Impeach Trump or: How I Learned to Stop Fence-Riding and Hate the President

TJ Kirk, the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals.

In his latest video he so eloquently demonstrates how Blumpf has ensured his own impeachment by admitting that his reasons for firing Comey was because he was investing the Trump/ Russian connection. Despite members of his own administration giving statements that Trump firing Comey came at the recommendation of the attorney general. Trump couldn't even keep to the narrative of his own administration.

So not only is Trump a criminal, he's also an idiot.

Thank you TJ for your insightful video.

Other urls found in this thread:



>3 minutes of no info, just metaphors for how terrible Trump is
jesus TJ i could barely get through this video. I was a fan of him for a while but almost all of his new videos end up with 80% edgy berating and 20% actual content.





TJ is what dumb people think smart people are like.

TJ, go kill yourself you sodomite faggot


>many think
hahahahahaha, no one thinks that
find me one quote from even another youtuber saying that
he's a spectacle who plays with his ass on cam, the closest he's come to mainstream acceptance is getting on joe rogan's brocast

>shoves bananas up ass

ya. no.

I'm not TJ

That first line cracked me up. I only ever hear about what an ultra-hipster retard he is.

>As soon as Kyle and Shannon were across the street, Rick’s demeanor changed completely from jovial to threatening. He said in a very hushed and gravelly tone: “I looked on the internet and I saw some stuff. And I think you are one sick, twisted, evil son of a bitch.” I was caught off guard by this remark, as Rick had hitherto been very friendly towards me in all of our meetings and telephone conversations. “And you ain’t takin’ that young’un”—(Kyle)—“anywhere.”
>“I ain’t taking him anywhere,” I said. Kyle is 22 years old and an adult. It is neither my right to take him anywhere he doesn’t want to go, nor Rick’s right to keep him anywhere he doesn’t want to stay. But it seemed like a bad moment to make such a point.
>Before I knew it, Rick pulled a handgun from his pocket. He was standing at a distance of about 15 to 20 feet, so I knew that there was no possibility of wrestling the gun from him before being shot.
>I reached for my pocket. I don’t know why, exactly. But this alarmed him intensely and he instructed me to keep my hands visible. He informed me that if I moved too quickly or in a manner he didn’t like, he would shoot me twice. His words were, “I’ll put two in ya.”
>He then instructed me to put on my jacket and leave the premises, get into my car and drive away. I saw no alternative but to oblige his request. I complied with his demands. As I was putting on my jacket, he mumbled something about me being “cannibalistic.”
>As I was outside walking to me car, he was following at a safe distance behind me. He instructed me, “Don’t call. Don’t write.” I got into my car and drove for an hour or so before I arrived in Morehead Kentucky, where I sent the following text message to both Kyle’s phone and Kyle’s facebook:
>[In my message to Kyle, I outlined what had happened between Rick and I]

The best takedown of this risible faggot...ever.

It's not funny. You're just driving the board quality down.

>I was a fan of him for a while
Please leave.

>TJ Kirk, the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
Even a Mexican intellectual like me is smarter than him

LOL an intellectual? please.

>an atheist is a fat Trump hating literal cuckold who puts bananas up his butt

really makes me think

Not worshipping an eceleb? Don't tell me you are a nazi too.

>blocks your path

but you are a faggot. kys.

That banana raised his IQ by at least 20 points.
Also not an argument.

Lmao what is this drivel

Was he the guy that jammed up a banana up his ass?

>Implying this is an insult


TJ Kirk?
More like TJ Cuck.

Of course it is an argument. He stuck a banana up his ass.

Why is Trump saying that he fired Comey because he was investigating the Russian connection? Doesn't Trump understand that is obstruction of justice? Seems like a pretty good reason to hate Trump.

kek what the fuck is this? Whoever this is types like such a fucking pseud.

>the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>TJ Kirk, the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals.

I'm going to have to stop you right there.

It's all the rage among intellectuals at the moment. A 85 IQ loser like yourself wouldn't understand.

>this site still exist

> the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectual

Banana boy

I thought he was the greatest intellectual.... when I was fucking 16 years old dude. Now I look at him and see him for the cuck that he is.

>anal plug

Yeah but we've died out a lot ever since around 2012

We still write a lot of articles though so keep in touch.

What's ironic is just last week he did a video complaining about how his content is declining in quality, hes not as angry as he used to be and is such losing subscribers by the hundreds daily.

A coincidence i'm sure.

If you watch this guy then you should just give up on life. The very definition of a know nothing attention whore.

Stop trying to confuse me TJ!

I'm still not exactly with Trump and think his convictions are flimsy at best, but the degree to which people I hate far more are throwing everything they have at him reassures me a bit.

I'm happy I'm not in a timeline where Hillary's the president, but I don't think I'm fortunate enough to be living in one where she and every other globalist traitor is swinging from a rope.

Nevermind I looked it up and holy fucking shit this guy is retarded.

Fuck off with spamming these threads, banana boy. Saged

>When Kyle finally did arrive, he gave me a big hug and I lifted him up into my arms. We helped his mom carry in and put away groceries. Then Kyle and I say on the living room couch where I proceeded to chat with him, smoke cigarettes, hold him and play little lover’s games with him. He was happy and in good spirits for the most part, though his diagnosed schizoaffective disorder with depression was sometimes apparent. Over all though, it was clear that he was very happy with my presence.

That's Silence of The Lambs level of creepiness right there. What a freak.

True love is creepy?

He doesn't sound like someone in love. He sounds like he's near Humbert Humbert level in grooming a retard to fuck him.

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes

nigga you must be retarded if you think this dork is one of our generations greatest intellectuals

Is this banana boy?

rofl why the fuck would I take his opinion on anything other than bananas lmao

TJ is right and there isn't a single real argument against him in this thread. Trump admitted that he fired Comey because he didn't want him to continue his investigation into the Trump Russia connection. That IS obstruction of justice. Why is that so hard for you anons to understand that? Apparently you guys don't disagree because none you you can articulate an actual argument.

You just fall back on "BANANA!"


>Dr. Banana or: How I learned to stop not putting things in my asshole and love the banana

TJ is a large blond bearded man, thinking of him cuddling and playing "little lover’s games" (shudder) with a man who's much smaller, younger, and obviously mentally stunted and deranged is just fucked up.

Like I said true love


tagged the wrong post

Then put your money where your mouth is and refute him.

>hi TJ
>generations greatest intellectuals
You must be out of your damn mind. sage this faggot ass thread

>considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
Stopped reading right there.

It wasn't even a man, it was a FTM tranny who was mentally ill and had strange scat fetishes.

>the state of the left right now

You do realize the FBI doesn't just stop what they're doing because one person gets fired, right?

Go away, Banana man.

this shit is bananas
b a n a n a s


Sup Forums once again demonstrates that they're incapable of formulating an argument. This place really is just a circle jerk.

Haha banana man xD

So is he like a pedo or something?

So shoving a banana up your ass, now makes you a "great intellectual"?
You've got a pretty low bar for intellectualism, r3ddit.

>the Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals
Hahahahha :-D

No you didn't. You just don't have an argument.


Hahahaha-intellectual-no he's not, we love his bitterness. He is a dodo and one of the last to the party,
Just the first online. Scotty is the true livewire

What happens to those who get targeted by association and can't do shit if your name comes up on Google with dramatica

>Shoved a banana up his ass and smothered himself in chocolate
>Bernie supporter for well over 9-12 months
>Supports a Doxxer
>Has no financial or economic understanding of anything. Naked Ape tore him apart in one video
>The Left wanted Comey fired for sometime, going as far back as Election 2016
>Russia Collusion is just horseshit devised by the DNC and MSM 24 hours after the Election.

Old News and you are faggot for believing this guy is factual in any form.

>I was a fan of him for a while

Then what? You turned 15?

>is considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals

This guy used to close the blinds and darken his screen to read his pretentious word salads to make it look like he was articulate, but every now and then you can see his eyes glaring down at his computer like a teleprompter

This is how desperate and pathetic this young generation is.

>"This is another example of good Atheists being persecuted in America!"


Doesnt matter what he said or what he did hes not going anywhere

Does anyone take these youtube atheists seriously anymore? Times have moved on guys.

>“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
>Mr. Comey did not say anything to Mr. Trump about curtailing the investigation, replying only: “I agree he is a good guy.”

>"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting Trump in the document, which CNN has not viewed but which was described by the sources.

>“I hope you can let this go,” Trump told Comey, according to a source familiar with the contents of the memo.
>"The memo is powerful evidence of obstruction of justice and certainly merits immediate and prompt investigation by an independent special prosecutor," said Democratic U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal.


Assuming NYT is most accurate representation of the memo:
He didn't force shit - he was relaying his hopes to the FBI Director that flynn won't get buttfucked. Allegedly, Comey agreed.

TJ and you hype shills can come back with some real evidence or BTFO.

He looks like the perv that threw hot oil in his dick.

TRump literally fucking said he fired Comey to put an end to the investigation. It's obvious at the point he is Russia's puppet. What really baffles me is that Trump didn't even have the good sense to just lie. It's like Trump wants to go to prison.

>considered by many to be one of our generations greatest intellectuals


Wanna bet? Nixon and Clinton both got impeached for the same reason. Obstruction of justice. Trump is getting impeached for the same reason. He couldn't even make it a full year.

Fuck this stupid faggot and anything he thinks about everything.

>Be a shill
>Support globalism
>Encourage multinational corporations
>Give Trump shit for owning golf courses in other countries

>Trump is an idiot
>T.J. Told me so
>T.J. The highschool dropout who if he every lost his work at youtube, would have nothing to fall back on, and be homeless, because he is nothing more than a pot smoking, degenerative, banana riding, fatass that gets autistic about anything bernie related

Grow up dumbass, try to make your own thoughts, and quit letting this loser tell you what to think, you're not redpilled, you're a bluepilled fag, like him.

Nixon was never impeached and Clinton was impeached for perjury.

Trump admits in this interview that he fired Comey because he wanted to end the Ruissan investigation. Right from the horses mouth.

Checked and keked brah.


Reread the last 2 points before you shill for Hildawg and the Banana Athiest.

The investigation was almost all a nothing burger and a complete waste of time. The only sources that have been popping up about this have been "insiders" and "anonymous sources", which was a narrative cooked up by the Establishment Left and the DNC to try and sabotage Trump. Comey has also been on and off again with his investigations and it he either doesn't commit to them fully or is being swindled by someone to think a certain way. There are also other investigations that need to be done, like say that wonderful shit Obama and Hillary are hiding.

Yes, the timing of the firing looks bad, but he still has the right to do so, the Left also wanted him on the chopping block as far back as 2015-2016.

Trump also cannot go to prison for firing someone. You can fire someone for whatever fucking reason you want.

>10 Posts by this ID
You also got some serious problems dude if you have to keep defending the Banana Athiest.