Redpill me on how the US selling 110 billion in arms is making America great again.
Seriously......... Trump....... you said we are going to be on top, we are going to protect our nation. Why are we helping Saudi Arabia? I'd love to know.
Redpill me on how the US selling 110 billion in arms is making America great again.
Seriously......... Trump....... you said we are going to be on top, we are going to protect our nation. Why are we helping Saudi Arabia? I'd love to know.
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trump is a kike, how are you BASED PEDES still not getting it? he cucked us.
we get cheap oil and our industry makes a big sale to a reliable customer.
if you wanna pay $6/gallon for gas to free your conscience, move to Europe.
They kill the sandniggers instead of us doing it all, we sell them the weapons and save American lives. Getting us out of the middle east while still controlling it is a big part of MAGA.
i can imagine the mental gymnastics you had to make to accept the fact that Trump did an extremely stupid deal.
This isn't simple to explain but i'll give you a simple answer.
Oil is sold on the global market in fantasy dollars, and the dollar is mainly backed by oil.
Put the two together alongside Saudi Arabia helping to support Israel and Shia Iran supporting rebels in Sunni majority states and you create the perfect symbiotic relationship, where the host and the parasite don't kill each other for the betterment of them both.
Pretty nice deal if you ask me, but once the oil is gone, they will take Iran backed Iraq and Syria.
he didnt cuck us
there's a 1000 billion dollar arms industry at stake
just like he said, (((they))) have trillions on the line,
nothing short of a memetic revolution will be required. we are still in year one of this effort
It was a trade. 100 billion in arms in exchange for a 50 billion infrastructure investment on US soil.
Trump has always been jobs first.
Part of his master plan.
Sauds give up a ton of money to America and create ton of jobs here
They proceed to use those weapons to kill other muslims
If they sell any to ISIS Trump can put the blame on them and have reason to eradicated them.
Money + more dead muslims + more jobs.
There's literally no downsides.
>110 billion
It's going to be a series of deals worth 350 billion
>It was a trade. 100 billion in arms in exchange for a 50 billion infrastructure investment on US soil.
It wasn't a trade at all Trumpcuck, the 50 billion infrastructure money is a gift like the ones they used to give to Shillary that you all cried so much about, they're still paying for all their new weapons, I wonder what they will do with their old weapons? give them to their proxy army perhaps?
>If they sell any to ISIS Trump can put the blame on them and have reason to eradicated them.
Trump is still training "'''''moderate rebels''''' in Syria, there's no 4D chess just deranged mental gymnastics from his supporters.
if Trump is so worried about muh poor children in Syria he would nuke the Saud's for what they're doing in Yemen, Saudi's are the number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism, the entire Wahhabism ideology was born in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi's are the least moderate Muslims in the world
Yea that's really nice except that the Saudis are literally arming ISIS.
Don't fall for the neocon myth that "iran is no 1 on terror" when the gulf states have been the top exporter of extermism for the last 30 years
But hey, at least the military industrial complex gets to make a lot of money!
Obama inks arms deal
Republicans : Traitor
Democrats : good trade.
Trump inks arms deal
Republicans : good trade
Democrats : Traitor
just say its sucking Saudi dick you cuck
Saudis have funded more terrorists against west than Iran.
I don't know why USA is friends with saudi
American jobs
Actually I don't know what USA gets by staying in Middle East.
Much of USA oil comes from Canada not middle east
>It was a trade. 100 billion in arms in exchange for a 50 billion infrastructure investment on US soil.
So what, they're now the Chinese-Canadians of America?
Government creates jobs by spending your money.
Jobs would have beer created as well if you would have spent that money instead of government.
Thief : Give me your money
Trumpcuck : This is stealing!
Thief : I will spend your money in shopping so I will create jobs.
Trumpcuck : Ohh wow here take my watch too.
These Trumpcucks are delusional socialists
I thought the same as you OP. But I have heard points that the arms the Saudi's are receiving are not our newest technology, except for a radar system they are getting from US. Meaning we can still whoop ass if needed.
> I am mad at Trump for the deal
> then I see something this monumentally pants-shittingly retarded
Yes, you retard, promising x amount in infrastructure in the Untied States is the exact same as bribing the President. Holy mother of GOD are you stupid.
you first have to prove that selling weapons to saudi arabia makes america unsafe mr. 1 post by this id.
>1000 billion
usa and saudi fund isis, best friends forever
>selling 110 billion dollars of 100% american product going to american companies that pay american taxes
>not making america great again
wtf drug are you on? I suggest you clean yourself up and get your shit together man
because you're the supreme goys, your orange guys is just prolonguing the inevitable, which is getting america utterly BTFO
>bu bu but muh savior
waiting for him to keep arming those psychos