Operation save mathematics - we wuz edition

>Basic Gestalt
Black African Kang Woman awarded PhD in Mathematics from Princeton. Resume consists of mysogny, racism, etc, SJW queen to the max. All over the news. Gets Professorship in Hawaii.

>The Goods
Most hilarious, joke of a Doctoral thesis ever. Talks about unicycles, includes literal comics, literally says multiple times she doesn't understand Math and best part, weaponized autism has detected blatant plagiarism from Wikipedia of all places. Praise Kek!

>Old Thread
Kangz PhD

Kangz Resume

Old Thread:

Can anyone believe this insane woman (here, check out her CV)
somehow found a professorship in mathematics by screaming "GIB ME DAT" until someone finally gave her a degree and a job.

Now they're going after STEM departments as well. Maybe for all of those people who underestimated the reach of the SJW bullshit, this might come as a surprise, but for most, this is another straw on the camel's back.

She should be fired."

Two approaches:
>1. Plagiarism
If we can find evidence of plagiarism and report it to the right authorities, this might stir up some major shit.

>2. Legal action
If we can find a legit Maths PhD from Princeton who believes his PhD has now gone down in value, there may be grounds for a lawsuit.

Other urls found in this thread:




justice is dead

Admit it, if you were black, and could get away with playing whitey, you'd do it, clearly whitey wants to be played.

From what I've seen of her paper posted in this thread, it seems that she is completely disinterested in Mathematics and is only using it for a free ride.

If she even cared at all, she'd at least be trying but this is just laziness.


Phd in math.

She literally won the /game/

Is she, dare I say, our girl Sup Forums??

How can these fucking monkeys be so worthless?
Seriously they got a huge amount of advantages I can only dream of and yet they still manage to be utterly useless. Fuck all the ape-faced baboons.

Fuck, she doesn't even take "her own" work seriously.

read ...Her website and past behaviour make her look racist and stupid. Not a math paper.

Why does this sheboon NIGGER get to graduate from Princeton with a PhD?!

Lynch that NIGGER now

This is the real paper: arxiv.org/pdf/1309.2025.pdf

This bitch is the reason why despite having 99 credits already earned towards my Bachelors and my GPA being a perfect 4.0, that I am denied for every scholarship I ever apply for because 'I'm a white male'

Just tell everyone you're trans or 1/62 Cherokee. Problem solved.

we know who wrote that.

Nobody cares about GPA. There's a ridiculous amount of autists with 4.0 GPAs, so having good grades doesn't make you stand out. If you want to get a scholarship, get some undergraduate research published or give talks at conferences.

Because there's not enough right-wingers in academia. We need more people like Kris Kobach on the right. Highly educated, yet still loyal to their middle American roots.

as a former mathematician, this woman is a joke. she should step down and give a real mathematician a chance.

math is fucking gay anyway, nerd.

t. mecanic

I've said this before but her thesis is completely useless.

There's a reason science publications are written in formal ("boring") language:

1) So publications can be shared internationally and understood by non-native speakers of the language.

2) So people in the future can actually comprehend the publication. Informal writing and speaking styles changes over the decades, but formal language stays relatively consistent.

I've had to access publications from the 1950s and 1960s before and I'm so glad I didn't have to decipher whatever bullshit slang was popular at that time to comprehend the intended message.

This chick has ensured her PhD thesis will be useless to all foreigners and people 10+ years from now.

Folks like this are why academia was so easily overtaken by hostile, outside forces and mainstream rightists were so hesitant to actually hear grassroots rightists out. Reminder to bully dumbfucks from the right.

>Newton in OP pic
B-but Newtons laws are RAPE

Not at good schools you fucking mongoloid. At retarded mongoloid schools or 'online colleges' sure. But I'm one of 3 students in my class year who still maintains a 4.0 at least 3,000 students but because I'm a white male after subtracting my privilege I'm awarded shit.

Destroy her for kek

From her CV

This is blatantly racism.

Prove her math is bad first you fucking retard.


ohh you sure showed me mr smart guy...
*replaces your entire engine instead of belt that was worn out*
*cuts breakline*
that'll be 12 grand plus tip, smart guy. if that price sounds too high you can discuss it with big mario.
*menances you with wrench*

>Hawaii maths dept has no standing

pic related was kinda good tho

Are you sure it's not just a joke?

Cant even tell what her point is, if there even is one? Someone help me?

I told you how to get awards. Start doing original research or don't receive shit. You can keep acting like a victim or get to work. The choice is yours.

Just imagine where civilization would be today, technological speaking, if our ancestors weren't so brutal to one another. We would still be in the dark ages if SJWs took over before Columbus. War has driven technological innovation since we were battling neanderthals thousands of years ago.


it's not polite to assume genders, user

Man, would love the chance to relearn DiffEq and start with PDE's. PDE's fucked my brain and convinced me to quit college.

Your gender wheel is pretty gay. Take it back to

Dude, I have to do papers with more academic integrity and I´m in FUCKING MEXICO

>former mathematician

no such thing, user

The fuck? I mean, what she's saying is correct: Sum n from 3 -> 0 of x^n is x^3 with some error and x^3 is a lot faster to calculate if you don't care about the error, but this is stage one math or less and there is a whole paragraph devoted to it...

>would love the chance to relearn DiffEq and start with PDE's
>PDE's fucked my brain

Are you sure skipping over ODEs the first time wasn't why you felt so fucked with PDEs?

I think the work has been done for her and most of the time has been training her how to read it.


Watch this video where she presents and explains the thesis

actually, it was the best thing to come out of operation pic related

Good grades are a necessity for getting into a good school, but grades alone won't get you in to most of the top schools (the Ivies, Stanford, etc.).

You sound like a fucking nigger. Trash like you is an insult to the white race.

T. someone who's actually worked in a garage

I'm in a good school you fucking mongoloid, did you miss where I've got 99 credits completed towards my Bachelors? No ones talking about high school

*pushes you into locker*
*unzips dick*
*makes u succ it*
why r u so gay, nerd?

unapologetic shameless gleeful barump

>Good grades are a necessity for getting into a good school, but grades alone won't get you in to most of the top schools (the Ivies, Stanford, etc.).
Still, to stand out I recommend doing some research. That's how I got into a top graduate program.

And I'm pretty sure all of them over there will like it enough to use it.


why not watch some online class, just for the kicks of it?


>Reddit weighs in on the situation

Tldr: I don't understand anything but her writing style is much more enjoyable

And we killed her...

But we could revive her. Will we?

Perhaps slightly unrelated, but why was she accepted onto an MA in mathematics in Princeton when her undergraduate was in Romance languages? That means her most recent qualification in maths was from high school and potentially she may have not even studied maths in her own time for the 4 years she was doing her BA in Romance languages. Is that why she took 6 years to complete a master's degree, which should be completed in 1 year?

I finished my Ph.D. in math (pure) a few years ago, and there is no way that anything approaching this would've been approved by the university in my electronic submission of dissertation.

The only place in the thesis where "fun" is allowed is in the acknowledgements or quotes near the beginning, and I did talk about anime and vidya in my acknowledgements but everything outside of it was mega strict. Even the margin requirements in the format have to be perfectly accurate; a friend of mine had to resubmit his thesis because his margins were off by a quarter inch.

Also, I'm not in her field but it seems pretty clear that what tiny amount of math is present in her thesis was table scraps thrown from her advisor. And I mean all of us feed off some scraps, but it seems that's all her thesis is.

>I finished my Ph.D. in math (pure)

Perhaps you'll appreciate this presentation


>his margins were off by a quarter inch

That's fair. That's the difference of many pages over a paper that length.

Making sock accounts and pretending to be outraged at our own memes is a good strategy

The 8th Millenium prize is to prove mathematically that whitey be raycis

>Assuming she did any of the work when she admits she shouldn't be there

Always do the opposite of femicunts say. Rape is a good thing.

I don't know much of anything beyond first year grad sequence in algebra apart from some pieces here and there, but at least there seems to be actual math happening in that video.

thus thread is professional mathematicians jumping to conclusions because they suit their preconceived biases lmao

Her having to answer the WHITE MALE'S questions at the end is pretty revealing. She's a lazy cunt.

Wait until you read the basic description of integrals and measures. I'm surprised Manjul didn't toss this shit out the window

Idiots on here completely missed what her thesis was about...

Man I miss math.

>ooga booga math too hard

get back to the cotton field nigger

>Temporary Assistant Professor
>Non-tenure track
>Basically an adjunct lecturer
>University of Hawaii

The job market correctly valued her thesis and rewarded her accordingly.

Enlighten us? I got through the abstract and it doesn't cover anything what a normal abstract of a dissertation should be. No way I'm slugging through 100 pages of ambiguity and memes

The main problem is that math is the oldest scientific discipline and as such has fractured into specialties far more than any other field.

I mean the math you are learning at the end of a 4 year bachelor's degree program is still over a hundred years old for the most part, and you don't get to "cutting edge" (read: last 20-30 years) stuff until you are ready to do research for your PhD. Compare that with a field like anything bio where a huge bulk of research older than a decade or two is either just flat wrong or hilariously outdated.

Because math has become so specialized, it's very hard for a mathematician from another field to verify anything easily, and to do so at all would require a huge amount of effort.

I mean even in my more broad field, there's probably only 80-100 people worldwide that are "experts" in my subfield. In my entire department there was one person capable of fully understanding what was going on in my thesis without doing a little bit of legwork, and that's not at all a slight against anyone in my department. It's just a sad fact of the specialization of mathematics, and there's really not a whole lot to be done about it.

they literally keep posting the condensed version over and over, but nobody understands it and then everyone says ahhh manjul must have written this because there are no cartoons, pictures of riemann integrals, and statments like i should calculate this but whatevs exercise left to the reader

That didn't answer my question. A PhD dissertation should have original ideas and written in a standard every mathematician is familiar with. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and going rogue with your writing style because "I'm weird". Tell me again what her dissertation was about, otherwise you are talking as much shit as everyone else

This attention should get her tenure at some SJW factory

>I promised I wouldn't lie so I'll just say I've no idea

Well, she states herself she doesn't understand what she is writing about in her thesis.
And watch the video, she simply repeats what she's learned by heart and stands unable to answer any question.
Don't be a retard, this sheboon's level in math doesn't go past the 1rst of BA of math

redpill on that guy - lost his mind and set his office in the department on fire. was in a mental instution, recently died.

t. former student

david bleecker i mean
csordas is awesome too

Doubt it, but I've been wrong before.

Pretty tough to jump non-tenure track to tenure track. Plus, that was all she could get after completing a PhD at Princeton under a Fields Medal winner.

* Trigger Warning *

She Probably went to college for free.

tough enough job to get - plenty of PhDs in math dont get postdocs at any research university.

A postdoc at a decent research university is harder to get but might eventually lead to tenure-track. She's a lecturer, which does not lead to tenure-track and is not a research position.

Look Sup Forums it's been happening for years, ivy league schools are losing their value. Going to Harvard, Yale or Princeton with "Gib me dat" degrees are worthless.

Well, this paper has been written by the Field medalist.
In her thesis, she literaly says she doesn't understand what she is writing in several places (the ones that contain the equations from the paper you linked).

Is it an academic prank?

>O (X)^(fraction less than 1)
>fraction less than 1

Welp thats unnecessary and round about way of putting it but sure that works

I am a white man that had to drop out of a doctoral program in stem due to money. I find this incredibly disturbing. It's like blacks can do no wrong, they can't be dumb enough to fail. Academia just picks ones to push to the top no matter what and they are buffoons. Any expert should notice.

Moreover, I know some black people actually earn their credentials, schools pushing up women like this make me think less of, not just academia in general, but the academic accomplishments of all blacks. How can we trust any black person with a degree when they could be an obvious fool and still get the highest accolades in existence? I simply can;'t trust black people to know how to do the work.

I don't know maybe she's just being cheeky. I don't like it, but maybe she wanted to replicate a popsci, tongue-in-cheek style. I'm going to give her benefit of the doubt on that one.

>X^(1-n) where 0 < n < 1

Can I have a phd now?

You're biased by your ideology, there is NO DOUBT to have, she literally says she doesn't know shit about it you fucking poor Italian piece of shit


you're no better than the nigger

Or maybe (read: probably) it's the math version of this mother fucking nonsense:


Please stand next to the card

With you're reading comprehension, Ill assume you also got a PhD from Princeton

Her math is all kids of fucked up, and it straight up plagiarizes Wikipedia.

Seriously, fuck her, this is shit.

>benefit of the doubt


They genuinely don't see why you should do anything with integrity. Some, actually from Africa, will appear to be switched on. They'll ask all the questions, email regularly, take notes and make full use of office hours. Then when they get picked up for plagiarism they will use all of the aforementioned as "evidence" of their character.

If they had the choice between an hour of work or a month of cheating they would go with the latter. It is infuriating to supervise them as they have no understanding of even basic concepts but fill it with enough crap to bamboozle readers.

My field is chemistry, and correct me if I'm wrong, but should a dissertation in mathematics have have only 10 citations? I mean mine have something like 300.

Go away nigger, the adults are talking

Her husband for comparison...

That's sufficient credit to breeze right into a top tier math grad program from the humanities. Never mind the white or Asian kid who's a math genius and did undergrad research and would actually be greatful instead of a whining, professional victim SJW as KANGZ trumps it all.

Well, the cartoons are not bad and I am not putting in the time or effort to see if I can grasp the math. So, I for one will not be hating.

I see she is black, so the rest of you muthafuckas will be hating.