Look into the District of Columbia Home Rule Act


>Under the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, whenever the President of the United States determines that special conditions of an emergency nature exist which require the use of the Metropolitan Police force for Federal purposes, he may direct the Mayor to provide him, and the Mayor shall provide, such services of the Metropolitan Police force for up to 48 hours. During longer periods of time, the President must provide to Congress in writing his reasons for continuing control of the MPD. This control can be extended at any time beyond 30 days if either the emergency continues or if Congress passes a law ordering it.



>Before the Home Rule Act, Congress made all of DC’s laws, and the executive branch ultimately reported to the President of the United States, as if DC were another agency of the federal government (basically, it was). But in 1973, Congress set up our current system of an elected mayor and council. Only they balked at giving DC full autonomy.

Despite the new law, Obama could have claimed an "emergency" and taken control of the DC Police department. Note how that requires the cooperation of the mayor, who openly endorsed Obama in the past:


Now note how Joe Capone was in this very video and we have records of him attending a sports game in the mayor's box as well as his trip to the WH.

Other urls found in this thread:



His name was Seth Rich


So sleepy

Bumping. Don't let this die!

everything else is sliding this thread


> At 9:40 p.m., September 11, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.[6][7] Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979.[8]

> At around 4:00 a.m. on September 12, the group launched a mortar attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile (1.6 km) away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty[7][9][10] and wounding ten others. At the behest of the CIA, top U.S. officials initially described the attacks as the results of a spontaneous protest triggered by recently released anti-Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims.[11] Subsequent investigations showed that the attack was premeditated – although rioters and looters not acting with the group may have later joined in after the attacks began.[12][13][14]


> 463 emails discussing Benghazi before the attack with enough time to protect lives.
> 403 emails discussing Benghazi after the attack.

All deleted.


44,053 emails leaked by Seth Rich allegedly.

32,750 Hillary emails.

27,515 DNC emails.

256 DNC emails about Benghazi.



Bullshit they've had years to pull out!


If Obama was commander and chief and directs action of all US military personnel, why was Benghazi of any responsibility to Hillary and her team?

Why did her and Obama's gross negligence result in any deaths?

Bottom line: People died when their lives could have been protected.

Military actions are the responsibility of the president. The president at the time of 2012 Benghazi attack was Obama.


>falling for the bot jew

Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0


So I looked into the "DC Home Rule Act of 1973"

It say the President CAN take control of the MPD without telling anyone for 48 hours.
see graphic

Pizzagate 2.0

Fucking joke.

Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0


>every story i don't like is pushed by bots

more confirmation that seth is megrimlock4 on reddit

Listen to his mom, you can hear her voice is degrading

megrimlock4 commented that his mom's voice was degrading

>TIL that Google CEO, Larry Page, has a health condition that is slowly removing his ability to speak. by pablostarter in todayilearned
>My mother actually had a very similar issues, though hers has progressed much slower. She thinks it started before I was born but wasn't really noticable to other until the last 15-20 years. I can tell a difference from when I was younger and I feel like a slight difference when I go home, but I don't pick up on it on the ohone. One of her vocal chords is paralysed (that's how it was explained to me, may not be medically accurate) so her voices gets worn out quickly. She also has a pretty bad cough as a result of it.


then STFU and enjoy the show....

you made the thread dumbass.

Actually, might be that he doesn't have to tell anyone publicly at all. That 48 hour requirement is just for if he wants to use the police for longer than two days (in which case he needs congressional approval)

that looks like normal activity?

who do you think is botting it you raytord

>you made this thread
Literally wut?

That is what i was trying to say. He can take control of them for 48hrs and doesn't have to follow section (a) until then . So if the "emergency" is only a few hours... no one would know.

Right. What we need to figure out is whether or not there is any record of this kind of thing when it happens or not. They might not disclose it publicly, but maybe there's internal documentation of it?


look at her fresno tweet. it was also russia. top detective work shill
>unironically kys faggot

Can I get a quick rundown on what we've learned today?

We found out that Obama could have taken control of the DC PD secretly for an "emergency" for 48 hours in cooperation with the mayor. Which is interesting given that the mayor openly endorsed him and the owner of the bar rich was at has ties to the mayor and was at the WH just a week before Rich died.

We're trying to figure out if there is any way to prove that these emergency powers were invoked when Rich was killed

That you'll believe anything?

he (obama) would have had to send someone to the mayor with some sort of authorizing doc... like a warrant... or orders in the military. whether that doc is still around????

It would have to be in the records of the FBI they handle domestic emergencies right?
anybody disagree with that?

Maybe with the FBI, but surely there had to be some kind of authorization and that has to be something people could locate. I'm guessing that the Mayor's office would have it on file but I'm not sure.

Could Obama have played a role in the cover up?

District of Columbia Home Rule Act


>Under the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, whenever the President of the United States determines that special conditions of an emergency nature exist which require the use of the Metropolitan Police force for Federal purposes, he may direct the Mayor to provide him, and the Mayor shall provide, such services of the Metropolitan Police force for up to 48 hours. During longer periods of time, the President must provide to Congress in writing his reasons for continuing control of the MPD. This control can be extended at any time beyond 30 days if either the emergency continues or if Congress passes a law ordering it.



>Before the Home Rule Act, Congress made all of DC’s laws, and the executive branch ultimately reported to the President of the United States, as if DC were another agency of the federal government (basically, it was). But in 1973, Congress set up our current system of an elected mayor and council. Only they balked at giving DC full autonomy.

Despite the new law, Obama could have claimed an "emergency" and taken control of the DC Police department. Note how that requires the cooperation of the mayor, who openly endorsed Obama in the past:


Now note how Joe Capone was in this very video and we have records of him attending a sports game in the mayor's box as well as his trip to the WH.

Only problem is, why would Obama involve himself and interject in an already leaked situation? I understand Podesta wanted to make an example but to insinuate that Obama was complicit is a little far fetched.


>District of Columbia Home Rule Act
how could it be determined if this was ever invoked? is it even possible?

anyone have a moment to check the Podesta emails? I cannot open another tab right now.

If so, there is an email somewhere he sent re Kamala Harris. (Might have been to her.) I'm curious what the dates are.

When your chosen party has killed someone in a sloppy fashion, sometimes there's no other alternative

That's what we're trying to ascertain right now

>Just thought I would leave this here.

I doubt obama would have done it. Although it's can be relatively secret, it still creates a paper trail. Seems more likely it was a lower level hit job - someone trying to prevent future leaks.

The mayor at the time was this woman

wtf I hate russians now


i asked the Reporter, William Craddick, to file a FOIA request about this and see if either FBI or Mayor offices have a copy.

if there is one thing our gov loves it's redacted paper...
But even redacted paper will show it was used right?

Da fuck is this faggots?

>no pgp key to unscrambble them eggs


our best guess is that they'd have to show a doc to execute the order.... kinda like a warrant or military orders.... which means there will be a peice of paper somewhere, but probabaly redacted. Even redacted would still show something....

So I requested the reporter who is offering to publish what we find to file FOIA with FBI/DCmayor to see what he finds.

So this guy (democrat) he interned with was conservative. But also he was from seth's home state

>As governor, Nelson took some conservative stances on issues in right-leaning Nebraska. He pushed welfare reform before it was done at a national level and opposed President Bill Clinton's efforts on health care
>Nelson's votes in the Senate often placed him at odds with the leadership of his party.
>Nelson describes himself as "pro-life".

In 2015, Bowser's allies formed FreshPAC, a political action committee intended to advance her agenda.[66] The initiative was the first PAC in District politics so closely aligned with a sitting mayor and created by a former campaign treasurer. Thanks to a legislative loophole regulating off-year fundraising, FreshPAC accepted unlimited contributions. Bowser supporters had quickly raised more than $300,000 and had a goal of collecting $1 million by year’s end.[66][67] FreshPAC was chaired by Earle “Chico” Horton III, a lobbyist for a major corporation that sought Bowser's support.[68] Many of the highest donors participated in a trip to China with the mayor.[69] Following outcry from the Washington Post, members of the D.C. Council, and other stakeholders, FreshPAC was shut down in November 2015.[67] Bowser said she thought FreshPAC was a good thing but its message was distorted.[70]

from wiki under Campaign finance
no conservative candidates at all? kinda weird
also weird that she went to China

up to the shooting yes... but when SR got shot they had to go for the full blown coverup.

My best deduction is that they tried to grab him and he fought back (receiving injuries and damage to watch in the process) almost gets away but one of the attacker panics and pops off two rounds....

After that the situation would have spiraled

Seth bump.

Look at how many times Podesta went to China.

Is dc user still around? Has anyone been able to access the gmail account?


so check this out errbody

>the reporter
this is news to me

Here we have a shareblue poo talking to himself.

Continously trying to steer our conversation in Benghazi.
Fuck I feel bad for you guys. Are they paying you minimum wage for this bullshit?
Cmon. You're better than this.

While the Jonathan Rich tweet isn't evidence per say. It does give monster insight intö the family.
Seth's brother doesn't refute the point. He even hashtags family. If he was absolutely furious about Jonathan tweeting that he wouldn't be dropping cute little hash tags.

I feel this confirms the Rich family is under pressure, and Brennan the handler is an accomplice in all this.

alright anons

I have to step away and handle family shit will return in a few hours to check in on you lovely autistic brilliant sex puppets.....

Remember fap one for Seth

Nothing in the Podesta emails that I can see within the period of relevance. Just the usual "come to our star-studded party" stuff.
Nothing particular in the DNC emails I can see, just email blasts from inside baseball sites.

>During her first year as Mayor, the District saw a 40% increase in homicides.[59] In July 2015, Bowser attributed the spike in violence to the sale of synthetic marijuana and proposed measures granting police additional authorities for a crackdown on stores selling the substance

I really can't be surprised by this stuff. She at least doesn't seem to be a rabid communist, just inept like every mayor of of DC. I remember when DC accidentally legalized ecstasy. Also this former mayor en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Barry was a crackhead.

That's interesting, wonder what he was visiting for?


Man the wind is out of the shill sails now.
Hoooooowee, boy.

Whomever found the post on a donation page re LN Therriault, I found the info another user found re a person that is likely her son: "Not sure if significant, but I have been looking into this Andrew Therriault guy-

He worked w Seth, and actually got him the job there. He is said to have been like a mentor to him while he was there- I have been OCD creeping on this guy, and then I saw this post on /t_d and was like oh shit- May 25-

The last emails were from May 25...
This guy announced that he was leaving the DNC to go work in Boston on May 25-

I don't know what this means, I am way too tired to critically think right now, but I thought it to be worth mentioning."

I am trying to find the thread it was from, will post if found.

Any luck with Rob Placek or Doug mcacy?


Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0


Remember I will be away from the key board

I will try to keep up from mobile but we know how that is...

Send everything to
[email protected]

Obama also doesn't necessarily pull the strings. If a Soros or Rothschild told Obama to do it, he'd fucking do it.

looks like tours, but while the cancelled july 4th date was a 4000+ group, the other date is an east wing tour for a party of 2


sign this famiglia

Legit just started lurking again.

Was working.

What's up did I miss anything?

T_D being back up

Maybe they tried to steal his laptop (which seems to implicate he was the leaker), and as you say
>attacker panics and pops off two rounds

Makes sense. That would mean the "botched robbery" claim is actually true. They would have told the assassins "take the laptop, and if you can't, kill him".

Then obama tries to cover it up, holding onto the laptop indefinitely.

Yes that is the right question to answer.
Hopefully we haven't tossed this feller into the hot seat.

Do you think it would show as an executive order? Can that be referenced without an FOIA request?

4th of July it seems

You wouldn't happen to be close to Lou's would you?

Huh? The appt. was sched 7/1 for 7/4, then canc? Otherwise something is very odd.

If sched on 7/1 for 7/4 on the south lawn, it was likely a 4thJuly event w/the Obama's. In which case SR must have had a change of heart, or possbily GF wanted to go somewhere else. IDK, it's odd. He had to have known whatever he knew before he made that appt.

Or maybe the event was canceled?

Here's where i find a problem with finding it. Once that warrant expires (in a form of paper), it would've been shredded and burned by now.

Shit, Is this a new find!?

Let's make a list of questions that need to be answered:

>Why isn't the FBI handling the case?
>Where exactly was he shot? (more specific than 'in the back')
>What kind of gun was it? (should be easy to determine with ballistics testing)
>He was found alive and conscious- did he say anything?

What else?

Cancelled. Of course it was.

new to me

Nah in gridlock traffic ATM.

Might be up for a detour. What's up?

could have been cancelled. the 2015 appt was the east wing tour for 2, mayybe gf? do we know when he moved to dc?could have been around that time

Oh so it was just the mods being retarded and shitting all over themselves?

>Where exactly was he shot? (more specific than 'in the back')
hospitalanon's pic had a detailed description - i seem to remember the liver was hit

More interesting tidbits about Tunney. She didn't really start Occupy Wall Street, she just happened to be a really early adopter of the movement and assumed a lot of responsibilities for herself. She's also blatantly associated herself with other movements. Sign of a spook, if other anons know their COINTEL.

From Wiki:

>In 2011, Kalle Lasn, founder of the left-wing magazine Adbusters, put out a call to activists to occupy Wall Street, in response to the perceived political corruption of American democracy by Wall Street, in the context of the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath. Tunney was one of the first individuals to respond to Lasn's call, quickly creating the @occupywallst twitter handle and occupywallst.org web site on July 14, 2011, which became the main online hub for the Occupy movement.[10]

She has also been into programming since a very young age. IIRC, she sold one of her first programs around the age of 14. Did I mention she works at Google? Also a tranny, but that's obvious.

She's been interviewed by Gavin McInnes, who could reasonably be suspected of being controlled opposition in the alt-right movement. That's very obvious.

Here's some information about that program she created at 14:

>In 1999, at the age of 14, then operating under the online name "Oogle",[3][4] Tunney built "Rampage Toolz 2.o" for exploiting security vulnerabilities in AOL[5] and sending spam. Tunney said Rampage Toolz was the most popular third-party AOL "prog" at the time.

>Tunney has stated that she had never heard of Google at the time, and the similar name "Oogle" was just a coincidence.


So we have a 7337 hax0r working at Google, who might have known Seth Rich she did assume a leadership role and may have had the goal of identifying useful/hindering assets for her handlers, which as the leader of "Tech Ops" and establishing the OWS "official" website, she looks like she would have been there primarily to identify and track such individuals. This is getting a little… convoluted. If Seth Rich had ever accessed the OWS website with a computer that also had access to his Gmail accounts, Tunney may have had designer exploits from her friends at the Goog itself. I wonder if it were possible to access either the old OWS site for IP trackers or Seth Rich's internet history which might confirm he visited that site. There are other possibilities besides this, but evidence points to Google.

Okay, tracking that lead, here's an article which claims that many Occupy sites were infested with compromising code which depended on exploits in things like Google Analytics.



>According to technology researcher Tim Libert, protesters affiliated with the Occupy movement have unintentionally aided and abetted corporations in tracking them through social media and analytics plug-ins. Popular web analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Sitemeter, it also turns out, repackage website information for corporate clients. These corporate clients can then pass on information to law enforcement agencies willing to purchase the data.

>Using the browser plug-in Ghostery, which reveals tracker bugs, Libert discovered that 99 out of 100 Occupy sites he visited employed some sort of cookie or third-party embedded content. Facebook and Twitter buttons showed up on 47% of the Occupy sites

I'm willing to bet those "exploits" were intentionally added by Google software engineers. If we have this much evidence of a spook working at Google and cross-fertilized with OWS and other things but those might not be relevantit should be a certainty in any thinking person's mind that CIA would LOVE to manufacture those exploits.

In which case, we then have a lead on corrupt LEOs.

tl;dr a lot of evidence to indicate Seth Rich's Gmail accounts were compromised by people working at Google. Nothing definitive, but pretty close to a smoking gun. The proper leak could provide that vital clue to prove a causal connection.

Rest your mind Sherlock, godspeed.

Everyone pet your dog once too. I bet Seth is up there somewhere in a heavenly dimension petting dogs.

Getting shot in the liver usually isn't enough to kill someone if there's immediate medical attention, which he apparently got. Maybe the other bullet his his spinal cord or something but that's more info than I at least have.

is this true? did two thugs do this?

Brad M Bauman
(954) 385-8254
(202) 520-2155 mobile
(202) 332-2010
(202) 833-9555
(954) 746-8388
(202) 506-3871 mobile
(202) 559-8749
(202) 294-3702 mobile
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Or pandas

Known IP Addresses:

[email protected]: ends in *63
[email protected]

[email protected]: ends in *20 or *18
[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

Phone numbers:
Seth Rich:
(402) 250-8120
Aaron N Rich:
(402) 334-5352
(303) 200-4832
(719) 282-9029
(303) 902-1963

Mary Ann Rich:
(402) 334-5352
(641) 747-3531
(515) 747-3531


[email protected]:$2a$08$cFUrNyLkhncqPOdLQwVi1ObrPk/V4HDXoWb7UUDbsMwM/fbA1/oDu (blowfish)


[email protected]:freedom44




Thanks for checking.

Could be a misdirect but keep an eye on shit like that.

May the will of God be done.


the underlined font looks different. i dont know much about this stuff, but the underlined looks different from the rest of the text? anyone else see it?

No idea but it's interesting that this information would pop up just now

thats called italics my friend...