If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife, and from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.
-Jimmy Soul song
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If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife, and from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.
-Jimmy Soul song
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I saw your wife the other day!
Yeah, an' she's ug-leeee!
Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright!
Tips I've heard:
All pussy is wet (marry for what's attached)
Don't date a pretty girl. It's not worth it. Too crazy or too much to worry about.
I've heard:
ugly girls work harder. Princesses are used to getting everything handed to them.
Your children ultimately won't care what their mother looks like, to an extent.
There's also the chance that that beautiful woman in her youth may end up aging badly. Then what do you have if you married for looks primarily.
My mom was never one of the pretty girls and she's great. Stay at home mother who is a fantastic cook and just a good loving person to be around. Some of my friends mothers are bitches on the other hand and look fucking stupid with their spray tan covered wrinkles and dyed blonde hair, still trying to be 'sexy' and hip. Its like god damn you're in your 50s, will you ever give it up?
If I found a nice girl like my momma I'd marry her in an instant. I think they're still out there.
I mean okay, but you get to play this game once and my argument is you should spend your time fucking someone pretty AND with a good heart, but you do you
Women like that beautiful woman get snatched up quick unfortunately. What's left are the ugly feminist liberal degenerates. baka
That's so cringey when women can't dress their age. s m h
This is why the common wisdom is to check out her mom. That's your girl in 30 years.
Sometimes the moms look better than the daughters. Those are the ones you want to marry.
>pretty and good
These girls are in very short supply user
I tried but she left me too.
Tough break bud. Stick and move, stick and move.
I'm trying but I can't get to stick, but be sure that from now on, I'll move.
We're living in end times indeed. All that's left across the land is liberal degenerate THOTs.
i have a girl who some would call ugly, but she's the best woman in the world.
Being with an ugly girl is like driving a reliable bucket. You don't worry about it getting dinged or keyed or hit by another car. An ugly woman is the same; someone hits on her and you're like "really"? lol
So very true, i'm seeing some dude's wife and if she were ugly i wouldn't be dating her. Having a beautiful girlfriend/wife is a confirmed cucking down the line
Yes! A beautiful car and a beautiful woman is exactly the same; you always have that worry in the back of your mind, the possible damage to your great new car, or if that beautiful woman is sampling other sausage behind your back.
Was engaged to a beautiful girl, tall, sexy legs, not to bright though. Long story short, her cunt mom intervenes, steals all my shit while im at work and pack up and leaves. Never trust a fucking women again. Fuck women.
I am glad you have found peace brother. I think that being with a beautiful woman is highly overrated.
guys i need some advice. I feel so vain and it's horrible. I think sometimes I feel like she's not very pretty and it's more like other people's conceptions of her that infect me. I want to get rid of these thoughts because I love her. it's driving me crazy a bit like I can't figure out if she's ugly or not. I can't tell what she looks like
Dude, are you really into this girl or is it that you want some trophy wife? It kind of sounds like the latter.
On another point, being with a beautiful woman is a huge ego boost, people stop and stare.
Shut up faggot!
and then you end up as news that is swept under a rug because it turns out you were dating a coal burner and tyrone decided that both of you pay the toll.
a trophy wife is stupid, i have true love with this girl. and i think she's beautiful. but i have a complex of seeing physical flaws
To some extent beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you find certain unconventional traits to be attractive, look for those women. Best of both worlds.
So true, beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.
Find yourself a pretty Indian girl who is going to be a doctor and cooks amazing food.
honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college
nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"
with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
has Zyklon B been working out?
She'll smell like curry. I dunno bout that.
for the guys that say not to take a pretty wife: do you consider it a game-changer if you took their virginity?
It really depends what age the man you ask for advice from is. However, my advice is take as much as you can and comprise where you feel comfortable.
What's worse user, an ugly woman getting half your stuff or getting to bang a hot girl for a couple of years and then having to give them half your stuff?
At least with the hot chick, your kids won't look like Corky.
When she gets older she will always be wondering what other dicks she missed out on. She will most certainly cuck.
Well that's the point, an ugly girl is probably more emotionally invested than a beautiful woman who has many male penises trying to get in her. The likelihood of the one giving into that temptation is the beautiful woman, not the ugly one.
This. It isn't worth it.
woman in pic is not pretty. You can see the psycho in her eyes
That guy she's with is Tool front man Maynard Keenan. I guess he likes the crazy ones.
>from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you
How mad was his wife when she heard him say this?
The reason his marriage to his pretty wife didn't go so well was probably because he kept putting his foot in his mouth.
A beautiful woman also gonna get mean and bitter as she loses her looks.
How ugly we talking here? Like a 5/10 or lower? Keep in mind ugly chicks are usually the biggest sluts. Reason being is it gives them an ego boost, for example Amy Shcumer. After all any woman can get laid just by existing. Also if a Chad fucks her then she will feel entitled to Chad and won't settle for less