Instead of running into the countryside like little bitches. Why don't we take the cities back?

Buy up blocks of housing and then import tough Eastern European Christians to hold them?

Why the heck should we let the nogs have all the cheap housing?

Screw the public school and just create a home school network.

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy five thousand dollar detroit houses

>move in hard as fuck polish families who will BTFO the inner city gangsters

i kind of like this idea

It is starting to happen.

The niggers attack it as gentrification. It's okay when blacks move to white areas but when whites move to black areas they chimp out.

You need the castle law supported by the government before white reconquista can occur.

It is called gentrification and democrats do it.

Isn;t this literally what Hipsters are doing? They are pricing out sheboons and their baby daddies and making cities safe.

Yes but imagine if we had families buying up blocks who were hardcore white nationalists

They create local businesses

They create a homeschool network

We take back the cities and turn them into fortresses

We get the cops on our side and help them lock up criminals and we beat the shit out of them too


Create White Ethnic neighbors would families who basically know they will be the tip of the spear

Do exactly what the Jews are doing in Palestinian territory

Then who would populate the trailers in North Dakota?

This i want gopniks and chavs instead of niggers and spics atleast i can be robbed by a white man

If you look at a lot of American cities

Most of the buildings are from the early 1900s

These are the buildings that whites used to own and make beautiful

American cities used to be beautiful, tight knit communities

The suburbs have turned us into soft cucks

When you are surrounded by niggers on a daily basis it is impossible to not be redpilled

We need to being back white ethnic neighborhoods

Import Ukrainians like crazy

another benefit of this, is that it makes staging a revolution\coup much easier. since we can plan it in person without the FBI reading it

I like that idea

>a spic punching a woman

Yeah that's the alt-right for you.

Sounds like Chicago.

Cities are dreadful depressing places. They are perfect to concentrate a population to die en masse. Living in overcrowded conditions cause people to be shitty to one another.

Yeah that's why all cities have been wiped out.

lol wait turns out they're super durable and don't disappear like small towns and actually are the only important parts of any country

Son you have 2 choices

Option 1
>live in the suburbs
>everything far away and overpriced
>surrounded by bourgeoise liberal pussies
>2 acres of land max
>mortgage jew slave

Option 2
>cheap urban plot
>without even lecturing your family they will understand that around black you can never relax
>buy houses easy, fix em up and sell them
>become your own boss so you can outwardly support white nationalism without any risks

We Aryan Germanic people of Christ must unite under the constitution and wage holy wars against our tyrannical government to secure the future for us and our white children.

Can we get an opinion from an eastern European?
Any pollacks or Ukrainians that would do this? Or do you know of any?

That's literally the definition of gentrification, burger. Basketball Americans are increasingly up in arms about it because even race traitor hippies bring civilization with them when they move to black areas.

so which city is /our city?

I live in the outer city and I'm planning on leaving. You aren't taking them back. They need to be nuked.

You pick urban rust belt areas that aren't popular.

Going for NYC, Chicago, Detroit are too big

Find smaller cities in your region that everyone ignores for obvious reasons

This is militant gentrification done by white nationalists not...Im a faggot hipster and want to coexist with black people meme

We take over blocks of the city
We take the small corner stores
We take control the rent who is gets rented to

We can encourage white migration by pricing nice places for dirt cheap and only giving it to whites

This is a planned reconquest

>city life too hard

Moving to the suburbs or the country won't cure your frailty, user. It will just be coddled.

No the white man built them

Now he must take them back

The problem is, those blacks go somewhere else, usually to poorer suburbs and smaller towns outside of cities, thus spreading there niggardtry even further.

The best course of action is bottling them up in cities and keeping them away from the rest of America.

I'd rather survive than die in the city, thanks.
>Now he must take them back
No thanks, I'm moving to the countryside at the first opportunity. And all of the culture and the accent I've picked up with living in a city can go as well.

No we take their homes from them

Then they get pissed off and want to move somewhere

So we meme them to Africa

This is the plan fucknuts

We are taking America back

The suburbs need to remain overpriced

Maybe Irish would assimilate better?

>smaller cities in your region that everyone ignores for obvious reasons
Every city in Alaska, that'd be a start

I don't really blame you

At least in America the cities aren't dominated by Muslims

For that you actually need some sort of militancy about you to get the job done

Alaska is already HUUwhite

I guess you have indians but they are too small in numbers to be a threat

We need to focus on Mexicans and Blacks

Only through military re-conquest could we take back the cities, and that's not happening anytime soon.

Once America sorts our problem out we will help you retake Britain and then Europe

Hold firm until then and have lots of white kids

if it was easy as rounding up and genociding the niggers it would be one thing, but the amount of protection they have despite their worthlessness greatly complicates things

Hurry up then, we haven't got forever.

we are taking the cities back. its called the back to the city movement. millenials love it. every city in america is hyper gentrifying in its downtown these days. where have u been user?

There are plenty of niggers and Hawaiians in Anchorage bud, if you'd ever been there you'd know that

more whites, we need to out breed these fucks again

1. lol that you think you're going to die in the city

2. lol that you think you'll be safer in Methville or Herointown, USA.

Enjoy having your house stripped of copper while you're dying a horrible death at the hands of farming equipment.

Hey Bannon! How's the weather in Mecca?

they try this around here but the lofts that these yuppie hipsters move into have gunshot holes in the windows

wonder if that makes them rethink their decision?

You obviously have never been to the cities in Britain, let alone the countryside.

Nice catch

Yes I understand that

But this movement is led by homosexual commies

We need to hijack the movement

Make it Aggressively White Nationalist

Literally beat the shit out of wayward nogs who loiter on our side of the city

White spite

>lol even harder at dying in a British city

Visit Chicago motherfucker, drive through the South Side. Then talk about how dangerous your city is because Muslims refuse to shine your shoes on sight.

We really need some smart biochem user to create some sort of super virus that will attach on a gene only found within black people. Then just release that shit simultaneously on all continents in as many major cities as they can. Create one for the other "minorities" and then we can rebuild from the ashes. At that point, globalism won't matter because whites will be the future. We can guide our species with scientific fact and eugenics to ensure a prosperous and fruitful future for all.

>what are the fucking boondocks with no one around for miles

...oh wait, burgerland doesn't have personal space, we only have that in AK

So recreate the ghettos of the early
1900's to spark an industrial boom?
So what are you gonna do have them
work at your etsy factory?

Cincinnati would be good. Look at Westwood, West End, Price Hill and Bond Hill to start. Most neighborhoods in the city are the same. Beautiful old homes and historic neighborhoods overrun by hoodrats and heroin.

Shit skins live in cities because they don't have the ability to live in harmony with a community. They're a bunch of fucking leeches who need huge cities to hide their degeneracy and lack of social skills.

I recognize thine dubbs brother and also this name is great

We need to meme White Spite into existence

I want to see it trending when I do a google search of Sup Forums

We need to fuck the niggers and flush them out of their enclaves

No more nice mister white guy

Its back to Africa with you

too late

plus ww3 soon

cities will be the first to go

I like this idea.
I'm sure your jewish pals would enjoy it.
This is a good response. Get a rough idea working, and I'd sign up.

>Why the heck should we let the nogs have all the cheap housing?

it's only cheap because it's only nigs

what determines price, stupid fuck?

a bunch of rich whites rush back into the city, what do you think happens to prices?

get off my Sup Forums retard

Its called Scale

Globalization has totally fucked us over and created a society that is disproportionate

There is nothing wrong with small scale cities and there are plenty of necessary jobs that have to do with trades

Cities lack community, it's a type of life that makes you a liberal due to this. Why would any sane white person want to make their children grow up around niggers to be liberals when they could grow up in the beautiful country?

You're arguing that we should sacrifice our children's future for cheap entertainment on our door step

Listen up man who can't think outside the box

The people that own the apartments determine the rental price

If we could get major funding from an anonymous white nationalist

We could be letting good Christian white families have very cheap afforabdle housing

We do not Jew our own tribe

Cheap, nice housing for whites. To create affordable ethnic communities

No cars needed
No Jewish mortgage needed

We take care of our own

>The people that own the apartments determine the rental price

no, the market determines the rental price

if apartment owner charges too high a price nobody rents it. too low a price and he's flooded, then he realizes he can raise his prices

econ 101, go back to school then try again

>If we could get major funding from an anonymous white nationalist

welfare is your solution? muh master race amirite? time to stop posting

No one had a problem living in cities when they were all white

Look at Europe

The cities are fucking beautiful and great places to live

Our generation is the generation of struggle

We must unfuck the world that was left to us

Showing your children how shitty nogs/spics are is a lesson worth more than anything

The suburbs are the only reason why White Democrats exist today. They can hide from blacks in their nice 1 acre faggot plots

If you want to go into the countryside its called a weekend vacation

If you want more than that go be a farmer

How will you impor tough Christian European ? Post on an European classified "wanted fought male Christian"

>be alaskan
>eat whale blubber and bud light for breakfast
>go to work
>build igloo all day
>drink vodka for lunch
>come home to stupid kid with tongue stuck on the wall
>drink hardest liquor available
>wife burnt the seal steaks again and melted half the house
>drink hand sanitizer
>lay down and cuddle with pet penguin

Listen up simpleton

This is a culture war

The landlords would make a pact to only look for whites and keep the prices down

The goal isn't profit you fucking nigger

The goal is to create white blocks of power within cities

This is reconquest not petty bourgeoisie money games

Having a large financial backer would mean we could control more homes and offer lower prices for white families who needed it

This isn't government welfare

You sound like a liberal faggot.
As in you try to force others to do what you should have been doing yourself in the first place before preaching like a broken record.

All Eastern Europeans are by nature tough and haven't taken the western european blue pill

We shill for the government to save the poor oppressed people of Ukraine

Any white area dealing with any sort of problem we make a big deal about it

We create sad story propaganda and play up to muh feels

Then we try and get them relocated in areas we want

Sup Forums is big enough to overtake most of Detroit, as long as Sup Forums is willing to also engage in gang warfare. The property prices are insanely low. You'd only need one or two large benefactors to eat it all up.

Sup Forums is a place to flesh out ideas. Im sorry this hadn't occurred to me until now

This has been happening for years.

Been to NYC lately?

If all the new whites that moved in had guns, we could quickly walk the streets and any nignog we see committing a crime, we can legally shoot them and another white can move into their house.

Lol Alaska has a horrific substance abuse problem and a tragically low life expectancy. Wonder why.

I feel like Detroit would be too obvious

We should try and look to do this on a smaller scale and more discreetly

Besides we don't want to be clustered all in one place

We want to chip away at the Democrat power base

We should try this in every state

Turn the blue states purple and take away from their traditional voting power base


good idea t-b-h

Sup Forums keeps screeching about how non-white we Eastern Euro Christians are.

Make up your mind, cockworshipers.

Why would we stay in the city? Where we can't own land and grow crops necessary for survival, where we can't or don't feel comfortable enough to store arms and ammunition, where our children are forced into leftist indoctrination camps and we have to have wagecuck jobs focused on bullshit specialization just to feed our family and survive and barely save up any money. City life is shit, let's face it. If you can find a nice community ~30 minutes away on the outskirts of a city where you can own at least a few acres and live in a community of more like-minded conservative people that would be better. Leave the cities to the feeble minded moronic intersectional feminists and watch as their little science experiment fails miserably.

There's nothing for you in the city. Join the rest of your brothers and sisters in the countryside, in the mountains, far away from the degenerates and lunatics. There's no saving them. We aren't running away, we're returning home to nature where we belong. And from there, of course, we can centralize our forces.

Yes but again thats not a movement its a trend.

And its not done systematically with a purpose

Its done by faggot hipsters

You're an idiot. The cities are where this liberalism grew, it's a direct response. Of course no one minds easy access to food and entertainment but it's a cost you past down the line in social decay.

>Muh whites are magical
Not an argument.

We want white people

Honestly moving out of the city sounds like a marvellous plan for white people to do because it will be the cities that will most likely be nuked


I get this line of thought

But urban faming is a real thing and people are doing it. Guy on youtube makes over 60k a year farming small plots of land inside a city. Its possible.

Cities don't have to be isolated from nature. Sure they will never be rural farms.

But just because our cities today are ugly and filled with minorities doesn't mean we can't fix them and make them what we want

Cities have the potential to create extremely strong bonds and communities. This is really the cornerstone of civilization

Being from a certain part of the city used to mean something. Because depending on the borough it had its own culture and dominant ethnicity.

My family never left. Live and work in a garage my old man started in the 70s. Own rental property too. South Side Chicago. Have I had a few problems? Yes. Do I make good money by being honest and doing good work? Yes. Are my employees Black and Puerto Rican? Yes. Do I get fucked with? Hardly. White people fled like a beaten army but not all. And there's more than you think living and working in ghettos. If you're not a pussy there is opportunity there. People that want good work but not be cheated and people that want to work but not be taken advantage of. Is there drugs crime and violence? Of course it's a big city.Since when that wasn't a fact.

Do it faggots, especially here in California, my family has been trying to get away from these niggers and illegals all our life but they ALWAYS appear in the nice neighborhood I end up in. To make things worse, now there are hajis appearing out of nowhere, I'm about to take a job in some remote part of the country just to get away from all of this

And no I'm not white, I just want to be left the fuck alone so I can raise a family away from niggers, hajis and chicano/cholo scum

Liberalism has multiple causes and the root cause is most definitely not urbanization.

There is nothing about cities that by nature turns people into liberals.

Especially when you have tight knit conservative communities...who have an objective of creating ethnic neighborhoods

Look what the Muslims are doing in the UK

Are the Muslims becoming liberal?

No, they are creating fucking no zones with a sharia underground

Because we can just bomb cities later and easily kill all the trash.

Man was intended to live along side nature.

We need more people like your family in America

We flee to the suburbs and become soft.

Furthermore we become isolated from our people.

Suburban communities are a joke. They are nothing. They are a big chain grocery store and some some shitty generic restaurants.

Then in the suburbs you forget what black people are really like so you become a democrat and vote to destroy your own race.

We ran away from our problems. We cerated a perverse mindset and now its coming back to bite us.

The city life can be great. We built them. They don't have to be disgusting hell holes. We can create the balance of nature/architecture that we like

Look at Europe..they do it today

The suburbs are not sustainable and they create cucks

You should have cities and then rural if you want to be a farmer. The suburbs should be gassed

Yes Muslims are becoming more liberal. They become complete degenerates and then use suicide bombing to redeem themselves and get into Heaven. You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about you yankie cunt.

that's called gentriifcation, and it's already happening everywhere worth living.

>waste your one lifetime battling shitskins for control of a filthy congested cesspool of degeneracy
Yeah, I'll take my house innawoods thx

I get living in nature and living a simple faming life. It sounds great.

But why should American cities be so fucking disgusting. Europeans can have nice cities. Why can't we?

And why can't we remake our cities to include nature

Limit commercialism within them to have nature. To limit the size of the buildings. To create an architectural style

Humans are social creatures. Cities will always exist. We should make them better and not surrender them to the minorities

You've obviously never been to Washington DC where there are established upper middle class black neighborhoods that cant be gentrified out.

One thing I'll say and then Ill shut up

European cities are beautiful. All your conveniences right there. Easy transportation. Culture. Etc.

Then surrounding it is nature. So you basically have a city surrounded by real untouched nature or farmland. You get the best of both worlds

America is just so overbuilt.

>This isn't government welfare

I didn't say "government" welfare. but it's still welfare, never going to happen, not how the market works and most rich people aren't stormtarded, stupid fuck

OP's post referenced "cheap housing"

if the housing isn't cheap then it's not relevant to the discussion, and nowhere did I say all black neighborhoods are poor

They've been doing this since the owner of the LA times and his cronies bought orange valley during the LA water wars. After they diverted a river, the land value there to skyrocket. And made them billons.

You don't take it back block by block like some fucking scrappers. You're white men have some dignity.

You get a financial backer, you hire lawyers with connections, you get the city to back redevelopment plans you attack them, shut their water, arrest them, shut down the trash and buy the whole damn thing.

Then sit back as the problem gets "fixed" and you make billions.

But it is not about race. It's about urban blight, and urban renewal. This is about getting hard working honest blacks some home equity and safe neighborhoods.

Btw dipshits how do you think trump got rich?

I bring Ivan Ivanovsky and his 6 kids from coldest region of Eastern Russia, $15 Detroit home like dream to him.


what's that? you mean the part of israel held by other people with no claim to it?

It's called gentrification and you're hardly the first to think of it.

But it takes guts to be the first white on your block. Nobody wants to visit you and you better not have a wife and kids; they will suffer even more.

I no longer live in the NYC area, but I'm told the once-unlivable Bed-Stuy area is now beautiful and sought-after. Same with Harlem and the Lower East Side.

Sure, why not, I say, if you're willing to try it. Many of the historic areas are ripe for the picking, and the old homes are beautiful (if you can restore them).

this is already happening

t. durham nc