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>>Poland refused to give German majority lands that wanted to rejoin with Germany, to Germany
The whole point was Danzig.
However, Upper Silesia had a plebicite in which they voted to remain with Germany.
Polish insurgents then invaded the region, and German Freikorps members tried to fend it off.
Then the League of Nations took over and decided the borders, giving Poland vast amounts of resources situated on land that would've gone to Germany according to the plebicite.
That's number 7. Are you going to ignore that too?
>RABBI Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat explains why Hitler hated Jews.
>Endgame - White Genocide
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
>Ben Freedman on World Zionist wars
>Alon Ziv promoting interracial couples
>Alon Ziv defending Jews refusing to breed outside their race
>The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism
>A photo
It's a photo of some scribble without a context. How does that relate or prove anything you wrote?
>The whole point was Danzig.
Gdańsk was A FREE STATE. It didn't belong to Poland and Poland coundn't decide it s fate.
>Upper Silesia had a plebicite in which they voted to remain with Germany
As a matter of fact, that' not correct.
The regions that voted to join Germany went to Germany, while regions that voted to join Poland went to Poland.
In addition to that, region of Silesia was given a huge amount of autonomy in Poland - something that can't be said abotu any German region with huge Polish population.
>scribble without a context
I told you exactly what it said. Shouldn't be hard to find the image using the google search feature. If you weren't fresh off the boat from leddit, you wouldn't be so helpless.
Where are the "sources" proving any sort of mistreatment caused by Poles to Germans?
This seems to be your literal only justification of German invasion of Poland, and yet you aren't able to provide any.
And earlier in that thread, you yourself indeed admitted that Germans mistreated Poles badly.
So, to sum up: Hitler invaded Poland without a clear reason, and he mistreated Poles badly. It clearly doesn't make him a saint as you want to portray him, does it?
Did you actually READ that yoursef? Because I already refered to it. Twice.
The "source" you posted refers solely to Bloody Sunday, and I already talked about it. Twice.
>h-hopefully for lurkers to read through and form their own opinion
Kek, they are. 126377925
>Kek, they are
Meant to link
>I told you exactly what it said
It said "to be shot"? In Polish? Because it's clearly not saying that, in that case. I have no idea what language that is and what it says, but it's surely not Polish.
>Because it's clearly not saying that, in that case
I thought you couldn't read it:
>It's a photo of some scribble
Is the only talent Jews have lying? You're terrible at it. You have the memory of a house fly.
From your own source:
> All the districts of the industrial zone in a narrower sense - Beuthen (Bytom), Hindenburg (Zabrze), Kattowitz (Katowice), and Königshütte (Chorzów) - had slight German majorities
They went to Poland.
Those were the things the Polish insurgents were invading for.
I said since the start I wouldn't get into those, because there's too many conflicting resources on those.
My entire point was the chauvinistic attitude present within Poland (as well as many other parts of the world.)
Which I don't think you deny any longer.
I never stated the mistreatment of Germans was the justification of the war, the refusal of Poland to negotiate was.
Germany invaded Poland, gave them a chance to accept a peace treaty with basically the demands every country thought reasonable, Poland refused hoping the UK and France would knock out Germany, and Germany occupied Poland.
I don't deny some mistreatment happened, not muh 5 million (which even Jews don't claim any longer nowadays), but mistreatment.
And I understand that makes it difficult for you to accept National Socialism, but there's no National Socialist group active that wants to occupy Poland.
You've made seven claims which were wrong, you're still silent about those since the first.
How about you stop with these weird arguments and get an actual constructive conversation going?
That's exactly what I said, retard.
I have no idea what it says, it's just some scribble without context. Not in Polish, most certainly, which ruins your theory.
>That's exactly what I said, retard
Umm, yeah, you said two contradictory things, genius. lol are you living in a fucking home for the mentally disabled?
Nazis, later than WWII, traveled to Antarctica. They accessed eternal life technologies: instant regrowth of missing body parts, old brains placed into young clone bodies, and travel to other planets.
Their allegiance became to all since they were only trusting of each other when they were forcing all humans live. This is since if all humans live then self lives. This is also since the words, "all" and "human" and "life" is simple to learn and teach. While the Nazis have been suspicious of each other...they took the eternal life technologies from each other. Those who had nothing continued to be involved with others by speaking, spieling, and telling to check each other by the rule: all humans live. Thus they have become some of the best guardians of humans...including the neo-nazis of today.
There are explosions the size of many stars like our star, "sol". Astronomers are calling these explosions, "big bangs". The explosions are the size of thousands of millions of thousands of stars. If the Nazis will survive, dodge, or prevent a big bang close enough to kill then they will put as many humans at as many places as possible so the location of the next big bang is found. This mission is more incentive to force all humans live.
So again. You claim that this says "to be shot" in Polish. It clearly doesn't.
What are you trying to prove again?
Anyone have a copy of Goebbels battle for Berlin? Or anything by him or Himmler? It's hard to find here and buying it could get me arrested.
Thanks gang
Uncertain he titled it Nazi-Sozi, but it's a translation:
>>All the districts of the industrial zone in a narrower sense - Beuthen (Bytom), Hindenburg (Zabrze), Kattowitz (Katowice), and Königshütte (Chorzów) - had slight German majorities
It also says
>in Beuthen and Kattowitz this was due entirely to the town vote (four fifth in Kattowitz compared to an overall 60%).
It also need to be noted that the Germans were not native to these lands. As a matter of fact, the Germans started infesting and slowly colonizing Pomerania and Silesia in the middle ages. Before it happened, these lands were legally part of Polish Crown. And so was Gdańsk.
>I said since the start I wouldn't get into those, because there's too many conflicting resources on those.
You literally have nothing to prove that bullshit and you know I'm right. There were no Germans "oppressed" or "murdered" by Poles. Period.
>My entire point was the chauvinistic attitude present within Poland
Not an argument as there was the same kind of dislike towards Poland in Germany, and yet we didn't invade them because of that.
>I never stated the mistreatment of Germans was the justification of the war
Well obviously something that never happened can't be justification of war.
>the refusal of Poland to negotiate was.
"Negotiate" what? Giving up on Gdańsk which didn't even belong to us?
Are you trying to imply that Hitler was an idiot who didn't even know what he was asking for? Or that he asked for something he full well knew we couldn't provide, just to find an excuse to invade?
>gave them a chance to accept a peace treaty with basically the demands every country thought reasonable
How could Poland accept any "peace treaty", if no war was ever declared by Germany?
>I don't deny some mistreatment happened
"Mistreatment" is a very light word for systematic genocide of intellectual elites and certain ethnic groups.
Thanks a lot Ruspal
>You've made seven claims which were wrong
Indeed I was wrong about Hitler not mentioning the white race, however he never did that in a context modern white nationalists use.
Germany indeed got hugely endebted during rule of National Socialists, and that is true as well.
You failed to respond to my claim that Hitler was on wery well terms with South American countries that were very eager to racemix, and were basically built on racemixing. Some even claim Hitler retired in one of these countries, and most certainly lot of former Nazis did. You also failed to actually provide any sources of him saying about metizos of asians. You just mentioned blacks. You also never mentioned how Hitler "hated" them, as that user impliad National Socialist should do.
You failed to respond to my claim that Nazis and modern whites nationalists differed in their view of white race, as Nazis never saw a white race as a whole.
You failed to respond to my claim that there was a MUTUAL dislike between Poland and Germany.
And you never debunked my claim that communist education produced less ignorant people than capitalist countries did.
>And I understand that makes it difficult for you to accept National Socialism, but there's no National Socialist group active that wants to occupy Poland
The previous thread states something completely opposite.
Nazis actively attempt to whitewash Hitler and ideology of National Socialism, and to achieve that, they spread lies and false propaganda about Poland in order to convince people that Poland was a "bad guy" and Hitler had no choice but to start a wall. Such narrative is unacceptable not only from the point of view of Poland, but also historical truth. As a Pole, I will never accept that narrative and I will always keep debunking it, pointing out the obvious lies and slander that modern Nazis direct against Poland.
>It also need to be noted that the Germans were not native to these lands. As a matter of fact, the Germans started infesting and slowly colonizing Pomerania and Silesia in the middle ages. Before it happened, these lands were legally part of Polish Crown. And so was Gdańsk.
And before that, they were Germanic.
>You literally have nothing to prove that bullshit and you know I'm right. There were no Germans "oppressed" or "murdered" by Poles. Period.
I already said the German civilians murdered by Poles after the war broke out was enough to prove my point.
This didn't happen everywhere.
>Not an argument as there was the same kind of dislike towards Poland in Germany, and yet we didn't invade them because of that.
It was never given as a justification of the war. I've said that since the start.
It was given as an explanation of why Poles were mistreated, because it was a relic of the time.
You couldn't expect a supernationalist country not to have petty chauvenism like that work its way into policies.
Revengism is intertwined with romanticism, Soviets hunted down ethnicities that fled communist rule and persecuted them.
The point was to separate anti-Slavic attitudes from National Socialism today.
>Are you trying to imply that Hitler was an idiot who didn't even know what he was asking for? Or that he asked for something he full well knew we couldn't provide, just to find an excuse to invade?
You seem to be the idiot, as Poland did have authority over returning it to Germany.
The local NSDAP was in government with a 50%> vote since the same time Hitler got power.
They weren't allowed to return by Poland, which clinged on to its war guarantee pact.
>Battle for Berlin
Not in English, sadly.
Himmler wrote a book called "SS Defenders against Bolshevism", but I dont know of any electronic copies online. Here's a speech he gave against homsexuality:
>Germany indeed got hugely endebted during rule of National Socialists, and that is true as well.
It was at less than a third of what it was in 23, and the national debt as part of GDP fell, which is how its measured.
The United States had a way worse case of debt at the time, not even speaking of modern days.
You're isolating debt as a whole, which doesn't make sense with growing economies, but even then factor 1.5 isn't very large.
Certainly way below the more than doubling the US undertook in the same time period, which again isn't relevant without looking at it as part of a percentage of GDP.
>You failed to respond to my claim that Nazis and modern whites nationalists differed in their view of white race, as Nazis never saw a white race as a whole.
Difficult to verify, but Hitler used both White and Aryan to describe different things.
Himmler at the end of the war saw a need to unify against the yellow peril directly talking about the White race.
Hitler made various speeches about defending Europe throughout history, specifically saying Europe was more than a geographical area.
Include the racial maps drawn from the time, the concept of a European race certainly existed.
>You failed to respond to my claim that there was a MUTUAL dislike between Poland and Germany.
I'll agree with that, and I think it's a shame.
>And you never debunked my claim that communist education produced less ignorant people than capitalist countries did.
I'm not sure what you mean with this. The skill set of east Germans was lacking behind their western brothers.
If you mean outlook on life, maybe. That's certainly part of education but not what I interpreted your post on education as.
>As a Pole, I will never accept that narrative and I will always keep debunking it
Obviously you're biased, though.
The simple fact that Beck wanted a war to knock Germany out so Poland could keep its advantageous position should be pretty clear
>And before that, they were Germanic.
When exactly? Germanic people left these lands during Migration Period. Slavs migrated in their place.
>I already said the German civilians murdered by Poles after the war broke
Ah yes, the Bromberg Massacre, an incident that was caused as a result of German parisan groups on Polish forces and resulted in both Polish and German civilian deaths that I've already debunked twice. Do I need to do it a thrid time?
>It was given as an explanation of why Poles were mistreated, because it was a relic of the time
Yet funnily enough, it was Poles who gave a huge autonomy to the laregly German region of Silesia. No such autonomy was ever granted to the Polish citizens by Third Reich.
>Poland did have authority over returning it to Germany
Tell me how exactly. It was a free state under UN governance. Are you trying to imply that Poland had a power over UN?
And even if we did, why would we give in to any German demands? We already saw how if ended up for Austrians and Czechs: badly.
>Difficult to verify, but Hitler used both White and Aryan to describe different things
You know full well that the concept of "racial identity" is the construct of modern times.
Hitler saw other whites as his primary antagonists. And I'm still waiting for the quotes of him saying bad things about metizos or asians specifically. I also want to hear how do white nationalists justify Nazi collaboration with South American countries, which were basically built on racemixing.
>I'm not sure what you mean with this
I mean the general education. As I said, communist/socialist education attempted to learn students as vast knowledge as possible, but not all of it was certainly necessary. Western education on the other hand produced students focused on their field subject, but ignorant in all the others.
>Obviously you're biased, though.
I'm not, the bullshit about Poles starting the war or provoking Hitler to start war, or murdering Germans is a pure lie produced for propaganda reasons and you know it full well.
Not to mention no Pole will just sit silently while the man directly responsible for deaths of their parents/grandparents is praised as a "savior of the white race", or some other shit.
>When exactly? Germanic people left these lands during Migration Period. Slavs migrated in their place.
I'm sure if you go back to which ethnicity has lived there the longest, it'd be Germanic, as prior to the migration period they were there for quite a long time.
I was just pointing out that it wasn't very relevant to the discussion as the region has changed hands quite a lot.
>Ah yes, the Bromberg Massacre, an incident that was caused as a result of German parisan groups on Polish forces and resulted in both Polish and German civilian deaths that I've already debunked twice. Do I need to do it a thrid time?
>Tell me how exactly. It was a free state under UN governance. Are you trying to imply that Poland had a power over UN?
>And even if we did, why would we give in to any German demands? We already saw how if ended up for Austrians and Czechs: badly.
The negotiations were done with Poland, as getting Poland to agree would let Germany walk in without Poland declaring war.
Every side involved at all agreed Poland needed first to give its consent, including France and Britain, which were the reason Germany didn't just take it.
I wouldn't agree it's similar to Austria, as Austrians were Germans and they voted for it.
Czechs is a long case having to do with Slovakian independence asking for assistance, but I agree that's a precedent set.
>Ah yes, the Bromberg Massacre, an incident that was caused as a result of German parisan groups on Polish forces and resulted in both Polish and German civilian deaths that I've already debunked twice. Do I need to do it a thrid time?
>Yet funnily enough, it was Poles who gave a huge autonomy to the laregly German region of Silesia. No such autonomy was ever granted to the Polish citizens by Third Reich.
You already agreed to the fact the dislike was mutual and I don't even claim the average Pole was on the same level as the average German.
That wasn't my point.
>Germany indeed got hugely endebted during rule of National Socialists, and that is true as well
As you recall from the last thread:
>As you can see from pic related, their debt as a % of GDP was declining all up to 1939 -- there was no "debt driving them to war", in fact, the opposite.
To which you replied:
>You can have a high GDP and a high national debt at the same time. They are two separate things.
Again, debt as a percent of GDP is significant, especially in a Keynsean framework: if GDP grows such that debt is a tiny percentage, the debt is meaningless. Either way, it can't be a motive for war while the GDP is growing, and the deby as percent of GDP is low / shrinking. This is because deficit spending is positively correlated with GDP. Its a purely theoretical / speculative argument that their economy would have collapsed without war spending, since there's no empirical data (the country was destroyed).
>inb4 German war machine required constant war
Their GDP was growing regardless of whether they were actually at war or not, because a military industrial complex (military spending) doesn't require actual war. The US and many other nations today take advantage of this, and spend of their military despite not "being at war".
>inb4 German military spending was unsustainable
>German GDP in Billions of Dollars:
>1938 - 351
>1939 - 384
>1940 - 387
>1941 - 412
>1942 - 417
>1943 - 426
>1944 - 437
>1945 - 310
As far as millitary spending, Germany barely broke the US threshold of 40% of GDP, the entire duration of the war, and spent LESS THAN THEIR RIVALS in preparation building up to war:
>CHART 9 - spending as percent of Germany GDP:
>1935: 8%
>1936: 13%
>1937: 13%
>1938: 17%
>1939: 23%
>Hitler saw other whites as his primary antagonists. And I'm still waiting for the quotes of him saying bad things about metizos or asians specifically.
> I also want to hear how do white nationalists justify Nazi collaboration with South American countries, which were basically built on racemixing.
Well, there was a romanticist notion of German colonialism in South America.
But, the collaboration with the Soviets was way more obvious of a sign of ideological hypocrisy.
In cases of state, ideology can't exclude mutual beneficiary relationships. I don't see why we'd have to meddle.
>I mean the general education. As I said, communist/socialist education attempted to learn students as vast knowledge as possible, but not all of it was certainly necessary. Western education on the other hand produced students focused on their field subject, but ignorant in all the others.
But the results had them lacking behind, aren't those more important?
Besides, I think that description is exactly what we have in liberal democracies right now, and it's not a good thing.
There is a huge difference though. Germanics left these lands willingly, and in the time when no states even existed. Slavs migrated in their place and after time, they started their own kindgoms.
Then, in middle ages, Germanic merchants started settling on slavic (Polish, above all) cities. Eventually, they became a majority and caused these lands being overtaken by ethnic German states. Often by lying, enforcing their "rights" and falsyfing documents. Does that tactics ring any bell? Protip: Jewish infiltration method. And yet, Germans did the exact same thing.
>Every side involved at all agreed Poland needed first to give its consent, including France and Britain, which were the reason Germany didn't just take it
Neither Britain nor France would agree for that either, so I don't see how does that make a point.
>You already agreed to the fact the dislike was mutual
Indeed. Yet, on the legal level, Poles were actually willing to go to concessions with German minorities, something that Germans on the other hand never did.
Have you ever, once in your life, been skeptical of the pro-Polish narratives they gave you?
I'm going to sleep now, so to any posts I didn't respond I will respond tomorrow. Good night.
thread will probably be dead by then
quote this post and I'll be able to find yours
There will be another general I guess
But what about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? Didn't both the German Reich and the Soviet Union agreed upon splitting Poland as part of the agreement?
That was after the German-Polish talks. Hitler became aware that Churchill and Lord Halifax were making deals with Poland behind Germany's back. So the Germans viewed the talks as a ruse by Poland from that point. Britain promised unconditional support to Poland if they went to war with Germany. When war finally broke out, the British and French barely mobilized, letting Poland fall hoping to exhaust the Germans before engaging them.
That was really insightful, thank you.
14/88 brothers, the dawn of the fourth reich is soon
Do you think that one day, things will sort out for good? That all this degenerate left culture will be destroyed and all races be preserved?
One day the people will finally rise up against progressivism and crush the jews who seek to enslave us. That is almost definite, too many people know too much now. But before that we need a leader, a second Hitler to unite us against the common foe.
Still working on it. If anyone has suggestions on color or where the text goes just go ahead and ask. I want to make it a png but it's too large for pol
Sieg Heil my friend, may God hear your words.
Are you the one making these Fashwave images?
If so, do you have another one with the Schwarze Sonne? Really like the symbol.
How do you guys reconcile your views with the holocaust? I know some of you don't believe in that, but even just with the atrocities that they committed otherwise?
>but even just with the atrocities that they committed otherwise?
Such as?
If hitler killed 200 trillion jews it still wouldn't nullify the ideology of National Socialism
Ehh I'm not really into the black sun. But there are others that put it on all their stuff so I think you find someone who will fulfill your request
Thanks anyway.
>the first two words are literally MUH HOLOCAUST
Could you please pick a more legitimate source?
This question gets asked a lot. Common answers include "atrocities happen in war, some spontaneously, some deliberately, by all sides". While that's true, that's not the correct place to start. Even if you don't doubt any aspect of the holocaust narrative, you can objectively recognize that it is, in fact, a narrative -- one crafted by the victors in a war. The saying "the victor writes the history books" applies here, but to what extent? I'll skip past the back and forth we might have, and just point you to some resources you can look through on your own, if you're truly curious, and your desire is to know the truth. Start with Hellstorm, then 'Questioning the Holocaust', then work your way through the rest.
>Hellstorm - Post-war Genocide of Germans
>Where did the "6 million" number come from?
>Polish atrocities against the Germans
>Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps
>The Rape of Berlin
>Hitler's War - the Allies caused the war
>Holocaust Revisionism
Your welcome.
Oops, forgot one:
>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"
Well a lot of it is sourced
Thanks, I genuinely have a positive view of the philosophy itself and I've seen the speeches/propaganda videos posted here about it. One thing that stuck with me for around a year now is when the American Nazi guy Rockwell was saying in a speech "if you think about it long enough, you have to be a nazi" . It's just the good it seemed to do in Germany gets overshadowed by the bad, and it seems impossible to separate the two and love one side while hating the other. I haven't seen those before so I'll watch them
>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler will never forsake God
>Hitler defending Christianity
>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany
>Debunking the anti-Christian myth
>Christianity is not Jewish
>Adolf Hitler and Christianity
>Debunking the Myths of "Nazi Occultism"
>Hitler and Christianity - Smoloko
>Was Catholic Hitler "Anti-Christian"?
>Positive Christianity in the Third Reich - D. Cajus Fabricius
>Positive Christianity in the Third Reich
>The Winter Help Organization - Chapter from "The Case for Germany" (1938)
>Christmas in the Reich - Hitler spending the holiday with close friends, Goebbels handing out presents, Goering dressed up as Santa. Good times.
>Living in Hitler's Germany: a letter from Hans Schmidt:
I'm not the guy who makes all those images, this was literally my first try.
I wouldn't say "nothing happened", but there is a far more realistic narrative you can construct by looking through the revisionist literature. Some are kooks, but many are very serious, and very impressive. David Irving and Germar Rudolf are two of my favorites. Take everything skeptically, even if you respect the source:
David Irving is so fucking based that the kikes actually made some shitty indeh movie called "DENIAL" to try and discount his opinions, or something.
Unsurprisingly the film itself is godawful.
yeah. have you noticed there's at least 1-2 movies a year that repeat the holohoax somehow? It's like a regular schedule, to keep it fresh in people's minds.
>gotta make sure those filthy goys remember the 60 billion trillion lost in the holohoa- uh holocaust
Daily reminder: you're here forever.
How can you believe that national socialism is perfect when it lost? I dont get it...
How indeed
Nothing is perfect.
>when it lost
If that's your standard for believing in things, are you a Bolshevik?
I'm 25% jewish from my father's side, 25% Finnish and 50% American blend of British German and Dutch. Would I be gassed once the 4th Reich has risen?
Not for those reasons. You'll get gassed for asking retarded questions.
First of all, IT ONLY LASTED 12 YEARS. Second of all normy propaganda aside the average german was working a lot longer and earning less in nazi germany than in the weimar republic which is a fucking joke... I've read actual papers that use numbers from that time and it just isnt as good as these meme pictures make it. Made me lose hope.
>it only lasted 12 years
Yet each of those 12 years individually were better than all 73 years of the USSR combined.
Bolsheviks lost, technically the only people who havent lost is america but their system is gay. I am asking this question in order to shed some light on a broken system that needs to be tinkered with. If you repeat the mistakes of the past the same outcome will happen again. FFS hitler wanted to burn all of Germany when he started losing, they would've ended up like animals...
>Bolsheviks lost
They won the war.
>technically the only people who havent lost is america but their system is gay
You feel like you "won" something?
>hitler wanted to burn all of Germany when he started losing
If you aren't bad at reading / lazy, and you actually care about knowing the truth, you should study the pastebin linked in the first post.
>hitler wanted to burn all of Germany when he started losing
Ahahaahhaha what
You're comparing Nazi Germany to a communist stay. I can compare a fucking tribal chiefdom to a communist state and I'd still win the argument. The system that nazi germany ran on is good, but needs improvement. Saddam Hussien did the same thing and failed. Anybody who tries the same thing again WILL fail. Change needs to happen to this "perfect" ideology of yours.
Seriously lurk / read the pastebin, its there to answer these questions.
So what if they win one war? their rule ended in an embarrassing coup... I talk about America because their system is the only one that remains unchanged, it adapts, true, but thats just a part of the process. Also please dont act like the shit is in the pastebin isnt exactly the shit Hitler would show his ppl to brain wash them. No matter how great a ruler/government. I always cringe at propaganda, no matter how well its orchestrated or delivered.
Currently reading Albert Speers "Inside the third Riech". I know he was very apologetic when he wrote that but dont you think he makes alot of points? thats the basis for my question.
>So what if they win one war?
Your first question was
>How can you believe that national socialism is perfect when it lost?
Did you forget your own question that started this conversation?
That depends, are you okay with your grandfather and father being gassed?
>implying anyone ever got gassed
Sorry to break your little lie of a dream world... But if you wanna carry the torch of national socialism, might as well learn from those who tried before you...
Hitler despised Christianity
By win or lose, I mean survival of the regime, the war nazi germany lost was about its own survival. Not every war is so.
>implying people won't in the 4th reich
>By win or lose, I mean survival of the regime
You shifted the goalpost. Ok, lets pretend you asked: "their government ended, why do you still believe in it?" It didn't collapse from internal failure; it was crushed by three world powers. Prior to that, it functioned perfectly well -- better than its rivals.
>implying anyone needs to
Its just a meme, ya dip.
He was publicly a Christian, but privately he despised Christianity
I guarantee any politician isn't Christian, the elites are far too educated on the nature and purpose of Christianity to actually be a Christian themselves
I think you misunderstand my question as antagonistic. I undoubtedly think that national socialism is the best system, especially at the time. But if it was that great, why did it have to be in a situation like WW2? Could you really argue that Hitler had perfected every inch of germany? because if so he would've easily beaten any world power.
>but privately he despised Christianity
You can't just make claims without sources, you dumb leaf.
>they think socialism works
>but privately he despised Christianity
Ok, now I ask you to prove it, and you post tinfag sources.
>But if it was that great, why did it have to be in a situation like WW2?
That's irrelevant to the design or success of the system. As Churchill said, "I don't care if its run by Hitler or a Jesuit priest, Germany must be crushed".
>thinks he knows what socialism is