Complains about the dangers of Islam.
Sells billions worth of US weapons to Arab Muslims supporting ISIS.
pol/ faggots unable to defend this.
Trump sells weapons to ISIS
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The Saudis are a necessary evil. They are our "allies" and I'm sure we have the better side of the deal.
>amerryshits are literally THIS cucked nowadays
I'm no politician but I'm fairly confident we can't just tell the Saudis to fuck off. Especially since they supply us with all of our oil.
Trump is a fucking Globalist Neocon Kike Traitor who needs to be removed from office as soon as possible.
He has done nothing but betray his voters and spread the American pussy wide open to be raped by globalist scum and their muslim pets.
Mudslimes are fighting other mudslimes in Yemen, and losing. Selling them weapons means they will be better able to kill these mudslimes. They will also get cocky and begin killing other mudslimes in the area. It's win-win.
KEK. A m e r i c u c k e d
are you honestly this uninformed or is this troll?
The US has enough oil to sustain itself for a very long time. It's more-so that the US dollar is a petro dollar. Most main currencies around the world are valued based on oil.
>b-but muh greatest ally
kill yourself
you might as well vote for hillary
>Trumptards are literally the Hillshills now
Why does it seem that all circumsized people are fucking massive degenerates and have a strange affinity for each other?
>Especially since they supply us with all of our oil.
Wrong. Not only you aren't their top customer, but also you only buy a mediocre amount from them. See picrelated.
>The top export destinations of Saudi Arabia are China ($26.7B), the United States ($20.9B), India ($19.9B), South Korea ($17.7B) and Other Asia ($12.5B).
You shouldn't be talking leaf, you elected a complete faggot.
>the united states of americuckoldry
it's to help fund the wall between AMERICA and leaf.
Reminder that there is basically no difference between Neoliberals and NeoCons, and you are one of these two. Kys faggot
It's always a leaf. faggot
americucks shouldn't even be here now that they are pushing hillary's agenda
What the fuck I thought trump was gonna be /ourguy/ pol? Well I guess thats that today was the final straw. We shouldve meme'd rand paul and ruined our chance. Maybe if he's impeached we can find someone better. WTF I love CNN now.
#impeach drumpf now
How am I a NeoCon? The Saudis have been our allies since the early 1930's and we are currently at odds with Iran. Wouldn't this alliance be beneficial? Id rather toss a lease on them than let them loose.
>burgers elect two crypto-mudslime leaders in a row
donald trump pbuh
Him warming up the Saudis tells me that either hes no better than other fucking shill out there, or that the US saudi relationship is so deeply ingrained that he cant get rid of it. Or both.
Trump is even worse than Obama.
>sales to isis
>plans to annihilate isis
Now how can that work
>trump in power
>no 9/11 investigation
>no alien disclosure
>no sentient soy announcement
>no moon hoax proof
>no more internet privacy
>no more lols
>Mike Pence becomes the new lolcow
>extreme high levels of crazy mofo
>chaos/war emerging
>kek is pleased
You can start complaining when ISIS strikes Europe with F-16s or shooting down airplanes with Patriot missiles
Until then, just keep your ignorant cake hole shut.
You shouldn't be at odds with Iran. You shouldn't suck Saudi and Israel dick. You shouldn't bend over to the current world order, because it's shit for you, and for Europe - and for the rest of the world.
yes, the 9/11 mudslimes and killing the non 9/11 mudslimes
so that the middle east (and europe) is entirely 9/11 mudslimes
also, the 9/11 mudslimes breed 2x faster than those who aren't
WTF I love Obama now.
He's selling weapons to the Saudis. What the Saudis do with them is their responsibility.
Saudi supply you and all of the world with Wahhabism too.
wut isn't malaysia muslim ?
how is it out there
And what does that make you?
>ID: Kuk
This is a big fuck you to the Israelis. They definitely wont be happy with this deal.
>shit for you
Half a trillion bux says it isn't.
>for Europe
Not our problem.
>rest of the world
Not our problem.
it's projected china will deliver freedom within 50 years for the same reason across the world
>the 9/11 mudslimes breed 2x faster than those who aren't
Ask Obama he might know a thing or two
more white than you tyrone gonzales now go suck your cuck president's dick while he sells weapons to isis
>But Obama!
Just accept that the president is as bad as the last one.
fucking fags we could destroy them but we don't cause we need to milk every last drop of oil for Exxon niggerkikes like tillerson. still better than hillary tho. kek
The Saudis and Israelies have common interests. Part of this trip was Trump working as a go-between to formalize a deal partially normalizing relationships between Israel and the Gulf States, something that was formalized on Tuesday, which everyone seems to have missed.So there are definitely going to be talks with Israel and SA about normalizing their relationship, too. The weapons deal is a circus sideshow compared to this shit.
You are a moron. Saudi-Arabia and Israel are allies.
Half a trillion bux for the weapons industry. Maybe 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of these money will get to your pocket, if you recieve welfare of some sort. If you are a tax payer, giving more than taking, you lose big time.
>Not our problem
So you don't care about Europe, where your (I assume) ancestors come from, and then obviously not the rest of the world.
You are a Neoliberal or Neocon, congratz cuck
>sell billions worth of weapons to a country that will not last 50 more years
>once noone needs their oil anymore & they run short on water, shit will hit the fan
Thanks in advance for arming the people that will eventually try to conquer europe once their part of the world goes to shit.
Thats because you're a moron.
>saudis give clinton millions, magapedes sperg out
>saudis give trump billions, magapedes discuss how based he is
the mental gymnastics my god
We have to. We rely on them for their oil and need to remain allies. I would love to tell th to fuck off, but it isn't that easy, it takes time. If we were to suddenly stop allying with them and get off the petrodollar, our economy would tank.
Exactly. They hated Saudis until Trump said they're ok. They're fine with arming ISIS as long as Arabs are killing eachother, but are too stupid to realize this will cause more refugees.
Germany has let in like a million enemy combatants into Europe in the last few years. Europe won't be around in 50 years, Mehmet.
The increase in production will help a lot of suppliers, many of which make my city their home, which is a very good thing for the economy and my continuing career prospects.
Half came from Belarus, and the other half from England, and they all left their countries for a damn good reason. I'm not one of those Americans who romanticizes the countries where my ancestors came from. If Europe needs our help, they can ask (and pay) for it.
>Germany has let in like a million enemy combatants into Europe in the last few years.
You think they arrived in germany first? No, south & east european countries just said fuck it and let them pass through. What were we supposed to do? Shoot them?
Not to mention that the US caused all of this bullshit by getting rid of the dictators in north africa / middle east.
The Saudis money is green and terrorism is good for the American Arms Industry
>Implying America doesn't aid and abet terrorism in places like Syria while moralizing about how evil it is
>Implying America isn't ecstatic that Arab dumbasses keep making themselves weak and vulnerable through warfare America gets rich off
ITT: retards that don't know if we don't sell to Saudis the Russians or Chinese will, and ISIS will get weapons anyway.
Go fuck yourselves you people are willingly stupid.
>What were we supposed to do? Shoot them?
Don't let them in. Refuse them benefits.
Throw out those who enter illegally.
Burgers and their retarded excuses for sponsoring terrorism...
They'll defend it the way they always do. With mental gymnastics and excuses.
If Obama had done this you'd be upset.
>Don't let them in. Refuse them benefits.
>Throw out those who enter illegally.
You seem to forgot that Germany is in the centre of europe. To just push them from one country to another would be retarded.
>Vote for me I'm going to bomb the shit out of ISIS
>I've got a secret plan to destroy ISIS in 30 days
>Whoops I bombed Assad and kept training moderate terrorists
>I just sold $300Bn to ISIS's biggest sponsors
>What's an ISIS?
But we sure showed Hillary
I really cant believe that you are excusing this weapons deal.
give them all one way plane tickets back to where ever they came from.
If Hillary ran again I'd vote for her, if our country is going to be destroyed I'd rather just speed things up than prolong it with Traitor Trump.
Why is nobody talking about the 18 CIA sources who were murdered and imprisoned today by China?
Stop shilling.
And that will stop them from coming the same way the came the wirst time? I dont think so.
So all you see is money. You are either LARPing or you are a shitty human being - just be honest about it from the start so you don't waste people's time. You don't care about culture, nation or your people - so you are as I said just another NeoCon/NeoLib.
A murderer that pickpocket his victims and gets away with it can say that "It was the right thing to do". From his egoistic perspective, it is. From a more objective perspective, it isn't.
The difference here is that you are not the murderer here, but a tiny ant to the system, holding it up togheter and enabling it with all the other tiny ants, serving your Queen.
I thought this was the fast track.
Here's a LARP...
You know how the left like's to dig into any and everything Trump does hoping to get some dirt?
I think Trump might've just sacrificed himself.
This is such a HUGE deal the left will be salivating as they dig in. And what will they find? They'll find the connections to everything. The shit that's been going on for years.
They'll demand Trump impeached or killed. But at the same time they can't not see the previous connections. Almost like Trump is getting them to redpill themselves.
We sell weapons to them too, senpai. Pretty sure most of our (conservative) politicians have this mindset
See, mental gymnastics. He's not playing 3d chess. He's not even playing 2d candyland.
>arming people who hate Jews is bad
Lol goodbye reddit
border agents. fences walls. shoot on sight. the eu should secure its borders. for fucks sake. islam is ruining the west.
>tfw playing 72d Pokémon go
> Implying that isis isnt a mossad branch
source. lets read it and talk about it.
>saudis hate israel
so this is the knowledge of reddit.
We need the geographic location of saudi arabia on our side. Is it better for us to fight and die for it? Or for them to pay us for stuff.
Yea but europes border is not germany, europes border is spain, france, italy, yugoslavia, greece (and turkey). To say its all germanys fault just because we dont send them to some other european country is fucking retarded.
Pull at the heart strings rather than discussing reality. If we don't make the sale, Russia, China, someone in Europe, or any other established nation would sell to them. We might as well get the money.
i never said it was germanys fault hanz. the EU should secure its borders. and shoot on sight. europe is getting ruined.
also i have no idea why the the us govt brought in all of these sommalis. holy fuck.
> Lol its totally inevitable guys seriously we just want to get some shekels plox nbd in no way are we sponsoring mossadic-islamo terrorism.
Yo that's pretty racist you fucking nigger
>SA is hemorrhaging money from their BS oil production stunt, this has allowed US to take the lead in production of oil.
>SA realize their stunt failed and HRC didn't make it in... uh oh!
>40 Billion investment by Saudis for American infrastructure.
>Another 300 Billion for arms sales to fight in Yeman even though SA is a paper tiger.
Looks to me like USA is up 340 billion, a gold necklace, and letting SA know there is no real need for them anymore so they better pay up....
Yup, its an Israeli creation, funded by SA, EAU, and Qatar. You know the same country (SA) liberals (including Sweden) in the UN made head of women rights...
Yea, so who is zooming who on the pedastool of political ethics? All I I know is the deep state has 340 billion now and Americans citizens will hopefully see some of that returned to them.
Trumptards, your autism ends here and now
>bong calling others 'cucked'
>literally covered up mass child rape for years because 'MUH RAYCIST'
Fuck off John Oliver
>We have to. We rely on them for their oil and need to remain allies.
No actually we don't, at all. You should research the retarded shit you say on this sight before you say it. This isnt the WP or CNN whom you shill for. We actually source and fact check.
Ps. Get hit by a car you fat fuck who cant even see his own dick.
cognitive dissonance to the rescue
>To just push them from one country to another would be retarded.
You are right, why not let them stay and commit genocide on you, your family, culture, and people.
Fucking ay it sounds really sadist in Germoneyz.
And Blackstone handling the deal has Jacob Rothschild on the board.
Realize you have beeb duped Sup Forums.
Today was the day to realize this. You're basically hillary tards at this point.
Well my point was, that its retarded to claim that the whole situation is germanys fault (). If you agree with that then i dont see why you answered in the first place.
>not knowing Barry blocked that JUST so Trump will have to reverse it and give MSM Shills more ammo
>a fucking leaf
that's why have the money and the jobs. But you keep on eating those mud pies.
>let them stay and commit genocide on you, your family, culture, and people.
Like the black&hispanic people in your country?
If you think germany is nearly as fucked as the US, then i got bad new for you