Are white people special?
Are white people special?
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Yes, it's in their blood (exploring the unknown).
However, this is their strength and weakness.
Yes, they were chosen by god to be the greatest people
I'm pretty sure that's the Jews.
Jews are the real white, GOYIM!!!!
White people are the most perfectly average race that exists, it's why we're so successful.
No, everyone else is just extremely inadequate
the most functionally (usefully) creative.
We're ok at everything.
I love this man (no homo).
Apparently only the ones that fall under the alphabet puzzle category.
minorities sure are obsessed with us
This, whites are unique but they are also too compassionate at least in modern times. No other race would ever suck up to niggers, only whites.
>nigger: ooga booga where da whyte women
>white people: you are so wise jamal
>everyone else: whatever you say whitey keep your pet away from me
Pretty much sums up race relations in my city.
Yes, but thats irrelevant when youre talking about whites giving the world everything that really matters, and then having all their countries removed from their control before they are violently exterminated. Thats kinda justification for anyone trying to take their countries to be exterminated, and all.
Also, this board is raided constantly and the mods dont stop board disruption etc. This thread will no doubt turn into a bunch of commie faggots defending kikes again.
we gotta go to Mars and show how special we are
Special in the fact they can usually drink copious amounts of milk without shitting all over themselves
I can't, does that mean I'm a mongrel?
White people are extraordinary average, which accounts for their survival — the most flexible organism tends to survive best
There does seem to be something special about white races
not really desu
race supremacy is cyclical
I'm pretty sure the whole "chosen by god" thing is more like the Mark of Cain. They're cursed to be hounded to the ends of the earth (because it's fucking impossible to live with them) but everyone who tries to get rid of them gets fucked over.
some races can't do that regardless of what they eat
White people have an aptitude for cuckoldry and degeneracy
i dont think so, i think you all fucking suck as much as the rest of humanity, possibly even more because of your grotesque level of conceit.