America hate thread

Death to America! Death to their corrupt crime family government!

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America is literally half as white as it was in 1969.

KYS faggot.



Fuck off Trudeau's cock holster. I'll see you hell leaf!

Say that to my face, cunt.

Your picture is fake news, in reality this happened

and you're a colony for rich gooks. what's your point?

rich gooks > amerilards

A, ....haha haha

A, fucking lmao

Leaf pwahaha

A leaf as a national flag

Fucking maple niggers

Amerilards are stupid, you can outsmart them. Chinese are too intelligent, white man will lose in a fight against Chinese.
I prefer Amerilards in my country. They would just kill themselves here, Chinese wouldn't because they won't get depressed when they don't have souls.

The end is near, Amerifags.

Vancouver is awesome and you are just jealous.

I prefer Angola over you and that's saying a lot

>America is literally half as white as it was in 1969.
Do I detect a hint of Islamaphobia in your comment?

reported to the Canadian thought police

Slant eyes are smart but they lack any empathy for humans or animals, like boiling and eating dogs alive is the norm

They also lack creativity compared to Americans, they are pretty much automated work bots

No, grew up there. It's chock a block full of chinks and shit skins. It's forever stinky and ruined.

>Some of our families have been here long enough to earn the title Canadian. Earnt in blood.

Something you will never understand chink.

That's why I said Chinese wouldn't get depressed and kill themselves here because they don't have souls



t. James Smith, university dropout who hasn't been laid in years


Just stay the fuck in Toronto you mud slime cunt

pick one, you fags support extremist socialist vegan environmental terrorist groups and vote them into governments. Not to mention the fobs...

[Laughs Externally] most countries who's peoples despise us, despise us because of our luxuries. Even with the gibmedat,sjw,commie,fakenews,nsa,nofreehealthcare,etc. We STILL manage to beat almost all of you. Put your charts aside with your cherry-picked stats. If you just act American here, you'll go far in the empire. If you act like a foreigner, you will go nowhere here. Don't believe me? Want to try it yourself? Oh you can't because clean water is finally a "thing" in your country? Not my problem.

>rev up those fedoras

But user, I am vegan.

I'm surprised we haven't seen that faggot roach from turkey on this thread
Also saged saged saged

Canada is even more fucking retarded the USA

"Canada’s visible minority population has increased rapidly since the 1960s when immigration regulations were changed to allow substantial intake from Asia and Africa. Forty years ago, only 2 per cent of the population (about 300,000 people) could be classified as visible minority. In 2001, through a combination of immigration, births and intermarriage the census recorded 4 million visible minority persons living in Canada"

"About one-third of Canada's population — up to 14.4 million people — will be a visible minority by 2031"

2%shitskins -> 30% shitskins in one lifespan. You fucking city cucks are ruining us. I'm gonna stick to my small 98%+ white small towns.

Or a dual Canadian / Australian citizen from travelling the planet for a decade. Worked the mines out of Perth and did Diamond mining in Yellowknife. Married to a nice Aussie girl I met in a Youth Hostel in London 13 years ago.

Took that mining money and flip houses now currently in Kamloops.

>September UFV for livestock production then I'm out to Nova Scotia where Canada is still Canada.

Try again smelly chink.

>Here's another thing chinks don't understand. Building your own vehicles and going camping without poaching bears for gall bladders. Fucking gooks ruin everything. I'd rather the dirty shit skins over you slanty eyed cunts.



>Slanty eyed gook import not a jew.

Gee, I wonder who convinced white Canada that (((vibrant diversity))) was such a great idea? Who (((nose)))?

I dunno man any Indians that aren't upper class in India are filthy as fuck and don't even know how to use bathrooms. And niggers be niggers and are always violent and find a way to turn the most expensive neighborhoods into fucking ghettos. And middle easterners are usually muslims and fuck those sand niggers. And the white looking Iranians tend to either be Muslim fags or batshit crazy SJWs. At least the slant eyes know how to stay segregated and busy and not making demands.

>Oh well in that case.......

Hope you go to jail for mis gendering someone.

Ahh so I meant specifically Sikhs. I actually like them they make and effort to be Canadian ESPECIALLY when muzzie cunts move in.

>My brown bro also filled me in on them holding the opinion that gooks are sneaky. That made me giggle like fuck as I always thought it was Indians who where shifty bastards.

literally no one cares about canadia

>Yes they do. Look up Singapore in the 60's it used to be Malaysian. The cunts are already trying to change the language spoken in Richmond.

Fucking newfag can't greentext.

Sikhs are little bitches who constantly file lawsuits to get exceptions to our uniforms so they can wear their smelly turban shit. Its basically programmed in me to hate anyone who wears any sort of head covering that isn't European or America in origin.

I literally will not acknowledge, talk to, hire, or associate with anyone wearing some mud slime clothing in an every day situation. Multiculturalism is supposed to be you keeping a few traditional parties and foods to spice life up, but being Western in an everyday situation. Keep your shit skin cultural clothing for special occasions.

you're in america retard, well, one of the shitty parts of it

Shit i would rather go back to Afghanistan than Canada

Let's season this shit a little.

stupid leaf is salty because his country isn't relevant. You don't even have any form of free speech in canada.

Have fun with those lawsuits over fucking gender pronouns and fucking """islamophobia""" stupid fuck leaf.

>Be me
>Be pushing 40
>Been here since Sup Forums CP..........

>Sup Forums CP..........

I bet that's why you came to Sup Forums you creepy faggot.

oh yeah trips makes you correct
sweet sweet teen titties

I also came here because I hate gooks, jews and niggers.