Sup Forums went full SJW

Sup Forums went full SJW


don't wanna go back to a tumblr board

>moooooooom, they banned me on Sup Forums and now I can't post about my favourite Chinese cartoon games anymore!!!!!!
GR 3, faggot

You conveniently blocked out the word racsim in that rule. They didn't go sjw you fuckin fag they just have rules which you broke.

Also ban evasion.


You cant say anything about niggers on Sup Forums? Jesus what a fucking cancer board

I know. What's this world coming to when you have rules that tell you it's okay to be racist in certain places and you just want to call someone a nigger?

You say that sarcastically, but it's true.

Wow its almost like different boards exist for a reason.

Anti racist is code for anti white.
Say racist shit about whites and the mods do nothing.

>Sup Forums exists as a jew dick milking contest
4 u

Yeah, the racism rules never got enforced before. Nigger jokes are chan culture.

You can say nigger casually, I do, but your post looks like trolling

desu video games where killed the moment developers got lazy with programming. At least anime will continue to be patriarchal.

there was that nigger mod on Sup Forums that would ban for racism. i wouldn't be surprised if all the mods on the site are tumblrites at this point.

>Mods enforcing global rules is a bad thing
You have to go back the_donald nigger I'm actually happy mods are giving a fuck. Same goes for all the Sup Forums threads on here being moved to /bant/.

Are you seriously claiming those posts are "jokes"? At best they're race-baiting shitposts trying to draw Sup Forums into Sup Forums

Nigger should be a right on Sup Forums. There is nothing wrong with it unless that gook had a diversity hire.

Watch out with your words, Sup Forumsumblr is sensitive toward problematic words.

I'll rephrase it since you are an immense faggot.

Racism has always been chan culture.

There are no board specific mods anymore.

GG destroyed Sup Forums and faggots from reddit and tumblr have been flooding it ever since. Hiro should just delete that cancerous board since /vg/ is infinitely better

>implying the mods actually enforced the rules until recently

Went? Did you miss the whole zoe quinn/gamergate shit?

how new are you?

antagonistic slurs are chan cuture

Same could be said for Sup Forums.

It has nothing to do with SJW, its because Sup Forums is filled and run by Ninggers who can't let their shilling of a Nintendo product be compromised by anything negative about Nintendo.

Sup Forums has literaly always been SJW. After GamerGate, because so many people got banned by cucked mods for even saying GamerGate, everyone left for either /vg/ or Hotwheel's Wild Ride, leaving only Reddit on Sup Forums

This. It's about speaking against nintendo. You basically get reported by autists and then a janitor cleans up.
Sometimes the bans aren't limited to Sup Forums but you're temporary banned from every board

>t. assblasted sonygger

Well the 3ds was hacked yesterday so hard that nothing can block it anymore.

this tbqh
Sup Forums is Nintendogaf.
OP your next move is to learn that video games are for children and grow the fuck up

I'll just check my own fucking trips then. Jesus, nu-pol is cancer

been here all summer and never knew racism was banned on Sup Forums

Looks more like that OP went full retard.

>using Sup Forums to flex your power level

Top sad!

>saying nigger is now Sup Forums related
Saying nigger is a part of 4chin culture, redditfriend

Since when the fuck has the "rule" against racism EVER been enforced?

I want Sup Forums out of /jp/. And Stop stealing our 2hus

Requiring a ban on racism only exists to satisfy the sjw crowd.

Welcome to 2012, OP.

Reported for ban evasion.

Sup Forums is, true, but you deserved to get banned.

If it makes you feel better, the Touhou maga memes are only parroted by Reddit at this point.

>make shitty thread

>get banned

I don't see the problem, fuck yourself.

>critisizing nintendo

there's your problem, start an anti-sony thread calling everyone niggers and coons, it'll last 300 replies

You can freely say nigger, its your post that you are too autistic to see is obviously shitposting that is the problem

i got a ban for saying poo in the loo on Sup Forums, wtf

Nah, he got banned for talking shit about Nintendo, it's well known that Nintendo is untouchable because all of the mods there are proud manchildren, you can say nigger all you want but never against Nintendo.