What race of women make the best wives and why is it Asian women?

>He average Asian woman is better looking than the average white woman
>They appreciate their husbands
>They make great mothers who push academics and not stupid sports
>They have delicious feet
Wifing an Asian girl is literally the ultimate red pill as a white man.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off kike

>muh honorary Aryan wife :DDDD

I am so tired of NEET weebs shilling for Asian women on this board

I don't care about your stupid message but she's cute as fuck, who is she?

Learn to image search, user. Click the blue triangle next to the post number, then click image search, then google.


That's where you're wrong kiddo, I'm still in high school

Jenn Im, she is BLEACHED

OP is a certain faggot, but I am speaking as someone who married a nice white girl and settled down to have a career and a life and kids. And the whole thing, save one excellent wonderful son, fell apart because she is retarded. Been with a tiger mom from (south) Asia for the last 8 years, and while memes can come and go, the ultimate red pill is partnering with someone who shares your vision, values raising kids properly, and is a supportive companion. You edgy kids can talk shit all day but the basic message OP conveyed is correct, I just suspect he is lacking in life experience and wisdom to understand why it's correct. Protip: it's hard to hide your raging case of yellow fever, they are pretty good at spotting guys with an Asian thing.

Honestly I kinda want an Asian-fu but I worry about my children having self-identity issues and consequently shooting up schools.

you have to be a sick fucker to want to subject your own kids to this sort of abuse

>Elliot Rogers meme, single anecdotal case
Literally the only thing Sup Forums can present against AFWM.

>He average Asian woman is better looking than the average white woman
I disagree.

>Be me
>Had a rough day in court
>Finally got custody of my younger siblings
>Dad Obama-level narcissist
>Mother is psychotic (thought killing her kids with a kitchen knife counts as abortion)
>Both sentenced earlier to 19 years in prison
>They got financial support from some SJW groups
>Wife came into our room: wearing lingerie, holding a pizza and drinks
>English, French, and Swedish ancestry
>Fit curves
>Natural 40D's
>Natural strawberry blonde hair
>Wants to cheer me up
>Leans over and whispers in my ear:
"If anyone responds to this post; user's crazy SJW parents get shanked!"
>She knows how to make me feel good!

>better looking than the average white woman
>pic related


I really fucking hate Asian Americans

If I saw one in real life I'd be tempted to beat them to death with a hammer


If you actually knew mixed people you'd realize Eliot isn't a one off.

This is a stupid fucking meme.

Easy there, Fritzl.

cant trust the makeup

What about Australian Asians like Grace Huang? She is so hot

Hey man I'm a senior, I swear.

>muh anecdotal evidence
lol Sup Forums is incapable of arguing

>Asian women are the hottest girls ever

No they're not, dude. This lie may be bigger than the Holocaust.

If you didn't live in a city, you'd realize you're wrong, lad. Cities and public education are cancer for any growing kid.

If you're White? Latina.

>they can cook their asses off
>wide hips perfect for breeding
>loving mothers
>your kid will be bilingual and not a fucking weeb.

i live near a ton of asians (chinese and korean) and while there are plenty of attractive ones, there are still a ton of plain or even ugly ones

>pic related
why did this make laugh?

>better looking than the average white woman
Only after 30.

>Hey Dad

As someone close to the end of public education I can say that while it sucks it's not that indoctrinating. I just hate it because it's a prison for 7 hours a day where I literally have no freedom whatsoever.

Place white woman by an Asian woman by a black woman that are 2 standard deviations above average attraction for their respective races. The white woman will always be the most beautiful.

>He average Asian woman is better looking than the average white woman
nigger you have no idea what the average asian "woman" looks like

Kek I was about to post some Elliot also

Not only do you present a meme but you are German, which means that you are a cuck, making your opinion irrelavent.

Same, I don't know why but I'm so goddamn attracted to Asians and Latinas but if I have kids I don't want them to deal with the fallout of being mixed-race.

Latinas are crazy b. You are true, but I feel sorry for my sister's bf. And a lot of ppl I know, myself included, who have spic parents don't know spanish once they start going to school

T.burger that's Mexican/cuban


she fucked up her eyelash makeup


>Date white women from 18-24

>Nothing but headache, self-entitled princesses, and sociopathic women

Now that I have an Asian gf, she has dinner ready when I get home from work, we cuddle or fuck every night, I feel like I can connect with her and when I talk to her i feel like i'm talking to an actual adult.

But he got trips

I should have listened to people like you. Race mixed babies are fucked up in some way, mentally especially. It breaks my heart to know my kid is growing up fucled up and it is my fault.
Think about your children anons. Don't force them to suffer because you have a fetish.

You must be young, bro. I'm in my mid twenties. Women my age are already having kids, families, buying houses, careers, etc

and before 60

>Does not mention whether or not the study involved a random sample, and if it wasn't, the data may be biased
>If you raise your children correctly, you may be able to prevent the development of certain types of disorders, especially anxiety disorders, regardless of ethnicity
>Using ONE study to try to argue against an Asian wife

Are you serious? I know people of mixed race and they're normal people. Don't fall for every meme on here.

I'm 23. Where you at? I'm in SoCal. I'm sure I could knock up a chick and live in a shit hole but I'm good just drinking myself to death

since this is a subjective ass question and OP has already made up his mind. I will put my subjective ass opinion and say east African women specifically Ethiopian women.

beautiful af
loves family values


I'm near Philly.


Well yea everyone should fuck an asian or two me and my friends talk about it often at the bar its not like were making babies with them bitches :p

>Yes goy it's not like most MWAF relationships aren't full of beta men who can't get white women!
>No goy it's not as if having a mixed race child will eventually give him deeply ingrained identity issues!
All yellow fever fags should be gassed.

Yeah , don't mix with Asians you fucking idiots. This is basic shit.


Wrong, It's latinas. They don't produce hapas.



Well yea everyone should fuck a white girl or two me and my friends talk about it often at the bar its not like were making babies with them bitches :p

Virgin detected

>Identity issues
>Making race the most important aspect of your identity
Stop idolizing your skin color you pathetic shit. Go find something else more important to associate yourself with.

Meanwhile irl

Pic should always be related. I have been over in another thread (the one in which you have $15 and have to pick your allies for WW3, and I have literally been laughing out loud. On some nights here, people are on their game and it's almost like speaking another language, the text uses a meme to refutell OPS meme with a photo that ties the whole thing together. Niggas better recognize. I am thankful for this diaspora of funny, cynical, insightful people.

WMAF irl

>Blatant abuse of cherry-picking data
>Go take a statistics class even though that is common sense that data should be unbiased

You can go back to /r/asianmasculinity now.

fathers provide intelligence/skills
mothers provide looks/height

that is the lesson

Wow, and every second person in Germany is mentally ill as well. That article proves nothing.

how do we stop White genoxide?

>I hate reality

Howdy /asianmasculinity/ poster. Hows the past few days for you been?

Just drive with your car, like 99% of white people.



>Over a dozen examples and constantly growing
>Cherry pick

You're a faggot

End wmaf

>Implying that a large sample size excludes a bias intrinsically
Holy shit you are one dumb motherfucker.

Holy fucking shit.

thanks for the tip user

>I hate reality

No idea how it looks in the UK but in Germany the percentage of non whites is under 10%.

Time to stop white genoxide

End wmaf

>I hate truth

WmaF is dumb

The son even as that stupid little boy gook haircut that they all have.

Any man who marries a gook is a lost cause.

holy shit
the asian Sarah Jessica Parker.

The autism wars have begun. Reminder that Reddit niggers that get triggered by image related hate Western culture and white men. They are feminist Leftists.

ywa, all japanese are attractive all right...


Bad taste


Look at those men. They are old and probably already got their white kids before they got left by their wifes. What's wrong if they decide to import an young Asian to enjoy their last years?

20% immigrants, most of them other Europeans, Russians and Polish

>white genocide

That catchphrase is retarded. We need something better.

Fry the rice
Pay the price

Is infinitely better.

Out of all the mixing white and Asian has to be the weakest. You would think it would be something special but it just turns out to be lame as fuck. The best mixture is black and white or middle eastern white.

Time to end the genocide

when you post ugly asian girls with ugly white guys it proves nothing - only that ugly people find eachother

the girl's here is pretty cute desu

>nothing to do with politics

The stupidity of pol

Genocide is not breeding at all. Genocide is mixing with niggers.

Face it you fags don't even have a defense for hapas which is why they have such bad reputation. You simply think they are tolerable as long as you get to satisfy your WMAF weeb fantisies.
