Is it normal for this to make me uneasy? Or is that a sign that I don't understand whats going on?
Is it normal for this to make me uneasy? Or is that a sign that I don't understand whats going on?
No. If it makes you uneasy, I'd go with that.
Personally, I have no problem with this useful idiot to the Jews and Saudi prostrating himself. Bush did it.
So there is a precedent.
its just pomp and ceremony, sa is a good ally despite their issues. notice trump also used a female translator.
Just more symbolism. I never expected him to nuke Mecca or whatever.
what if he had refused to accept whatever tf that is . he would be hitler.
The faster you accept the fact that the US dollar is also called the petrodollar, the easier it is to swallow the fact that Saudi Arabia has our economy by the balls.
looks like a cool medal to me
and thats why they got away with 9/11
It's never going to stop. Donald is going to keep doing shit like this and we are going to keep making excuses for him. We're only 5 months in and he's already looking like the same establishment cucks we've had for the last 40 years.
This is the problem with the cult of personality. No one really cares about his actual policies as long as he acts loony and "btfos SJWs" This is Bush 3.0. Sorry if you thought there was an actual revolution.
What is that fancy necklace?
What's the big deal guys? The Muslims are our friends. AMERICA YES!
>whatever tf that is
its a slave collar, trump is the saudis little bitch now
when isis murders people with american weapons and funds propaganda with american money and you think maybe trump will do something, remember this moment of him bowing in complete submission
this is the prestigious cuck medal being awarded to dolan drumpf
Saudi Arabia is cool af you all got heavy autism
I guess it's kinda like watching someone accept a reward from Bush. It's not like they're supporting everything bad Bush and America represents. Just a ceremony, and ceremonies are usually held in place by more than just the President. Maybe sandnigger over there doesn't want to do it either, but he can't exactly put an end to it (Trump would but he's not leader of Saudi Arabia).
So me focusing on ceremonies is pretty stupid.
I miss campaign Trump. How did he get so cucked so fast?
>remember this moment of him bowing in complete submission
are you shills or average leafs literally retarded? He's accepting an honor bestowed upon him by the king, it's literally a great sign of respect within the Kingdom. Although I wouldn't expect idiots without any decorum or tact to understand anything
What's the big deal about it?
The head of a foreign nation awards him some shitty medals, so what?
What should Trump do? Screeching REEEEEE and run away?
He's the fucking head of state of the USA. What you see there is just diplomacy.
Not to mention Salafist terrorism and radicalism in general. It's more of a personal pet project to keep the region destabilized to benefit them (and by proxy, Israel and Turkey) and also the arms trade going on between the western powers.
There's a reason why Russia and China are seen as enemies in the media, not so much for their culture, but more because they are independent of Arabian oil as a whole and therefore are direct competitors in undermining the West's economy.
By extension, this is also why renewable energy hasn't been adopted en masse, since doing so will sink the dollar's purchasing power and intimate connection to Saudi oil.
Sup Forums loves to trash Israel, but Saudi Arabia is the real puppeteer behind the mask, and they didn't even plan to do so. They hit a lucky break and made a string of excellent deals, especially with the increasing global economy of the 1950s and 1960s spurring them to form OPEC and similar organizations.
He's just a fucking puppet
We all got jewed into thinking things would change when Trump is just more of the same
still in the denial phase?
>still in the denial phase?
but but but Hillary won the popular vote Wahhhhhhh waaaahhhhhh glad to know you're still in denial projecting this hard
>Saudi Arabia has our economy by the balls.
And never forget it burger
If you still don't understand, you're the goodest of goyim
Good luck with keeping those oil reserves steady, because China is smelling blood in the water.
would suck on those toes
have you been asleep since january?
the whole 4-d chess/donald trump is god emperor thing hasnt exactly worked out, its OK to admit he hasnt been anything but a complete disappointment
this is just 7D CHess my fellow Pedes!!
Don't give up on the God Emperor
That's not made of bronze. Bitch looks like it weights 5 pounds. It's an honor bestowed upon the President of the USA.
HILLIBEAST AND MOOOCHELLE did what good slaves do. They covered.
Donald and Melania, fuck yeah!
Eight years faggots!!!!!!!
nice larping shill, you gonna have to step up your game if you want your shekels. just letting you know since it's pretty obvious you're new at this.
it means trump is a secret muslim
How? We don't need sandnigger oil. We're the second largest oil producing country in the world and up until about a year and a half ago we weren't even allowed to export our oil, so it was just getting warehoused waiting to be used.
This. The kikes really pulled a fast one on us with their zionist plant.
half his team were women. None of them wore hijabs. He made a slight bow after receiving the medal but nothing you could particularly groveling.
In all honesty, even while making the deal he went in there showing them that they are not in charge.
absolutely wrecked. and he will not return to the thread lmao
>he was always cucked
Trump jumped the shark preddy fast. I mean I'm sorry for memeing americans into electing this guy but this whole meme war and election was just too funny.
It's also a sure way of fucking the Arabs by taking all their cheap oil. They have done little to diversify their economy except oil and their spending is frivolous among the Arab royalty. As soon as it peaks Arabs will be poor and shit and have a lot of American weapons.
>saudis give american oil money back to america in exchange for hordes of weapons they will use to terrorize the western world
damn trump really showed them
im amazed they could keep a straight face while "negotiating" that gem
The country is divided enough, if trump wanted his girl and his bitch to wear a scarf, he would have. He just chose to suck up to the feminist bitches who cry all the time
We need a push. If the Arabs are overconfident and Jihads up there will be war for sure
At the moment its slow and steady and everyone is afraid of muh racism .
Exactly. Saudi Arabia may be very wealthy now, but once that gravy train runs out they'll descend into madness like the rest of the Middle East.
>He made a slight bow after receiving the medal but nothing you could particularly groveling.
Dude he fucking curtsied. He may as well have been wearing a dress.
Watching anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim Trump supporters wrestle with his obvious philo-Semitism and now clearly warm display towards the House of Saud is almost as amusing as the meetings themselves. A bonanza of cognitive dissonance.
I don't know what grand plan you were hoping for voting this guy in, but I would hope it included massively re-engaging with Arabs, Israelis in a positive manner, bombing Syrian/Iranian aligned forces, etc.
Being perfectly honest, despite all the shit Sup Forums gave Obama, he was significantly more isolationist than Trump has been, at least, in practical terms.
A politician lied to get elected? Impossible!
Saudis are basically jews right ?
Iranians are the Aryan cousin ? Sort of like Pakistan is jewish while India is more Aryan
This is a distraction from the fact that the Saudi's fell in love with Ivanka.
Trump is a Globalist Neocon Kike Traitor.
He has done nothing but break promises and sell out our country to foreigners and globalists.
Stop fucking defending this utter backstabbing kike puppet. If you believe in the principles he talked about during the campaign, there is no way you actually support the policies he has put forth thus far.
Trump isn't going to do a fucking thing for the white working class. We're fucked. We're the scapegoat. We are the ATM and whipping boy for literally every other race in the world, and even our own women.
Nice reddit spacing faggot. Go back to r/anarchy.
Don't worry dude Sup Forums is full of leddit worst kind of SJW. They even defend a feudal dictature like the Saudi. The same Saudi that promoted and helped for the 9/11 and the same Saudi that promote Wahhabism. What do you expect from people living in a complete duality.
And who could blame them I would tongue punch the shit out of that fart box.
>I don't know what grand plan you were hoping for voting this guy in
it was mostly a horde of white trash thinking Donald was going to "kill the niggers" and "stop degeneracy" or some retarded shit along those lines.
So, he DID join them for the traditional Bedouin Jew hunt after the ceremony. That's the best part.
get over it cucklord. Trump is ticking the boxes he needs to tick. this is politics, not a fucking revolution. if you want a revolution fuck off to Venezuela
You do realize the USA barely tolerate you for the oil? If it wasn't for that, you would be a middle eastern shithole like the rest, maybe worse.
its a custom also they just spent over 100 billion on new toys
>Trump is ticking the boxes he needs to tick.
translation: Trump has completely sold out and is implementing the bankster, neocon, globalist agenda.
That's just what takes effect immediately.
MOUs were signed regarding $350bn total over the next decade.
It is okay to be wrong user
What did they mean by this look?
So do muslims worship tablecloths? why does every royal one look like they robbed a picnic?
What do you mean girls can't drive?
It's "I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying so I'm going to pretend like I'am"
good question, these are the questions we should be asking
You're not fooling anyone.
This is why no one takes Trump supporters seriously.
Wait what? No. Fuck SA, they're the only ME country that has actually sent terrorists to the U.S(see 9/11). For some strange reason we still continue to do business with them. I wonder why Trump still visits there....?