I need him build the wall and drone strike a little bit less than obonga
What does trump need to accomplish to secure your vote in 2020?
There's nothing wrong with drone strikes.
they are ineffective and the nigger used them in ways that absolutely violate the NAP. I also wish trump would stop sucking Israeli cock, but that's a bit much to ask from any politician
I ain't asking for much just give me a US citizenship and a white qt.
Tax reform. That's my main issue that I want Trump doing, followed very closely by obamacare repeal.
legalize weed :^)
your mother nigger cringe,
this is my ice cream time
I'm alright with that one, as well.
based korea, op can just suicide now
Nothing, since even if he does a shit job it's still better than whatever the opposition will probably throw up.
I legitimatley fear the social crackdown that would emerge from a democrat taking the White House again, should they remain in their current hysterical state.
as long as he continues to generate liberal tears i will continue to vote for him... something has to make those commies suffer
of course id also like obongo care gone and a wall
I think in Chinese it's "You fucking nigger, this is my ice cream"
Kill Jeb!
>Passing the Pro-White immigration anti-Diversity visa RAISE act
>Make an agreement with Assad not to attack Syria
>Build the wall
>Tax Reform
>Fire Kushner and Other Undercover Swamplings and Layoff Ivanka
>Pass the Muslim Ban
>Repeal the 9th Circuit
I definitely prefer trump to most cuckservaties but what If Ron or Rand had a legitimate chance at rebuilding the country?
A true pornographic sex scandal involving all sorts of perversions, show must go on
This. There is something immensely gratifying watching these spoiled, smug cucks get outraged, demand for impeachment, then get BTFO once again.
I could live off their tears for years.
Lets be real here. As long as the economy continues to grow even at a steady rate for the next 4 years and he gets at least 1 piece of major legislation passed. He will sweep through the next election ez pz
>reduce immigration
>build wall
>Muslim ban
Keep me convinced that he's operating outside of "the conspiracy"
>what does trump need to accomplish to secure your vote in 2020?
He needs to run against Shillary again, or another violent, corrupt, shit-for-brains maniac. Against someone who's even worse than a lying, egomaniacal failure constantly sucking on Jewish cock.
US elections turned into picrelated, naturally.
poo in loo faggot
Drumpf is a joke. He'll probably get primaried in 2020.
fuck you're scripted digits. Trump will presidente for all time.
妈 means mother. whoever made the picture didn't care about tones. they're right that "ma" in the fourth tone means "to scold" but they've used the wrong character in this context. it shouldve been 骂
Yes he will.
And I personally would like to see more Trump's Bizarre Adventure edits
I got some old school shit from before the election ended.
korea what lol
He already did. Remember the election night meltdown that lasted weeks? the sequel will be better.
>what does trump need to accomplish to secure your vote in 2020?
I don't think there's going to be a primary challenge to Trump in 2020. It would be too messy.
And there's no way in fucking hell I'm voting for anyone from today's DNC. So all Trump has to do to get my vote is be a candidate in 2020.
build wall
Bomb North Korea!
Ignore the flag. I am an American citizen abroad so I still vote.
Honestly, he just need to not pander to sjw bullshit. That's all I want.
The only thing obongo did right was kill brown people
Defund the CIA and investigate every agent.
Actually it's very pure chinese,as we are used to insult someone with his ancestors.你他妈的means “you mother fucker”.It's easy to understand.
>what does trump need to accomplish to secure your vote in 2020?
He's already got it as long as he doesn't backtrack on the TPP