the USA needs to bring back the draft
The USA needs to bring back the draft
go fuck yourself.
We still have the draft. I know, I had to sign up for it
Bomb portugal
yeah, i fucking wish. than they would have to take me and than maybe I could find purpose in life
what you got against the military user? it will get you out of flyoverville.
>for non-whites
Why? plenty of rural and suburban retards are willing to die for Israel of their own free will?
We still have it. We just don't use it, because we have enough volunteers.
We all had to sign up for it once we turned 18
You don't sign up for the draft because you no longer have a military draft, you register in case shit hits the fan and people are needed.
and that slut should be the first one picked
Literally a draft
Fuck off, conscripts are pure cancer. Directionless losers are better company in the military than people who don't want to be in the military and the US already has an oversized military force.
But yeah the US should spend 1.5 trillion on the military so we can have a military budget much larger than every other military on earth, because that is what killing sandniggers with AKs requires according to Portugal who has an army smaller than a US division.
That's called a draft.
Only for manlets. Lanklets get to stay home and breed.
>It’s important to know that even though a man is registered, he will not automatically be inducted into the military. Registering with Selective Service does not mean you are joining the military.
>In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in a sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical, and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces.
A draft would mean every single capable male would have to go through the military.
So give me one reason why we should draft about 3 million men into the military every year.
>Registering with Selective Service does not mean you are joining the military
Literally what a draft is
So remind me what war we're in that requires that?
>a country of 330million has a bigger army than a country of 10 million
>bring back draft
>good conservative men go to war
>hippies dodge draft
>Hillary wins
why draft? when you have Mike Pence?
america is fine
So why do we need a draft? We have even less to defend against than you, we have an ocean between us and any actual threats, you don't.
Um. Don't we need a war first? I don't think you know why drafts occur.
The worst thing you can do is teach cucks how to shoot. They are already stabbing Americans.
Nah, Europoors draft all their men to sit around on bases for a year getting hammered because they think it builds character. In reality it is like college without having to worry about classes.
yes because the result will be that people start giving a shit about if or not America is at war.
right now we just pay poor stupid people and "patriots" to go fight the wars and the rest of us smart sane people never have to experience the consequences.
Also we should cut veterans benefits and stop with the glorification propaganda about soldiers being awesome. They are a bunch of mercenary killers, scum of the earth.
Its one thing if your called up to defend your country in a draft and you kill people to defend your homeland. To voluntarily take money to go murder people on foreign soil is abhorrent.
We have the draft, minimum of 6 months. It's bad.
id draft her back if you know whummsaynnn
you probably meant mandatory service like how israel does
You realize more white people dye more in American wars right?
no, we train the cucks wrong so they die easily. this culls the gene pool.
imagine the sweet scent of her BRAAAP wafting across your nostrils
go suck a nigger aids dick faggot
>Sup Forums always talks about conservative women
>are really after typical sluts wearing MAGA hats and holding guns to look conservative
>Implying they will actually learn anything
The military is a glorified daycare, most soldiers are the same age and maturity level of a college freshman with more disposable income and less access to poon.
Yeah we do need mandatory service, beat some sense in these entitled bastards.
Look at all the antifag scum, if they had ever been taught discipline they might not run around like smelly freakish pussified homos
Could not agree with you more, user. Draft all the white trash and fucking niggers in the military.
There are millions of them. Then start a war with Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India.
Problem solved.
Stop trying to preserve their lives. That is what they are for. Cannon fodder.
Mandatory service in a country like U.S wouldn't work. Plus it would be a huge burden on your economy.
Yes. Train our soldiers how to handle firearms and ordinance incorrectly. I'm sure that wouldn't lead to any potential consequences that would harm non
yes please, getting drafted would allow me to bypass getting tsc which i neither want nor need (since i already know all the secrets) nor am i able to complete (due to having no references due to being opsec-core and trusting no one outside of Sup Forums to ever be disclosed any information to)
with trump in office, and them moving to 5.7x28mm like they've been signaling and like i decreed long before that (command chain begets time lag)
i'll take my free based 5.7x28 chambered 20" barreled FN manufactured rifle tyvm
Selective service is not a technical draft per se'
>Draft all the white trash and fucking niggers in the military
who do you think currently joins the military?
also that isn't how a "draft" works.
A draft means that EVERYONE has the same chance of being forced to serve in the military.
We still have it, but useless its a SHTF ww3 out of nowhere senario,there wont be one.
Selective drafts are a thing. Just saying. A draft just means you don't have a choice.
I've always found this amusing too.
Yes. Thanks for defining it. As people already said: draft.