can someone post the image of the shareblue discord encouraging shilling up this place??
Can someone post the image of the shareblue discord encouraging shilling up this place??
I hope pic related never stops being posted
MFW i missed trips
who is this semen demon?
Has anyone thought of joining shareblue? we need someone on the inside
Oh well
>hehehe... there are shills disrupting this place, that means EVERYONE who disagrees with me is a shill!
>implying you would ever fuck her from anywhere other than behind so that glorious ass would always be in your face.
>not an argument
try again faggot
>nu pol
I'd tongue punch her fart box.
Please tell me you people aren't stupid enough to believe this image. It's so obviously edited. Look at the red dots by tomRegular's name. Look at the cut off g in DucklingsareNOTTurtles. You can even see a bit of the original text below that last name. This is a fucking troll image and you idiots spam it around like it's proof of a massive shilling operation.
Fake news
Whichever Trump supporter typed that up has no idea how shills work then. Shills don't want to influence or sway opinion, they want to slide the board and divert peoples attention to various disinfo.
It's real, that's the MarchAgainstTrump discord. I was in it and could send you an expired invite. The "sass" person is among the most annoying people I have ever met.
this desu
>It's real
>Literally fake
>Literally text sloppily copy pasted over whatever the original comment was
I don't know or care if the message is fake, the discord is real though.
It should be obvious that the majority of anti-Trump posts are from former supporters regardless of how many shill groups are here.
You have to give us credit we turned half this board against trump
Even if fake this is pretty accurate
Praise be to kek
I think the ones spamming this are literally shills from some Republican Shareblue equivalent
I think trump himself is turning a few people off with Syria etc. Jackshit to do with your gay BBC and t_d splitter threads
that's a graphical glitch that actually happens in discord occasionally
You probably posted that sloppy pic you fucked yourself and then changed ip to say how shit it was. The one I posted doesn't have that shit.
I remember a guy a few months ago who held himself out as a CTR grunt and answered questions for about an hour. One can never be sure with these things, but he sounded legit.
One of the things he said was that the shilling would become more subtle, more nudging to get Sup Forums to change, gradually.
I am seeing more of that kind of shilling lately.
I note that $40 million - which is what Brock got from Soros, iirc - buys a fucking shit ton of shilling. It also buys analysis by social scientists and other academics and ai types who specialize is psyops (obama's second term campaign, in particular, made great use of those methods, in going after niche groups; hillary's campaign did not seem nearly as sophisticated).
Anyway, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
If you see shilling, say something.
Don't give them them your name, give them a fuck you.
You know that most of the shills on Sup Forums (excluding r/The_Donald obviously) are from March Against Trump, right? Shareblue is utterly irrelevant and probably doesn't even post here.
>If you see shilling, say something.
Literally what they want. They aren't trying to influence you, they are trying to distract you.
Fuck off shill
>Shills don't want to influence or sway opinion
Bullshit. You're a fucking liar. Shills are not exclusively interested in sliding and disinfo. There are shills who are actively interested and working on changing people's minds.
Only a shill such as yourself would deny this is so.
>There are shills who are actively interested and working on changing people's minds.
Clearly not here. Those "IMPEACH DRUMPF" posts are obviously Trump supporters baiting for replies. If you can't tell, maybe you're very new and came here from a certain place.
This is horrible bait. Since when did Trump "go to war" with Syria?? You sound like a 18 yr old liberal on Facebook.
>Shareblue is utterly irrelevant and probably doesn't even post here.
Unironically kys you piece of shit shill.
Unironically, people like you are traitors to every American ideal held by both conservatives and liberals (although not leftists, who hate America).
Unironically, you should be executed in a public ceremony, just like they do in China.
Pour encourager les autres.
nobody gives a shit about Sup Forums you fucking autist
go outside more
He bombed a sovereign nation that had done nothing wrong. Invading and bombing another country is war.
Not to mention Obama had already been fighting a proxy war against Syria by funding the rebels and ISIS. Trump is continuing that policy.
>people who disagree with me should be executed!
that's a new one, usually you just get called a shill if you disagree with a redditor
A couple of names match the Correct the Record employee list (Fischbein and Williams). They are disinformation veterans.
>t. shareblue
Sup Forums is the most significant media body in the world
>If you can't tell, maybe you're very new and came here from a certain place.
Damn you're stupid, although I guess you get good boy points for strictly following the dictates of your shareblue masters. To wit:
>If someone accuses you of being a shill, turn it back on them and call them a the_donald redditor.
>niche website visited by nazi LARPers and Donald cucks
>most influential media body
Pick one
so sleepy
That discord isn't shareblue, it's MAT. Shareblue is like 15 people.
And yet another classic
>shills call people redditors, therefore anyone who criticizes reddit is a shill!
I want to put my thumb up the asshole of the one on the right.
>not wanting to put your whole face up there
nigger are you gay?
>usually you just get called a shill if you disagree with a redditor
see: Traitor-shills of your variety have betrayed their American citizenship, and need to be physically removed. Bullet or helicopter, or drawing and quartering, it makes no difference to me (I would prefer a public spectacle, however, for the reason noted in my prior post: PELA).
I never said I would not smile if she sat on my face
So anyone who disagrees with you on Sup Forums is a shill and deserves to be executed?
No. But subversive and traitorous shills such as yourself should be.
If you go quietly, we'll make it quick. You wouldn't feel a thing, I promise.
Why do you think I'm a shill? Wanna check out my folder of 500+ Trump memes I assembled starting aug 2015 when I first started supporting him? I made about 20 of them.
You're boring me, shill.
Aren't you tired from all your shilling?
A nap would be good. You'll wake up refreshed, be able to shill full bore. Try out some of those new templates you've been meaning to.
Let's talk more about how fappably hot the two chicks in OP pic are.
Making it hard for me to nofap.
Fischbein. Am I spelling it right?
>I'm going to tell random people they're shills and deserve death and not give an argument when asked why!
I can't get off to girls showing such an extreme amount of skin in public, they may as well be naked. People could probably go onto their facebook profiles and look at them basically naked. That makes me uncomfortable and unattracted to them.
>Sup Forums is an echo chamber and everyone thinks the same
white girls.
the best
Nigga are you gay? We should encourage more chicks to strip down and show off their goods. Women should be the ones to show their sexual prowess instead of men, why should we get stuck with the heavy end of the mating ritual?
clothed bodies look much better than bare bodies
>One of the things he said was that the shilling would become more subtle, more nudging to get Sup Forums to change, gradually.
they sure fucked that up, shill posts are still just as obvious as ever and as subtle as shitting your pants on a greyhound bus.
>shill posts are still just as obvious as ever
or maybe they've never ever been obvious and blend in perfectly, leading anons down the path they want
You must be really deep into nofap
Every thinks I'm a shill because I hate Trump.
No I fucking loved Trump than he turned on his core promises and became a kike shill even sucking saudi cock what a joke even the Republican bill is shitty, unironically fuck Trump.
>kike shill
>sucking saudi cock
Nigger what?
>Did not cut funding to Syrian rebel groups
>Bombed Syria on false premises
>Briefly said Assad must go and probably only changed his mind because of how monumentally unpopular it was, only liberals and neocons supported it
>Signed the largest weapons deal in US history... with Saudi Arabia (who actively fund Syrian rebels)
So he's a shitskin supporter, not a kike shill
The rebels and ISIS are helping the geopolitical interests of Israel and the world bankers (who happen to be Jewish)
Nope, if the middle east is destabilized Isreal gains a lot.
Thank you for posting this. It's like the US literally went to war and no one knows about it. And Trump let it all happened, like he's retarded. And the Jewsmedia still hates his guts, but they don't say a word about this impeachable offense.
Mmmmm booty
Trying to imagine how shitty someone life is to accept to be a shill for a thing (dnc) that kill shills.
Its literally being an uncle tom, actually its even worse, the slaves only helped their owners because they were forced to, so killing slaves was nothing for them, the dnc kill people that genuinely wants to help them and you decide without being forced to, to be at the same situation
t. pasta. your mediocre skills don't warrant OC.
You still haven't given an argument as to why you are calling me a shill.
Is it literally impossible for someone to stop supporting Trump? Inconceivable?
Jews have been attacking this place for years, because they recognize its influence over the rest of the internet.
That pic pretty much sums up what Sup Forums has always been.
stay mad
The only reason I'm still here is because I want to eat that ass with a spoon
His name was Seth Rich
checked and keked
Everytime i see that ass i wanna bury my face in it and fight for air
We think alike, you and me.
Samantha "Blacks in My School are Totally Uncool" Bee
>newfags think Sup Forums was ever anti-assad
go get fucked by your nigger boyfriend
It's become a pretty good newfag separator.
They are ALL their memo. They are HUGE, and covered in foreign monies as befits a Multinational Corp....
>Saudi Arabia funds and supplies rebels
>rebels are furthering the goals of the Jew
>therefore Saudi Arabia is the Jew
>Saudi Arabia funds and supplies rebels
>rebels are furthering the goals of the Jew
>The Jew sells Saudi Arabia guns knowing this
>The Jew becomes rich while expanding their influence
>The Jew wins again
Apply yourself.
damn that's a fucking BUTTERFACE if I ever saw one
>he doesn't know that March Against Trump = ShariahBlue
>this image
Fuck off, we get it, this guy is the most cringey thing you've ever seen. Log off.
fires put off more heat before they're lit.
Say with me: Fuck drumpft.