What was the point of this?
What was the point of this?
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To get to space
To waste the money earned on the backs of slaves while PoC die in the streets.
tO gEt tO SPaCE
This reminds me of those doujinshi where the kids have cocks twice the size of their bodies.
>"I-it's bigger than your dad's"
How far Sup Forums has fallen
Spend government money for welfare companies.
The MIC is real
Land based rockets are cheaper
To get to space with a reusable vehicle
Soviet Union stole the design plans and made their own but only used it once.
A colossal failure
Stunted our rocket research in favor of a reusable shuttle that we never got to work properly. It was supposed to be a cheaper and more frequent use ship, however it turned out to be extremely costly and they were always extremely prone to breaking down.
Whereas the Russians stuck with their rockets and even 30-40 years later they are still much more cost efficient and reliable than the shuttle.
For the Soviets they were scared that the US made the shuttle to put nukes in orbit. So they made their own, taking our design and improving on it. The Buran + Energia combo would have been a better shuttle but the Soviet Union collapsed before any manned flights were made. By not placing the engines in the shuttle and just using the boosters for getting to orbit, they could have had a much shorter turn around time.
A camel is a horse designed by a committee.
The shuttle was a spaceplane designed by a committee.
The Buran (despite what Russians say) was merely a ripoff.
Because they realized it was a retarded wasteful design.
I'm not kidding, it was only built because of mic retards buying off politicians for those sweet government contracts
An attempt to one up the evil capitalists by building an even shittier version of the reusable space plane.
What a shame though, still had potential.
It also meant that they could have had SpaceX-style re-useable flyback boosters to further keep costs down by basically having a rotating stable of booster rockets that you keep refurbishing to re-attach to your orbiter fleet.
>It was supposed to be a cheaper and more frequent use ship
NASA white papers said they wanted the thing to do 100 missions/year. That's about 2 launches per week!
BTW, I like this subject because I can never talk about it with locals because I live in one of the two towns where the cape apes live. It's always
When at war with a global superpower, it's probably not a good idea to sit back while they establish space supremacy.
They didn't fly it manned and it stayed in space for like an hour. Barely qualified as spaceflight.
To launch sandnigresses into space as """payload specialists""" (that means they ARE the payload) and blow up white male astronauts in the process.
Ruskie Ghost Rider that had a much lower death toll
didnt the warehouse eventually collapse and destroy it?
Should have built the Sea Dragon instead of the shuttle.
Challenger crew was all white men except one Japanese American and two women though.
darn. they could have at least sold it...
Shitty compromise system that was designed with the idea of reducing costs per ton of payload to orbit. But the government was involved so we cut initial Development costs which resulted in a greatly increased unit cost which defeated the initial purpose of the entire shuttle system in the first place. Then we were stuck with the damn thing for 40 years. Now we have nothing and have to is the fucking Russians to get astronauts inonorbit. Free market will fix it.
Ah yes, the nigger intellectual has graced us with his presence.
I bet theres nothing in that thing
Its a facade
My dick is diamonds, how have I never seen this
So there are, "commoner" United States Americans who have been to planet Marse, and so we realize humans have been at Marse for thousands of years...but now we're not embarrassingly ignorant of fellow humans who accessed eternal life technologies.
> yielding a per-flight cost of nearly $1.6 billion. And the orbiter fleet never flew more than nine missions in a single year.
It was part of the shitty space station DLC package that came with a manned fairing/astronaut disposal machine
Budget cuts.
To get reusable spacecraft to save money and ease it
To test how viable the American concept is compared to one use rockets
The end
the first dragon dildo.
Nah, that one destroyed the one orbiter that was potentially spaceworthy (Putin was actually exploring the possibility of restoring the Buran program in the late 90s).
pic related, that's what's left of the only working Buran
The orbiters in the picture were 90% complete when the USSR collapsed and funding along with it. They weren't even dismantled, just left to decat
Quite a shame, I've always wondered what it was like to be the last guys working on the project before it shut down. Being the last man to leave, taking a look at that monument to human engineering you had spent years of your life on, knowing it would never see its day in the sun, and in all likelihood, you would be the last person to ever set eyes on it. Very tragic actually.
The space shuttle was a failure because it was one component that tried to do everything: launch, cargo, crew support, re-entry. So it did none of these things well. Result: two disasters.
It's much better to have a separate component fulfill each function and then fall away leaving a tiny capsule for final reentry.
>Sure you can borrow my answers, just change them up a little
So Gluable
It only exsisted to give government money to defence contractors.
Stop being blue pilled
And the reason they can't complete the two shuttles pictured is because the dust that seeped in during years of abandonment have ruined all of the sensitive material. It would probably cost more to restore them than to build another one.
>two disasters
They weren't even that bad compared to the Soyuz mishaps. Like that launchpad that went up in flames and vaporized a Soviet field marshal watching the launch.
The Nedelin catastrophe was not the Soyuz project.
They were testing an experimental fuel for a military missile.
I too would like to know since ISS is barely keeping itself up and is way past its due date and looks nothing like the original plan. But hey, cucks like Amrstrong and Aldrin are able to retire with millions and all the glory
In USSR they fear it could be like space fighter and created self one with the view of space fighter. It flight once being fully automatic, it landed automatically too. Saying this is a copy is like to say android phones is copy of iphones
Muh dick.
The purpose of the US space shuttle was to develop a manned reusable launch and return vehicle with the intent of decreasing the cost of putting cargo into space. The purpose of the Buran was to keep up with the US.
>Because they realized it was a retarded wasteful design
What's wasteful about it?
Ohhhhh yes.
>Being the last man to leave, taking a look at that monument to human engineering you had spent years of your life on, knowing it would never see its day
They probably believed the program would start up again in 6-12 months once things settled down in Moscow.
grr...thought this was going to be a foreskin restoration thread
It was a complete clusterfuck.
The Soviets have used their launch escape system on their Soyuz a couple times. Launch escape systems are a proven concept.
The Space Shuttle had no POSSIBILITY of having a launch escape system.
The Soyuz is capable of an uncontrolled ballistic reentry. It's not fun, but you can simply deorbit a Soyuz with all the computers off and the thing will land safely.
The Space Shuttle was one enormous promise.
>Things will be cheaper now.
And they weren't. The Space shuttle had to be virtually rebuilt after every launch. It was such a wildly complicated system that many NASA estimates showed it should have blown up MORE than it did.
It was a failure as soon as they realized it didn't reduce the price per pound to orbit at all.
They should have shelved the entire program and gone with something similar to Big Gemini.
Problem was, as soon as the Shuttle program got rolling the project was SO massive it was literally too big to fail. It took two shuttles killing their entire crews for the program to be cancelled.
It's very likely the Shuttle will be the deadliest form of space transportation ever built by man, even hundreds of years from now.
Well the idea was we'd eventually make shuttles cheaper as well. Rockets had a 100 year head start.
Unfortunately shuttles weren't cheaper, so it was an unsuccessful experiment.
They built the Buran to verify that the shuttle was used for spy satellite repairs. They had suspicions as such a shitty design defied logic for other reasons. Once I confirmed they scraped it.
Stay on kikebook you fucking degenerate.
please stop posting anytime
God damn y'all are dumb. The shuttle was built to transport the pieces of the space station to be built in space. It was like a semi truck for transporting materials and satellites into space.
It was thought it will reduce costs, but on the contrary it was very expensive to operative. Very cool piece of technology though.
yeah, sea dragon is goat
especially the way it launches form water
To pecker slap the Russcucks.
Russian is longer but the American has more girth.
To entertain the masses
The Russian Buran made one flight & was landed by remote control. The Buran reminds me of the Tu-160, which is about twice the size of the eerily similar B-1B.
Google "Second System Effect". It explains it.
Plus, the financial debacle was in the dying days of the Soviet Union. In just a few short years, things would be very different.
This is the perfect analogy. If you look into it, its VERY different to the space shuttle design. I don't think they got the actual plans. It seems more feasible that they just photographed it extensively and used our own photographs to base the aerodynamic design off of it.
To consume huge amounts of resources so that people would need to work harder to survive (i.e. obtain the resources they need to survive) and not have the time to think about things like fractional reserve banking and debt slavery.
Also entertainment factor.
Pic related.
Are you retarded? The STS Program was a compromise between those who wanted the full Apollo follow on program and kikes who wanted to cut NASA's budget.
The top is pretty pointy so I'd say that.
Ironically the B-1 was likely the result of stolen data from a pair of projects run by Tupolev and Myasishchev in the 60s.
The uninspired Russian commie jas copied everythinf American since the t34 and B29, to Space Shuttle and B1 Lancer.
Russians are dead and soulless, and lack the creatice spark pf the whiteman due to being commie retards.
Believe it or not, precious little about NASA is classified. It's a public civilian government agency. You could probably call them up and order the blueprints for the Shuttle yourself.
t. Moronic "patriot" who doesn't understand Buran was superior simply By virtue of its usage of the liquid fueled Energia as opposed to the solid fuel STS boosters built by Thiokohl which cost us Challenger and her crew.
Nobody cares.
The Russians have never jad an original idea.
>precious little about NASA is classified
how would yuo know what is classified, since presumably they don't say anything about any classified shit
Fear that Americans were going to break the Outer Space Treaty and conduct military maneuvers or establish a military base using the shuttles to supply them.
Ensuring you can do the same to maintain MAD is something both sides did.
to "dat' posasat'"
Because pure rockets that were used earlier were too expensive (fully disposable) also reusable spacecraft were much safer and easier to land
Holy shit that webm is fucking awesome.
I don't get it
kek, those were the fucking days bro
back before we knew too much
Shit did I not understand the question
I want to die with my tongue in that ass
/nupol/ everyone right here
What the rat's ass fuck am i watching here?
>see thread
>ctrl+f polyus
> not knowing they tested the energia booster with megawatt orbital space laser
prepare for a jaw drop kiddos
This is too sad. It was a society that once strived for greatness. Maybe the Russians will get their own corruption funded equivalent of Space X some day.
Commies kill everyone that's smart enough to challenge their rule. So they end up stealing good ideas from free nations.
pretty interesting, but I assumed both sides had space weapons from the firrst few lunches
glorious 1000 times folded british steel
I assure you anyone who wants a future involving human space flight cares, SLS will be a disaster for the same reason the Challenger and Columbia events occurred.
its not rocket science dillweed
I want to blow my load all over ass
Shall we make this a conjoined Space/Ass thread?
It is like they painted her into those pants...
Speaking as someone who's worn latex, it's a lot of work but oh so worth it.
Also, thoughts on Elon Musk, lads?
Eh, our shuttle was way cooler.