How does it feel America knowing the whole world is fucking laughing at you?

How does it feel America knowing the whole world is fucking laughing at you?

How does it feel knowing that everyone finally sees you for the racist fuckers you actually are?

You realize this will never ever ever happen again right? This will be your final 'victory'

Enjoy it while it lasts

Janitor applications are open OP.

I see that Italian flag.

Stupid Euro smug fucks. You fags are undergoing a failing tourist industry, a shattered national, cultural image and MASSIVE amounts of crime rates. I'd stick with my McDonalds, please.

Go kill yourself, fag, and open the way to the inevitable caliphate that you so desperately love.

Oh Wait, that's Ireland.


Irish are the original niggers of the world


How does it feel to have been the laughingstock of the world for 200 years?

Your country is literally a meme though

Obama bowed to Saudi King. Saudi King didn't even give him staircase to airplane.

Trump doesn't even land and he's greeted with the biggest ceremony a US President has ever received before.

Also I'm Swedish and I'm not laughing. Pls US save us.

>the whole world
whenever someone uses "the whole world" in this kind of context it almost always means western Europe, and given that they're basically tributary states at this point I don't care what they think.

Real talk, has anyone you known been raped/beaten/both by "peaceful refugees"? I'm not trying to make fun, i'm genuinely interested.

Nah. I'm a migrant myself senpai

>slide thread
>guaranteed replies

This exact thread is always posted by some bognigger.
We should have finished the job.

i sincerely don't give a fuck what people in other "countries" think about the USA.

My family is Irish, moved here to escape the British essentially raping us to oblivion, and even I think you're the niggerest nigger to ever nigger

Fag kill urself

Fug Ireland not you! I can take it if Germany, the UK, France, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Bulgaria, Yemen, Nepal, Botswana, the Congo, Zimbabwe, and Tajikistan hate us, but not you Ireland. Any country but you.

>How does it feel America knowing the whole world is fucking laughing at you?

feels real good man!

Go eat some pasta u fuck

You mess with America, you mess with the Anglosphere. Step up you starving celtnigger


Its Ireland you fucking leaf

Fuck off ye spud. What about when Ireland had no goverment for about six weeks last year or how your thr first nation to put gay marriage in the constitution. How does it feel to swallow germanys cum


Go choke on a potato reeee

Fuck off Potato Nigger

He's clearly joking. It's quite obvious as he explicitly referenced his flag being Italian, which nobody ever does aside from
>that post
>that flag
or some shit.
Come on, Luxembourg.

Nobody wants to be racist but reality says otherwise.

I feel fucking great that I'm not a helpless hostage of the EU.



Cool, so it's okay to laugh at them when the time comes.

so how you liking those muslims the brits sent you. last time i checked the american government pushed your shit in when you killed some of them and burned a boat. they you got sent more

you wont exist for much longer potato. the brits dont like any one being whiter than themselves. you have the most neaderthal DNA out of all white groups. you will be phased out by ahmed and tyrome

and the brits will laugh because nobody will help you. despite hating the brits every one will applaud your demise because they dont want anyone whiter than their european race existing either

okay thanks bong but still take every opportunity to shit on a leaf