Tranny edits

Tranny edits.

Can we keep this going please.





last one

I thought the was fucking the dog.


Checks out.

Can I get some r34 of the femboi?


No you can't you satanist.


everything is a matter of perspective



sarah anderson editrs were much funnier. although some of these tg edits have been good

did we get bored of her? she's hot too


ah yes, sexualized drawings of sarah anderson




kek, those ones are good




y'all got the one where she's on a subway laughing about a tranny killing itself?

Fucking pisses me off more that "it's" is used instead of "its." Wants to be called the right fucking pronoun but can't even correctly use a possessive noun. This needs to be gassed by grammar nazis.



hmm, I'll have a look

Why is one of the characters wearing a Montreal Impact jersey?


This all finally makes sense.

I laughed at this for some reason.


i may be a little slow, can someone describe this to me?

thanks for looking. she was laughing aloud on a subway with people looking at her oddly, and the reason is she's thinking "remember the time that tranny killed himself"

I really miss the sarah edit threads and regret not saving any


this one isn't that PARTICULAR tranny, but it still makes me laugh


hmm, can't find that one

yes, great times

she's not a woman

>she's not a woman

It. You mean it.











Need the

"niggers and their kike handlers, wow what a surprise" one from this






yeah, that's what i thought. that's not that funny




No, he means he.




that image is becoming more popular, I think





that image always makes me laugh even though it's probably bullshit

















Sarah Anderson is a confirmed qt

this shit right here, this staid and serious silence scares me more than rioting

>mixed, and my white half scares me the most







Is that Ben Garrison's wife?


