Anyone that wants to have children has not suffered a lot


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Your butthole doesn't think so


people who want to have children are unenlightened

Then why are Mormons consistently better than any other religious group on earth?
They could run their own planet.

What do you mean "then why"? Because they're unenlightened and haven't suffered a lot.


And you're wrong btw, but wanna hear your silly justification anyway.

Because if you truly had suffered, you wouldn't want to make another person potentially go through the same shit.

So nihilism? Man, get out of hell already all you have to do is accept forgiveness you cuck.

You're unenlightened and you haven't suffered a lot, and furthermore you're refusing to accept the truth that so is the case. You're literally a pleb.

you again with this shit.

truth hurts

anyone that doesnt want children is part of a group of whiny, entitled, fully grown children, that'll ultimately be the downfall of their own civilization and quality of life.

ok fag, lets keep this simple
1) life is suffering
2) in order to endure the suffering reality of life you need to live a meaningful life
3) having children increase the meaning of your life

And they will!

I've been going through hell for the past 4 years, and it just makes me want to have kids all the more. Sure I know they'll go through some shit. I'm not stupid. But having kids is a part of life, and so is bad times,

Kek, thought this was a thread about the hardships of parenting, not this faggy pseudo-philosophy.

Wow OP really is a fucking faggot

Anyone that doesn't want to have children has not experienced enough happiness.

that fag is always posting against family. some time ago his argument was about the "evil selfishness" of having children.

they promote self reliance.

the extreme is the mandatory hoarding of powdered food/water.

but in general they're taught to work hard and start small businesses

unfortunately this has devolved into pyramid schemes (see: doTERRA and LuLaRoe)

i definitely admire the homesteading philosophy, they just do it to shelter/indoctrinate their children, but the skills learned are a dying art.

did your parents suffer when they had you?

you should need a license to have kids
just like driving

some people are not fit to endure the responsability of raising a family

Godless world is a doomed world.

Go to church holy shit you armchair philosophers.


havings kids is just a "thing" to do in western countries now. like an intensive hobby more than anything. theres no farm to take care of. or need for offspring to care for you in old age. my personal opinion is womens stupid biological clocks just keep ticking and men just keep wanting pussy so the cycle continues. but theres no good reason for it.

Suffering is integral to life and should be embraced

>Being this fucking fedora tier

so be celibate or adopt

I would not have children for their sake or mine. I know their lives would be worse than nonexistence and that mine would be worse after I had them.

But I want to have them for the other whites. There will be white people on this rock in the future, and I will not abandon them.

A pyramid is always broader at the base, as the great number of plebs on this board shows.

just don't have children. nobody is gonna force you

stfu faggot. we're all going to die anyways.
if you want to make a real difference, go kill some norks or islamic terrorists.

Anti-natalists must be shot.

The struggle for survival culminates in procreation. It is the reason you exist.

this is the best that can happen to the world
jews are doing God work
same will happen to the whole Europe, Canada and Japan

One of the things keeping me from wanting children is the idea that procreation will sentence my soul to another lifetime in this hell world. As in, if you have a child your spirit remains in this prison, for whatever reason.

This is probably not the case but it could be and I really do not want to come back to this jew infested materialist spherical toilet

Also, I imagine the life of a child ... what if it became a normie? How would I feel about that? Maybe it would be better for it to live in blissful ignorance, drooling and gossiping about their pointless lives and various consumer products creating drama and in order to impress others (who cares what another normie thinks (a retarded subhuman normie)

But if they weren't to become a normie surely their disappointment and inevitable mind wrenching irritation combined with the normal sufferings of growing up and life etc , would outweigh any good?

So what would be the point of me forcing that upon someone, spending money on that person's life prison

Agreed OP

This is OP's face when he made the thread.

tell us, oh great one, how should we find meaning in life?

Cheer up, Sven. You live in a civilized part of the world. Do you have any idea how shitty poor people have it in other parts of the world? China, Middle East and Africa. Go on, compare your lives to the people in those countries. Granted your politicians are trying to cuck you out of existence but that wont happen in your life time. Also consider getting more sunlight. It help with the depression.

I would feel like I was only ready to become a parent when I could answer 95% of their questions about life (meaning, not facts)

And that I feel I could point them in a useful direction to answer the questions I didn't have an answer to

Yeah alright commie, tell us more about how we should stop breeding.

It's called civilization.

I'm mostly Nietzschean but I do wonder whether maybe man is somehow having a mind, we can see how things really are & graduate from the physical world. Basically what the Eastern religions teach.

Also, the possibility of torture strikes me as a good argument for antinatalism, even suicide just as a precaution.

Just think of some of the things that have happened to people:

boiled alive (Henry VIII had Richard Roose dunked in boiling water via a pulley system for two hours before he died)

flayed alive, like the Assyrians did to captured enemy generals

assraped to death with a broomstick, like the Mexican prisoners in that soul-destroying scene In Roberto Bolano's 2666

There is a nonzero chance my kid could suffer something like that. However, in nonexistence they are forever safe. 100% guaranteed never to be tortured.

but this is built on the worldview that conciousness begins at conception and ends at death

this is not what the Eastern religions teach (at least not Buddhism, Hindusim, Jainism)

>white pigs cry genocide
>dont reproduce
crackas you aint getting slaughtered or any laws being passed prohibiting you to reproduce.
if you wannna stop white genocide use your common sense, breed many white children.

brainwashing. it's slow and incremental. read up on how cults do it and think about it.

what did norks ever do to you, retard? how do you propose he even do this? do you want white men to go die in another retarded "regime-toppling" action instead of raise families?

you seem "bluepilled" as fuck.
