Sort Yourself Out

>Clean your room
>Kill the dragon
>Rescue your dead father

Why aren't you sorting yourself out Sup Forums?

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Rise to the top of the dominance hierarchy

read the bible

Can I skip this "save your dad" step? Thinking of helping this fucker makes me want to throw up.

It's your metaphorical father, dumpling.

Ever since I started watching JP, whenever I argue with people about patriarchy/abusive society, I throw out his whole "wise/dying king, abusive/taught you to read, mother nature/poisonous snake" bit, it works surprisingly well

I don't know if I have a place anywhere. I'm too angry, too shy, too smart, too stupid. I guess I just wasn't made for these times.

i still believe that Jordan Peterson is subliminally speaking to Baron Trump

hear me out:
>go to the underworld (thats essentially Sup Forums - the bottom of the internet)
>save your father (thats him telling to help trump dont be impeached)

Jordan Peterson is tellin Baron Trump to come to Sup Forums so we can help him save his father thru meme magic.

all true
praise kek


your (((father)))

>Rise to the top of the [goyim approved] dominance hierarchies

My room is clean you faggot

It's not necessarily a who.

I appreciate him standing up for free speech during C-16, even though I personally think he's a huge crock who scams people out of their money on Kickstarter.

Your father is any entity that provides structure and meaning, but can also make you face the cold harsh realit(y/ies) you might've been avoiding


Not only is that completely inaccurate on the face of it, but you must have no idea what goyim even means...

Can confirm.

Though sometimes they just go batshit insane.

Goyim originally meant a non jewish nation, now it just means non jew. Makes perfect sense what I said too unless your retarded.

You were made for the coming times, user.

He doesn't have a kickstarter

What the fuck is he kickstarting?

>Why aren't you sorting yourself out Sup Forums?

Because I just saw a snake in my peripheral vision and I'm too high in agreeableness to step on it.

He actually does, tho. But it's all for (((science))) so it's OK.

Oops, I meant Patreon. $37k a month to make lectures outside of his tenure at U of T.

why is it wrong to accept money for saying true statements? if people are willing to offer money and he stays consistent with his message i see no issue.

He also had a Kickstarter for a 150k research grant, something about political correctness and personality.

Don't be a bunny rabbit, user. I believe in you.

>getting buttflustered at people giving someone else money of their own will

>muh public speaker
Desperate alt-right NEETs look to Peterson for meaning and he tells them to buy his book. He's consistent alright... consistently taking advantage of the younger generations' naivete. I still find him better than the marxist professors but goddamn does he ever milk his situation for all it's worth.

I'm on it! One step at a time.

Also bumping because based Mr Peterson needs our support now that the pronoun bill passed.

Pretty sure he gives his material out for free and asks you to purchase if it was useful to you.

Also, at least he's seemingly planning to put the money to good use like paying renowned speakers and such, unlike other people who make as much or more and just kinda do nothing.

Why is there a map of Egypt in the background?

>chugging a professor's dick this hard
And you call yourself an American.
Find me his free materials.

it is a choice no different from purchasing any product. also, selling books is what an author does. you seem to be holding him to a separate, higher standard.

>Stop leeching welfare from the innocent government and start paying for niggers and women! Good goyim!
>(((Sort))) yourself out!

Defend this, JPtards.

Your father is the redpill. The one who makes life harder on you by not coddling you and by giving you responsibilities.
By saving your father from the underworld you accept the suffering that life really is and stop being a cuck. By doing so you mature into a strong man.

Academics, as wardens of knowledge, should be held to a higher standard.

What did Jordan B. Peterson mean by this?

Academics are the worst scum on earth.
t.someone who went to grad school.

Well I'll be.

Nice bait, leaf.

He has hundreds of hours of material on youtube at no cost.

i'm 41 i sorted myself out as well as i could. its over now.

He lost funding for his research for political reasons and someone set that up for him I really don't think that that's a big deal, but I would understand criticism of the Paetreon.

>TFW no one can refute me
>TFW deep down you all know JP wants you become a (((man))) so you can prop up the states tax farms and pay for immigration, free birth control, and his $37k a month Patreon

Don't kill the dragon, become the dragon.

>leftist leaf complaining about Petersons donations is back for the 300th time this month.

Do you get paid for this?

Peterson has helped me a lot, but I still cannot bring myself to move towards starting a family and contributing to society. From my vantage point, it's too far gone, and if society has demonstrated that it wants nothing to do with me- I want nothing to do with it

Alright, I'm wrong and uninformed.

No but I'm thinking of starting a Patreon.

>126392325 (You)
attention whore and massive faggot detected

lol that isn't happening

Peterson is a good man but he really seems to white pill everyone. He makes everyone try to avoid the Jewish question by convincing people to sort themselves out and having faith. I guess it's better than being blue pilled or black pilled but desu the west is too far gone for just sorting yourself out. Either we sort (((them))) out or (((they))) sort us out.

>decide to sort myself out
>quit drinking and smoking, start treating school seriously, work hard to figure out what my values are
>before long realize that all signs point to joining the military

How does Peterson feel about the army? Does he see it as just another drawn-out death wish, or does it have some value in his school of thought?

yes that is correct
good goy

Holy shit, dude could start his own university.

that doesn't, at all, mean that he wants everyone to avoid examining and criticizing Jewish influence

He stays away from politics and expects you to come to the right conclusions. Not everyone needs a podcast where they dance around the jewish question and IQ tests.

Perhaps that's the endgame... and I'm ok with that.

Seems like this is the option to take because it is more straightforward and much less challenging than thriving as a civilian. There aren't any conflicts being fought that threaten our way of life, so joining the military right now is basically just signing up for a free job. Try to survive and thrive in the private sector before you enlist

feels good man

Look, I've swallowed a hell of a lot of redpills about Talmudic Judaism and (((their))) involvement in basically everything, but that doesn't change the fact that things are fucked. Our own intellectual and cultural elites hate the portion of the population which is white and male, and I fail to see how producing more meat for the meat grinder achieves anything more than a self-congratulatory martyrdom.

request denied due to weak analysis

how can i rescue my dead father?

Don't kid yourself, he is a radical centrist.

Not an argument. Tell me why I should I get a job and a family when the government will siphon my money to replace us with 3rd world shitskins.

If you watch him he says all you really need is for the best lecturer of any subject to put it on YouTube with a list of reading material and you really don't need Universities anymore

the military is a job that sucks and you can't quit or take a day off without submitting paperwork about how you're planning to wipe your ass ever day you don't show up at work.

But it is a paycheck and your living expenses are all covered.

>Don't kid yourself, he is a radical centrist.

A true Canadian aye

I'm 25 now. Compared to my peers I'm doing ok out here in the world, went to school and all, but I'm really struggling to give a shit about any of it. I could easily spend the rest of my life making 50k, raising a mediocre family and paying mediocre taxes, or I could actually see if I give as much of a shit about my country as I think I do.

I'd join the kurds if I just wanted to die, I think.

Canada is fucked bro. Only jobs white men have left is trade jobs but those are drying up quick.

He meant that this is an introduction to a larger topic.
You now get to look forward to the larger topic.

That's selfish though. If you've got something out of his lectures it should be obvious having smart, properly educated people in your culture is the way to fix things. It's your responsibility to ensure those people are available for the next generation. If everyone with the knowledge you have thinks the way you do, then yes, that's a good way of guaranteeing exactly what you described. Right now you're just helping to create the world you don't want.

I don't need a paycheck or a handout, I just need to be in a context where I can give a shit about what I'm doing.

I've listened to and interacted with a lot of academics.
I agree.
Fucking troglodytes too stupid to understand how insipid they are.
The older I get the more contempt I have for academics.
I give Jordan Peterson a pass because he's at least honest about his short-comings.
Which makes him more of a person than an academic.
Christ, I just realized I use "academic" as a pejorative.

He seemed to think the bigger problem was with accreditation. Quite a few Universities already put their lectures online.

Venture into the underworld

That's not life

Life is getting a shitty job which pays the bills and you do the job just good enough so you don't get fired

>Quite a few Universities already put their lectures online.

Shitty online university lectures. What he was talking about was the best putting out the best material. Once you have that don't need a brick and mortar university

>tfw j.p. is just a glorified horoscope salesman
>tfw sam harris applied his line of thinking to a cook book and j.p. btfo'd claiming he was 'sleepy"
>tfw j.p.s worldview is absed on unverifiable (((jungian))) (((psychoanalysis)))


You guys need to understand that Jordan Peterson only exists on the Z-axis. Time to re-orient the way you view him and his work. Swallow this clear pill:

You sound like a massive faggot

Sam Harris basically destroyed JBP career before it even started.

Several top tier universities have very good lectures on youtube. MIT has computer science lectures. One of my favorite lecture series by Robert Sapolsky, a Stanford Professor, is on there:

Most of the last hour is Q&A.

Also, college classes are that long sometimes. Git Gud.

Look at him in comparison to the other youtube celebrities Sup Forums parades around. Compared to Sargon and Milo and Laura Southern and the other people who are only popular because of who they make angry.

It's fine to be critical of him, but he's the most valuable figure these last 18 months have dredged up.

Look, I don't want to be a victim. I don't want to elevate the idea of seeing yourself as oppressed, because I believe it is counter-productive to your own ability to survive and thrive, but I also don't want to be an idiotic ideologue who refuses to see reality, or the writing on the wall. The minorities, academics, cultural leaders and legislators have demonstrated that they despise people like me, and the country's trajectory is one of rapid rejection of anything which even vaguely resembles traditional masculinity, Christianity, or Caucasian ethnicity.

And you can accuse me of being selfish, and I don't know if I can entirely deny that. Yes, and what is the alternative you propose? Sacrifice yourself for an ungrateful and toxic society which is actively acting against me? I can deal with corruption, I can deal with violence, I can deal with enemies outside the gate and economic uncertainty- but nothing enrages me more than the idea of living in a society which actively despises and denigrates me for things which I cannot change without destroying myself, or embracing philosophies and politics which is so radically anti-life and anti-nature.

Jordan did say himself that calling him an intellectual would be insulting

Sam Harris is a charlatan.

>dead father


>quote yourself saying you won because no one gave a shit about your post

clean your room.

Just let him have this one, man.

I have no idea what their best material is. Yale puts up a lot of material though:

Already at it, but what does the dragon and father thing mean? No memes please

Not an argument. Try again, sweetie.

Right, Because taking the book which shaped human history for 5 thousand years seriously is the same as Sam Harris's pseudo-intellectual thought experiment.

You should read the fucking bible just because of how much its referenced in western literature..How can you really understand what you're reading or our history if you don't understand the source material?

I actually arrived at the same conclusion. I know my relationship of two years isn't going to work out. I know I'm not making the most of myself and I don't have any direction as a civilian. I'm 22.
So I signed up for Air Force. I'm already really fit. Got a 95 on the ASVAB. All that's left to do is pick a job, dump my girlfriend, and get shipped off.