Who was in the wrong here? Any updates on Aleksei - is he still alive?
Get in here fackin mierdas.
Literally /Our/guy
Who was in the wrong here? Any updates on Aleksei - is he still alive?
Get in here fackin mierdas.
Literally /Our/guy
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I hate him, but I don't want ,to die. He needs to live and meme around the world insulting people everywhere.
I fucking love this guy! Russians are the ultimate whites, perhaps the only uncucked whites left on the planet.
Post theme: m.youtube.com
So, the complete chronology of this event:
>1. While he was known to the local spics they mostly tried to ignore him. However some jew leaked him to the spics part of the internet and monkeys started butthurting. Butthurt was so big that muchachos TV came to his house to take an interview.
>2. Journos were not allowed to enter his house. Around the house a crownd of bystanders started to form. Someone called the Cartel police. Others brought a drone.
>3. Couple of journos used their racial abilities and picklocked the door of Alex house. Together with them the house was infiltrated by some enraged spic.
>4. The White Tiger knifes the spic even though he could simply break him with bare hands.
>5. Ambulance takes the knifed spic and the whole city block encircles the house.
>6. Spics from neibor towns and far edges of the city, being retarded as usual, started the siege of his house. They break the door and flood the house.
>7. The White Berserker is forced to retreat to the rooftop of his keep. Where he is under fire from the spic's siege engines throwing trash and rocks.
>8. The Great Warrior couldn't stant such a strong altillery barrage and loses is conciosnes after commiting a leap of faith from the roof.
>9. He is taken to a hospital. Pyrric victory of spics who lost 1 monkey trying to get the aryan master race berserker.
When is Alex time will be in Japan?
facking mierda
he's a hero, hope he gets better soon
I hate spics so god damn much holy shit
Bless this man
Story of his life:
>Born and raised in Elektrostal (small town near Moscow), he was a successful stock trader. His year income in 2000, for example, was 37 million rubles (1.2m$ at that time). Then for unknown reason he went insane and couldn't continue doing what he was doing, but he still remained non-aggressive and even worked as a diving instructor in Egypt and Spain. His early videos where he explains the diving basics clearly show that he was a calm, confident person, not even resembling the one we can see in the Mexican videos.
>As years passed, the insanity progressed. He was deported from Egypt and settled down in his parents' apartment in Elektrostal. There he started making his videos. He would walk around the town, push kids and the elderly people off his way, carry a huge knife and constantly talk on camera about how he hates everyone. He never did anything beyond that, though, but his videos brought media attention to him. He was finally noticed by the authorities and placed under obligatory psychiatric treatment.
>He was supposed to be under treatment for 6 months. Instead, there was only one month before he was released. After that for unknown reason he moved to Mexico and settled down in a slummy apartment. The old lady who owns the apartment is aware of his activities, but treats him soft and tender, thinking of him as of a big infant.
Aleksei must get the fuck out of that hellhole if he doesn't want some subhuman mentally ill cartel monkey to decapitate him.
>In Mexico he continued doing his favourite things. All the videos in this thread speak for themselves. Meanwhile he went more and more crazy. He developed a complex conspiracy theory in which literally everyone on the street, be it a woman with her child, a kissing couple or a random driver, was spying on him. He harassed people because he actually thought they are only pretending to do their regular activities and are instead watching him.
>Finally he was noticed by another Russian blogger in Mexico. The latter informed the media about him, the media bursted with articles, hence the angry mob near his apartment.
>I guess that's all we know for now.
>Who was in the wrong here?
Who even asks that question after watching all the videos? The guys a lunatic, your video shows him speaking out of an asylum window. It wouldn't matter where he was, you go and step on someones food while they are eating, guess what will most likely happen. Was he funny? Yes, just don't expect to not get your ass beat lol.
old thread
>Who was in the wrong here?
Insane people are not responsible for their actions.
>Finally he was noticed by another Russian blogger in Mexico.
god damn it I fucking lost it at Pyrrhic victory
>tells Mexicans they are shit and their country is shit
>steps on food
>taunts people
>jews decide to mess with him and get the beaners angry
>even with the entire Mexican villages attacking him he still wins.
Crazy Russian (as if there are anything but)-1
Lazy Mexicans - 0
Do you know why always showed his ID into the camera? I used to watch his videos years back and that always made my giggle.
To be a good stock trader you not only need to be intelligent but you need to have a very clear and healthy mind. I wonder what has to happen that you become mental fucked like him? What went on in his head? What kind of process?
From millionar in Russia to a Mexican slum. Life is really awful sometimes.
theres that russian propaganda we have been hearing all year long.
your version of events is bullshit and funny. he walked around for over a year, insulting, shoving, threatening, being a total piece of shit to everyone he walked by. he pushed too far and got what he deserved. nothing heroic, no last stand, his house is literally that little house on the roof. he talked shit about killing everyone he met and this is what happens.
good riddins to you fucking russian scumbags.
mexico has no castle doctrine, using anything but a bat is excessive force with a deadly weapon, killing people in self defense is not allowed.
He is fucked for killing a person
dudes crazy
that's why
Shiiiet nigga that white boi had it comin. Ain't no savin suka bylat boi
he was a diving instructor, some mexican forgot to fill his tank with air and he basically spent a lot of time without oxygen etc his brain sustained some heavy damage. i hope he can go back to his country ,these monkeys are gna kill him otherwise, and he doesnt seem like a bad guy
I feel sorry for the man - he's clearly a lunatic.. I feel sorry for everybody that was in his path - what a lunatic. But the one person that needs to be blamed is that dickhead vlogger that caused the whole disaster.Maybe a second lynching is in order
>Going from being a rational and calm man with incredibly high salary in Russia to an insane husk of what he used to be in Mexico
Because schizophrenics like to fetishise things. And since in our society the most important things are documents and other valuable papers, they tend to fetishise them more.
he ate food tainted with botulism in cancun and the medical crisis gave him brain damage
he did as proof of being allowed to roam the streets without being deported. he was basically saying "i can be here and you cant kick me out and heres my proof"
I think he's a badass, and he probably still has some of that money.
so what was his excuse for being a piece of shit in russia? he did all that shit talking and shoving old ladies down to the ground in russia too
>killing people in self defense is not allowed
what an absolute fucking shithole.
He's a shizophrenic who's been treated in a mental ward. Make your guess.
In Germany if someone breaks into your house and you own a dog who attacks the thief, you have to pay his treatment costs (if unlucky, so expensive that you have to pay him the rest of your life).
Calling you a "fag" get your imprison, same shit with trans shits. Luckly cops give no shits about this,but if a media event blooms you get fucked
fuck him. the burger said he ate bad food and thats why lordnazi was a piece of shit. he was already fucked up before he got to mexico.
He's a piece of shit who deserves to be attacked by a horde of subhumans but his vids are pretty funny.
I moved my post from the other thread.
Nothing, he basically just insulted people swearing and crying nothing sensible youtu.be
Os matáis para meter coca en usa por 4 duros y habéis sido incapaces de hacer una mierda durante años cuando el soplanucas este se ha estado riendo hasta de vuestra policia.
Sois una jodida vergüenza, que Dios me perdone, pero a estas alturas prefiero peruanos, ecuatorianos o incluso bolivianos.
I don't speak cuck man
In Spain is more or less the same.
And some people will have the guts to meme about the USA when we have to suffer this bullshit here.
Literally dystopic.
I blame the political left, logically.
lol that vid. is there one big montage of all his stupid shit with sabaton mixed all in it yet ?
Drug cartels are also supposed to be illegal, but yet they still exist. Why do you care about the laws in a third world country?
>that slow walk as you're being stoned to death
it's almost biblical
thats what was bound to happen. he walked around treating people like shit and they got fed up. the cops couldnt do shit. he couldnt be deported. so he got fucked up. maybe hell stop being a piece of shit and watch his mouth next time..if hes still alive. i guaranty you all that crazy schitzo shit goes out the window if he survives and has to live in mexico, he'll be a saint.
Its sad and the fuckin mierdas acted like savages
It takes courage to insult everyone around. He killed the one who broke into his home. He did not nothing wrong in this case.
And this video just a meme
They should have just called the police and try to get him deported or sue for damages in the case of the people attacked by him, the lynching thing is obvious overcompensation.
What you lookin at fakin mierda?
Sadly no, there're also a couple of good webms but 3MB limit won't allow to download them here.
so is he courageous or crazy? and how courageous is it to scream russian insults at mexicans? he did say "shit" and "your mother" to them but they figured he was a drunk...either way he had this coming. hes no here hes a piece of shit nutbag
Courageous crazy one.
How the fuck did he get those pigs in there?
Just loading them onto a trailer is hard as fuck, I had to rope them and drag them with a fucking horse, they fight HARD.
Damn I wish this kind of stuff happened in my boring town - fun for the whole family
Russian chris-chan
I think now you know who and how hacked your elections
he was legally allowed to be in mexico, he kept flashing his legal papers on camera. couldnt be deported. the lynching is the frustration of having this fuck walking around like hes untouchable insulting and threatening little kids and old ladies. he got what he deserved
It was the Russians all along!
He killed the guy AFTER they broke into his house to lynch him, YOU ARE LYING ABOUT THE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS AGAIN U FUCKING MIERDA
He killed the guy in self defense,
>mexicans still lose a monkey
you mexishits are useless like that, get over it
if youre crazy you dont know consequences to your actions. it takes courage to do something where you know your consequences could be fatal. hes not courageous if hes crazy.
It was Alex
They did, he did the same with the cops, i've following him for years. There's a video of him with cops, open air with bar table and he's: facking mierda.
The gave him permanent residence. Mexicans are the worse
>Video of Alex stabbing the kid
serious question:
why do russians hang rugs on the wall?
are russians just really impressed with tapestrys or something?
Then sue him, if he was such a violent thug who recorded everything there would be an easy case against him.
OMG he is one of (((((((((((THEM)))))))))))))
What happens in his head can not be understood by us. How he sees the world around and how he sens time. This is all beyond our understanding. This explains everything.
sometimes a bully needs to get fucked up hard so he can learn a lesson. do you think hell go back to yelling out fakin mierda at old ladies again?
can someone one give me a rundown of this guy?
so far all I know is he was scuba diver instructor
somehow he became a crazy nazi bully in Russia
leaves Russia and goes to Mexico
bullies the fuck out Mexicans
lived in on roof top shack
has a lot of money apparently
he said some shit about a woman and walked on a kids beach picnic
locals get tired of his shit
one kid get's stabbed by him
they proceed to lynch him
he plays dead and is in coma and possibly paralyzed?
there needs to be a book and movie made about this guy.
>defending yourself is either illegal or will put you in immense debt
what kind of human beings would allow this?
Then he probably never did something actually criminal.
Is crushing the potato chips of some mexican kids who are blocking the street worth of a lynching mob with the aim to kill?
He said "merda" not "mierda"
Keeps warmth
Persian carpets are really nice.
But it's pretty old tradition and you won't find it in a new types of housing
NO ,they proceed to lynch him
He is literally schizophrenic, for fucks sake.
A crazy person also knows about the consequences. He's not an addict. His craziness is that he can not control the processes in his head and be built into the society around him.
Alex managed to film the Jew who called ewoks to lynch him
>there's a yoba icon in some of his videos
>A crazy person also knows about the consequences
that depends on the type of crazy.
>crushing the potato chips of some mexican kids who are blocking the street
nothing like that happened. the kids werent in his way. he walked over to them and stepped on their food. that was just one instance of him being a piece of shit. he got what he derved
Oblivious Europeans indoctrinated with decades of politically enforced cultural marxism.
Holy fuck, what a fucking badass! this is literally Vlad the impaler reborn!
i know the kid was part of the lynch mob and deserved to get shanked, but the lynching happened on the roof, looks like the kid was stabbed at the entrance to go up the stairs.
it's all confusing since I don't speak spic.
>there needs to be a book and movie made about this guy
Why has this story not made it to american news yet? Someone tell CNN and Fox for epic lulz and promotion.
Oh, youtube :3
then he should have been locked up in russia. fuck him.
>he can not control the processes in his head
so in other words his actions dont take courage, his actions are unstoppable. he probably wishes he could stop but cant. fuck him either way. hes useless.
no no no
>Alex on the roof
>classic afternoon yelling facking mierdas to mexicans
>recording his usual videos
>mexicans start throwing rocks to him
>30 mexicans try to lynch him
>wounded, inside his appartment, grabs a knife
>26 mexicans runs
>3 are recording, one is a 14yo kid
>Alex stabs him
look the video
The jew comes to the battlefield and enjoys the implementation of his wicked plans youtube.com
There were cops at the beggining. It was in the moment in which they left when the gangs broke into his shitty house.
PS: Why aren't we sleeping, Spanishbros?
Hippy camgirls in your country do pretty much the same with mandalas and shits. Check it, burger.
Is he really a Jew?
stupid fucking spics merdas celebrate wanting to kill a mentally ill man because he offended their tiny little pride, fucking animals openly wanting to kill a man with mob mentality.
I can understand some lad get offended in person if he insulted him so he smacks him, but getting 40 monkeys to attack a single man with rocks and sticks??? Like what the fuck? fucking retards celebrating their violent savage ways on social media and being proud of their shit hole cartels now.
This embarrass me.
Ultimately this guy would've jjust continued to be an eccentric a$$hole, and that dead teenager would be alive today if that other vlogger didn't make Alex a bean-meme
>just one instance of him being a piece of shit
His funniest video. Don't be a meanie.