FUCK you Trump supporters

Wake the fuck up. You got conned. This is fucking bullshit I work hard and can barely feed my children. Seriously go fuck yourself you worthless NEETs, fedora tipping edge lord nerds.

stay mad

Hey your last thread got conveniently deleted before you could answer my question about the DNC.

I just got baited.

Does this really work?

I will take Trump over the crazy ass left who have no sense of pride or knowledge of history to see that their support of stripping liberties will lead to a slippery slope to communism and totalitarian regime. Fuck the left, fuck Obama, i would much rather have a presidency where the people are active, aware, and fired up over the populace being hypnotized by the nigger that was as bad as ant president but could speak well so he got it easy and hypnotized everyone.

Also go fuck yourself nobody cares if you can't pay for shit you poor fuck. That's your fault, not my problem, not anyone's. The sooner you realize nobody cares about you outside your immediate family the sooner you will nut up and get shit done for once in your pathetic life.

> generic as fuck names

I bet you think that you scare them when you post that list of "names"

I think that's the list of CTR employees that they got dox on so far

god if someone actually wastes money for you retards could you at least make some decent quality shitposts?

im real tired of filtering this low-quality shit
1/10 got me to reply, apply yourself

Shit threads get shit replies.

OP isn't worth a (You)

>I work hard and can barely feed my children
Maybe ShareBlue isn't the best place to work

>holy shit. I get paid 50 cents for every thread I start? I'll be RICH!!!

>doesn't know there's a timer for the number of threads you can start.

I bet he's regretting it now

Lol he's triggered

More reddit tier garbage bait.

Wanna give eachother rim jobs?

Stop ruining a great anime with liberal crying.

>Using Froppy to Shitpost

Die faggot

That's an edgy pile of proof!!!!! Gotta sauce to go with this sage?

That last one is yours

OP does not get (you)'s newfag

>0.5 cents were added to your account

It's too late for you and your children.
What we've set in motion cannot be stopped.

maybe if you got a job better than shilling for the_sharing your children wouldn't be so malnourished.

>op does not get (you)'s newfag.
>1 post by this ID.

Lurk more before opening your mouth, shithead.

But there isn't any evidence the Russians colluded with the Trump campaign. Director Comey, Diane jewstein, pisslosi did it themselves.

Media stories that never go anywhere is not evidence.