Is this really why millennials aren't having kids?

Is this really why millennials aren't having kids?

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They really could have just stopped here.

Young adults are being sold the idea that to be successful and climb the socioeconomic ladder, they have to dig themselves into insurmountable (((debt))) and attend a Marxist institution for 4 years or more. Financially crippled at the beginning of their adult lives, it's no wonder that they aren't getting married, having kids, or buying homes.

Also, stop calling young adults "millennials". The millennials are almost in their 40s now for fucks sake.

I'm in this age group, but also annoyed by how much the term is used. The definition of millennials that seems to be going around is just anyone younger than you are.

I'm sure le trades are the way to go right?

>there are to many of us
Oh, but perfectly fine with shitskins reporducing like wildfire?

I am 27, yes my parents bought college meme for me and I get a job, I will find my way for children and housing

Many of these are real reasons . I personally have a master's in engineering but still can't afford to move out of my parents house. I'd impregnate any woman, but they all think I'm a loser.

Please reply to this ching chong as his life is empty.

>The millennials are almost in their 40s now for fucks sake.

No, they're not. The oldest Millennial is in their mid-30s.

Millennials are born in the early-80s and have a cutoff birth year of 1999 [y'know, the year before the turn of the Millennium? That's what the phrase Millennial is referencing: the last gen born prior to the turn of the Millennium]. After that [2000-], it's Gen Z.

Stop bastardizing the phrase because you're most-likely a Millennial.

>most (((educated)))

Stupid millennials

When I was their age I
Raised 2 kids
Worked 2 jobs
and went to school

All at the same time

t. Baby Boomer

I'm 31, so on the edge of the millenial generation.

I'm selfish as fuck and don't want kids sucking up my precious time and resources.

percocet molly percocet

Fucking Jews

You're on Sup Forums you have no resources.
Your time is meaningless.

I don't get laid, I wouldn't know.

For what it's worth, I taught myself full-stack web development and systems programming. Computer Science degrees are a scam. Most "graduates" are unqualified for most real positions in the field, and companies are fully aware of this now.

Could also add

>I don't like the idea of having my kid being indoctrinated in school
>Don't feel like having them being taken away from me because my wife will automatically win the custody and divorce

You will die alone.

t. 31 year old ugly dude with a beautiful redpilled girlfriend I've known since 1988.

I don't know much about the field, but my dad is a manager in IT. He says everything is moving to requiring additional certifications and they don't give a shit about college degrees anymore.

must be ugly as hell nowadays

Your sister?

>western society hates all men except the alphas
>yet the alphas aren't doing what is traditionally expected of them at all and nobody gets angry at them for it, and alphas are still cherished and respected regardless
>betas are shit on their entire lives and ruthlessly hated for not following tradition despite the numerous obstacles in their path that prevent them from doing so

Really, REALLY makes me think.

Please insult me in an original way

You did not prove the infinite monkey theorem, yet. Keep trying.

Who would want to put themselves through that kind of torture? Are you honestly advocating for having children by saying that your children gave you a shitty life?

There are a lot of definitions of "millennial", the most accurate is "the first generation to come of age in the new millennium". My point is that teenagers today are not "millennials".



Yes like I think the average mong who parrots this is thinking of 18 year olds who just finished high school

like i would care to watch your video
keep trying refugee

>career or kids, your pick
>muh money that's tied to nothing and therefore worthless or the continued existence of my genetics and my people as a race

What steps did you take bro. I want to get into this field. Sales is a miserable life

It's not a generational thing. The west is going to shit because of jewish influence in feminism/cultural marxism. Turning on your gullible elders and peers will only make the situation worse. You have to improve and find a way to make money if you want healthy kids.

I'm drunk. Please say something I'll remember. Say something original! Something that will do more than reveal how medicore you are!

In my experience, to most companies hiring for software engineering jobs, work experience is king and a portfolio of relevant original works is an acceptable supplement.

If only conservatives are reproducing, isn't this a good thing?

>Being this self-centered

> drunk
how do you feel now that's affordable to you? You used to drink on your country?

hows the poo on the streets?

its because the amount of NEETs has risen by at least 15%...



Is taiwan nice?

Who wants to raise a fuck trophy? Fuck all that

Thats cause you had money from the past 2 wars

>not having kids because they might have a shitty life
Pick one

I would not treat my worst enemies with such unoriginal responses.

You need not be so hostile, I will not touch your shemonkeys. I'm straight, dammit!

my desire to get fucked in the ass is stronger than to reproduce

I just don't care anymore. I'm a disgrace to my ancestors and am looking forward to dying.

>Why aren't my kids having kids?!?!

>Well, you memed us into college debt
>We can't get jobs to pay for a house + kids + debt
>Our rental prices are skyrocketing anyway

>Oh don't worry about those things, you'll figure it out!

>No, no we won't. We don't have the disposable income to support a child. We don't have single earner families making 50k+ with one parent being able to just stay home
>If we have kids we'll be poverty lined with lots of government support draining the system and we'll both have to work so we'll also have to afford daycare somehow

It's so frustrating. The most well off generation since the 20's talking like they know anything to the least well off generation since the depression.

Tell me, based IT sempai: How does one gather enough experience to be qualified in a working position for private companies?

We would need major government assistance to the point of it being a third parent if me and my gf decided to have kids since we only pull in a combined $45k a year.

>May have to deal with first century world problems
>guess we shouldn't give him life

"Millennial age" is more of a quantum state, if you will. It has a superposition, and will lock into any one span of time dependent entirely on how much of a faggot the user of the term is. For conservatives this time range is "kids these days". For neocons it's "anyone born after the fall of Rome". For liberals it's something like "80s-90s" kids. And for neolibs it's "Those most likely to do a school shooting".

>fucking boomers

You didn't raise shit. Your wife did.

You didn't have 2 jobs and go to school because the jobs change schedules so you can't have more than 1.

Even if you did have 2 jobs that's not enough money to pay for school or raise kids.

I always wanted kids.

Never met a woman who wanted to have my kids, though. Joe Edelman's kids, yes, but my kids, no.

>Career or kids

You have to be a fucking moron to not be able to have both unless you got pregnant too fucking early you fucking slut

ok sven. keep fapping.

the oldest are 36. Millenials - according to the people who coined the term - were born 1982-2004

>most educated and underpaid

hahahahahaha yea 100 years ago when the average person was living on a dollar a day really had better

Women shouldn't have careers. They should be housewives and have the home clean and a meal ready for their husband.

Sure, but give me some good young brazilian twink trap asspussy to masturbate too. Or give me the keywords, and I'll google them.

Actually the best way would be to get pregnant right out of highschool with a husband who is established, then when the kids are able to take care of themselves (mostly) go to college and start a career at 30.


BTW, give me, or you will get stabebd in your whore face, you dumb bastard.

>Baby Boomer
Oh yeah you just picked up yer boot strap huh? Just walked right in to the work place, shat on the owner's desk, looked him in the eye to establish dominance, and got the job huh? shit changed gramps, get with the times

Yes. We're in a period of K-selection for the white population.

And even then, the upper bounds of that range isn't universally agreed upon. I've seen figures as low as 1996 for the upper bounds of the Millennial generation.

Usually, people don't extend it all the way to 2004, though. 22 years is awfully long for a generation time.

>most educated in history
How about most arrogant and thus likely most stupid in history?


I have no money after rent, water, electricity, sewer, internet, phone, taxes, gas, clothes, hygiene.

>8 weeks of a summer job in retail paid for a year's housing and tuition
>minimum wage was the equivalent of $50,000 in today's currency
Wow, you are such a saint.


The secret is that programming isn't hard. At all. It's just a different mode of thinking that takes some getting used to.

The most important requisite to learning is to have the patience and read and learn from documentation. Any useful language or framework will have extensive documentation, and learning to leverage that knowledge is vital to your success.

First, learn the basic syntax of a beginner language (I recommend Java). Learn to adapt others' works and add to or modify their functionality to your liking. Then, begin to come up with your own self-directed projects. Push yourself to learn new languages and frameworks, and your projects will eventually display a wide range of talents and competencies, infinitely more valuable than any certificate or degree (and you did it for free!).

At this point, you can either find a six-figure job pretty easily (in most cities), or turn one of your projects into a money maker.

Recommended Languages:
Java first (instills good fundamentals)
Python second (easier to write, but can turn you lazy)
C/C++ (learn about how your CPU works!)
Rust (my personal favorite, but not for beginners by any means)

As far as web dev, avoid hipster bullshit at all costs. I like Bootstrap a lot for frontend development because it's responsive and easy to maintain.

Hope this helps.

>not taking the no bathing pill

>45K a year combined

Jesus fucking Christ guy stop working at McDonald's and do something. I don't even have a college degree and my wife never graduated high school and we have a combined income of $84K. Step your shit up.

For me its because feminism has ruined woman. Very few of them are trustworthy or committed anymore, and the ones that are are typically taken already. I've tried in the past and theyre all either retards, or get sweaty palms at the thought of being "tied down". Pretty much the only way to have kids in todays society is to knock one of these aforementioned trainwrecks up and be happy with visiting them on the weekends. Theres just no incentive to spend all that time building up and nurturing the kid anymore.

Gen X was born between the end of the 60s and the early 80s.
Gen Y was born between the mid 80s and the mid 90s.
Gen Z was born between the mid 90s and the early 00s.

"""Millenials""" basically refers to everyone born between 1980 and 2000. It's a buzzword invented by Boomers to lump together the majority of their childrens' and grandchildrens' generations together into one convenient amorphous blob that can be used as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong.

Too many people going to college? It's those damned millenials.
Too much unemployment? Those stupid lazy millenials.
Low birth rates? It's those degenerate millenials refusing to settle down.
Economy's in the shitter? It's those worthless millenials.
Yadda yadda yadda.

Jesus fucking christ, do something original in your life. I am your purpose. This is why some monkey shat you out. Do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

You have one purpose in this life and I am giving you the opportunity to fulfill it; to contribute where our interests converge. How dare you be so unoriginally impudent. I shall no longer think of you as monkeys; but as bacteria on lice feasting on a dog's anus.

>mfw whites genocide themselves on their free will.

I've always described it as a white suicide as opposed to a Jewish orchestrated white genocide. I'm guessing very people who complain about white genocide actually have 3+ children.

If I bought a van and went innawoods with a laptop, solar panel, and internet access, and studied approximately 8 hours per day, and I am capable of learning as quickly as you did, how long would it take me to be good enough to get a decent paying job?

Also, what are the resources you used?

Because it's cruel and immoral to bring another life into this world?

Well the best way to understand and know Millennials and Gen Z is:

Millennials are quite liberal like the baby boomers, and were aware of life before 9/11 and how royally screwed they are from being tricked by the boomers. Remember you could get a fucking middle income job at 12 during the 60s it was so fucking good.

Gen Z doesn't know or remember how life really was before 9/11, and grew up with technology, however Gen Z grows up only seeing some of the worst shitstorms in recent history, with some of the worst natural disasters, and radicalization of the leftist doctrine. Plus they grew up in the times of the 2008-09 recession, causing a sense of insecurity. Ontop of the issues that millennial are having with jobs, and sustainability.

It's because the stabilization of the birthrate is a natural method of ensuring we have the resources and capability to mould our giant tribe into a more efficient, specialized machine with greater focus on children.

We aren't have children for survival anymore, we're having them for advancement.

Unfortunately this means ((((they)))) are losing their source of uneducated, pliable, disposable labor and are now importing poor people wholesale in an attempt to stamp out this curve in attitudes.

It's a good rule of thumb to ignore anything anyone has to say if they use the word "buzzword."

>no purpose in life
the only way to cure this ennui is to have a generational war desu
that is the true meaning of natsoc

>There's way too many of us!
>There are too few people here we need to let 3rd world brown people in!!!!

I have no GED and already in my 30s while CC is $10k a year since no public support. My gf works as a cosmetologist which the for profit place she studied at wasn't worth the price it cost (nearly $20k). I'm far too old to start from the absolute bottom.

they are shameless and fine with surviving off of gibmedats for their entire lives so they take a huge shit every 9 months and get a prize from the government


It's a good rule of thumb to ignore anything anyone has to say if they end statements with question marks.

Thanks. Saved your post. About how long did it take you to reach the level you were able to make a living on it and how many hours did you spend per week while you were still self studying and working on personal projects?

there is too much entertaining for having kids. yes, it's cancer but we are still stupid animals and going easiest way.

>first century world problems
What did he mean by this?

It's a good rule of thumb to ignore anything anyone has to say if they disregard entire arguments because they disapprove of a single piece of jargon used in the conversation.

>1post by this id
ok shill slide thread - saged

anyone else: what do you think about my meme?

It's also a good rule of thumb to ignore anything anyone has to say if they reply to everything with "it's a good rule of thumb to ignore anything anyone has to say if..."

Monetary policy.

Yes, it's a good rule of thumb to ignore people when they say a "buzzword" that indicates nothing they have to say could possibly be of value? This is assuming, of course, that there are other things to do.

And your fine with that?

No money, every other excuse written there is just bullshit to try to sound smart/emo.