This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list


>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

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All commies will get the airborne oven.

Last one because I have no more inspiration

Timothy "every Statist is on my kill-list" McVeigh
Timothy "Another Clinton and I release Amarggedon" McVeigh
Timothy "Hippity Hoppity,bomb public property" McVeigh
Timothy "not owning an AR-15 should be a sin" McVeigh



airborne ovens

thank you slovak

thats great, that you for your service.


im still working on that btw.

doing god's work. keep it up lad, i believe in you

Nice. Needs a merchant nose peeking out the oven...

yeah thats what I was thinking, you can't have your oven be empty!

Timothy "even the score using c4" mcveigh
Timothy "hippity hoppity, now the fbi got no property" mcveigh

finally a fucking dank general

Timothy "bomb the D.E.A. to protect your 2nd A" Mcveigh


Who's this?

who? Timothy " be a hero, nuke the bureau"
Mcveigh? He's our new Pinochet.


an absolute madman


Timothy "End the state with fertilizer nitrate" Mcveigh

Wikipedia says he was a terrorist that killed 168 innocent people.

Guy who bombed the oklahoma federal building exactly 2 years after waco, for revenge

No, he was on his way to church. he was a good boi.

read why he did it, what pushed him off the edge

much better than supreme gentleman shit

he is a living memeball

Still he killed innocent people.

so did pinochet and hitler

they all dindu nuffin. its all lies.

The BATF framed randy weaver, then the FBI killed his wife and kid. Sniper shot his wife in the head while she was holding their 10 month old baby. FBI started a war with a harmless bunch of religious dudes at waco and basically burn them alive. The sniper, lon horiuchi, was at both btw. Mcveigh wanted payback



>Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight.

>The "American Dream" of the middle class has all but disappeared, substituted with people struggling just to buy next week's groceries. Heaven forbid the car breaks down!

>Politicians are further eroding the "American Dream" by passing laws which are supposed to be a "quick fix," when all they are really designed for is to get the official re-elected. These laws tend to "dilute" a problem for a while, until the problem comes roaring back in a worsened form (much like a strain of bacteria will alter itself to defeat a known medication).

>Politicians are out of control. Their yearly salaries are more than an average person will see in a lifetime. They have been entrusted with the power to regulate their own salaries, and have grossly violated that trust to live in their own luxury.

>Racism on the rise? You had better believe it! Is this America's frustrations venting themselves? Is it a valid frustration? Who is to blame for the mess? At a point when the world has seen communism falter as an imperfect system to manage people; democracy seems to be headed down the same road. No one is seeing the "big" picture.

>Maybe we have to contribute ideologies to achieve the perfect utopian government. Remember, government-sponsored health care was a communist idea. Should only the rich be allowed to live long? Does that say that because a person is poor, he is a lesser human being; and doesn't deserve to live as long, because he doesn't wear a tie to work?

>What is it going to take to open the eyes of our elected officials? America is in serious decline!

>We have no proverbial tea to dump, should we instead sink a ship full of Japanese imports? Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.

were redpills too much for him?

He OD'd on redpills.


Make 'em Pay McVeigh
The Expropriator Eliminator
Tim "See a Fed, Kill 'im Dead" McVeigh

Or too little for you?

nice try FBI

hey /lrg/ you guys are wrong becuase {unargued assertion} and {exaggerated claim} you {snarky comment}

Very funny user. We do need government, though. Without it we'd all be raping people in the streets--the dirt streets. Admit it, you're just a racist.

lol u guys.

Timothy "they're unfit to govern, put them in the airborne oven" Mcveigh


>not posting at least some of the pastebin
You're a faggot OP