r/the_donald cringe thread
lets go boys
R/the_donald cringe thread
A not so friendly reminder of who Trump really is for all the MAGA shills that inevitably come in here.
>shut down your sub for less than 24 hours to protest nothing
>insist you're going to leave and destroy the website by depriving it of all those sweet advertising bucks
>check out voat and Sup Forums, realize they're far too hardcore for your 14yo ass
>return to plebbit and reopen shop earlier than stated
>w-we won, pedes
>the same unfunny shops over and over
Is this really the best Soros can afford?
these guys were from 8/pol/ but were r/the_donald tier
Take your meds fags. People like trump, mme culture, america and kekistan. Get over it.
is this part of Sup Forumss recent effort to distance itself from Drumpf to try and save face once he comes tumbling down?
Because it won't work. We all know you faggots started this cringy movement
>being this new
HWNDU was a mistake
kek that's the Disdain for Plebs guy
Are you fucking kidding me? DfP is an asian?
nothing wrong with this pic digits faggot
Reddit is one big cringe circle jerk
No one is shilling Sup Forums against T_D.
T_D is simply right winged reddit users
>being right-wing means you're a drooling idiot
shes a cute tomboy
DfP is a shit page anyway. The guy became obsessed with getting page views and making a cult of personality around himself such that he didn't contribute any content (he also steals content and claims that he made it and shares fake news). Classic alt-lite meme merchant
What gets me is they think any anons that say nigger, faggot, or don't support Trump are "share blue" shills trying to fuck shit up.
They just can't accept people hold different views than them to the point of delusion.
wtf I hate video games now
>this faggot ruining kilts
man I'm getting flashbacks of those """anonymous""" boys with their fucking inbred guy fawkes masks
I didn't say that
They seem alright
BASED black man
they need to read some books, eat proper, do some exercise and get good clothes before getting in front of a camera
as it stands it starts to look like some shitty lgbtq parade minus the aids because virgins.
>1 post by this ID
That really activated my cranial processing center, it's almost as if this is a slide divide and conquer thread???????
>soros pays everyone i don't agree with
AIDS can be inherited
plebitors seem to be more infectious
Would redpill and have babies.
Screw you guys. /r/the_donald is based. We Redpilled literally thousands of normies. Trump would have never got elected without us.
No. That chink is famous around alt-right pages.
>butthole aids
you're thinking of holocaust trauma. tell your grandmother i said hello bubala.
>divide and conquer
Who is he dividing?
There are redditors on this board and actual Sup Forums users
The redditors are a cancer who haven't integrated and never will
*teleports behind you*
This looks like a YouTube channel for Nintendo products
This was the greatest political upset of all time, if being a part of it makes this kid happy then fuck off. Part of Trump's appeal was that he represented people like this.