Try to dispute this.
Pro tip: you can't
*sips gin & tonic*
Why would anybody dispute a clearly false statement?
Healthcare should be illegal. If your body can't heal itself by itself, you don't deserve to live.
>this is what leftists think republicans believe
Not an argument
Also, OP btfo
Health isn't a right.
You aren't guaranteed you will be born alive. know, your mom coulda/shoulda aborted you...
>replying to tsuyuposter
Someone shouldn't need healthcare after being shot, they should be dead.
How do you not believe in guns? They very clearly exist.
Really makes you think
You know what it means, shitlord.
Another clearly false statement.
Really, if conservatives were that easy to defeat, you shouldn't need to resort to weak sophistry to prove a point.
Just use your brain, like we did when we voted ;)
putting in extra time this weekend?
Guns are a right, health care is not.
why should anyone pay for your medical aid?
Learn how to think
>Just use your brain, like we did when we voted
You voted for Dorito Hitler and now the world is laughing at you.
>When Libtards use this meme
rly made me thnk
>why should anyone pay for your medical aid?
If I got shot because of stupid Republican legislature why should I have to pay for my care?
>You voted for Dorito Hitler and now the world is laughing at you.
laughing at both of us, actually :)
Why are you guys so corrupt and incompetent that you couldn't defeat us?
You have the right to own both stupid, you have to pay for both too. Seriously who posts on these threads and don't sage?
Healthcare when someone getsbshot.
You dont need healthcare when you get shot. The person who shoots you has to pay for your bills.
#NotMyPresident #StillWithHer
Implying the person who shot you legally acquired their firearm
So if they don't have money to pay for my bill I'm screwed because Rebulicans want people to have guns and for me not to have healthcare?
Rats belives that citizenship shouldn't be armed and the state should take care of their protection
But they blame the police when they try to protect them
Really though. Why did you lose?
Drinking gin is bad for your health user
No. They get put into debt if they cant pay. They are legally obligated to pay for your bills if they cause you harm
You've never been outside the US for healthcare, have you?
Idk, I'd rather pay more for good coverage and responsible professionals than to sit in the ER for 12 hours because it's packed with fuckheads and the doctors don't give a shit.
T. Canadian expat
>"believe in guns"
Strawman behind a nonsensical statement. I believe individuals have the right to keep and bear arms for reasons of self-defense, hunting, and to resist tyrannical, retarded fucks like you.
>"dont believe in healthcare when someone gets shot"
Yet another strawman behind a nonsensical statement. Individuals have as much a right to healthcare as they have a right to guns but having a right does not mean that other people are under any obligation to be coerced to provide for that right. Put another way, while I have the right to free speech no one is under any obligation to provide my platform or listen to me.
Arguing that you have a right to someone else's labor is definitively demanding your right to enslave someone else.
>Russian bots and Russian trolls promoting fake news
>Wikileaks being in the pockets of the Russians
>Minority voter suppression
>Bernie Bros not getting in line and backing Hillary
Unless youre robbing them. Or being a criminal yourself. If you shoot someone in self defence thats their problem.
Don't use Tsuyu in this OP. Please.
So yeah, if your a bitter, obnoxious, stinking pile of decaying suet with no job and no money, you can't afford healthcare, but can probably still afford a gun to KILL YOURSELF and save everybody the painful waiting around.
There's more that can be said, but I'm taking my dog for a walk.
>you have the right to buy a gun
>you have the right to buy healthcare
>you do not have the right to someone providing you with a gun with their money
>you do not have the right to someone providing you with healthcare with their money
How fucking hard is it?