a wife.
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of talking to women. It's more like I'm delusional or an idiot and so I'm capable of recognizing women like to be courted in a very specific way (confidence, game, etc). And I never developed those skills because I was too busy taking academics seriously. And now in college I don't really have the time or energy or inclination to catch up on 5 years worth of PUA skills because I'm not taking a meme major in college and I actually have to study and take internships so I'll have a white collar job when I graduate.
*I'm not delusional or an idiot
Freudian slip I guess
Very much Related
30 years and one dried up snatch later...
Where have all the good men gone!!?
tick tock tick tock one day closer to sexbots
I don't feel bad. The idea of many sex partners seems very sad and empty
Men have become pussies, making women spoiled choosers.
she said not to call again
look at those whores
I like it how the mods instantly remove any thread that goes against the party line but never bait like this.
>Men aren't men anymore
>You need more than money
When was the last time i saw female behave like a real women?
Only shit they do is make up of 3 hours long and spend 80 dollars on hair.
Cant cook.
Cant fuck.
Cant be even be fucking caring when you need them.
Sometimes i wish i was fucking gay man.
>this thread among the why aren't young men getting married threads.
why is all this shit allowed?
I find myself envying fags more and more
Requesting 007 wife getting fat
If you're gonna marry, don't marry the bitches from your grade who've been riding the cock carousel, get someone young, dumb, fresh out of highschool and easily impressed.
Women are mush-brained and easily programmed.
oh no, whatever will I do without the modern western woman. I guess I'll have to keep all of my money for myself.
>tfw you weren't born a faggot
is that pic related cannibalism?
Maybe if you stopped dating female jihadis they wouldn't nuke your food every time they put it in the microwave.
inb4 it is the will of Allah
is this now a rage thread?
I might have to resort on the yellow fever meme.
Or ill turn gay.
thats not true
when i had a shitty job i had an ugly gf/no gf
when i got a good job i got a much hotter gf
good goyim
Eh believe it or not its not all rainbows and sunshine in gay land. SJWism ruined being a fag, I watched a very cute prospect turn into a privelege-checking insufferable cunt who threw full support behind feminazis. Whats worse is now half of effiminate gay men have started thinking they're trannies.
>implying goys can do anything
may as well buy a gatebox and call it a day desu
>making your life miserable over some entitled roastie cunt who just sees you as just a backup plan to escape taking any responsibility for her life choices just to stick it to the joos
>translation: I am not attractive
That image doesn't include the part about a tiny percentage of ants working literally non-stop while the rest of the workers just rest more than half of the time, not including the ones that never work.
>Dear slut, where do I even begin...
What makes you say that?
Good goy award coming right up!
I'm getting cucked right now. Fuck all women. They are ALL whores. How should I kill myself?
she called HR because I said "Hello" to her twice
wah wah wah so stop crying and marry an ugly bitch then. she will love you long time.
you want a hot wife you gotta earn it, unfortunately.
If you were good looking a woman would have already approached you.
You don't need game if you're Chad.
>she will love you long time
Calm down Chang
TFW the liberal culture war even ruined being a fag. sorry to hear that man i really am. this shit is ruining women for straight men and making gay men want to be straight women... god help us
Women fresh out of high school have already been riding the cock carousel since Middle School.
oh the karma.
Looks don't pull it alone.
It truly is how you present yourself.
Even ugly women are entitled as fuck.
At least here.
>Implying bitches wouldn't be lining round the block to marry a billionaire
>How should I kill myself?
Don't. Just dump her stupid ass and live happily ever after.
Left to right: nope, nope, nope and hell no. Might consider dating the nice asian girl. Hope this helps.
Gay men have to answer for the fat acceptance movement, I'm tired of seeing every whale with a fag on her arm talking about how she's beautiful. Seriously what if I was going around telling every philippino twink to gain 200lbs? How would you feel?
Oh yes, the goy herder.
I sure love this one.
Its not all rainbows, smaller dating pool, sjw shit and a bunch with stds
I'm pretty sure it works the opposite way where women will go out of their way to never speak to or initiate contact with a guy they're attracted to.
But I'm not saying I'm so good looking I inspire that reaction. I just doubt your claim that women are gonna jump on some random dude walking around town or studying in the library because it's good looking.
Publically break up with in front of her friends and call her a cheating whore
>tfw gatebox is the closest thing I'll ever have to a woman loving me
well it was a good run but I'm out
Money still matters, but women demand that you make more money than them. Hypergamy is real