Eliminating ISIS

How would you get rid of ISIS? Instead of the boring "Nuke those goat fuckers".

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Goat those nuke fuckers.

why cant we nuke them?

Fuck the goat nukers.

i would nuke israel

nuke Riyadh, Ankara, Tel Aviv and Washington DC

You sure would, Omar al Alamania

Cut off every single way they get their funding.

I'd use biological or chemical weapons. Don't want to inflict even more damage to the archaeological sites.

I would carpet bomb every city they control.



trumps got a plan

General Mattis is already on it.

No survivors. He said he will surround them and the will not return home.

stop israel, stop isis

Stop funding them. ISIS was a creation and is sustained by Mossad, the CIA and Saudi Intelligence, as well as NATO including Turkey

We stop trying to be allies with every single nation in the Middle East.

>How would you get rid of ISIS? Instead of the boring "Nuke those goat fuckers".
i would get rid of ISIS by not aiding and arming them like we currently do. or aiding and arming our """allies""" like saudi and israel, who ceretainly arm and aid ISIS. i would just sit back and let the middle east sort itself out and then buy oil form whoever wins. which would probably be iran, since they are basically winning the proxy war against the saudi/israeli/american axis. take out the american backbone and those semites are fucking doomed.

I would control every bomb city they carpet.

Well first the US government would have to disappear and then the Israeli government because ISIS is propped up by both of them. If you don't know this you're a helpless fool.

Nuke Israel

The faggots girlfriend is probably getting blacked back home.

lets first look at what we have been doing.
drone strikes creates more terrorists
occupying nations creates more terrorists
toppling governments in the middle east creates more terrorists
funding terrorists creates more terrorists
funding nations that fund terrorists creates more terrorists

^ we need to stop doing that.
just as the alt right is a reaction from conservatives that feel powerless.
terrorism in that part of the world is what they turn to when deprived of better options. It also doesnt help that their religion is primed for producing moral midgets. Insert Sam Harris' arguments.

ISIS can not be destroyed as long as Muslims exist. If we had a button that instantly ended the life of every ISIS member once pushed, sure, ISIS would be gone, but another extremist group identical in all but name would take its place. And another after that. And another after that.

Also, I would advise the U.S. stop sending them weapons en-masse. That might speed the process up.

stop funding Saudi Arabia and Israel

Assad wont be happy with that

>Instead of the boring "Nuke those goat fuckers".
But that's the best way to do it

>incest a fuckton of money into genetic modification research and military R&D
>create real life space marines
>send a killteam into the middle east to kill anything that moves


Thats the ONLY way to do it.

these terror groups will never go away until muslims are wiped off the face of our planet