No Judgement. Just help

Sup Forums i know some of you need help escaping the grip of the white nationalist movement and the soul crushing hatred it brings. Just know you aren't alone and there are others that used to be just like you that are here to help.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying I'd ever leave this man's spiritual side


when your ready, we're here.

I'd rather get the rope than join your fucking group

t. shitskin

Yes, please move away from the USA and leave it to ambitious people with pride to move about without you fucking losers getting in the way. Minority speaking here as well, you white guilt pussues are the absolute worst. At least I can go to battle with a white nationalist and bury him in the dust while you fucking cucks grovel and black feet and also mine thinking I give a shit about you. Fucking kill yourself and get the fuck out of this nation which you take for granted over and over.

>international board
>white supremacy
You guys should really rethink your strategy

I'm not in a hate group,
I just honestly believe a rich class of people from a Jewish background are ruining life for other religions and cultures solely for profit and to fulfill whatever is in their religious interests.

It's honestly not that hard to believe.
When people say its "the jews"
They're not saying literal JEWS, like your ordinary American of Jewish practice or Even Europe, they're saying a controlling group of religious nuts that all believe everybody else on the earth is for "their" use.

There are many who unironically think white people are better than others.

america has the most whites out of any country in recorded histoiry

Who the fuck cares what other people think? That's their right to think what they want. This is the problem with cowards like yourself. You want to change the way people think, you seek to bend the individual to serve the state. Kill yourself. People like you are a far greater threat to society than any white ethno nationalist.

People like you brought about communism.

White supremacy is that of love. Love of ones People.

I'm a relapsed white nationalist and I can tell you, it's worth opening your mind and trying the other way for a while.

I would never have been so prepared to give my life for my race as I am coming out the other side of liberalism.

Follow your heart. Explore the lie once more. Go with OP.

This is the kind of anger we know you are dealing with, this is why we will always be here, standing and waiting, without judgment.

White countries vs Brown countries is all the proof you need mang

The owners of this are actors.

I'd rather get the rope
t. halfbreed

Get fucked, terrorist traitor. You and your anti-freedom fascist Nazi bigoted racism is not desirable to anyone with survival instincts.

Why leave the white nationalist movement for its hate when you can join the white nationalist movement for its love?

I'd rather join your agency so I can compile a list of heads to hint for the day of the rope. You faggots won't be passing judgement, but I certainly will.


Sup Forumsacks are introverts who have few friends, their radicalization is due to isolation not indoctrination.

When you dig deeper and look at the life after hate website it's leaders are a bunch of cucks. Pretty laughable

I propose that it's more radical to fight against nature. Loving your own (no matter which race you are) is the least radical thing you can do.

So true, only in darkness can you see the light

You are a perfect example of our typical enrollees. We aren't here to judge.

Society outcasted people like us. This is my home now.

sage and report spam threads.

It's a trap!

Is this ran by the guy who stalks and harasses young women?

Our movement is growing and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can create all these brainwashing techniques but we are used to it. We've been raised with your brainwashing shit in our minds from birth we have been taught to hate ourselves. No more kike.

>thinking you can ever go back to being blue pilled

I enrolled for the same reason others did, to have a list of people to hang on the day of the rope.

>white nationalist movement
whoa guy

WHITE NATIONALISM IS THE ONLY WAY. We need to save Western culture and Muslims, niggers, jews, and leftists are all trying to wipe it from the face of the earth. Watch these videos and if you're not a white nationalist by the end you are either a shit skin or totally brainwashed to destroy your children.


Also, a quick thread to pull bases off the info. Looks like it's possibly registered to a canadian company through Google, but the company that own the address (Tucows) says that they host internet websites and do a number of other things, so it's questionable as to what their actual location is at the moment . It's most likely dirty leafs based on Toronto. Rev up that autism, gentlemen. See if there's any names, faces, etc you can pick up from the term. It's probably being shilled somewhere on social media.

Administrative Contact Information:
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fuck off nigger, of course white people are better than black people, but we dont do it cause we have shitty experiences with them, we dont have baseless, factless racism. Our racism is based off of facts, that white people are statistically better, and historically better, than black people.

>white power movement
You mean the natural outcome of white europeans having a higher intelligence than the non-white people?

maybe just maybe white ethnonationalism is about striving to be the best race in friendly competition with other races instead of arrogantly believing you are the best race without effort and trying to autisticly exterminate everyone else in a fit of retarded rage like muslims

i bet you're a white guy desu

>We aren't here to judge.

No doubt...but I am.
And you will suffer for your collusion with the enemy...

Other races cannot live in harmony with whites. In America, you're 20 times more likely to be murdered by a black person than a black person is to be murdered by a white person. Niggers can't cooperate with civilization. All browns must go.

>escaping the grip of the white nationalist movement

If I wanted to leave I'd just close my laptop

This isn't about race. This is about helping those in need. I know you are hurting user.

>soul crushing hatred
I show up here day after day to discuss my intense fascination with the human condition because I don't like it.
Leftists, every damn time.

This isn't about religion user. Though we do offer brochures on Judaism if requested.

honestly fuck off. you dont belong here.

No one is hurting but you kike

I don't get it. Why would I want to exit the USA and move to Canada? You sound like a foreign actor.

>You guys are violent and full of hatred.
>No judgement.

You might want to talk to your doctor about mental retardation. "Anti-racists" are objectively more full of hatred and violence than I am, and irrationally so. I will not be responding.

Pride is not hate but love. White pride means admitting to yourself that it is okay to love yourself, your parents, your family, your nation, and your race, all the things the left and the media and the professors call shameful. White pride is not about hating other races but about accepting that you have inherited a wonderful legacy of hope and progress and freedom, which your ancestors worked hard to bestow upon you, and which it is your duty to guard and pass on to your own descendents. Until you understand this, you do not understand what white pride means. If you think it is hate, an unthinking reaction against nonwhites and thus defined by the actions of nonwhites rather than by the history and strength of whites, then you need to think hard about what pride really means.

no I just want what is best for all peoples, to remain peoples

Shills always belong on Sup Forums.
The shamers, especially the unsubtle ones like OP who are clearly here to be frustrating and smug, will always have a place here.
They remind us what we broke free from - the self-loathing, the constant humiliation, the fear, the way we'd always known that the silence imposed on us was beginning to fester from our mouths to our brains. They remind us that the leftist is manipulative, and that his manipulative nature is infectious, like a disease. They present the archetypes we'll meet in real life, to better hone us against the tactics of an intellectually dishonest mind.

The shill is our pox party, he hurts us so that we never forget what it was to be broken.

I don't understand what the problem is. If people want to live in ethno-state communities where they feel like they are with people they identify, then let them be. In California we literally have little china town which is exactly as it sounds. I strongly believe we should preserve diversity, not mix it up. It only leads to hate because people like you and others demonize us and dehumanizes us. And yet, you want us to drop our beliefs because it is you who is defining it as extreme. Sure there are literal retards wanting a race war. But in reality this is more of a tribal movement seeing how the majority of the time our "identity" is constantly attacked. What you would want to do to someone like me is be naive to the narratives going on in this world and just focus on myself. Because, that would be just a nice way of fucking over your own people so the overloads of this world doesn't have to bother with people like you. In the end, there is literally nothing wrong with wanting a different identity in your own surroundings. It's natural to want to be around other people who you identify with more closely. If your preferences is that their skin color is closer to yours, then so be it. There are exceptions.

Racism will end when pic related ends, full stop.


lucky trips get

88888 get?

Damn. I thought that was a clever reverse shill to convince shitpersons to leave the USA.

Why does this group discriminate against PoC? Are black nationalists not racist enough for you bigots?

Mate whites are the better race. I want to breed the shit skin out of me

yeah i guess you're right. the more they lurk the more they'll start 88'ing

>brochures on Judaism

אתה כמו ילד קטן

it's not really working. cultural marxism teaches them that there are victims and opressors. opressors are white man and everyone else are victims. mindboggingly at the same time they think being a white male not embracing "diversity" is because of a superiority complex and general hate.

it's just white genocide and while I understand what's happening and why I'm still surprised it so easy to brainwash so many people. They literally have to stop thinking to believe this cultural marxism shit.

I think pride in a race by "definition" is called racism. I don't see the harm in being prideful of your own race or wanting to propagate your own race values and common traditions. There is nothing wrong with wanting a more "white" western world. But we have to be realistic. Tone down the Spencers out of being so dark about the white race genocide. We should focus on upbringing ourselves up now. By default, I always work harder for other people who I think are similar to me. This is what OP doesn't understand and was fooled by (((them))). This isn't about resurrecting the "KKK" as an evil white supremacist wanting to lynch niggers all day long while throwing Jews into oven. Those idiots were driven off the wrong path. It's pretty clear we are all humans on this planet, but we need to separate ourselves and allow ourselves to grow independent of mixing up our cultures. Our only option to have empathy at our beliefs. I don't know, throw it out there how puppies are cute by not mixing them up with other breeds but are beautiful by maintaining their own breeds. You wouldn't want the pug to die off now would you? Some people feel the same way with their ethnic background (and that's a good thing)

You have prejudged and are prejudiced.

All people express tribal superiority.

You only try to prevent white tribal superiority, which makes you a racist.

This is about you thinking that ONLY white tribal instincts are bad, you racist.

You think your fascism is not a religion. You are wrong, you believe your racism is righteous.

You are as corrupt as the people you are trying to "help".

I will never stop hating and exposing jewish control . I will teach my 6 children to hate the elites .They :
>own media
>own the money supply
>use AIPAC - lobbying to subvert democracy
>use NGO's to overthrow countries through color revolutions all over the world
>fund terrorism ,including ISIS + created Hezbollah

>less than 2% of the population but 40+% of billionaires
>less than 2% of the population but almost half the supreme court
>founded bolshevism which killed hundreds of millions of christians and others
>use left /right to divide us
>pro mass immigration to destroy white people
>control hollywood and most media
>promotes degeneracy
Fuck you . We aren't asleep anymore.We know you've been kicked out of 100+ countries because you're a parasitic vermin.You really must be getting scared of the awakening. :)

>You are as corrupt as the people you are trying to "help".

Woops, brief rewrite needed.

You are as corrupt as you imagine the people you are trying to "help" are.

I know it won't work. But I've refrained my line of thinking thanks to the memes of the rainbow being about preserving diversity as a method of preserving your freedom of speech(burger language) in the manner of which, you prefer to express your speech in what kind of community you feel welcome in. I don't understand what is so shocking about preserving a particular culture. If there has been bad blood before in the past, then we simply learn from it and reshape our white western culture to be more peaceful(think of the Mormons) . Why instead, of wanting to genocide a culture and genocide an entire lineage of white breeding and instead be more tolerant in the wishes of a peaceful transition into a different, yet similar culture?

You mean the gentle, lovong leftists that have killed millions of people in the past? The new nice left that burns ferguson,and other cities, down? ANTIFA?The BLM cop killers? That left?
Oh, not the fringe? Do you mean the gentle establishment left that drone slaughtered half the middle east under obama? The gentle left that funded isis? The gentle left that killed seth rich ?Thats much better,right?
Nkce try shareblue ;) not.

It not our main focus user, we understand that all faiths (and no faith) are equal.
This is a miscategorization. People are People, we are all equals user.


Anger is the natural result of having their very rational concerns ignored, time and again, in favor of what sounds advantageous to politicians. Multiculturalism is a failed experiment by every objective metric.

This is apolitical. We seek to help those, like you, who have been indoctrinated into hate groups and other white power christian centric organizations.

>white power christian centric organizations

It literally takes infrastructure.
Which is why we know it's no accident.

>People are People, we are all equals user
No.People who've developed seperately over thousands of years are not equal. Niggers never even developed the wheel,they're happy sitting in their mud huts spreading AIDS and witch burning.

>we are all equals user.
No, we are not.

Welfare as a system keeps black people poor and uneducated, and punishes families for having a father. Democrats hold stronger chains on African Americans than any that could be made from the strongest metals we can make. Your people only benefit from treating the immigrants you pour into this country as slaves.

>We seek to help those,
No, you seek control, like you always do.


>who have been indoctrinated into hate groups

And who defines what is and isn't a hate group?

Yes you are correct user. You are biologically preforming in a near exact way as other humans. If you take a picture of pupils from over 1000 people you probably may not accurately tell what the color of their skin was, but that's not true. You can test over 1000 people in IQ tests and if you don't know the categories people have fallen into statistically globally, you wouldn't know how to separate people by test results alone. People are not equal. What is equal is the understanding of information. Everyone can understand information the same. But getting to the same results is SUBJECTIVE. Meaning, by definition, not equal. Once you are at the solution to the educational level as everyone else in your class, you are partially equal to the educational level as everyone in your class. But the subjective means in which your path was taken is not the same as any other student, and as such, is not equal. How much has the other kids learned, picked up on that other students didn't? There is no such thing as equality in this universe. Everything is precisely different.

this is shaping up to be a decent bestof/redpill thread

Moshi pls go

>Everyone can understand information the same.

False, there are bridges in perception itself.


I grew up in chicago you arrogant twat. . If you just took your trans-turtle "girlfriends" micro penis out of your progressive asshole for 5 minutes ,and actually walk out of your overpriced 300sq ft ivory tower studio apartment ,and actually lived among these beasts, you'd probably form a different opinion.


I'm black. Will you still help me?



You better run while you can.
The next holocaust won't be faked.

Here's one that is right up OP's alley


Not that OP's alley is exclusive real estate in any sense

Well put my subhuman friend, we'll gas you last.

>number to text has a 612 area code
I hate this cucked state so fucking much.

>We aren't ere to judge
>grow up and get past your hate

Neck yourself faggot

True, But I was pointing it out in a classroom setting not IQ and the correlation with abstract thinking in a whole society, which proves my point that getting to the same conclusion is subjective between you and I.
>And that's that (And that's a good thing)

We were once just like you, now we are here to help you escape this web of lies you are trapped in.
we have a mission focus on helping those indoctrinated in white nationalist organizations.
