Noam Chomsky says Republican Party is the 'most dangerous organisation in human history'

>The US Republican Party is “the most dangerous organisation in human history”, Noam Chomsky has said.

>“It’s an outrageous statement and when I said it, I said ‘Look, this is a very outrageous statement’”. he said. “But it’s true.”

>Asked by Newsnight host Evan Davis whether the party was really worse than an organisation like Isis, the author and academic replied: “Is Isis dedicated to trying to destroy the prospects for organised human existence?

>“What does it mean to say not only are we not doing anything about climate change but we’re trying to accelerate the race to the precipice?

>“It doesn’t matter whether they genuinely believe it or not… if the consequence of that is ‘let’s use more fossil fuels, let’s refuse to subsidise developing countries, let’s eliminate regulations that reduce greenhouse gases’. If that’s the consequence, that’s extremely dangerous.”

>The academic has previously claimed the Republicans are “overwhelmingly” committed to destroying human life on earth.
Skip to 2:45

Is he right Sup Forums? Are republicans worse than ISIS?

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I can't wait till this fucking old kook dies.

Jews gonna Jew


Ahahahahahahahahahaha! This is fucking too much

I love this kike

>worthless jew makes worthless comment
Bow down, gentiles - god's chosen coming through.

he's right desu. by default any organization that controls the bulk of nuclear weapons on earth is the most dangerous

It never ceases to amaze me there are people who hang onto every word this repugnant creature says.

The jewish race is the most dangerous organization in the world and Chomsky is a member. They all need to be exterminated

He's been doing nothing but ruining what little credibility he had for many years now, who gives a shit what he says other than rabid lefties?

The weak should fear the strong

WTF I love ISIS now

Come now. This is Sup Forums + r_the_donald now. There is no need for that sort of racism.

jews aren't people

>Is Isis dedicated to trying to destroy the prospects for organised human existence?
I-is he serious? They've done nothing but cause chaos, death, and misery. How can doing that not cause the destruction of the prospects for organized human existence?

first these filthy kikes try to push overpopulation for 30 years, that obviously gains no traction, meanwhile they try to push global catastrophe via the environment, this gets some traction although has produced almost nothing for its efforts except enormous govt subsidies for green energy that have very little impact that isn't a facade,

then they push mass immigration, which goes against almost all of their long held policy positions including climate change and overpopulation. I can't tell if they are just being retarded for the sake of appearing rational or being retarded b/c they are actually retarded.

Please don't say this sort of thing. The Jewish people have been through enough. It is time to show some love.

>my enemies learned my tactics
this cat is mad we just beat Shadow Link

>m-muh climate change
spin this into him denying/trivializing holocaust

he's not wrong

but Sup Forums is too stupid to believe in science

mass immigration will end white supremacy.

Yeah, we get it - he's a Jew. Good argument.

God, the Right is so fucking boring and hollow, never making any good counter-arguments and never presenting an inspiring vision for the future. No wonder our younger generations are overwhelmingly rejecting right-wing ideology.

Didn't scientists admit we passed the point of no return for climate change years ago?

It is literally too late and has been for years.

Of course he's right. You don't need to chop off heads to be dangerous.

Don't expect pol to understand.

Neocons? Perhaps

They're the same thing as the Dems, though

not an argument

Who names their kid Noam.

He's a senile old goat.

>one of the most prominent intellectuals of history makes an argument that Republicans are the most dangerous organization in history
>4pol cant respond with anything else than calling him a "kike"

really made me think

He's not completely cucked. Here he agree's with the right that the media is left leaning and explains the propaganda model in US.

The internet has mostly made this irrelevant

>hurr durr vlumpf bfto
>You racis homophobic xenophobic blahdy blah blah
>muh russia
>everyone who disagrees with me is a member of a defunct german political party
>basket of deplorables
>suburban and rural retards
>that wasn't real communism
>that wasnt real socialism
>we need to make the world more diverse so lets make everyone the same
>lets abandon thouands of years of an economic sytem that works for a system created by a neet with no economic experience
>whites are responsible for everything their ancestors did but no other race
>the climate has never changed this much and should never change. By the way i believe in science except the science that disagrees with my views
Yeah, leftists sure do have better arguments

>trying to destroy the prospects for organised human existence

He's really talking about a global socialized mono-polar world government run by faceless bureaucrats and the "Elite". It's the utopian dream held by the academics, high-borns and apparachuks for more than a century. Not quite a communist, fascist or corporate/technological combine but a sort of neo-feudalism. Very top down rather than from the masses. Chomsky thinks an elite made from people like him is fit to rule the world.

Believe it or not; the goals and actions of ISIS pale in comparison to the extreme ruination of our environment which has been greedily accelerated by the GOP. They are literally (yes, literally) destroying our planet for personal gain, and the consequences of their agenda will spell out doom and immiseration for millions upon millions of human beings. A caliphate can't even compare, and I just wanna stress that I am NOT being dramatic or exaggerating here... the scientific projections are fucking bleak.

You're right, I didn't make an argument, I stated an opinion. Very observant, good job.

Out of touch with society, you are soon to be devoured by our culture.

>better get use to watching Darlene Amaro

we already know about the climate jew and their "environmental migration"

unlike the people you responded to?

This is not reddit.
You have to go back.

you're too stupid to believe in freedom

If you follow his logic it's undeniable. The american people have done more damage to the planet than any other, and the main political party devoted to continuing this trend is the republicans and the corporate handlers they represent.

>Are republicans worse than ISIS?

Both Reps and Dems are worse than ISIS
The american ZOG is worse than ISIS
The american ZOG created ISIS

The only way to save USA and the world is to kill the ZOG

Oh here we go again. Lets ignore the brutal savages destroying civilization who are against everything leftists are for to focus on a "problem" that convienently needs lots of money from rich nations poured into poor nations to solve

>the scientific projections are fucking bleak.

Those projections were made in 2000 and said Manhattan would be under water by now

Right, they didn't have an argument - hence my response.

Earth abides, you double commie moron.

You really want to do this? Is this really the hill you want to die on?

>still alive

I dont care about anything he says or does until he becomes a good communist

fix your own house, you double faggot fuck face

Damn so you've had your head buried in the sand since 2000.

>Noam Chomsky

I wouldnt say he is a prominent intellectual of history. His universal grammar is probably going to be the only thing that survives him for the foreseeable future but no one is really going to remember his political ideas and criticisms. It's similar to the legacy of Bertrand Russell whom Chomsky is inspired by. People remember Russell for his philosophy on Mathematics, The History of Philosophy, His works in Logic and mentoring Wittgenstein, not protesting WW1 or the Cold war. Chomsky will be a little known intellectual by the time we are his age.

It's been nearly 20 years since the Armageddon predictions from al Gore and an unconvenient truth.

Tell me how many of those predictions came true

democrats and republicans are run by the same kikes

>I wouldnt say he is a prominent intellectual of history.


>Chomsky will be a little known intellectual by the time we are his age.


The US shouldn't have to subsidize developing countries, first.

Second, I thought there were greenhouse-gas regulations? I have no idea and don't really care.

Third, none of the things he talks about make the Republican party anywhere near the "most dangerous organisation in human history".

Do you even know what ZOG means, my hook-nosed friend?

>Damn so you've had your head buried in the sand since 2000

Tell me how many coastal cities are underwater now. San Francisco? San Jose? New Orleans? Manhattan?

I've near the coast my entire life. It hasn't risen one inch.

I said nothing about his being a Jew. I called him a repugnant creature based on his long history of being a repugnant creature. If repugnant creature is a synonym for Jew in your mind, that's on you.

Nothing wrong there

Noam Chomsky thinks republicans r bad yo

Why is this news at all? He's thought this since birth.

It would be news if he started saying something different.

Oh, wait, let me guess, (((they))) needed to put another "an authority says republicans r bad yo" propaganda piece for the masses to consume, so they went to a reliable source.

Yeah? Well Noam talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

>that ID

wow a fucking kike hates america, big news!

I guess the Nazis weren't so bad then.

Tell me why his political ideas will be worth remembering in a fifty to a hundred years as opposed to his work on linguistics? perhaps manufacturing consent will be remembered but that will probably be overtaken by other text books that revise, reinforce or critique his arguments there. He is a prominent intellectual for sure but why would he be remembered if all he does is talk about current American politics? why does that have any value to people in the distant future?

>Yeah? Well Noam talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

I see what you did there.

To him yes, he's a communist.

>caring about a prediction from Al Gore

Is this why no progress has been made? The same retard that everyone thought made the internet made over presumptuous claims when hes not even a scientist and now because they didn't come true everything about it is wrong?

Kill yourself.

>Party built on self-advocacy, economic prosperity and traditional values
>Is worse than a terrorist group that beheads infidels, destroys ancient wonders and seeks global domination.

What a retard. Did dementia get to him or something?

If he's so lucky.

Poor Turing is only remembered (by the masses) for being a faggot.

>jews have control of school, media n shiet

wow why are most young kids not right wing i really wonder why

He's mocked and scorned endlessly but Chomksy once again proves to be a superior intellect. He is absolutely correct. With accelerating climate change, which will lead to a refugee crisis that makes the current one look like childs play. Inciting war with Russia, NK, China, and Iran and risking nuclear anhillation, as well as continuing/strengthening the corporate stranglehold on the working class and taking steps to make the coming capitalist crash even worse, Republicans are proving themselves to be leading mankind to its doom. Thank you Noam.

I've never watched that movie, so I'm not going to defend it, but man... even fossil fuel corporations like Shell and Exxon have acknowledged (internally and publicly) man-made climate change for decades now. Pointing out a few inaccurate projections/models won't change the fact that man-made climate change is real, and its' consequences are dire.

>Wahhhhhh, people I don't agree with are literally worse than a terrorist organization!

When is that communist scumbag going to apologize for supporting communism in Venezuela and starving people?

The GOP is a terrorist organization by any definition.

>Is this why no progress has been made? The same retard that everyone thought made the internet made over presumptuous claims when hes not even a scientist and now because they didn't come true everything about it is wrong?

So Am Gore and his Nobel prize winning presentation to the UN isn't true global warming science.

No true scottsman?

And there is no universal grammar. That shit is gay. Just spend two minutes with American niggers, the theory is debunked.

>not China
>not developing economies
>not nuclear protesting tree hugging leftists.

>no the proxy for fucking white males (republicans)

Jews going to Jew.

no he's just always belonged in a gas chamber is all.

You mean "Peace Prize"?

Let me tell you, faggot, why Global Warming is bullshit. If it is real science, it'd have gotten real Nobel Prize, in PHYSICS.

I didn't even know he was Jewish actually, but you can go suck a kike dick faggot

Oh, you mean diversity isn't our strength and genocide was the plan all along?

Maybe in America. Here I didn't even know he was gay until recently when they started wheeling it out because gay advocacy was flavour of the month.

Chomsky is a selfrighteous linguist who believes morality is an objective truth inherent in all sentient beings. His comments on social issues bear weight, but only because he has a bubble of peers and audiences who have the level of rational to agree. However, being such an intellectual equipped with rational blinds him to the relativity of the world. He can be as rational as he wants, but put him in the middle of Somalia and he will either die a blind fool or commit actions that make him out to be a liar.

What faggot shit is "democratic socialism"? What do if a democracy rejects socialism? Kill half of the population?

Noam Chomsky said that 9/11 and the JFK assassination were insignificant events, and that we should all just believe the official stories.

He's also critical of the boycotting Israel movement.

it was a peace prize you idiot.
Also learn what words are, over presumptuous means he stretched the truth to appeal to emotion.
He had no right to make predictions about the future of climate change, and just because he made incorrect claims doesn't invalidate the evidence because he was wrong.

Its like if someone cried wolf and no one believed him anymore and then when the wolf actually came no one believed the actual wolf came.

You're retarded.

dangerous to the kike agenda yeah

Democracy in its fundamental form is rule by the many. Socialism in its fundamental form is the means of production controlled by the many. Democracy is actually more compatible with socialism than capitalism is, which is why China is better at capitalism than western nations are.

>No wonder our younger generations are overwhelmingly rejecting right-wing ideology.
Wanna know how I know you don't go outside very often?

It's not sure that Turing was actually gay. He's just an odd guy all around, like most Brits.

>Republican party
>In any way going after the Jews

No true scottsman apparently.

Maybe, but he was appaently on some wacky treatment for it. Injecting hormones or something.

>Noam Chomsky
hmmm i see. so jews truly are evil

Gee I wonder why Chomsky hates Israel so much even if he is a Jew. Must be some spooky mind-control that the jews are attempting on us.