/ptg/ President Trump General - Comfy Trip Edition

Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #17 5/19/17
>SoS T-Rex & saudi FM presser 5/20/17
>Pres Trump/King Salman sign agreements 5/20/17
>Pres Trump Sword dancing 5/20/17
>Pres Trump in Saudi Arabia 5/20/17
>Pres Trump arrives in SA, greeted by King 5/20/17
>Pres Trump departs for his "God Bless Me" tour 5/19/17
>Pres Trump @ Coast Guard Academy 5/17/17

>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


The scumbag "investigator" (and FOX News commenter) who claimed Seth Rich sent emails to WikiLeaks was retained by the Rich family on the advice of Ed Butowsky, a wealthy right-wing businessman who also just happens to be another FOX News commentator/Breitbart writer that also offered to pay for this "investigator's" fees.

Introducing Mr. Rod Wheeler, the most neutral and honest "investigator" in the world.

Introducing Ed Butowsky, the selfless financier of the world's best investigator:

In the last eight years under the Obama administration we experienced anemic growth. Throughout Trump’s campaign and now in his first 100 days he has made very clear recommendations that could provide us the economic growth we need in the United States. Ed Butowsky, top wealth manager in Dallas, managing partner of Chapwood Investment, LLC, and Fox Business Financial Advisor, joins Varney & Co to discuss the slow economic growth left from previous administration and what economic plans Trump has up his sleeves that can turn this around.

Millionaire Reportedly Funding the Investigation into Seth Rich’s Murder is Frequent Fox News Guest

The Family Of A Murdered DNC Staffer Has Rejected A Report Linking His Death To WikiLeaks

Oh, it's not like the Republicans had this wealthy Fox News commenter/Breitbart author manipulate the financially impoverished and grieving Rich family by offering them the services of a right-wing hack so he could later distract from the Russia story by falsely claiming on Fox that SR sent WikiLeaks emails, right? No, Republicans are the most honest people in human history! /s

The right-wing are the most gullible useful idiots. Look at how easily manipulated they are by the simple tweet from an enemy's embassy.

dumb pizzaniggers

well /ptg/?

>Look at the world and look at what supposedly smart, enlightened and sophisticated people who think they're so above it have done and continue to do. Oh, but I'm sure your special pleading is different.
There's a hand full of people that fit my mold. My argument isn't that most people (atheists) don't need or have religions. My argument is that if you understand what religion is then you can understand why this is the reality of the world. On top of that, if you are also smart enough to chose the best existing elements of philosophy and religion, you can live even better than tying yourself down to one (simple for simplicity's sake) ideology. The only special plea I need is myself, who is successful, happy, self employed, not a statist, works with his hands, hold a medical degree and a bachelors of science in biology, has no mental or sexual dysfunctions, and no addictions. That's not evidence that I'm correct, but having a body and mind that can exist in this way is certainly why I see things in a more nuanced way.

Holy shit. Hannity is actually going to do it. Fug.

Shit's about to get real AF.


top kek m8

Get fucked Joe

Thanks for the bake user-kun.

>The Family Of A Murdered DNC Staffer Has Rejected A Report Linking His Death To WikiLeaks
Prove it.


what's new fellas


KT Macfarland is fucking hot as shit


Is there anything stopping Trump from using the $40bn in infrastructure spending on The Wall, so we don't have to squabble with Cuck Schumer over it in September?


The (((family))) in question is actually a (((spokesman))) for the family that's worked as a DNC crisis consultant in the past.

Dont forget humble

>even the clothing designers are coming around to supporting FLotUS
by this time next year Trump's approval will be in the 70s
screencap this

>Palestine: Historic peace deal possible under Trump.

What did Palestine mean by this?

Fucking idiot russia is no ones enemy. Explain right now how russia is a threat to the usa go fucking ahead you dumb reddit faggot. Holy shit.

$40B in investment spending means Saudis are paying Americans $40B to build stuff for them in the US. It's not going directly to the Treasury.

I'm sure he's got his top legal Jews looking into it.

jesus, I do 23 and am in DYEL mode

The seth rich conspiracy theory is the perfect example of why trumpfags are doomed to devour itself. The people supporting Seth Rich care nothing about him. He's simply a story they use to troll liberals. They wrap themselves in the conservative blanket but they don't care about conservatism either.

They are just lashing out because they fail consistently in their own lives. They are the person who will hurl insults online but are too shy in real life to ask someone at a store where something is.

Conservatives are just attracting troubled young men who want to use the platform to exert power over others. They hate women most of all because it's women who give them the most difficulty in life.

This is not sustainable, because when the GOP is full of Trumps, no one with any competence will be around. It will just be run by guys who would rather eat something they didn't order than have to talk with a server to get it exchanged

i wonder what things will be like in 6 months. will the seth rich/russia shit have gone nuclear?

Trump really should start hiring some hardcore constitutional lawyers from all the firms he knows. The Dems even trying to start impeachment would set such a disastrous precedent for high crimes and misdemeanors and forever damage the entire US government and Constitution. They should be made to suffer when their stupidity is fully known and displayed for even suggesting such a notion

So is the $40 billion from Saudi Arabia for US infrastructure going to the wall?

bullshit. no fucking way. kim dotcom is lying his ass of. dont fall for it hannity, you are to important to become a punchline like geraldo.

dear lord, please let this all work out in the end.

Is this wise? I have heard Kim has been known for fake news a few times and I never followed him closely to judge for myself.

Threatening to move the US embassy to Jerusalem means Trump is willing to let Israel annex all of the Palestinian territories and boot the dunecoons out for good. This gives him fantastic negotiating leverage.


Disavow that ID right now!

>reddit spacing


I'm watching random clips from during the election and this one was cute. Trump gives a little girl his autograph and she's mad excited.


In that way I am like Moses, who is said in the Bible to be more humble than anyone (also he is supposed to have wrote that part)

not a thing. the funding was the only issue. the president can do whatever he wants with the land on the border. all it takes is a simple stroke of the pen

It's a weird situation. I hate the Jews and the sand niggers.


Please keep bringing Seth up, you dont sound worried

You've failed to prove it, so go fuck yourself, nigger.

Melania should tell them to get fucked after snubbing her back in January.

I'm really wondering if Sup Forums is going to have a genuine change in viewing the Arabs after this trip.

You just know the real problems are going to come when he gets to Europe.


>The Ultimate Deal

NTNN MAY 20, 2017
>President in Saudi Arabia
>Gets red carpet treatment
>Greeted by King
>King Salman tweet: "We welcome @POTUS Trump to KSA. Mr. President, your visit will strengthen our strategic cooperation, lead to global security and stability."
>Melania and Ivanka forego wearing headscarves
>Receives highest civilian honor
>Leans down to receive neckwear
>Libs (and Joe) claim this is Trump "bowing" to Saudis
>Pres Trump DOESN'T actually bow (unlike Bobama)
>Saudi men fawn over Ivanka
>Saudi foreign minister uses "drain the swamp" line
>T. Rex and Pres Trump participate in sword dance
>Pres/SA sign arms deal

>Hurr durr a conspiracy with circumstantial evidence and weird coincidences is fake
>Hurr durr MSM is dragging things in an obviously shifted light yet have found no evidence to support it

Come here:

>no basement

>mfw Retirees across the USA are watching a detailed commentary on modern Presidential fashion

Thanks FoxNews

t. projecting idiot

If Donald Trump negotiates a peace with Israel and Palestine, Obama should be forced to give him his Nobel Peace Prize in disgrace.

What a fucking irony it would be if Trump's became known for his foreign policy achievements
It already seems to be going much better than Domestic

It means we might see the Nobel Prize committee perform unheard-of levels of mental gymnastics to explain why some pajeet from Bumfuck, India deserves the Peace Prize more than the peacemaker between Israel and Palestine.

Just got my internet upgraded to 24mbs. Feels good man.

Aw, that sucks. We really need to get out ahead of the FY2018 budget if we want Wall money, then -- the proposed budget is good, but we need leverage to pass it.

There's a Jimmy Buffet concert streaming if anyone cares


I was joking. You sound incredibly smug

>reddit spacing
>obvious reddit copy paste job

Damn I'm old, recovering from a back injury last year and fat. I still run a 9-10 min mile, and lift better than that shit


TheJoblessKommunist just went full retard, the only excuse i had to remain subscribed to him was to avoid creating an "echo chamber" but this was the last straw, Banana-man just went full MUH RUSSIA


>you'll vote for Trump in 10 years
>three threes



>When you nominate a bunch of globalists for your Administration and they start defending Mexico

Trump is so fucking dumb lol

what's with lefty subhumans and their constant projecting? you're describing yourself here. it proves to me that subconsciously you know you're wrong. the democrats are the ones eating themselves alive. you're the ones believing in conspiracy theories. you're a broken person. you don't even know how crazy you are

This actually fits the weather where I am perfectly. Thanks, user.


That would be sweet. I hope he bombs Iran the day after.

Jesus Christ..if Trump somehow negotiates a peace deal between jews and palestine, not even history books thousands of years from now won't ever doubt his deal making ability.



Make sure to point all Redditors here. This is their new containment site

Actually, giving money to private investments is arguably better for the economy than a direct transfer to the treasury, because private investment grows revenue.

>build wall
>put saudi king's name on it
Sure why not.


PTG, get in here. Help me bump. Don't let this shit slide.


>and Joe
you can't just post that slander about /ourguy/ with a sauce

I know you were joking and I use that joke on people all the time when they complement themselves


Trick is we dont care for either, we want whatever allows us to be less involved in the region

They're talking about the CIA's backdoor dealings with the cartels, you slack-jawed moor.

>fast and furious
>not our fault
Obama fucked everything up.

wilbur ross also participated in the sword dance

Are you guys blind? Everyone chump surrounds himself is a total liar


"Clarke, a visible surrogate for Trump during the campaign known for his incendiary rhetoric, earned a master's degree in security studies at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. In his thesis, "Making U.S. security and privacy rights compatible," Clarke failed to properly attribute his sources at least 47 times."

47 fucking times.

I freaking love it. We all see the pattern here. This is just another great example of how everyone associated with the Trump team is actually engaging in a masterclass of fraud and lies.

Kek he mimics various political speaking styles while having none of the charisma to back it up

can someone with photoshop (not that GIMP faggot) turn this into an infograph to spread on twitter? where do you get that $46 billion/year for oil figure from user?

The fact that you morons are all applauding Trump's Globalist Sell-Out Celebration Tour is proof that not one of you has any actual political principles that matter to you. You are all ignoring the fact that Trump has been 100% assimilated by the globalists and is doing their bidding for him.

He is betraying every campaign promise he made to US, the AMERICAN PEOPLE who voted for him to bring down the establishment and rebuild America for the people. He didn't mean a fucking word he said. He is just like every other politician who cucks the people out of their resources.

He has done nothing but sell out our country to kike globalist international bankers and their sycophant obedient politicians.

(((President Trump))) is a Globalist Neocon Kike Traitor who needs to be removed from office as soon as possible.

don't send them there, send them back go reddit and tell them to raid politics for revenge

"Try screwing the US on trade one more time you fucking leaf."

do it god emperor trump.

Keep me posted


>no basement
Im looking at it

He attributed all of his sources, just not "properly".

Shills get the gas.

that's one comfy Trump

The Nobel Peace prize should should just be renamed the Obama to highlight how worthless it is.

I kinda suspected he'd do this, traditionally the Presidents 2nd term is taken over by foreign policy, just as happened to Obama. Trump is no idiot and knowing this, why should be follow the traditional path?

With foreign policy success behind him, he'll be fucking unstoppable once 2018 rolls around.

forgot to link because i am RETARD

Ross will take Jerusalem

Um sweetie, maybe his sources just requested to be anonymous...


Got any lewd vid of trump doing sword dance?