Name one thing wrong with Zionism
Protip: Every single thing you say I will refute with evidence and superior Jewish critical thinking skills derived from my study of the Talmud
Name one thing wrong with Zionism
Protip: Every single thing you say I will refute with evidence and superior Jewish critical thinking skills derived from my study of the Talmud
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It's racist
judaism is the religion of death.
all abrahamic religions are worshipping a false idol( deamon)
It's not antinatalism.
not enough diversity
Wrong, Israeli Arabs have more money given to them than any other group, have the same rights, and don't have to serve in the army either
specifics please abbo killer
I'm afraid Stalins Atheist Empire wasn't any better. Whenever you Atheists have gained full control of a country, you set about murdering the inhabitants by the MILLION
Considering its 80% ethnic arab, you got me there
i dont want your fucking fairy, hook nose money grubbing, kike rubbing hands,sheckle hording,disgusting xeno mongrel of an ethnicity in my fucking country ,you disgusting piece of shit
>Name one thing wrong with Zionism
I've never heard of that ever lmao
I unironically love jews
Hi, my name is Adolf and I'm here to derail this thread.
>Wrong, Israeli Arabs have more money given to them than any other group, have the same rights, and don't have to serve in the army either
how does this make zionism not racist?
nothing, and if I were a jew I'd be one. as a zionist, you must also understand why I want you out of my country
Name the difference between ,Zionism and jihadism.
It's a conqueror movement
It wants land with disregard to the indigenous population. I don't really have anything against Israel establishment once Palestine would have been divided between Syria and Egypt if it was left alone since the Palestenians never developed a formal government despite years of relative freedom
Jews are the most peaceful people in the ME and more than half of crimes in Israel are committed by Arabs against other Arabs despite being a 21% of the pop
Zionism is aimed at one piece of land filled with disgusting inbred canaanite filth (arabs), whereas Jihaddism is literally arabs taking over the whole world
Classic example of a country lead by an Alpha
The Filipino admires and aspires, the white bois cry, bitch, and are filled with jealousy.
>superior Jewish critical thinking skills derived from my study of the Talmud
Zionism is fine. I'm not crazy about the Jews, but I recognize that it's their homeland, they've existed there for millennia, and the Arabs themselves took it by brutal violence themselves. Might makes right.
I hope they all go there, let white countries have their pride and identity back, and we can all go our separate ways.
I'm not Jewish.
You're fuckin hipocrites and can't come up with your own ideas
You lot are literally sandniggers genociding other sandniggers because of some piece of land that nobody gave or still does give a fuck about
Also, where was Jewish "critical thinking" when they were bundled in the masses with heavy equipment (which could kill a person easily) yet decided "oh... those 4 guys with guns look scary... better just fucking lay down and die mayn..."
Mate... the fuckin Jew's waltzed in there, slaughtered all the cunts that were living there and went "oh.. muh god said we could live here"
Holocauster is the proof of commercialising of Holocaust
Its proponents have abused whites to acheive their goals and believe they're justified because the Talmud said it's okay to treat goyim that way.
i didn't say i was an "atheist".
i know the abrahamic "god" (your's) exists but is an "evil" entity.
I believe in a source or absolute, not a "biblical god".
why do you suck baby dicks?
You are literally the heralds of the antichrist, no other reason necessary
Without the Jewish Bible, you'd still be painting your face and burning your fellow whites in large wickerwork animals
well its the current year and zionism is the support of the foundation of a jewish state for the jewish peoples and the continued existence of said jewish state
its not all inclusive.if you want to be part of the west you need to be a faggot. that means being enriched. at your current levels there will be no jewish blood left if your enriched in just a generation
Come on guys, are you really falling for this?
It makes killing children ok.
>Israeli Arabs
But what does that have to do with ZIONISM? Is the whole state of israel zionist?
It depends, Tel Aviv is more liberal than most western cities, it is Berlin tier
If you weaponise dogs, they should be killed, if you strap explosives to kittens and send them into kindergardens, they should be killed.
If you weaponise your children, they should be killed. You'd have no hesitation in killing an african child soldier who was going to stab or shoot your family. Well, maybe youre a cuck so you would do nothing.
Also there is only about 1 million arabs (or less) there.
Also, they kill THEIR children, or some shit like that. Either way, in zionism, killing children is fine. How do you explain that?
only the children of your enemy. They will grow up to hate you. Its like brushing your teeth before they rot, or mowing the lawn before it gets out of control.
Arabs want all Jews dead. Would you like the Hadith where this comes from? Its part of Hama's founding document. Would you like to me to google it for you?
So, guessing you're NOT a kike that lives in australia it would be fine if some random kike just killed your kids?
A pure ethnic state for jews is racist by definition
the world hates israel. they don't have a single true friend.
only palestinians have hitler levels of anti Jewish hatred. Most people don't mind Jews.
Yeah the shill Zionist pill gets pretty red-pilled (Pro-Authority message) with practice but I GUARANTEE you will fall out of your little safe cloud of judgments and start seeing some things bother you and your not indestructible then blame the powers that be (JEWS)
Most sane white people have a good outlook on authority whomever that may be when they're on top of their needs and wants, whether they take the zionist pill or otherwise. Unfortunately most of Sup Forums is NEET or Yuropoors so they feel compelled to squawk at authority and unironically do not consider themselves niggers which is another phenomena altogether.