I'm blackpilled boys, what's it gonna take for der tag to happen? Another Bataclan? Dirty bomb? Can anything wake the sleeping giant?
Day of the rope
idk I was really hoping the anti Trump protests would gain momentum and we'd get to start putting them down.
Day of the Rope? Really?
People in power have learned from their mistakes in history and I doubt we'll see anything like what happened in Germany between 1918-1936 within our life times.
However, currently we might have a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia where they will expand with Israel to form greater countries than they are currently.
But honestly, if Poland and Hungry keep holding out, we may have a surge of social violence from refugee's who are stuck in limbo, which may lead to a mass deportation of migrants from Europe.
But there will be no war so to speak, just people beating each other with clubs and poles because their guns were taken away decades ago.
Idk about America much though, is it really as bad as they say with anti-fa militarizing?
I take that back, China just killed US CIA Sources in a massive show of force. Total massacre.
Guess it's happening.
Yes day of the rope
It might be june 19th diablo valley college first round.
There will be many days of the rope
I'm not on the west coast so you know as much about growing antifa violence as I do. I'm just sad because of the goddamn french and germans man, how could they roll over and die like this? I'm Texan and plenty of us would fight if we were asked to, the problem is somebody has to ask in the first place! The jews will win the war before there's an actual fight!
>China just killed US CIA Sources in a massive show of force
mande guey?
Where? An American city? They'll just use it to get the good goys to support another Patriot Act. Maybe if a cucked European capital was hit, the ensuing chimpout would show the world what happens when the refugees don't get thier gibs
never you idiot people are too comfortable
It's gonna take one hell of a race war with the Arabs and Jews.
I'm comfortable enough to spill commie blood.
We can win that war, the problem is starting it. Could a major Middle Eastern War really spread conflict to the West? I don't see how that could happen.
soon enough antifags will be pledging allegiance to ISIS.
Then we will have our day without qualm my son.
trump drops 59 cruise missiles on bildeburg
Iran won't be left alone
Russia will intervene
Your dumbass president just did bowing to the Saudi. Fuck off retard.
Go away
One of the first things Trudeau did was sell millions in military to the Saudis.
Can you believe all these shills saying we're too comfortable? If we were given the chance to take America back, we would do it. Don't listen to shills, it'll start when we remember the true dream. Nationalism, liberty, and federacy.
It died down the second we started fighting back unfortunately.
leaning down so a medal can be placed around your neck is not bowing leaf
Return of the stickman june 4th portland oregon
Yeah, I know that any attempt to claim otherwise is often ridiculed, but my life has been directly affected by modern demographics and jewery. My home has been objectively damaged, especially over the past few years. My town sees it. We will participate when the time comes, and they know this.
Shut up leaf
Learn to target something other than the flag for once Colgate. Leafposting. Absolutely pedestrian.
The East and West coast
(((Chopstick Man)))
and you could be facing prison time if you end up calling someone by the gender they don't identify with
fix your own fucking country before you talk shit about others, eh?
They have stopped false flags for now. Trump can too easily catch them red handed now.
if you were truly blackpilled you´d simply lay down and wait pretend to be bluepilled and pop out of your sheeps clothing to unleash the berserk when the time has come.
not cry on an indonesian carpentry enthusiast forum about how you want to kill the evildoers fighting fire with fire.
i.e you are not gattsu and you dont have it in you to ever be something like him for you´vent accepted death yet in its purest form and beauty so those that cant help themselves will be helped by your martyrdom.
We can't lonewolf our way to victory. I'd like to get the chance to actually live in the better world we create. The shitskins rile themselves up more than we ever could. The problem is waiting for their tactics to bite them in the ass, which should have happened in your dying society already. You have far less to lose than I do.
Nice bantz. Pls remove muzz so the wife and can visit.
As long as people can feed their family and be safely away from niggers in suburbs while playing on the computer all day you can't expect whites to get riled up. It's not in our best interest to chimp out. Threaten or hurt white families and see how fast and far it changes. Its not the sub human plague. They are just the kike weapon.
FBI must be fapping over this thread right now.